White Online

Chapter 650 Humanity & Gods Vs. World Conquering Demons.

Chapter 650 Humanity & Gods Vs. World Conquering Demons.

''What happened...'' Oliver asked. ''Why... is the moon destroyed?''

''The world is under attack.'' Isaac replied. ''By demons. This is nothing like our childish feud. This is something that can end humanity. Do you see now how worthless our fighting was?''

Oliver's face collapsed as he finally realized that this was something he shouldn't be part of. It was the stuff of gods and it sounded like Isaac was part of it--he was indeed a being realms higher than himself.

''I see now...'' He sighed. This was the final straw that needed to be cut before he could finally forfeit his life. ''Do it... you can kill me now. I am now... ready.''

Isaac pulled out the revolver and placed the muzzle against Oliver's skull.

Oliver clasped his broken hands together, tears brimming in his eyes. ''God, please forsake me.''

''May you rest... in the afterlife.'' Isaac murmured and pulled the trigger. Bang. The bullet explosively left the barrel... but then, a hand appeared out of nowhere and snatched the bullet from midair.

''!?'' Isaac snapped his head towards the person and suddenly saw a fist flying towards his face. He quickly ducked underneath the fist and slammed the butt of the revolver across the person's face. However, the revolver shattered from impact. The legendary weapon was destroyed just like that!

''You are strong...'' The person said, and as the shadow disappeared from the figure's face, her true face appeared. She was a dark-eyed woman with an unusually pale face, an unusual type of beauty and coldness. She was Chaos, the Primordial God of the Universe and Disorder!

''Who are you?'' Isaac asked sharply. 'She is strong!'

Oliver hesitantly turned around and was shocked to see someone else on the rooftop.

''No... who are you?'' Chaos asked while wearing a scary skin. She hadn't seen such a strong humanbefore. She was getting excited!

She moved across the air instantaneously and hacked her palm downward. As the palm flew towards Isaac, he suddenly grabbed the incoming palm and twisted the wrist as he suddenly launched Chaos backward.

Chaos spun around in midair before beautifully landing in the air. The scene looked like a ballerina, and was extremely beautifully executed.

Isaac lunged forward and threw a quick jab. The air exploded, and it sounded like a nuclear bomb was unleashed.

Chaos blocked the jab with her slender arm and was shockedly pushed a step back. Her grin grew, till it reached ear-to-ear. She was getting even more excited!

'Who is she and why did she stop me?' Isaac wondered. He knew she was extremely powerful and could only be a god. He didn't think she was a demon because she didn't feel like one. Unlike Bella, her life signals showed steadiness and calmness. Not brutality and bloodlust.

Chaos burst into motion and released deafening punches. Isaac parried the punches, but sometimes had to block. As the last punch missed his face by hair's width, he suddenly launched forward and slammed his knee into Chaos' abdomen.

Chaos's eyes slightly shook as she wasn't completely prepared for it. However, she quickly regained her composure and grabbed Isaac's knee. She swiftly lifted the knee, and threw Isaac over her head.

Isaac crashed on the ground and quickly rolled to the side as Chaos slammed her feet into the ground. He stood up and executed a low kick. Chaos jumped over the kick and spun in the mid-air before smashing her feet across Isaac's face.

As Isaac's face was pushed to the side, his face didn't show any sort of pain or fatigue. He quickly turned back to Chaos and released even faster jabs. Each punch landed on Chaos' face, sending her flying off the roof.

'What the hell is that fight?' Oliver thought with a frightened expression. The fight in total lasted less than a second, and he couldn't see a single thing happening!

Chaos flew back to the roof and hovered in the air. She was humming with a scary grin as she looked straight at Isaac.

''Well, well...'' Chaos licked her lips and said. ''Sorry for interrupting your... murder scene. But, didn't you know that killing someone during Crimson Moon is bad luck?''

"What?" Isaac frowned.

Chaos suddenly waved her hand, shrouded Oliver in dark light and made him vanish.

''!?'' Isaac tried to grab Oliver before he vanished, but was 0.000000001 seconds too late. He could only click his tongue in annoyance.

''Farewell, strong boy~'' Chaos waved her hand, winked and disappeared.

Isaac stood alone on the rooftop as a cold winter wind flew over the skyscraper. He could only look at the distant crimson moon, alone in regret. If someone heard that a human fought against Primordial on equal terms, they would die out of shock. However, Isaac didn't treat it like it was a big matter. He could tell that she was at the level of Primordial.

He fought Hades and won. The person she fought was ten times, no... a hundred times stronger. Maybe even more. Yet, Isaac didn't think he was necessarily at a disadvantage.

Neither he nor she went all-out. If they did, the skyscraper would be instantly shattered and Snowstar would be destroyed.

''I wonder who she was... and why did she took Oliver...'' Isaac frowned. However, as the looming threat of demons approached, he only wanted to return to his family as soon as possible.


In God Realm.

The demons roared loudly in God City. The millions of demons had arrived and were filling the air with their strong presence. Demon Kings and Demon Lords stood on the castle's balcony, looking over the sea of demons.

Lucifer's gaze penetrated the clouds in the sky, and he saw three crimson moons in the distance.

''Three crimson moons... That's a sign of good luck...'' He murmured and turned to the demons. ''The day has come. This is the final frontier, and the last place to be conquered. Once we are done here, all the universes are ours!

''For demon race! We are Conquerors!''

''We are Conquerors!'' The demon shouted in unison and then millions of demons flew into the sky. They entered thousands of different spaceships, strewn across the space and started flying towards the faraway planet of Four Seasons.

Demon Kings and Demon Lords flew behind the spaceships, looking over towards the beautiful world.

The final war was about to begin.

Humanity & Gods Vs. World Conquering Demons.

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