While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 579: Worries

Chapter 579: Worries

Chop, chop, chop.

As silly as it might have sound, while I could clear out huge parts of the forest just by creating a thin strand of entropy and driving it through the base of any of the trees that I wanted to use, as soon as I got my hands on a bit of wood, I used my crafting ability to turn it into a proper, wooden axe. Just by increasing the rearranging the way in which the small amounts of other elements hidden in the wood existed, I managed to create a resilient cutting edge, that allowed me to enjoy my life as a lumberjack.

"How long are you going to play around? We don't have a damned shelter yet, so take your ass over here and get back to work!"

This kind of message would be funny and quirky if Eve said it. If that were to be the case, I could pose as some kind of abusive husband, before ripping her clothes off and taking her right on the flowerbed that existed on several patches of the lands in the clearing that we got for ourselves. 

Sadly, this wasn't the case. As much as I tried to be respectful towards Celleria due to her blood connection to Eve, it seemed that all she had to do was to open her mouth in order to annoy me!

"Are you going to tell that you will die if you were to spend the night under the starry sky? Or rather, why do you even assume that the house I'm going to build will have enough room for you to live in? It's not like you are incapable of creating your own home!"

In reality, I wasn't as rude as to let this girl, who was still connected by blood to my beloved Eve, to live without a roof over her head. But that didn't mean I was willing to live with her in the same house! 

The number of times when she did her utmost to stop me and Eve from enjoying ourselves already crossed the line that I was willing to tolerate. Even her usefulness as a guide in this world was fairly limited, as I already confirmed that she had absolutely no idea where we currently were!

Given all those circumstances, I was already set on the idea of creating two separate buildings. A mansion that would reach the limits of my creative thinking for me, Eve and in the future, our child, while Celleria would receive your typical single person flat! Even if she wanted to complain about that fact, what could she say? If she didn't like my decision, she would be free to make a house on her own!

"Come on, get off his back. To be frank, I like to watch his sweat trickle down his muscles"

Lying comfortably on a bed that I made before everything else by combining several planks and lots of flowers, Eve commented on my current actions. And I wasn't that surprised with how she was enjoying herself right now! With a cup of freshwater from the nearby river, sprinkled with small pieces of some fruits that we found around the place, she was comfortably resting while watching my shirtless back continue to tense and relax as I chopped more and more wood for no apparent reason outside of giving her a small show.

"You guys are really willing to just enjoy yourself like that? Aren't you worried by how strangely accommodating Lord Makay was?"

And there we go. Seeing how normal urging to do something creative didn't work, Celleria just had to bring this one topic that I didn't want to think about!

Not only because I was worried that I knew the answer to where this strange Lord's approach was coming from, but also because admitting to this knowledge myself would mean that I would have no other choice but to confront him about it!

After all, what were the chances that this man would ignore a fellow earthling living in his lands?

"Eve, come here for a second."

With my mood already soured, there was no point in playing around anymore. Once my mind would set itself on something, I would simply have to finish the entire matter before being able to recover my calm. 


With her smile only widening the moment I called her, Eve jumped off from that makeshift bed of hers, before strolling towards me while slowly taking every piece of her clothing away. Just from this action alone, I could see that she misunderstood my intentions, yet watching as her full breasts jumped up and down with every step that she took, I somehow managed to forget about the matter that troubled me ever since Celleria mentioned the lord.

"What do you want me to do?"

With her palms instantly landing on top of my chest, Elia pressed her entire body forward, pushing her own breast against my upper body with a wide smile on her face.

"For now, let's get some privacy."

As flawed as this solution was, I closed my eyes for a moment before creating a set of portals. Every single one of them was only capable of transporting someone a few meters away, but with how every single millimetre of the open space around the two of us instantly covered with a buttload of them, Celleria would no longer be capable of interrupting us. Yet, as if it wasn't enough, I continued to shield us away from the rest of the world, only stopping when I made sure that no word would escape from this place.

"Oh? Are you getting shy now? Isn't it quite fun to be seen while we go at it?"

Playfully moving her fingers around my nipple as she asked this, I could see that Eve still didn't understand my real intentions. Yet, seeing how happy and calmed down she was, I just couldn't help but wish for all our troubles to just disappear, allowing the two of us to just spend quality time together from now until the day that our lifespan would end.

Sadly, the world didn't work that way.

If we were to ignore our problems right now, they would only continue to grow greater, stronger and more dangerous, ultimately destroying all the resemblance of happiness that we would create, due to how we would stop growing ourselves. The only way to secure a safe future for my family was to stomp on anything and anyone that would ever have the chance of becoming a threat to us!

"Eve I think that Lord Makay Is someone just like me. Called from the earth or at least a place with a similar history, society and culture. I can recognise the things that he does as attempts to develop this place according to the ideas of low capitalism with government protectionism. Given that, there is a huge chance that that militiaman lied to us about how tyrannical that Lord is, meaning, there is some kind of plot going on."

There would be no denying the fact that I was actually worried about what would happen to this place. While Makay was simply too weak to pose any danger to me or Eve, his enemies might not necessarily apply to this category!

"Okay? But going back to the question at hand, how about I suck you off?"

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