While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 564: Visions (1)

Chapter 564: Visions (1)

"What is the damned difference between that aura thingy and internal cultivation"

Speaking to myself as I was browsing through the extensive number of manuals compiled from the vast plethora of different techniques, moves and special abilities that one could use by cultivating specific types of energy, I couldn't stop myself from shaking my head in desperation.

"If those visions of mine won't make me understand everything"

The longer I spent trying to assimilate as much knowledge as I could before finally pressing on to the vision part of my current task, the less willing I was to continue. With everything that I knew about the world, it was given that the amount of information I would learn from those visions would be at least enough to fully understand the details of how this world was constructed and how did all three types of cultivation that I knew about worked, but as often as I just had this feeling of pressure to just go on and enter those visions, I found just a single new interesting bit that I didn't know about before, making it harder to just drop the possibility of learning more.

But this all had to end now. There was only so much that I could learn without spending my entire time just trying to read through the available information. Thanks to the sorting option of my database tool, every single potentially interesting or important topic was already safely stored in my brain. While I knew that ignoring the remaining part of the data stored would most likely lead to me being ignorant about certain aspects of life that others would consider completely basic, but as long as the general knowledge about the very foundations of the world was covered, the visions still would be worth using!

And let's not forget the fact, that with the still recent breakthrough of mine, as long as I found a way to farm those attribute points of mine, getting another set of visions would be a walk in the park!

*Okay Bongy, I hope you can hear me loud and clear.*

With how this unruly system of mine now had a body on its own, we started using normal telepathy on a daily basis rather than just thinking about what we wanted to convey. But in the current situation, I wasn't willing to risk anything in the off chance that someone would be capable of eavesdropping on our conversation!

"Yeah, I'm here. Are you ready?"

There was no point informing Bonger about my wish to start the visions. Despite him not being present in the direct surroundings, I knew he was lurking somewhere nearby, ready to jump in with help at any given notice.

*Yeah. Let's rock!*

Thinking those words, I thought that I would immediately lose consciousness, for it to be moved to the illusory universe of those visions, but as I sat with my legs crossed, in the middle of the large clearing in the forest Nothing happened!

"Ehh Let us lower ourselves over the fact that there is no rock music in this world Okay, okay, don't make that face! I'm sending you off right now, mister Rockman!"

In one instant, I realised two things. First, this nickname would most likely remain in use for the rest of my days in this world. Second, I could no longer see anything even closely reassembling the world as I knew it!


As reluctant as I was to start those visions, once I was finally about to experience all the truth about what I knew so far, I could feel an overwhelming relief and relaxation sweeping through my body. Be it the effect of the visions themselves or just how anxious I was about this entire topic, it didn't really matter all that much at this moment, as I focused my entire attention at the strange something, surrounding me.

If I were to put it into the limited words of the human tongue, it felt as if I was hanging in the middle of space. Yeah, the same space that anyone would think off when saying those words back on earth. But it wasn't that simple. It felt as if all the galaxies, all those enormous formations of myriads of stars, were reduced to nothing more than a plump of matter, floating through the endless expanses of empty space.


How could something float, when there was no medium in which it could float?

But rather than focusing on this aspect alone, I realised that my vision was somewhat blurry? It felt as if I was drunk, with everything showing twice!

Yet, rather than allowing myself to accept these silly assumptions, I closed one of my eyes, and this strang effect disappeared!

"Material and entropic world, are like two siblings. One is a mirror copy of the other, but all the rules of one part of the world, are inverted for its twin."

A strange voice resounded in my head, finally allowing me to make any sense of what I was seeing. If the suggestion provided was right, then what I was seeing right now, was both sides of the world at once, with each of my eyes capable of noticing only one of the twin worlds.

And it made perfect sense. From my own experiences, I could tell that entropy was a force degrading all the matter in this world, so if I were to move to the other part of the world, then pure magic would work in the same way as entropy. Yet, if that was the truth between the lower and the higher world, then how come, mortals from the material world, whose bodies were made with positive matter, could exist in a world where their muscles, their bones or even their skin, acted like antimatter on earth?

"To move from one world to another, one needs to pass through the great gathering of the void, as the void reigns supreme."

That was strange. While I was certain to take every single word said by this strange, everpresent voice seriously, my current vision was greatly different from what I experienced the last time I went through it. Rather than giving me certain answers It was actually ambiguous?

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