While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 562: Finishing everything off

Chapter 562: Finishing everything off

"Just what the heck was that I thought that the world was about to end!"

After a few moments, the two of us could finally communicate normally, without one side shouting and the other one trying its absolute best to understand the message.

"Allow me to introduce you to my new, slightly overpowered skill, doomsday series"

I had to start explaining this new spell of mine in order to realise that I actually have failed to properly name it so far! Yet contrary to what one might think, it wasn't something that I could do so easily.

After all, this single spell of mine, costing less than a fraction of my total mana, was actually capable of not only obliterating several sage class monsters at once but actually changing the geography of the entire area by evaporating entire peninsula! How could I come up with a name for it so easily?

"Well, rather than keeping you waiting, I can just openly admit it. I have no idea how to name it."

Shrugging my arms with a helpless look on my face, I looked at Eve with a certain degree of hope, that maybe she would be able to come up with some kind of witty name for this magic of mine, that would both properly describe its insane power, while also keeping it hidden under some common wording.

"How about Sun's deadly laser?"

All my hope that I harnessed in regards to Eve's ability to find a name for this skill of mine, was shattered as soon as she opened her mouth and spelt out her proposed name. While it properly described the prowess of the spell alone, I simply couldn't imagine taking part in some world changing battle, fighting with all my power only to suddenly shout:

"Beware my Sun's Deadly Laser!"

If I were to go with this kind of naming style, I could very well just call it Biggus Dickus In Your Facus, and it would still make more sense than that! After all, if I could make my enemies laugh by shouting that in their face, wouldn't I gain a precious moment of their lowered guard?

"Anyway, let's put that matter aside for now. And to reply to the question that I can see you are all giddy to ask, yeah, it seems that allowing Bonger to absorb all those monsters had some positive effect of my own power."

As much as I wanted to continue talking with her while ignoring the rest of the world, with this last ordeal finally taken care off, I also wanted to yeet myself out of this island. I spent here far more time than I initially expected to, making me feel this constant itch in the back of my head to keep advancing.

Whether this was the influence of the true mission that God has placed on me when he first made me reincarnate in this world or just a single fact that my pioneering soul craved to learn more about this universe, the fact that I wanted to push forward stood strong.

With the matter of naming the spell out of our way, returning back to the village took us less than a minute, despite the two of us actually returning by strolling through the newly formed beach of the modified shore.

Back within the building's area, as much as one could call this set of ruins like that, the entire population of the village started to come out from their underground hideouts, proving that all my worries regarding the treatment that the locals would serve to those refugees from the heavenly city, were unnecessary. 

Rather than being worried about their wellbeing, I should actually be worried about them becoming the absolute rulers of this place, both in terms of monopolizing all the men, and the available power! 

After all, one's innate talent grew along with one's strength. That's why, despite how poorly treated those victims were back at the heavenly city, they still could command power far greater than anyone in the entire village, making it seriously worrying. In the end, it wouldn't be the first time when people with sufficient power and dark past turned into the greatest tyrants that the world have heard about!

"Anyway, now that everything is set and done, I hope you can take a good care of those people. They really went through a lot, so please, be kind to them. You can treat helping them as repaying me for saving you all from this monster stampede."

While I had my worried about the future of this place, in the end, I simply couldn't be bothered to manage it. I wasn't the saviour of the entire world, just some random guy who was thrown in the mixer with all those people and the events, forcing me into action over and over again.

This was another reason why I was so keen to go to the great continent, as for me right now, it appeared as the last place where I could hope to live free from all the drama caused by young masters, entitled sect leaders and other human scum.

"Anyway, that will be all that I wanted to say. Eve, Celleria, let's go. We need to find a calm and peaceful place for a while."

In the end, while I hoped to leave this place as soon as possible, I couldn't do so without finally completing those damned visions of mine. With the recent increase in my affinities, being able to understand the ins and out of my current power level was something that I couldn't afford to miss. 

And what would be a better place to enjoy my visions than this island?

While initially, I thought I would have to bring everyone back to my own island where my stronghold was located, after seeing the results of my simple spell that cost and incredible little amount of mana, I realised that doing so would needlessly put that place at risk. And since I didn't really care about what would happen to this place, why not put all the risk aside, get those two lovely sisters to guard me while I would enjoy assimilating all the knowledge I had, and finally prepare to leave this place?

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