White Dragon Lord

Chapter 111: Frost Road

Chapter 111: Frost Road

The legendary mage looked at the white dragon approaching unhindered under the dense magical shields and was horrified. The fighting instinct of this white dragon was so strong that it appeared as if he had lived for more than two hundred years. While his fighting instincts alone were far inferior to the white dragon who had only lived for 30 to 40 years.

Seacaller decided in his heart, this white dragon must not be left alive, if it let him live to adulthood, it could only escape to other planes unless he finds a remote corner and could hide itself.

Seacaller muttered the spell quickly, raised its hand, and five orange-red fireballs were formed above its head, separated by the same distance, forming a regular circle that continuously rotated. Even the air around the fireballs seemed to be burning.

Master Magic--Serial Explosive Flame Art!

Serial Explosive Flame Art was the signature master magic of the Five Fireball Gods. Its great power, wide range, unequaled flying speed, and active detonation made it one of the favorite spells of all wizards in thousands of planes.

It was precisely because of the terrifying nature of the serial blasting technique that White Dragon quickly stopped his approach and his brain started thinking of other options. He was no stranger to a series of fireball spells. Previously, he witnessed it in the hands of the old ogre shaman. After being hit, the feeling of impending death was still fresh in Amos' memory.

But now, Amos was no longer the original Amon. He had enough methods to take on this serial blasting technique, but the problem was that the melee combat plan could only be dropped now.

Suddenly, the white dragon had a plan. He opened his mouth wide and vigorously sucked the air into his lungs, leaning forward, spouting a terrifying icy blue Dragon Breath.

As soon as he attacked, the legendary mage's Serial Explosion Flame Art was also ready, the blazing gold fireballs flew towards the white dragon one by one.

The high temperature that could even melt steel hit the extreme cold Dragon Breath

The collision of ice and fire did not resemble the horrible explosion in the imagination. Instead, it appeared quiet, silent, and graceful, but there was a violent energy reaction hidden beneath the calm. The horrible energies were constantly fighting and opposing each other, annihilating themselves in the process. An invisible energy storm surged in the air.

The invisible airwave blew through the white dragon's body, and Amos couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, relying on the powerful body of the dragon to resist it.

A colorless and transparent magic enchantment emerged around the Murloc Mage, isolating it from the energy storm.

The red light flickered in the icy blue Dragon's Breath and finally extinguished completely like dry wood thrown into the water.

Finally, a steady stream of Dragon's Breath defeated the explosion of Fireballs.

Amos won the exchange, flapped his wings, and chased bravely. The dragon's breath that froze all things continued to attack the legendary mage.

If hit by the dragon's signature talent ability, even the legend couldn't guarantee its survival. The legendary murloc mage hurriedly flew away, trying to maintain the distance.

Amos was attacking frantically while chasing his enemy.

The flight speed of the two sides was about the same. The icy blue dragon's breath was far away from the murloc wizard.

The breath of the dragon danced like the water jet sprayed by a fire-fighter, as it fell on the ground, covering it with a layer of white frost.

Along with the desperate pursuit of both sides, a cold, 2,000-meter-long icy road stretched from the depths of the land into the ocean.

The white dragon couldn't continue this attack infinitely. When he felt the limit, he immediately flapped his wings and retreated, creating the distance from the murloc mage, and hovered in mid-air.

In this fierce confrontation, both sides expended a lot of magic and physical energy and stared at each other with vigilance.

Seacaller watched him with lingering fear after observing the frosty coastline stretching more than a thousand meters long and nearly 20 meters wide. In this death line, a lot of unlucky murlocs were frozen, appearing life-like.

The murloc legendary mage turned to the white dragon, panting in the sky. Originally, it was only afraid of the potential and background of the white dragon. Now, it officially regarded the white dragon as an opponent of the same level.

"Do you know why I am called Seacaller?"

White Dragon heard the words of the legendary murloc mage, looked at the ocean below him, and thought of his title of Seacaller, feeling very uncomfortable.

The reason why the legend could crush the master level was due to a stronger energy reserve and stronger skill power, which was also one of the most important factors. The existence of the world to accept the baptism of the laws of the world.

After receiving the baptism of the law, the legendary professional could be said to have evolved into a higher level of life in the essence of the soul, getting a huge leap in the life force.

The transition of lifeforce would greatly increase the lifespan of the legendary professional and gain an unspeakable special ability.

This special ability was so strange and varied for everyone, but they could often give legendary professionals a huge increase in combat power.

Seeing the descent of the Murloc Legend Mage, the white dragon's heart trembled, and he hurriedly flapped his wings and lifted off.

When the murloc mage touched the sea, it stood above the surface, like walking on the ground.

It took the staff in its hand into the sea, and an invisible energy wave spread along the sea surface. In an instant, within a radius of 10,000 meters, the entire sea boiled with chaos.

Amos sensed the sudden explosion of terrifying magical power in the rear and glanced back. He saw the sea that seemed to be alive, and his scalp was numb. He was too far away from the land, so he could only fly diagonally upwards to go far away.


Along with the Seacaller's roar, dense water waves shot out from the sea, and traveled towards the sky, as if it was raining in opposite direction.

Should I summon the Ice Elemental again?!

I cannot!

Once the white dragon summoned the Ice Elemental, it would be emptied of magic power, losing spellcasting ability and a lot of physical strength in a short time. In this state, facing a legendary mage with various means, he would simply make a joke of his own life.

It was not Amos' style to pin his destiny on others, besides, the white dragon had not yet reached the point of no return.

The ancient mysterious dragon language was quickly chanted from Amos' mouth.

Sudmar's Exorcism Barrier!

A colorless and transparent plane energy barrier appeared below the white dragon, and dense waves hit the exorcism barrier, dissipating into countless droplets.

Superficial! Just like ordinary raindrops.

Sudmar's Exorcism Barrier was a powerful magic derived from the dragon's inheritance by Amos, and a protection magic invented by his ancestor, the Ancient White Dragon Sudmar.

This magic couldn't block entities, but it could dispel magical energy. As long as the magical energy dispelled at once did not exceed the limit of protection magic, it would always exist.

The seawater that was dissipated lacked any magical energy and was naturally indistinguishable from raindrops.

Under the surprised expression of Seacaller, White Dragon was soaked in the rain all the way and flew back to the sky above the land.

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