While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 573: To see a world within a droplet of void (2)

Chapter 573: To see a world within a droplet of void (2)

At first glance, anyone who never caught the interest in the astronomy would realise that something was generally wrong. Because there was a single more plant more in that system than there was in what I considered to be the solar system! But when looking at the state in which both of the planets that should turn into a single one in order to make a perfect copy of my home system, that something was really wrong!

And just as I was trying to realise what kind of memory I was missing, despite how it was right outside of my reach, an unthinkable happened. Those two planets, that orbited their star on a really close paths, suddenly collided!

Only at that point, did I recall a single fact from the officially acknowledged history of the solar system. In fact, there was initially one more planet between what would later be known as earth and its near cousin mars!

Surprisingly enough, if I were to move back in time to have the chance to stare at the starry, night sky of my homeworld once again, I could still see the remnants of that wild planet, that actually struck earth!

Because all the rocks, gasses and dust that were not absorbed by the future earth, at first formed an accretion disk around the planet, only to come together during the few next millennials and form what would be later known as the moon!

And the exact same process was currently ongoing right in front of my eyes!

After the mind-boggling clash that made the smaller of the planets exert nearly a third of its mass into the gravitational swing of the bigger planet, the situation slowly started to calm down. As if someone sped the time at which I could watch the events unfold in that universe, in just a few seconds the surface of the remaining planet finally lost its red hue, with the sources of the open fires finally dying off. 

Hard crust covered what once used to be an endless sea of molten rocks covering nearly the entire face of the planet. And as surprising as it was, in just a next few second, the entire planet actually turned completely blue!

At that point, the rate at which the world was changing reached the stages that stopped me from noticing any minor differences. At once, the planet would be fully covered in enormous shield of ice, only to melt in an instant, replaced by the familiar sea of flame all over the planet. This process continued to repeat several times, yet with its every iteration, both the amount of flame and the size of the ice continued to decrease all the way to the point, where the planet finally reached its stable state.

As much as I wanted to continue gazing at the further events that would shape this world into what I hoped to be something I was familiar with or something that would allow me to progress even further, by the time I finally saw something coming out on the dry land that was completely surrounded by a singular ocean, I realised that I was finally about to escape from the void!

While watching the changes appearing on the cosmic scale with the first-row view while it kept happening was insane, I couldn't forget about the fact that it was nothing but some strange event happening while I was in the middle of moving my sorry ass between two places in the already existing world!

As much as it filled me with regret, rather than attempting to extend my stay in the void for even a little longer, I allowed this strange force to finally expel me back to the material existence.


Right off the bat, I was met with a shout. Despite my expectations to appear somewhere above the vast sea, which would warrant another jump through the portals and another chance to gaze at the events within that strange world that I somehow still could feel a strange connection to, after dropping for about twenty meters, I hit the ground right beside two female companions of mine.

And all would be great if not for a huge group of people appearing like soldiers, surrounding us with their weapons aimed right at our throats!

Just a single glance at them with my energy vision was enough to confirm that while they couldn't be called pushovers if I were to get serious, dealing with them would not be any problem at all!

"Who are you and how did you come here! Answer now and I won't have to end your lives right away!"

As soon as I managed to clam down the beating of my heart caused by all the unreasonable stuff that I saw back in the void, someone who was most likely the leader of the group stepped up. With his questions instantly putting me on the spot, rather than replying right away, I moved so that at least he, the strongest amongst the entire group, would have to go through me in order to reach the females behind me. At the same time, I used this moment of respite to sort out the possible ways of bullshiting my way out of this quandary.


Since nothing bright came to my head in any reasonable amount of time, I just uttered the first word that came to my mind. Putting a face of utter disbelief and resignation, I fallen to my knees, making sure to not look directly at the people surrounding us. Because I didn't really need to do so in the first place! 

Just one glance at this gathering was enough for me to replicate the picture in my head, and attentively scan every single of its details, while appearing to be lost in my own thoughts on the outside.

"How could they betray us like that!"

Suddenly screaming my lungs out, I lunged a bit forward fast enough to put the man on alert, but slow enough to let him be sure I wouldn't pose a threat to his life or health. But rather than going for his vitals, I stopped my advance in the middle between the distance that initially separated us, slamming my fists against the hard soil of the land.


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