While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 543: Looking for the sister

Chapter 543: Looking for the sister

"Well, it wasn't really that much. Seeing how long it was taking you to come, after I found the robes, got back to where you where the other end of the gate was, I couldn't help getting bored, so rather than wasting time on waiting, I made sure to let everyone in the city know who has saved them!"

If not for the fact that we were standing in the middle of the town, I would make sure to give that damned Bonger an earful, now that he had at least a physical body where an ear could sometime in the future appear.

"I see"

As much as I attempted to look composed, the situation that I was put in by this unruly system and friend of mine was truly baffling. What happened to being low-key? What happened to my humility?

Well, it's not like I could shout such words after wreaking havoc in this place, killing one of the sect leaders and not to get me started about eradicating the foreign influence over this entire place!

"Anyway, let's head off to my former teacher's place. I still have something I need to deal with here."

As much as I wanted to leave for the continent already, there was still one thing that bit at my consciousness. I still have yet to find any mentions or clues about where Jeleria's sister could be!

"Oh, thinking about this, do you maybe know any techniques or spells to find someone who shares the same bloodline to the sample I have? I have to find someone before leaving this place all together"

Since speaking such words out loud, in the middle of the busiest area of the entire city, surrounded by an immense crowd that just now recognised me as their supreme ancestor, would be highly unwise to let everyone else hear about my plans. That's why, rather than inviting chaos to this barely stabilised place, I simply surrounded our group with an insanely thick layer of entropy and pure energy on both sides, so that while the magic would repel anyone trying to get in or get out of the sphere, the entropy would guarantee that no sound would ever escape from its confinement within the circle!

Yet as soon as I cast this relatively simple magical construction, my eyes were drawn to the strange phenomena occurring right in the dense layer of entropy.

"Sure, there are several techniques like that. Would you like to learn it, or is me using it for you a better option?"

While there were some moments where our relationship with Celleria was strained to say it in a cultural way, as we were now all aiming to get to the great continent, I wasn't all that surprised that she would offer us her help.

"If you wouldn't mind"

With just a single thought of mine, the droplet of blood that Jelleria offered to me all the way back at the outskirts of the entire island, surfaced from my chest. Sending it towards Eve's step-sibling, I watched as Celleria took the droplet between her palms before a strange cloud of magic appeared in its place.

As I watched the details of the spell, I realised that it wasn't anything that complicated in the first place. Rather than banking on some kind of high-end technique, all that Celleria did, was to separate all the useless matter from the sample, before leaving only the parts relevant to her spell.

Yet even after reaching that final step, all she did was copy the unique part of the blood, before infusing every incredibly tiny bit of it with a minuscule amount of magic and scattering the small bulb of liquid in all directions!

If not for my quick reaction, all of that tampered blood would knock itself off against the walls of my barrier, forcing me to take down out bubble of privacy to let the spell work. 

"Hmm That's strange"

While I initially didn't know what I was supposed to expect, after just a short moment from when Celleria scattered the blood all around, several tiny lines of pure energy shone in the air!

But even when taking those guidelines as the effect of the spell, the fact that so many of them appeared was what startled me!

I was supposed to just find Jeleria's sister, not her entire family up to four stages on her dynasty tree!

"Eh This will be an annoying task. Let's split up. There are four lines in total, so each of us will follow one of them. Let's meet back at the Monica's place. Remember, we are looking for someone with relatively good talent, around our age, with little sister going by the name of Jelleria."

Waving my head for a moment, I turned towards one of the lines before tracing where it was leading me to. As reaching the target would require me to pass through two peaks of the city, rather than walking on foot, I simply kicked against the ground with my shoes, applied the flight spell on myself and propelled myself forward with a simple shockwave of mine. 

Taking the growth of my strength into account, I had to setup additional shields below me whenever I wanted to either change direction, accelerate or even slow down, in order to prevent the city being destroyed by even the weakest shockwaves of mine. Yet as simple as it sounded, with how I had to manoeuver myself between buildings and natural obstacles in order to follow the guiding line, by the time I finally found the potential candidate of Jelleria's sister, my forehead was already dripping with sweat!


Landing down, I couldn't be bothered to shield myself from the force of impact, simply leveraging it by bending my knees a bit and ignoring several concentric rings of devastated earth below my feet.

"You there"

Reaching with my hand forward to grab the shoulder of my target, I used the moment where everyone was stunned by my sudden landing

"Oh, I'm sorry. I think I mistook you with someone else"

Only to turn the person in front of me around, and see that it was a damned male!

Turning myself back on the spot, I quickly set off into the skies, aiming to go back to the Monica's mansion. As annoying as it has to be for her to have me use her own home as my own place, she was far too weak to complain about it right now!

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