While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 430: Cute Elder's unhonourable request

Chapter 430: Cute Elder's unhonourable request

Gathering myself up from the cold stones of the arena, I cleaned my robes from the dust that settled on it when I was exploded away and moved up. At this point, I couldn't stop myself from congratulating myself in my own head. If I were to present even a bit more strength, I could actually hurt an elder of the sect that I was attempting to join!

"Isn't that a bit unfair though? How I'm supposed to reach my deserved spot in the sect if I'm facing against an elder?"

With the dao of bullshiting still strong in my bloodline, instead of kneeling down in front of the divine beauty enhanced by the aura emanating from the body of what was a female disciple just a few moments ago, I lashed out at her. While freely running my mouth, I couldn't help but feel regret over missing the chance to molest her a bit more during our spar. If only I went for her legs instead of grabbing her arm right away, I could flaunt to feel up an elder of the sect I was about to theoretically join!

"Ah, you don't need to worry about it."

Descending down to the ground, the cute elder retracted her aura as soon as her now naked foot touched the cold stones. As if the gravity had no effect over her, from the moment her fingers touched the ground, her descend didn't accelerate to normal value, making her just slide down through the air until the entire sole of her foot stood firmly on the stones making up the floor.

"It would be truly unfair if we punished you for forcing me to reveal my true strength, just like you said. In my book, you are already qualified to join the core part of the white goose, if not the outer ring of the dark blue one, but to be honest, I would prefer if you remained in the white one. With this, I could help you personally to achieve greatness, as I'm currently a teacher there!"

Oho? Looking at her light, amiable smile, I could imagine how literally any guy from the earth would just fall down on his knees and gave up their lives for the right of watching her smile for a single second longer. Just the small dimples created in her cheeks would be enough for them to start wasting their virginities in the holes of the stone all around,

"I'm sorry, but I can't really believe someone willing to go through the effort of helping a stranger like you just claimed to be ready to. Also, I don't think that dropping the chances of reaching even higher if I will be capable to, is in any way a good idea, not to speak about the moral cost of cheating in the trials!"

While I was quite happy with her proposition, there was no way I could admit to it. Unless she revealed her intentions, giving me some sort of leverage over this elder, I would've to accept the reality and just settle with reaching even greater heights through this set of trials alone!

"Ah, It's not like I won't profit from it. If you really want to understand my intention, then here they area."

Spreading her arms as if in an attempt to reveal everything she has in herself, she unintentionally showcased part of her skins that normally ought to remain hidden, through the holes of her disciple cloth, created by the outburst of her aura. Not sure whether this was a sneaky addition to the pool of incentives or just carelessness, I courtly moved my sight away from her partially exposed breast, and locked my eyes on her pupils.

"If I will be able to swiftly bring you to the dark blue goose as my personal disciple, I will stand to get promoted to a dark blue elder of the sect as well. As for the benefits of doing so, not only will you receive my direct tutelage, but I will also make sure you won't be lacking any cultivation techniques or resources!"

With how she pushed her chest forward as she spoke those words, I couldn't help but realise that with how all the locals put a great emphasis on procreation, both those who I already met of the first wave of the refugees, and those that I learned from the stories I heard from the second wave, her action of exposing her charms was most likely aimed as just an example of what kind of cultivation resource I could receive by joining hands with her!

While I couldn't deny the fact that her allure was true, I was long past the point when my sexual needs could dictate any action of mine, yet the opportunity to drain yin essence of a damned elder, close to reaching the last level of power before the peak of the heavenly city was quite interesting!

"I can't say I'm sure about it But I think it's better to not make enemies even before joining this sect by refusing a direct request from an elder Agh! Fine. What I'm supposed to do then?"

As if going against the fairness of the trials and holding back my strength to limit myself to the white goose core disciple rank was plaguing my sense of honour, I had to show this hesitation while replying to the elder's proposition. As if the fight between my pragmatic and honourable part forced me into a pit, I took my time before faking the realistic part of me claim the victory.

"That's great then!"

This time, her smile wasn't light, but the corners of her lips reached all the way to the middle of her cheeks, as she flashed her perfectly white teeth at me. Even her eyes were filled with vigour as if me accepting her proposal brought her closer to realising her dreams.

"As for what you need to do I will still need you to go and take the last fight in the next arena. Consider this as the first mission from me, which will gain you one favour point. Even though I already know that you can easily best the disciple waiting for you there, as his growth was faster than everyone in the goose expected he turned quite arrogant. I want you to strike him as quickly as you can, as to show him that there is always a bigger fish in the pond!"

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