Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 189: Can you show affection in the project book?

Chapter 189: Can you show affection in the project book?

Chapter 189 Can you show affection in the project book?

Jiang Qin spent a lot of money tonight, ordered a large table of dishes, and hosted a banquet for Lai Cunqing, Ding Qiaona, and several core employees of 208.

What about scallops with garlic sauce, crystal elbows, beef in golden soup, fish heads in casserole, dried bamboo shoots and bacon...

It is simply dazzling, the fragrance is overflowing, and it makes peoples mouth water.

Feng Nanshu was full quickly, and while Jiang Qin was chatting with Lai Cunqing, he secretly took a sip of his wine. His cheeks instantly turned red, and his tongue was so spicy that he spit it out.

Jiang Qin heard the sigh and turned around with a puzzled look.

Why is your face so red?

I just ate chili.

The little rich woman stuck out her tongue, tears already welling up in her eyes.

In fact, only Jiang Qin didn't see the whole process of stealing wine. Almost everyone else at the table saw it. But except the boss, no one dared to take care of the boss's wife's affairs.

Madam boss, please drink some water. Sunai quietly brought a glass of water over.

Sunai, you are a good person.

Feng Nanshu took a sip of water and felt that his mouth was full of alcohol, so he kept his mouth shut for fear of being discovered by Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin doesn't allow her to drink. She can taste a little beer, but absolutely not liquor, but she always has a little curiosity.

So its not false to say that she looks like a silly cat, because curiosity can really kill a cat.

However, not everyone can drink and eat meat on this night. For example, in the conference room of Wanzhong Mall, a group of hard-working social managers were eating lunches and working overtime like crazy.

In front of them was a group-to-store project book written by Jiang Qin himself.

The content of this project document is not much, and it is less than four pages printed on A4 paper. However, these five senior marketing managers have studied it for a long time, but they still have a hazy feeling that they cannot understand it.

Some things are just like that.

It is an understatement, but it is terrifying when you think about it carefully. It is not far from the mountain, but it can kill a horse.

You say it is unrealistic, but you dare not say it is impossible to achieve. You think it is magical at first sight, but after careful consideration, it seems feasible.

It was this feeling that was both true and false that made the five marketing managers think about it until their brains almost exploded.

Is this project going to completely subvert the existing consumption order and consumption habits?

According to this persons idea, in the future, you can do shopping comparisons without leaving home. Which store has good service and which store has poor service? Of course, consumers comments are the most accurate.

I feel that this project book exaggerates online sales too much.

Its not that its mysterious, its that the key content is given too little. I can see the development direction, but the details are not shown at all.

"How do you achieve instant receipt and payment? I plugged the USB shield into my computer and charged the phone bill, and it would take up to two hours to receive the text message."

Dont worry, even bank transfers have to be checked the next day. Will there be any transaction tools that go beyond banks in the future?

The four major banks seem to be upgrading their online banking services now. I wonder if this has something to do with it?

This project book is basically a castrated version. Many things have been deleted. No matter how you read it, you cant see it thoroughly. Damn it!

Who is Feng Nanshu? Why is her name repeated more than twenty times at the end of the project book? Is she a key figure? This is worth pondering!

Yue Zhu was also staying in the conference room at this time, drinking coffee silently, and the project book in his hand had been rolled to the edge.

She was present when the boss decided to reform the mall, so she knew many details that other managers did not know.

For example, this reform was caused by an entrepreneurial project of a college student.

Another example is that the boss feels that retail and pure sales in the mid-stream market will soon reach dusk.

To be honest, Yue Zhu felt that the boss was a little unfounded, and his decision to reform the mall was also a fool's errand.

No matter how convenient and fast online sales are, how can it be possible to spread across the country in a short period of time?

Lets just talk about Amazon. It is also a giant in the field of e-commerce. It has been in the domestic market for five years so far, but it is still half-dead and has not made any splash.

If you want to completely change the consumption habits of the country, you can't do it with just words.

Judging from Yue Zhu's judgment, this matter is impossible within fifty years.

But since the boss has spoken, it is impossible for the employees not to make preparations.

So that night, Yue Zhu did not go to bed early as usual. Instead, he used his computer to collect various information about e-commerce while thinking about the conversation that day.

As her understanding deepened, she finally realized the fear her boss was talking about.

Source manufacturer, door-to-door delivery, online banking, nationwide logistics.

These things are not fantasy, some people are actually doing it, and once someone connects these elements together, online shopping will become an extremely smooth existence.

The thresholds of time and space are gone, the circulation cycle and warehousing costs of the manufacturing industry have been reduced, and mobile information technology is about to be upgraded.

The changes of the times really wont give you any warning or warning.

Under such circumstances, if a pure-sales mall like Vanzhong does not change, it will definitely be completely damaged within a few years.

However, the boss asked them to look for inspiration for reform from group shopping to the store, but she could never find it, and she just felt like her head was in a mess.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but think of Jiang Qin. Seeing how easily he did the group puzzle, Yue Zhu always felt that there wasn't much technical content in it, but when it was his turn, he really couldn't do it at all.

Manager Yue, do you know who this Feng Nanshu is?


Yue Zhuren came to his senses: "Manager Zhao, what did you just say?"

There are three rows of Feng Nanshu at the back of this project book. Is there any profound meaning?

Oh, Feng Nanshu is Jiang Qins girlfriend, and Jiang Qin is the one who wrote this project book. He may have typed the name casually when he was bored, but later forgot to delete it.

After hearing this, Manager Zhao cursed loudly: "What a fool! I didn't forget to show my affection when I wrote the project document, which made me search online for a long time, bah!"

While he was talking, He Yijun suddenly walked into the conference room.

The managers who were chatting away instantly became quiet and then sat up straight.

Everyone, how are you reading the project book?

Mr. He, this project document is fragmented. It only has a framework and no details. We cant understand it at all.

He Yijun sat on the boss's chair and drank a sip of tea: "This is someone else's project document. Of course it is impossible to disclose all the details to us. A big framework is enough, because I don't want you to think about this project document. , but I hope you can find the direction of mall reform through this project document."

Zhao Zuchang, the manager of the commercial department, couldn't help but ask: "Who is Jiang Qin who wrote this project document?"

A person who is discerning, capable, humble and prudent.


Yue Zhu was holding coffee. He almost choked on these two words of He Yijun as he took a sip.

Humility and caution, these two words are not a pity to apply to anyone, but they are too bad to apply to Jiang Qin!

He Yijun didn't blush at all, but was serious. This was mainly because he didn't want to tell Jiang Qin that he was just a college student. Otherwise, these managers would definitely look down upon him and not take the project document seriously.

Boss, I actually dont quite understand. Our mall is doing well, why should we reform it?

Administrative Department Manager Bao Wenping couldn't help but ask questions.

Then let me show you some information I have collected recently.

He Yijun winked at his secretary, and a pre-made ppt was displayed through the projection in the conference room.

The first page is a few e-commerce websites that have become famous recently.

The second page shows the growth of online shopping people since 2006.

The third page shows the growth of the opening rate after the four major banks upgraded their online banking services.

The fourth and fifth pages are detailed information about a website called Taobao.

After reading the entire ppt content, the several managers on site were all a little silent, and they were all whispering to each other.

"Isn't it a bit shocking? Like you, I used to think that this thing is still far away and cannot endanger us at all, but I tried Taobao last night and found that this thing is really scary. One day, this thing will It quietly penetrates into us."

Once humans get used to using convenient things, its hard to go back.

Thenwhat does online shopping have to do with this group shopping? Zhao Zuchang asked again.

He Yijun took a deep breath: "The person who wrote this project book is a master. This is a new project he has been working on recently. I hope you can get inspiration after reading it and find our next development direction."

Boss, can you give me a little more time? We need to digest some of this information.


He Yijun finished speaking and announced the adjournment of the meeting, but he was somewhat disappointed in his heart.

These managers under him have been around the mall for too long, their thinking has become solidified, and they are insensitive to the changes of the times.

However, there is no way to blame them. Not to mention the manager, even his boss is confused now and has no idea about the methods and methods of reform.

It seems that this matter needs to be consulted by someone who is truly capable of seeing through the development of the times.

For this kind of person, sometimes a few words can enlighten you.

At the same time, people who can see through the development of the times are sitting on the steps in front of the hotel sobering up, feeling that the wind in the winter night is indeed very cold.

However, you can always see a group of thinly dressed female college students on the road, their frozen beauty wantonly highlighted in the cold wind, and I dont know how they can bear it.

Those young people who don't know how to protect their knees will have cold legs sooner or later.

Jiang Qin, dont forget to come to my house for dinner tomorrow.

Jiang Qin was thinking about it when he suddenly received a text message from He Yijun.

You want to invite me to dinner so actively?

It seems that there is no good banquet. Why should I have a plan? I have to be on guard.

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