While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 575: Lord Makay is an immortal?

Chapter 575: Lord Makay is an immortal?

"What are we supposed to do now?"

With the initial misunderstanding, or rather, with the initial correct guess about who the three of us were now completely covered under the facade of the bullshit that I came up with, Eve approached me, using the fact that the guards no longer paid nearly any attention to us.

"We will go and visit that lord those poor people mentioned."

Not even bothering to hide my voice, I couldn't help but notice how the young leader's arms shrugging the moment he heard my words. In the end, no matter how much he would advise against it, he would only make my curiosity even worse. And to top it all of, no matter what the outcome of that meeting would be, I didn't need to be worried about anything!

If everything were to go smoothly, we would gain a proper foothold and maybe even a social protector for the time we would require to get accustomed to this place. And in the off-chance of conflict sparking up between my group and that lord, I could freely test out all the new opportunities that I discovered during my breakthrough and my time spent in the void!

After all, I was unable to forget about this one sight that etched its place in my memory. Just the single look at how vastly different one's cultivation had to be in order to make the full use of the prowess that entropic state of energy gave to one

That's why, rather than wasting the time on just walking and talking, while everyone was focused on fulfilling their current task, I was already expelling all the energy that I had in my body as to make the proper preparations for the change of my cultivation!

After all, with my current energy affinity, I only required a speck of the magic in order to wreck havoc against anyone who would dare to raise a hand against me or anyone that I cared for. In fact, if all the theories about how immortals had to assimilate entropy in order to advance were to turn true, then even this group of the absolute powerhouses of the entire world would have some huge problems while dealing with me!

In the end, immortals were just like your any other cultivator in the first place. After years of developing their talents in classical magic, they still had to make a huge change in their life, shifting entirely towards the entropy! If my guess was correct, then the immortals stuck at the initial stages could actually be weaker than they were before advancing, due to how inefficient they were in terms of managing their own, newfound power!

On the other hand, I was not only capable of using normal magic to its full extent, I was also quite good at manipulating the entropy! With just the difference in skill already putting me at least in the middle ranks of the immortals, once supplemented with all the other tools, weapons and skills that the system offered to me, I could easily topple nearly everyone outside of the absolute cream of the top of this entire world!

"This is the road that will take you outside of the count's lands. If you walk it for about two days, you should reach Count Aahen's lands. I can wholeheartedly recommend staying there. He is a wise and generous lord."

Seeing how we were on the crossroad and how the leader insisted on convincing us to take the road leading straight, I had the feeling that if we wanted to have the meeting with the local lord, we would have to actually go to the right!

"I'm sorry, but I think I already explained that I wish to meet with a local lord? Might there be some kind of misunderstanding between the two of us?"

While it was nothing more but a simple question, I made sure to make it sound as if I was both confused and willing to threaten the young man if the chance presented itself.

"Respectable sir, there is no need to try to scare me off. I already know that sir alone would be enough to turn us all into mincemeat on the moment's notice But Lord Makay"

Clearly hesitating to follow through with his words, the young man took his time looking around, as if a single spy would be enough to end this young man's entire career and most likely his life as well.

"Lord Makay he is something else. No matter how powerful you are, his force is capable of disintegrating any aura construct that you would need to create to fight him in the first place If my guess is right, he is an"


Finishing the sentence in the young man's stead, I could only smile. At this point, my body already became nearly completely free from the normal, positive energy, with only some small and unimportant bits remaining deeply hidden within my constitution. With every passing second, I could feel the entropic part of the magical energy slowly filling in the gaps, and breathing a new life into my veins!

"Sir, it is as you say. While I can't give you any proof, you should know how dangerous interacting with freshly advanced immortals can be For some reason, they consider anyone ever slightly powerful a threat to them!"

As if coming here just for the exposition sake, the young man didn't need a lot of time to prove his worth as useless side character by confirming my earlier guess. But with the lord Makay now appearing as a new immortal, how could I miss this chance of meeting with him?

Right now, the option when we would fight actually turned out to be even most interesting, as outside of stealing the core of immortal's blood from their descendants, killing another fellow immortal was not only the only other way to become an immortal oneself for most of the people of this world, but also the quickest and safest way for the immortal themselves to advance!

"That's good then. Lead the way to his lodging!"

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