While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 499: The end?

Chapter 499: The end?

Just as expected, the moment all my attributes maxed out, it seemed as if the entire world shook from the sudden pressure that erupted from my body. Yet rather than being deprived of this last remaining bit of my consciousness that could only observe the ongoing events, the only difference that happened was a sudden increase in the messages kept by my postal tool!

Looking through the messages, outside of the mass of new titles that I obtained and that I could not even inspect due to the fact that I didn't upgrade the tool required to do it, I could open two interesting things at any given time.

"Wisdom-based illusionary vision"

"Charisma-based illusionary vision"

With those two visions held on the pending status, I could unlock them at any time I would like, but knowing that it could cause me to lose my fighting ability for an unspecified amount of time, I decided it would be better to just wait until my own body, now upgraded to its current limits, would clean this place and return back to my island so I could share those visions with Eve, rather than subjecting her to watch it along with all the other records of my exploits.

Yet I wasn't given any time to think about those visions. With the upgrades coming into effect, my entire body was now drowning in energy that desperately seeped into my pores from all the possible directions.

But the enemies that were now appearing everyone around me most likely were obvious to this fact. As my legs and arms started to move in a complicated set of positions, I was confused for a moment before a realisation struck the conscious part of my mind.

While increasing the knowledge lead to the visions that allowed me to perfectly understand everything that I learned so far while finding out the truth behind all the concepts that were often understood wrongly by the people that wrote stuff about them in all the techniques and manuals that I read. 

Yet seeing what kind of shenanigans my body was doing right now, I understood that this attribute wasn't as simple as I thought it was.

In just a few moments of this strange dance, quite a lot of the people thirsting for my blood entered the immediate surrounding of my body Only for the land on which my legs were jumping around to flare up!

All at once, the runes marked in all the places where my feet have fallen just a moment ago burst out with heavenly shine, only for all the light to converge in the geometric middle of the rune pained with the entropy alone. 



The screams of the managing disciples from the continent that dared to go against me didn't bother me at all, as I watched their bodies being sucked to the ball of light slightly above the head of mine. While initially, this process was slow, the closer they got to the orb, the faster their flow was as if it was some kind of a black hole.

Curious what the heck this thing was, I attempted to decipher the runes written on the stone floor of the area, only to retract my eyes the moment I felt the familiar force sucking on my consciousness. Raising my eyes back to my body, only now I noticed that despite still dancing around and adding more and more marks to the already complex rune, my body had its eyes actually closed!

But to my surprise, the second the bodies of the two unlucky enemies who weren't wary enough of my shenanigans touched the border of the shiny orb, they simply disappeared!

Or rather, the speed to which the rate at which their bodies were sucked inside increased to the quality I couldn't even follow with all my perception focused on it! It was as if someone cut most of the frames picturing their fall to the middle of this strange singularity.

Yet from what I understood from the runes that I managed to comprehend before I had to retract my eyes from it to avoid losing my mind just like when I first attempted to open the portal, meant that the fate they were bound to experience was far worse than dropping behind the event horizon!

As this condensed ball of light was a mass of more entropy that I have ever seen put together in one place during my entire life, rather than creating a portal that would lead somewhere else on this place, it was capable of actually eradicating the other side of the hole itself!

And just like when it came to reactions between matter and anti-matter, the moment those two unfortunate cultivator's bodies, filled to the brim with energy, were sucked to the other side, the different natures of the world my body was in and what this singularity leads to couldn't end with anything good!


In this strangely silent moment where everyone's attention was drawn to the orb that just consumed two of my enemies, I could see the runes shifting around on the ground, once again privy to experiencing something that I would otherwise never deem to be possible!

How the heck could stationary runes suddenly come alive and start doing stuff on their own? 


I remembered every single move that my body did during its strange dance, and although I knew about a few ways to make mobile runes, not even a single of them were used in the one that was the centre of everyone's attention now!


As soon as this strange sound that was clearly nothing more but a projection of my mind came to end, the whole world simply ended. 

All at once, all sources of energy outside of the area protected by the rune simply vanished. 

As the chaos somehow managed to enter this side of the universe, it simply swallowed everything on its path, as if it was nuclear shockwave so hot that it simply evaporated anything that would be unlucky enough to stand its ground against it!

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