Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 238: There are also tricks for giving money

Chapter 238: There are also tricks for giving money

Chapter 238 There are also tricks for giving money

In the evening, the fire clouds are bright and gorgeous.

The little rich woman could already ride her electric bike for a leisurely stroll, so Jiang Qin let go of his hand and watched her ride from east to south, and from south to east, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He had watched a TV series before, in which there was a young female student who also wore a ponytail and a school uniform all day long and rode an electric car leisurely past.

I dont know if he had some inexplicable fetish, but Jiang Qin had memorized that scene for a long time.

Now, the feeling of illusion shining into reality suddenly arises.

The little rich woman has really been cultivated into her own shape...

Jiang Qin made way for a spacious road, turned around and squatted on the roadside where Gao Wenhui was sitting.

Is Feng Nanshus little **** soft to the touch?

Wenhui, I opened a Xitian branch in Wanzhong, how about I send you there?

Gao Wenhui pursed her lips and said, "If you touch her, just touch her. Her whole body belongs to you anyway, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Jiang Qin turned around and glanced at the stool under her butt: "Okay, let's find a corner where there is no one, and I will describe to you the feeling of the hand and the turmoil in my heart, but I can't tell others."

Then lets go to the carport behind and talk. I will never tell the other person.

Gao Wenhui stood up excitedly, but in the next second, Jiang Qin quickly snatched the stool away and sat down under his butt.

What is the love between children? There is only intrigue in this world!

You have a small mouth, have you seen the sinister nature of people's hearts this time?

Gao Wenhui was so angry that she said, "It's okay if you grab my chair, but you have to describe to me the feeling of the hand and the turmoil in your heart!"

Come on, Ive caught all the fish, and Ill feed you the bait? Jiang Qin sat with a golden sword.

Then give me back the stool!

Jiang Qin patted his thigh: "Come, sit on the boss's lap, and the boss will hold you."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Gao Wenhui's mouth: "If you are innocent and innocent, why don't you dare to let Feng Nanshu sit on your lap?"

Why dont I dare?

Then Ill call Feng Nanshu over!

Jiang Qin looked down at himself and realized that he was not wearing a coat today: "Next time, I'm not ready today, but I have always had a question in my mind, what went wrong with us to make everyone think that we are in love? "

Gao Wenhui thought seriously after listening: "There are too many examples, but I can summarize it with a joke. Do you know Lin Pingzhi, the proud man?"


"Yue Lingshan asked Lin Pingzhi if he was practicing the sword technique to ward off evil spirits. Lin Pingzhi was shocked after hearing this. I have never told anyone about this matter. How did you know? Yue Lingshan said, you are almost curling up your orchid fingers. Its on my face, you think Im blind!

Gao Wenhui shook his head proudly: "It's useless not to admit it. None of your actions can deceive anyone."

Jiang Qin spat at her and returned the stool to her: "The car you just bought is easy to lose. Remember to teach the little rich woman to lock the car. I'll leave first."

Hey, what are you going to do? Let Feng Nanshu ride a bicycle to see you off.

No, Ill go back to the dormitory to catch up on her sleep. She just learned how to ride a bicycle and wont be able to walk that far. Im worried.

Jiang Qin stood up, returned the stool to Gao Wenhui, and then walked back to the dormitory. As soon as he opened the door, he saw three Saiyans lying on the bed, discussing about going for a morning jog tomorrow morning.

It was different just after running. Lao Cao even had the illusion that he would have abdominal muscles immediately.

Zhou Chao is also one of the boring ones, constantly looking at his biceps in the mirror from various angles.

Ren Ziqiang has already started to write down his criteria for choosing a mate, and plans to post them on QQ space after winning the award. Girls who do not meet the requirements are not allowed to add him.

Jiang Qin refused to comment on the whimsical behavior of his roommate, and said to himself that if you can still run away the next day, I will reverse the last name.

Sure enough, by the next morning, none of the three guys in the dormitory could get up. They were all crawling back and forth on the bed, complaining that their legs hurt.

Damn it, I used to have a hard time getting out of bed, and I had to work hard to eat. Now I just have to run on the playground. Can my legs not hurt?

Lao Ren still doesnt have a clear understanding of himself. With such physical fitness, he still wants to win the long-distance running championship. If his legs are weak, do he still want to run like a chicken?

If you fail to reach the finish line, you will be ruined, and you will directly lose your right to choose your spouse during the four years of college.

Brothers, lets go for a run?

Im not going, Lao Jiang, if you want to go go by yourself, I will die in the dormitory today.

Damn, you are a bunch of trash, dont be envious when I develop eight-pack abs.

Jiang Qin patted the **** thighs of the three of them a few times, then left the dormitory amidst the scoldings and came to 208's office.

After last nights online test, group-to-store shopping has been launched online. The marketing post in the evening also successfully heated up the scene. Many people are curious about this online-to-offline consumption model.

Of course, the most attractive thing is actually the first-day discount.

Vienna Hotel offers a 20% discount on all room types, which is a necessity for some boys with girlfriends.

Internet cafes, billiard halls and other entertainment venues are also discounted at 20%, which is a necessity for boys without girlfriends.

In addition, there are swimming pools, gyms, and nail and hair salons. Although the number is not large, they cover almost all the daily consumption of college students.

In other words, when the group-to-store group-to-store service is officially launched on the group-to-store website, Jiang Qin will have almost all the business in the university town under his control, both online and offline.

However, before going online, if we want to fully mobilize the initiative of college students, there is still a lack of offline guidance.

For example, Zhihu used the school beauty competition, the first snow in Linchuan when the group fight was launched, and the broad mind of Zhang Zixuan, the campus beauty of the University of Science and Technology.

But this time it was too rushed, and Jiang Qin really had no time to do offline marketing. He thought for a while and planned to take advantage of the sports meeting.

To be honest, when it comes to school-wide activities, in front of the spring sports meeting, the school beauty competition is simply a younger brother. It would be a waste not to take advantage of this opportunity.

So Jiang Qin drove the car to Zhang Baiqing's office.

Zhuang Siyu, the chairman of the school student union, was also there, discussing the sports meeting with Zhang Baiqing. When the two saw Jiang Qin, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they said to themselves that they were just thinking about soliciting sponsorship, but unexpectedly a big business owner came to visit.

Jiang Qin also smiled when he looked at them, thinking to himself, are you excited to see a big businessman come to your door?

Jiang Qin, what do you want to see me for? Zhang Baiqing asked calmly.

"That's it, principal. Let me report to you on the progress of my work. My company has been registered and I have obtained my business license." "Boy, you are fast enough. In just a few days, you have a company?" "

They are all taught well by the principal.

Jiang Qin glanced at Zhuang Siyu: "It seems that I came by chance. Are you in a meeting? Then I won't disturb you."

Zhuang Siyu immediately stopped him: "Junior, don't be too busy leaving. We have a meeting later. You can join us too. It's about the sports meeting."

This is not good, I am not a member of the student union.

Dont be so outspoken. The conference room is right next to it. You can go there first. Principal Zhang and I will arrive soon.

Jiang Qin knew that Senior Sister Zhuang was in a hurry to collect the wool, and he happened to have prepared the wool, so he stopped teasing her, nodded and left Zhang Baiqing's office.

This is how business is done. Even if you rush to send money, you cannot directly say that I am here to send money, otherwise the benefits will not be maximized.

You have to show that I dont want to give money, but for the sake of the principal and chairman, I give generously, so that this favor can be retained. No matter whether it is used in the future or not, this is the added value of business cooperation.

Jiang Qin walked to the conference room next to him. There were already dozens of people sitting in it, some of whom were members of the school student union, and some were officials sent by the student union of the college to hold the meeting.

Seeing someone coming in, everyone looked at Jiang Qin. Among them was a boy sitting at the back of the rostrum. He was wearing a white shirt and looked quite stylish. However, he had a lot of pimples on his face, which were so dense that it made people scalp. tingling.

As soon as he saw Jiang Qin, he frowned: "I sent a notice to the group at eight o'clock, asking you to arrive on time at ten o'clock. It's already eleven o'clock, and there are still people late. Do you still have any discipline? Already?"

Who are you? Jiang Qin looked at him inexplicably.

Who do you think I am? I am Tan Shipeng, the vice chairman of the student union!

Jiang Qin smacked his lips, thinking that there were really a lot of things to do in the student union. He also informed everyone to come at ten o'clock. So what if they came at ten o'clock? The meeting hadn't started yet?

These student cadres just like to use chicken feathers as arrows. It's really boring.

Sorry, Ill come earlier next time.

Jiang Qin walked to the back row of the conference room and found an empty seat to sit down. When he looked up, he found that Tan Shipeng was still looking at him with an unhappy expression.

Look, Im not a **** member of the student union, so lets see what Im good for.

Jiang Qin turned on his mobile phone and played Snake while waiting for Principal Zhang. However, although the sound effect of his mobile phone was weak, it still sounded particularly loud in the silent conference room.

Turn off your phone and dont make any sound.


Tan Shipeng looked at him indifferently: "Which college are you from? The meeting will be dismissed later, so you can stop working in the student union."

Hearing these words, all the student union cadres present looked at Jiang Qin, their expressions were somewhat gloating.

The student union of the school has greater power than the student union of the college. Although it is of no use, it is not easy to report the situation to the superiors and remove a student union cadre.

So in their eyes, Jiang Qin was already fucked.

But before Tan Shipeng could continue to speak, the door of the conference room was pushed open. Zhang Baiqing and Zhuang Siyu opened the door and walked in. They said sorry to everyone for waiting for a long time.

Tan Shipeng immediately shut his mouth, put on a smile and stood up, pulling out the chairs for Zhang Baiqing and Zhuang Siyu.

Subsequently, people in the room started a series of discussions about this spring sports meeting. From the process to the links, from scoring to awarding, everyone spoke about everything.

Jiang Qin didn't care about this. It wasn't until Zhang Baiqing shifted the topic to sponsorship that he raised his head slightly.

"Our sports meeting this year will be a big one, and reporters from Linchuan TV will come to interview. In order to show the spirit of the school, the venue must be fully decorated. Although the funds provided by the school are sufficient, some aspects may not be taken care of. , so I hope that student unions from all departments will actively seek sponsorship.

Principal, its hard to get sponsorship this year. Many merchants say the economic benefits are not good. Zhuang Siyu said.

Zhang Baiqing coughed: "Some small households should not do it, but some big households should still donate generously."

But where to find the big ones?

You can just look for one near the school, or a big business owner in the school.

Zhuang Siyu glanced at Jiang Qin and said, "Principal, big business owners are generally not easy to talk to. Maybe we will be rejected before we even open our mouths."

Zhang Baiqing waved his hand: "Some big families in the school have received benefits from the school. If you try it, they will definitely be willing to pay."

Im just afraid that they will pretend to be stupid and dont want to open this hole.

Zhang Baiqing and Zhuang Siyu sang and sang, nodding at Jiang Qin between the lines, but Jiang Qin just smiled and didn't say a word.

Principal Zhang was so angry that he thought to himself that this guy can talk about life and death, so he shouldn't be so devoid of emotional intelligence. I even talked about this, but he didn't show any sympathy, so it's not in vain for me to support him. ?

Jiang Qin, dont you understand what I just said? Zhang Baiqing finally couldnt help it.

Jiang Qin pursed his lips: "Principal, you almost put your hand into my wallet. How can I not understand?"

"Then why don't you express your feelings? Just watch me waste my time here?"

"I don't dare. That pimple-faced guy just told me not to make any noise. I have to abide by the rules."

After the words fell, all the eyes at the scene focused on Tan Shipeng's face. He was already blushing because of acne, but now he was even redder.

Damn it, this dog is not from the student union, was it called by Principal Zhang? Why didn't he just say it?

Zhang Baiqing glanced at Tan Shipeng and ignored him: "Don't change the subject, just tell me whether you will sponsor me or not?"

Principal, for the sake of you and Senior Sister Zhuang, I will cover the shortfall in funding for this year.

Real or false? Zhuang Siyu was shocked.

Jiang Qin nodded: "But I have a condition. I will make the materials for the venue. You can just send me a demand list when the time comes."

Zhang Baiqing knew that he wanted to do publicity: "Okay, that's settled."

Then Ill leave first. Brother Peng wont let me talk, and Im a talker. Its really frustrating me.

Tan Shipeng:

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