While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 518: I have no idea!

Chapter 518: I have no idea!

"Mate of the sect divine guardian? Are you fucking joking with me?!"

Hearing this answer, I couldn't help but get agitated. Just like with humans, the stronger one got, the harder it was for them to have a child together. From the books that I read all the way back before my first wisdom visions, I knew that the chances of getting an offspring were even lower for the magical beast than for the humans, with how most of the strong ones were in fact the evolved and perfected forms of the animals that managed to overcome their initial limits!

"No! Sir! I beg your mercy!"

With this disciple still not fully able to speak in a normal manner, he could only cover in fear when his answer turned out to be unsatisfactory to me. Yet seeing this truest form of fear in his eyes, I had no other way but to accept the fact that what I took to be bullshit, might turn out to either be true or at least bullshit that those disciples were fed just as well.

"Is that so? Where is the divine goose then? After all, I dare you to tell me that it's kept in a place just like this one!"

If that was the mate for the beast that I was looking for, then it was given that my target would be somewhere in the vincity! 


Yet just a single look at the face of this poor disciple was enough to confirm that my worries were on the spot. 

"Are you going to tell me that you keep the most important being in your entire sect, not only confined in such a lousy cave, but you also forced it to be constantly in the presence of its mate? Do you have shits for a brain or something?"

While my statement could be understood in two ways, from the sudden bout of determination on the young man's face in front of me, I could guess which one he took.

"Sir, we are only doing what's best for our sect! With how the our protector is nearing the end of its lifespan, we have to procure its offspring, otherwise, we will end up just like penguin sect!"

Despite all the assumptions I had when heading to this place, I would have never guessed that the people here could be as uninformed as they apparently were! It was really hard to imagine where one had to spend his last few days to miss the news about me stopping any advances on the penguin sect in the first place, as something that I achieved by removing all the ancestors from the picture and paralysing the entire gorilla sect with my challenge!

"Eh You are really clueless Anyway, I have one more question. Back in the upper level, I found a place with those strange vials containing a miraculous liquid, that seemed to nurture the souls of the fallen cultivators. Where can I obtain more of it?"

In the end, this was my main reason for going down this place. If i could find the source for this liquid, then reviving Eve might turn from just a possibility to an inevitability! As such, there was nothing that could stop me from finding out just where the heck did that fluid come from!

"Ah, you mean the nurturing fluid? If I may ask, what was the level of the souls of the fallen cultivators? Or rather, what was their level before they died?"

Seeing how not only this man knew about this insane liquid but also possessed enough information about it to actually ask for more details in order to turn his answer into something as precise as possible, I couldn't stop my hopes from wildly growing. 

"Enriching essence realm? Expanding senses one? You ask me and I will keep asking you."

With how my way of growing was clearly detached from the means of normal cultivators, it was hard for me to gauge the true scale of the powers for all sorts of the cultivation stages. In the current situation, I could only guess when comparing my current power level with what those disciples could output back during our little fight.

"Oh, that means its the high grade nurturing water. If that's the case, you will need the blood essence of at least three different guardian beasts, mixed with the penal fruit and koranko leaves. Once this mix reaches maturity in about three to four years, you need to remove the leaves and leave it for half a year more, before carefully picking the fruit out and squeezing its juice. That's how the high grade nurturing fruit is done. As for the pinnacle and ancestral grade, you would need the blood essence of seven and fourteen guardian beasts or their equivalents in treasures. That's why, with the current political split of the sect, even a single drop of the pinnacle nurturing water is the greatest treasure that one could obtain, while the ancestral nurturing water being only a legend."

While at first, this entire explanation seemed like nothing more but bullshit, with how many details this man provided, I had some hard time labelling all of his words as nothing more but utter crap. 

"What would happen if I were to mix different kinds of nurturing water? Ones made with the blood essence of different beasts? Also, what was the point of keeping the flow of energy into this water?"

Even if it was only a small detail for anyone else, I could clearly remember than the vials that contained the liquid were sucking some kind of energy from the pedestal they were standing on, with all of them instantly attempting to suck all my lifeforce away the moment I touched them!

"Mixing nurturing water While it might increase its potency, this sort of experiment was never held before. The divine beasts' blood essence is simply too rare and expensive for people to potentially waste it just like that. As for feeding it with energy later on I have no idea!"

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