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Chapter 50 ~ Demon Light

Chapter 50 ~ Demon Light

“Then, a toast to congratulate Kiryuu Aika’s Victory in the Mirage Bat main event and First High’s overall victory! Cheers!”


Cheerful voices and excitement filled the room as they all raised their paper cups of canned tea or coffee up in the air in celebration of the amazing day that guaranteed First High school’s overall victory in this year’s Nine Schools Competition. 

It was a small, impromptu celebration Mayumi initiated, so Erika, Mizuki, and even Leo , who didn’t participated in the NSC, was also invited along with Yuuji, Aika, Miyuki, Honoka, Shizuku, and Mikihiko. 

Naturally, Mari, Suzune, and Azusa were also present along with Mayumi and celebrated the occasion together. 

“Yuuji-kun, you’ve done extremely well on the competition~ Congratulations on your complete victory in all your events~”

“Mm. Not to mention, you’ve also played a big part in protecting our athletes from those… “incidents”, including myself. You’ve done well.”

“Thank you very much for your praise, Mayumi-senpai, chairwoman. But I believe it was only because of everyone in our team that we were able to achieve such results, as well as the understanding and cooperation with the tournament committee.”

Mayumi nodded with a brilliant smile, her cheeks blushing slightly when he referred to her by name. 

It wasn’t the first time he had called her by name, but the feeling of absolute happiness mixed with nervousness and embarrassment would always be born anew every time he did. And the fact that she felt this way made her even more embarrassed!How could she react this way when a junior two years younger than her called her that way!

She does admit that she is… i-interested and attracted to Yuuji, but this was still extremely embarrassing! She was supposed to be the one teasing him and making him feel this way since she’s the older one, not the other way around!

“Hmph, those committees wouldn’t have done a thing if we didn’t push for more security. In fact, wasn’t one of them a spy who almost sabotaged Aika-kun’s CAD?”

Mari crossed her arms and frowned deeply. Simply thinking about the way those tournament committees acted and the “effort” they put into their “internal investigations” when she put forth the request after multiple incidents hurt several of First High’s students made her mad. 

She would’ve crushed her paper cup in her hand if it was empty.

“It couldn’t be helped. They have an… intricate hierarchy structure and system that made their investigations extremely slow. That is why Tatsuya, Mikihiko, Mizuki, and I tried our best to investigate on our own before anyone else was hurt.”

“...I just hoped I could’ve done more.”

“Please don’t think like that, chairwoman. If it wasn’t for you, Mayumi-senpai, and Juumonji-senpai, I wouldn’t even be able to do half the things I did with our school’s security.”

A tired sigh escaped Mari’s lips before a helpless smile appeared on her countenance.

“...Alright, whatever you say.”

“U-Uhm… T-Tsubakihara-kun?”

“Yes, Nakajou-senpai?”

“Y-You used the Fly spell and also programmed it into Aika-san’s CAD, right? T-Then, are you perhaps… T-Taurus Silver?”

Azusa squeaked out the last few words of her sentences as she looked around warily. She must’ve wanted to keep her voice low and whispered it since she knew that Taurus Silver’s identity is confidential. But because she was too excited, she ended up squeaking. 

Yuuji held back the urge to pat her head, which was on the perfect height for him to just place his hand on her and stroke it vigorously, and replied with a soft smile. 

“I’m not, but I am well acquainted with him. And…”

He pretended to look around and leaned in, causing the other three to also lean in, before he spoke with a hushed tone so that only Mayumi, Mari, Suzune, and Azusa could hear him

“In truth, I was also working together with them on this project.”


Everyone turned towards them at Mayumi, Mari, and Azusa’s outburst, causing the three to panic and lean in even closer to each other and began whispering. 

“Did you really do that, Yuuji-kun?”

“I know you’re brilliant, but I didn’t expect you to be so close with that Taurus Silver.”

“Did you really take part in realizing the fabled Fly Magic, Tsubakihara-kun?!”

“Thank you, but really, I only came in the later stages of the project and helped them a bit. Mainly with optimization and clarifying the principle regarding gravity and how to overcome it more efficiently.”

“I see… Your magic does make other people float in the air. That makes sense…”

“That’s amazing…”

“U-Uhm! I-If you have the time, p-please tell me more about it!!!”

“A-Ahahaha… I’m not sure how much I can tell you, but I will do my best to answer your questions.”

After that, Yuuji began answering Azusa’s questions one by one… and spent the rest of the time celebrating in that manner.

It was only after Mayumi managed to pry her off of him and stop her from asking more questions that he could finally relax and enjoy a laid back conversation with her, Mari, and Suzune. 

Yuuji let out a sigh and looked out of the window, peering into the night sky and city lit with artificial lights.

He must be doing it, right now…


Within a private hotel room within the military-owned hotel near the venue where the Nine Schools Competition was held, Major Kazama Harunobu sat before an old man with hair white from age, Kudou Retsu. 

His expression was neutral, yet before the aura and charisma of the Patriarch and head of the Kudou Clan, his face naturally stiffened despite his experience in facing many powerful and influential magicians in his life. 

“What brings you here today, Partriarch?”

“What can I say? I simply have an interest in them. And especially him.

“...To whom do you specifically refer to?”

“Shiba Tatsuya. Kiryuu Aika. And Tsubakihara Yuuji. The one you plucked from the Yotsuba three years ago, and the ones you saved from the depths of hell ten years ago.”

Kudou Retsu continued, his voice calm and charismatic as he spoke. 

“Surely it’s no shocker that I know about them? Given their… reputation, albeit hidden so meticulously.”

“In that case, you should be well aware of their circumstances as well. The Yotsubas haven’t relinquished their claim to Tatsuya. As for the other two… You should know what they’ve gone through.”

For the first time, Major Kazama’s stern and neutral expression, a stone mask he had always worn when facing people such as the Patriarch, twisted in anger and disgust. Simply recalling the scene in which he found those two in, the veteran could still feel his stomach twisting at the inhumanity. 

“Even then, do you still wish to put them on the forefront of this madness?”

Major Kazama clenched his clasped hand and teeth tightly. 

The special officer status he gave them… It was not meant to tie them down to the military, but for the military to protect them. Their identity, their powers, their past; it was meant to give them a chance to live peacefully without the need to worry about forces trying to use them as a tool of war. 

The only reason why they did missions on behalf of Major Kazama was because they volunteered. It was a form of gratitude for the man who pulled them from the depths of hell. And they’ve paid in full. 

They’ve protected Japan from the shadows for years. What more does the old man expect from such young children?

“...Don’t you find it a waste?”

“A waste? What do you mean?”

“Along with the scion of the Ichijou Clan, they could become a leading asset in our country’s magical forces. Don’t you consider it a waste to consign such elite talents as that to private bodyguard duties or as “special” officers solely in name?”

“...Your excellency, disregarding Yuuji and Aika for a moment, do you wish to weaken the Yotsuba?”

A moment of silence fell upon the room as Kudou Retsu closed his eyes solemnly.

“...At this rate, the Yotsuba will become too powerful. They might even surpass the Ten Masters Clans altogether. And this would be true especially since Tsubakihara Yuuji and Kiryuu Aika both have such strong ties with the princess of Yotsuba and Shiba Tatsuya.”

“In terms of combat power, the Yotsubas are indeed head and shoulders above the other Master Clans.”

“And that won’t do. The Yotsuba have used their magicians as weapons including themselves. It’s true that magicians were initially developed as weapons… But as such, they’ll eventually be ejected from the world of mankind. I’m sure you’re… well aware of that, given your experience with those two?”

Kazama narrowed his eyes, his hands still clasped tightly as images of the hell he came into to save the two flashed at the mention of “magicians developed as weapons”. 

“...Your excellency. Just as you are aware of our situation, I, too, have some knowledge of the situation on your side. In fact, I even believe that I know the reason why you are so concerned with those three.”

Kazama continued.

“It is not a matter of “someday”. At this very moment, those three are already our forces’ invaluable assets. 

This may sound like nepotism on my part, but as a military asset, Tatsuya alone already far outclasses Ichijou Masaki.

In terms of point defense, Ichijou Masaki can become, on his own, an asset with the power of an armored regiment. However, Tatsuya, on his own, is an asset on the level of a strategic missile. His magic are strategic weapons that should be, and are, restricted by several layers of safety locks. 

As for Yuuji and Aika… They alone could turn the tides of not only a single battle, but a war with a single spell.

It would be beyond cruel to ask them to take on the responsibility of controlling all that on their own. Especially when none of them wishes to have this power in the first place.”



“Who knew that Japan’s Special Forces would show up?”

“That doesn’t matter. Our priority now should be getting rid of that brat!”

“Tsubakihara Yuuji, was it? Just who is this kid?”

“The thing is… We have no clue about his background. No info on his family or any dependents that he might have. It’s as if… he appeared in this world out of thin air. We got zero hits even for his personal data…”

Board members of the Japanese Branch’s No Head Dragon discussed amongst themselves as panic and anxiety filled their hearts after First High School guaranteed their victory in the Nine Schools Competition after the day’s competition. 

This was no longer a trivial matter… Everything they’ve tried to obstruct them has failed. And it was all because of the first year student named Tsubakihara Yuuji! 

Moreover, even their most desperate measure of sending a Generator to conduct a massacre and cancel the tournament was stopped by an unexpected interference by the Japanese Military’s special forces!

At this rate… Their heads would most definitely fly from how much money they’ve cost their organization. 

Just then, one of the Generators that were standing guard within the room suddenly struggled in pain. 

They all turned to look at it in confusion and surprise as the Generator held its neck tightly, as if someone had strangled it. Its body began to glow with white light, and in the next moment, the Generator suddenly and instantly dissipated into dust and steam, and scattered into nothingness.

Silence fell upon the entire room as the sprinkler on the ceiling activated in the presence of smoke. And in that silence, a call came to their room, breaking the silence and their daze. 

They looked at each other warily, fear, confusion, and anxiety clear in their eyes. They silently nodded at each other, agreeing to take the call, and one of them moved up to the panel and touched the screen, accepting the call. 

“Hello, No-Head Dragon, and members of the East Japan Branch.”

“...Who are you?”

“Thank you for that day at Fuji. I’ve come to return the favor.”

A look of realization came to all of them, when suddenly, another generator dissipated into smoke and dust right before their eyes. 

In a panic, one of them threw the large, circular table down to the ground to create cover and ducked behind it, while another picked up their sniper rifle and tried to peek through the large, circular window that overlooked the city.

“Where is he?! No.14, where’s that coming from?!”

The Generator called No.14 slowly raised his hand and pointed at the tall, hourglass-shaped tower a few kilometers away from them.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and he came out of hiding and looked into the scope of his rifle, aiming it at the top of the tower, and zooming in extremely closely.

And there he saw a young man clad in full black with black glasses, and a wireless headset microphone, aiming a light blue gun-shaped CAD at them. 


The figure in his scope smiled. His gun flashed, and in the next moment, the scope on his rifle shattered, its glass piercing the area around his eyes. 

“No.14, No. 16, kill him!”

“...Impossible, sir.”

“...Impossible to reach.”

“Don’t talk back! Kill him!”

“Do you really think I would let them?”

Immediately, the final two Generators similarly dissipated into dust and steam, and disappeared right before them as they all looked at it happening in terror. 

“Instead of ordering your tools around, why don’t you try doing it yourself?”

Silence fell once more as the fear of death began creeping on the back of their minds… No, not only death, but to disappear without a trace in such a manner. 

A man in a dark, leaf green suit took his phone from his pocket and tried calling for help, only to fail.

“It’s futile. Right now, I’m the only one you can communicate with from that room.”

“That’s ridiculous! How the hell did you-?!”


Before even finishing his final words, the man dissipated into ash and dust, just like the three Generators before him. 

“I’ve converged the radio waves. How I accomplished that is of no concern to you.”

“Ah… Aaaaaahhh!!!”


The man with the sniper and shards of glasses around his eyes run towards the door in pure panic, and disappeared before he could reach it. 

“Now then, let’s get started.”

“W-Wait! Hold on a second!”

“What am I supposed to hold on for?”

“W-We have no intention of interfering with the NSC any further!”

“The NSC will end tomorrow.”

“Not only the NSC, but the No-Head Dragons will withdraw from Japan!”

“And you have the authority to promise me such a thing? Douglas Hwang?”

“I-I’m the boss’s adviser! He can’t ignore what I have to say!”

“If you really have that much influence, then surely you’ve seen the boss’s face, am I right?”

“I-I’ve been granted an audience with him, yes.”

“What is your boss’s name?”


Douglas Hwang hesitated. To reveal the boss’s name was… unthinkable. Their name was kept secret for a reason! If their name was to be known, then immense danger would befall them. And if it was known that he was the one to reveal it, then a fate worse than death would certainly befall not only himself, but his family as well.

But at that moment of hesitation, another one of them suddenly dissipated into ash and smoke.


“Ah, so that was James Chu? Now, would you like to be next?”

“H-Hold on a second…”

Douglas Hwang felt the strength leave his body… The fear of death filled him as he fell onto his knees. And he finally relented.

“The boss’s name… is Richard Sun.”

“And his public identity?”

“Sun… Gong Ming…”

He revealed it… There was no other choice for him but to reveal the boss’s true name and his public identity.

If he didn't answer, it would mean certain death. But if he did, perhaps he could escape from this situation and run away from the boss’s grasp before it was too late along with his family. That way, he could perhaps keep his life…

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Y-You believe me then?”

“Yes. You are, without a doubt, an adviser of Richard Sun, the No Head Dragon boss.”

Just then, another one, who had been hiding behind the table and had just let out a sigh of relief, dissipated into ash and dust.

And now, Douglas Hwang realized… The demon had no intention of letting him go in the first place.

“...Why? But why?! We didn’t go so far as to take lives! We didn’t kill anyone!!!”

“How many people you killed, or how many you let live, is of no concern to me. You have incurred my wrath… that is reason enough for you to meet your end.”

“...You demon.”

“And I was finally able to unleash this demonic power because you drew out my one remaining emotion, Douglas Hwang.”

“Demonic power… This spell… Don’t tell me, it’s the spell from three years ago in Okinawa? Demon Light?!”

Tatsuya pulled the trigger, and a guttural, shout of pain and fear resounded through his earpiece, before silence fell once again.


Within a hotel room in the military-owned hotel near the venue of the Nine Schools Competition, the broadcast of the Main Event Monolith Code Semifinals was displayed on a small, desktop screen. 

On the couches, Yuuji, Aika, Tatsuya had gathered in their school uniforms along with the other members of the 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion. 

Aika sat to Yuuji’s right, happily drinking tea and enjoying the snacks First Lieutenant Fujibayashi Kyouko, who was sitting to Yuuji’s left, had prepared for everyone. Sitting opposite of them was Captain Yanagi, Captain Sanada, and Tatsuya, while Major Kazama sat on the single couch adjacent to the two long couches. 

“Good work last night.”

“No, I’m the one who should be apologizing for troubling you over a personal matter.”

Yanagi shook his head in response to Tatsuya’s reply to the Major.

“It wasn’t a personal matter. I got attacked too.”

“And last night, we were able to obtain crucial data. It’s not often that we can get our hands on long-range sniping magic that was successful at such a distance.”

Sanada added. People who were capable of accomplishing such a feat were extremely rare, especially at such a long distance, upwards of 10 kilometers. And Tatsuya had successfully accomplished such a feat without missing even once and completely eliminating each and every one of his targets. 

It was an incredibly impressive achievement. 

“Both internal affairs and public safety were happier than expected with last night’s souvenir. And since you accomplished your mission, there’s no need to worry just because it was somewhat personal.”

“Hm~ Not to undermine Tatsuya’s achievement, but aren’t they just small fries~? It’s just an intel on their little crime syndicate’s leader, right?”

A few crumbs fell from the corner of Aika’s mouth as she asked. Kyouko reached out towards Aika with a handkerchief in hand, leaning over Yuuji, and wiped her mouth. 

“Aika-chan, don’t talk while your mouth is full.”

“Ah, thank you, Kyouko-nee~”

Sanada smiled helplessly at Aika’s remark.

“The No-Head Dragons are Sorcery Booster suppliers.”


“Sorcery Boosters… They are the magic amplifying devices that have been spreading amongst criminal organizations the past few years, yes?”

“They’re not things that should be allowed to exist in this world…”

Sanada’s face twisted in anger and frowns also began to appear on Yanagi, Kyouko, and Kazama’s faces. 

He then turned towards the three students. 

“Do you guys know what a Booster’s core component is made of?”


Tatsuya answered, while Yuuji and Aika shook their heads. In truth, they were aware of it from watching the anime of this world. But, according to the knowledge they’ve received from the group chat and Tatsuya’s experience, they would have no idea what it was. 

“It’s the human brain. Specifically, a magician’s cerebrum. Although we’re an experimental unit that wields magic as weapons and whose objective is to embed magicians into the military system, we have no intentions of using magicians as literal components. That’s why, as far as Sorcery Booster goes, neither their manufacture or use can ever be condoned.”

Kazama nodded solemnly and slowly turned to Yuuji and Aika. 

“Emotional aspects aside, a booster that would expand a magician’s capacity would be a military threat as well. I’m sure you understand that…?”



Memories… No, knowledge of what “they” have experienced as given by the Group Chat to integrate their existence into this world flashed through their mind. As the shining results of the inhumane and hellish experiments done to create powerful magicians capable of excelling in their specialized magic, while also having immense psion count and magic calculation area to perform other spells; combining the advantages of an “omnipotent” magician and a Born-Specialize magician without their respective disadvantages. 

This was how the group chat justified the immense power they’ve received. And although Yuuji and Aika only knew of it and never experienced it themselves, they still got the chills from simply recalling those events. 

Kyouko looked at the two and placed a hand on Yuuji’s shoulder, before she moved and sat beside Aika to comfort her. 

“The North American intelligence agency is of the same view, and I heard they were seeking Internal Affairs’ cooperation. Mibu was also extremely grateful to you, Tatsuya.”

“No, I’m glad to be of use.”

Just then, the sound of a blaring horn, signaling the end of the Monolith Code match that ended with First High’s victory, resounded. 

“That’s all we have to discuss. I’m sorry to keep you here. And I also apologize if I brought up some unpleasant memories…”

Kazama looked at Yuuji and Aika apologetically, as the two shook their heads.

“It is fine, major. They are all in the past, and we’ve both gotten over it… to some extent.”

Yuuji clasped Aika’s hand and held it tightly.

“Uhn… And it is also thanks to this that we could help a lot of people too, so it wasn’t that bad.”

Kazama stood up and placed a hand on their shoulders.

“Thank you… And I apologize once again. You are free to leave now. You should at least watch the finals from the stands in person.”


Yuuji, Aika, and Tatsuya raised from their seats and saluted to the Major, captains, and first lieutenant, and excused themselves.

Kyouko walked them to the door, and before they left, she pulled both Aika and Yuuji into her embrace. 



“Shh. It’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry about anything anymore. We’re all here with you, and we won’t let those kinds of things happen to you ever again.”

Silence fell as Yuuji and Aika failed to find any words in response to Kyouko’s heartfelt words that she whispered. 

The “experiences” and “memories” about the hellish experiments they went through were something the group chat “created” to integrate them in this world. 

They were fake. But the same couldn’t be said about the love and care she was showing now. 

The warmth they’re feeling as she embraces them… They’re real. 

To both Yuuji and Aika, Fujibayashi Kyouko, and the rest of the 101 Magic-Equipped Battalion members were only acquaintances. After all, they’ve only met them a few times ever since they came into this world. 

The reason why they could trust them this much was only because they’ve seen the anime and because they’ve received the knowledge of them from the group chat. 

But now… receiving such affection and care from Kyouko made them feel… so much closer. To her, at the very least. 

“Thank you, Kyouko-nee…”

“Mm… Thank you very much, Fujibayashi-san…”

She giggled and petted Yuuji’s head softly.

“You can call me Kyouko-nee just like you did in the past, you know?”

“...Okay, Kyouko-nee.”

“Good. Now off you go.”

Kyouko released the two and patted both of them on their shoulders.

“Mm. We’ll be going.”

“See you, Kyouko-nee~ Love you~”

“Yes yes. Tatsuya-kun, I’ll see you soon as well. Take care”


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