When Beauty Meets Beasts

Chapter 613 Something's Wrong Here

The ship sailed peacefully at sea for 13 days.

For the past 10 days, Xue Ling had been seasick. He was dizzy, his chest was stuffy, and he was short of breath. He could only rest in the cabin every day. His complexion was very bad.

On the night of the 14th day, fog suddenly appeared on the sea.

The ship entered the fog, and they were unable to determine their direction.

Huanhuan took out the compass and looked for directions.

At this moment, a black claw suddenly appeared and grabbed the side of the ship. Then, a ferocious black sea beast appeared! It was not big and looked a little like a monkey. It bared its teeth and looked especially fierce.

Bai Di immediately shielded Huanhuan behind him. Shuang Yun rushed forward and slapped the ugly black sea beast away.

With a plop, the black sea beast fell into the sea.

But before long, many more black sea beasts emerged from the sea, fighting to come on board. Bai Di and Shuang Yun beat them all down.

Huanhuan was very surprised. "What's with these sea beasts? Why did they suddenly attack us?"

Little Brat said, "These aren't ordinary sea beasts. As they've been demonized, they're called water monsters. They're the same type of monsters you've seen on the dawn continent before. They're very aggressive about killing. They probably attacked us for their dinner."

There were a lot of them, but their attack power was far inferior to Bai Di's and Shuang Yun's. Under Bai Di and Shuang Yun's strict defense, none of them could reach the deck.

Eggy watched them fight. Instead of being afraid, she flapped her wings and let out excited cries. "Chirp chirp!"

Xue Ling, who was resting in the cabin, heard his precious daughter's call and immediately dragged his sickly body out of the cabin.

His expression changed when he saw the water monsters climbing onto the boat. He endured his discomfort and rushed forward to help Bai Di and Shuang Yun chase them away.

Compared to Bai Di's lightning and Shuang Yun's frost, these water monsters were clearly more afraid of the fireballs Xue Ling threw.

As soon as they saw the flames approaching, they retreated in fear, not daring to approach.

Seeing this, Huanhuan immediately took out wooden sticks and cotton cloth from her space. She dipped the cotton cloth in the oil extracted from peanuts and tied it to the wooden stick to make a simple version of a torch. She lit the torch with flint and wanted to stick it to the side of the ship, but she realized that she was not tall enough. Even if she straightened her arms, she still could not reach the side of the ship.

She was so short.

In the end, Little Green helped roll the torch and stick it into the side of the ship.

Huanhuan cooperated with Little Green and filled the ship's side with torches. The flames burned fiercely, and the water monsters did not dare to approach. Their attacks gradually stopped.

Bai Di, Shuang Yun, and Xue Ling could finally stop and rest.

They stood at the edge of the ship and craned their necks to look down. In the fog, they could vaguely see that the water monsters had not gone far. They were still surrounding the ship, waiting for an opportunity.

Bai Di said calmly, "These waters are not safe. We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Huanhuan spread out the sea map and placed it on the deck. She sat on the ground, took out a small compass, and began to find the way through the indicators on the sea map.

The needle on the compass swayed from side to side.

After a while, the needle stopped and pointed straight ahead.

According to the coordinates of this compass, straight ahead should be the south. Huanhuan immediately found the south on the sea map and realized that the south was black with a white skull drawn as a mark.

Huanhuan asked, "What is this place?"

Xue Ling answered her.

"This is the entrance to the abyss."

Huanhuan's heart skipped a beat. If they continued to sail forward, this ship would lead to the abyss!

The fog had unknowingly lured them in a different direction.

She immediately said to Bai Di, "Turn around and steer to the left!"

Bai Di controlled the steering wheel expertly, and the bow turned 90 degrees on the sea.

The ship tilted slightly, and Huanhuan immediately lowered her body to avoid slipping.

After the boat stabilized, Huanhuan slowly let go and sat up straight. "Go forward. Don't be guided by the current."

Bai Di controlled the rudder tightly and did not relax. The ship moved straight in the direction he had indicated. It was not until dawn when the fog was gradually dispelled by the sun that the sea regained its clarity.

Shuang Yun climbed the mast and looked ahead. He narrowed his eyes and said loudly, "There's land ahead!"

Hearing this, Huanhuan quickly stood on tiptoes to look forward. Unfortunately, she was too short to look over the side of the ship.

In the end, Xue Ling reached out and picked her up. With his height, Huanhuan saw that there was indeed land ahead.

She compared it to the sea map in her hand. "If this map is correct, the land in front should be the secret dragon continent."

Xue Ling's face was even paler because of seasickness. He exhaled. "We're finally going ashore."

There was no need for him to be on board the ship on the shore.

If he wasn't on the ship, he wouldn't get seasick.

He never wanted to take a ship again!

Shuang Yun took over the rudder while Bai Di prepared breakfast.

By the time the family had eaten and drunk their fill, the ship was very close to land.

Not only Xue Ling, but even Huanhuan, Bai Di, and Shuang Yun were looking forward to it. After sailing for half a month, they could finally dock.

The scenery on the sea was not bad, but to beasts like them who were used to living on land, it still felt comfortable to be on solid ground.

When the ship gradually approached the land, Huanhuan craned her neck to look forward. She saw that the shore was snow-white. From afar, it looked like a white beach covered in pearls. The scenery was very beautiful.

The ship stopped when it reached the shore. Xue Ling carried Huanhuan down while Bai Di and Shuang Yun jumped onto the shore.

They put the ship into their space.

When they stepped on the ground, they realized that they were not on a white beach at all. Instead, they were on a thick layer of white bones!

The bones were very fine. They did not look like human bones or the bones of ferocious beasts. They looked more like the bones of some small animals.

Bai Di bent down and grabbed a handful of bones. "Something's wrong with this place," he said intently.

As soon as he finished speaking, more than 20 strong men with scales rushed out and surrounded Huanhuan's family!

Those men were all very tall. They were at least two meters tall. Their muscles were very strong, and it was obvious they were full of strength. Each of them held a dragon spear. The spearhead was aimed at Huanhuan's family of four. They looked very hostile.

Bai Di immediately picked Huanhuan up and protected her in his arms. Shuang Yun looked at the men warily, cold air circulating in his palms. He was ready to attack at any moment.

Eggy flapped her wings and jumped onto Xue Ling's shoulder. She sensed that the atmosphere was off, and the fine soft feathers on her body were standing on end.

Xue Ling was probably the calmest among them. He tilted his head slightly and said to Bai Di and Shuang Yun, "These guys are armored dragons."

Shuang Yun was very surprised. "What? Farmer dragons? Are there real dragons?"

"...Armored dragons, not farmer dragons."

How terrifying to be uneducated!

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