Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 315: Jiang Qin? Can't afford to offend

Chapter 315: Jiang Qin? Can't afford to offend

Chapter 315 Jiang Qin? Can't afford to offend

Although there has been a constant flow of people downstairs in the girls' dormitory since early evening, the real excitement is around nine o'clock after dark.

At this time, the front square was already crowded with people, coming and going non-stop. The college supermarket was also so crowded that Boss Jiang could only stand on the table and act as a human camera, observing whether the students who took things paid. .

This kind of bustling and noisy propagation distance is extremely long. Even in the maple forest, Jiang Qin can hear it clearly.

Brother, we have to go out for a walk tomorrow. Feng Nanshu put his chin on his shoulder and suddenly said.

Jiang Qin came to his senses and touched her hair: "Not tomorrow. I have to go to the city to attend a wine party tomorrow."

Then Ill ride Xiaofen to pick you up.

"Aren't you afraid of exhausting your little fan to death? Why don't you ride Fugui'er? Fugui'er has grown up now and it's time to take on the responsibility of a mount. In fact, I have been emphasizing that 208 never raises idlers. Even a dog cant do it, Fuguier should have been prepared for it a long time ago.

Jiang Qin was full of slanderous words and arranged the rich and noble children in such a clear way that he didnt even know who was the dog.

However, it can be heard from his tone that Boss Jiang's mentality is obviously relaxed now, and he is no longer as tense as before.

This shows that security is never given individually, but is passed on to each other.

Jiang Qin has seen too many human relationships in his previous life. If he had not met Feng Nanshu after his rebirth, his mentality might have been more radical and even more paranoid than now.

Being radical and paranoid is not a bad thing. If a person with this kind of personality can get some opportunities, the possibility of doing great things is very high. After all, this kind of person has strong action ability and dares to work hard. But success for this kind of person is success. , but you will definitely live a very tired life.

Lets go, little rich woman, Ill take you back to bed.

Ill pick you up tomorrow.

Lets talk tomorrow. If I get drunk, I might not come back.

Jiang Qin held Feng Nanshu's little hand and walked out of the maple forest, then rode on Xiaofen and sent her back to the door of the girls' dormitory. Then he rode back alone, his expression much lighter than before.

This electric bike itself is a compact girl's model, which is barely suitable for Feng Nanshu, but when Jiang Qin is riding it, there is no place for his long legs, and the whole scene looks a bit funny.

Especially the pink color, which really didnt match his own image at all, so it attracted a lot of curious eyes.

Qi Qi and Guan Wensi were standing at the entrance of the college at this time. They changed out of their military training uniforms and wore extremely pure floral dresses, revealing their snow-white calves. They were chatting and laughing with their new seniors.

When Jiang Qin rode Xiaofen around to the entrance of the college supermarket, their eyes were attracted at the same time. They saw the pink electric car running over the speed bump, bumping twice, and Jiang Qin was stunned. Stunned for a moment.

Seeing this scene, the two girls couldn't help but look at each other and immediately sneered.

Isnt that Senior Jiang? Why is he riding a pink electric bike? Its so weird.

"Maybe I borrowed it." Qi Qi pulled her hair around her ears, her movements carrying the air of a delicate beauty.

Guan Wensi lowered his voice instantly: "I always feel that boys riding such petite electric bikes are a bit low-key, and it is better to walk."

Well, it feels like an adult riding a rocking car...

Ive never seen a handsome man riding an electric bike like this. Its really outrageous.

Qi Qi couldn't help but laugh twice with Guan Wensi. Combined with the contact on the playground, she began to have a general impression of Jiang Qin, who was jointly called the male **** by Senior Sister Jiang and Senior Sister Song.

I am a small cadre in the student union, but I have a bit of an annoying official airs. I like to act like a arrogant senior, and I dont even look at people seriously. I have no personality charm at all.

The president of Jiang University must think that he is cool and elegant, but from a girl's point of view, Qi Qi thinks that he is a little exaggerated and greasy.

Especially when I saw him riding a pink electric bike around, unable to stretch his legs, he looked like an adult wearing children's clothes. The image was really not good.

Thinking of this, Qi Qis only interest in this senior disappeared.

Her former godbrothers were all more or less outstanding. They were either handsome or well-dressed. There were also several talented ones, those who played music, and some who were academics. None of them were like this one. Just like Senior Jiang, he is as comprehensive as ordinary people.

There are five or six such people in any class in the college, not to mention the entire Linchuan University.

At this moment, Guan Wensi, who was standing next to her, suddenly tugged on her clothes: "Qiqi, Senior Qian said he wants to take us to Wangyue Lake for a stroll, will you go?"

"It's too late. I have to go back to the dormitory to wash up. I have military training tomorrow."

Qi Qi smiled and waved her hand to reject Senior Qian, and then left the college supermarket on her own.

From her routine experience, if there are boys you want to get to know, then you only need to take the initiative once. As long as you take the initiative once, these boys will start to take the initiative to look for you frequently.

But at this time, you must not be asked out easily, nor can you reply to every message. Only in this way can your goddess feeling be maintained.

The next morning, the weather was clear and the sky was blue.

Military training is still going on, and the strong sun makes people feel a little dazed. Tan Shipeng from the school student union brought members of the presidium to the playground to inspect the military training situation. Zhuang Siyu is a senior this year, and after a general election, the position of president of the school student union was handed over to Tan Shipeng. In the words of Brother Peng, my time is coming.

It happened to be during the military training, Brother Peng also made a special appearance, intending to make his presence felt in front of the junior students. He first picked out a few people with earrings, and then reprimanded a few who were whispering in front of them. He was so majestic.

Tan Shipeng himself has such a personality and prefers to show his value and presence in all aspects. In the past, Zhuang Siyu led the team in every activity, and it was difficult for him to do so. Now he finally has a chance to show off his skills.

Freshmen have just arrived in a strange environment and dont understand anything. They are easily intimidated and do not dare to resist at all. On the contrary, they will show expressions of awe and admiration to him, which is simply flattering.

Ten minutes later, Tan Shipeng led the team to the square team of the School of Finance, which happened to be during the intermission.

Qi Qi stretched out her hand and waved, and her eyes lit up when she saw a boy named Qian in the presidium. He immediately said something to Tan Shipeng, and then the entire presidium walked in her direction.

Brother Peng, this is a school girl I just met, named Qi Qi, who wants to join the student union of our school.

Tan Shipeng nodded with his hands behind his back; "Since it was recommended by Lao Qian, there must be no problem with his ability. Let's just recruit him after a short interview."

Seeing this scene, the freshmen around them all showed envious expressions.

Qi Qi was also a little proud. She didn't expect that she would be able to arrange things for the student union today after meeting a senior named Qian last night. Especially when receiving special care in front of so many people, everyone would feel an inexplicable sense of pride.

But at this moment, a group of people came running over to the playground, some holding cameras, some wearing military training uniforms, and one holding a mahogany sword.

Of course, these people are the 208 film crew. They came to the playground to shoot a pseudo-documentary video of "Military Training for Rain". They paid to find the actors in military training uniforms from the drama club. It is said that the whole university could not find the second one. A peerless dramatist.

Sure enough, when Lingling shouted that day, the drama club actress really seemed to be possessed, and the words "wind, rain, come" were comparable to the mighty Tianlong in "Green Snake" It was enough, and everyone in the playground was dumbfounded.

This is a university, right? There are people engaging in such feudal and superstitious things in public. Is this really okay?

The freshmen held their breath, and all eyes were focused on Chairman Tan.

Where does this lunacy come from? You actually do this kind of thing in public and say, Tao Yu, go and stop them, tell them not to leave, and go to the student union office later to explain to me!

Hearing these words, a man named Tao Yu in the presidium stood up and walked towards the 208 film crew, he was so majestic.

Seeing this scene, Guan Wensi couldn't help but lean into Qi Qi's ear: "It's over, that Mr. Jiang with double quotes is going to be in trouble."

Stop calling him a male idol. I dont want to think of that plain face when I meet a male idol in the future. Look, Im getting goosebumps. Qi Qi rubbed her arms with a complaining expression.

The next second, before Tao Yu could reach the house, he suddenly turned around and came back, leaving the freshmen confused.

Why are you back? Tan Shipeng was also a little confused.

Tao Yu pursed his lips and said, "He has a work badge, 208."

Which 208? The one belonging to Jiang Qin?


Tan Shipeng coughed: "Forget it, if you can't afford to offend me, just pretend you didn't see it."

Hearing these words, Qi Qi couldn't help but be startled, thinking to herself, what is going on? Isn't the person in charge of that film crew Jiang Qin? What's wrong with this?

As soon as the idea flashed through her mind, Jiang Qin was as quick as Cao Cao. Wearing Cao Guangyu's big sunglasses on his face, he looked like a tough guy.

At this moment, the Lin Da opera actor who played the role of praying for rain may have gotten up, and his movements became bigger and bigger. The yellow paper charm on the peach wood sword was suddenly thrown off, and flew with the wind, flying from Jiang Qin's eyes. However, it happened to fall in front of the school student union.

Jiang Qin pushed down his sunglasses and showed a surprised expression: "Brother Peng? Long time no see. Brother Peng, can you help me pick up the rain charm?"

Easy to say, easy to say!

Tan Shipeng picked up the yellow paper talisman and ran over, carefully helping to paste it up and smooth it.

After Zhuang Siyu resigned, the connection between the school student union and Jiang Qin was severed. Without the support of this big dog, they would feel uncomfortable every time they solicited sponsorship. How could they not give Jiang Qin a say like they did during the sports meeting? , they took over the entire audience in minutes.

Therefore, Tan Shipeng is eager to have the opportunity to "renew his relationship" with the famous big dog owner in Linchuan.

Feudal superstition?


When other people engage in this kind of thing, it is called feudal superstition. If Jiang Qin engages in this kind of thing, he must be doing business with the Dragon King!

But at this moment, Tan Shipeng's actions made Qi Qi open her mouth wide, her face full of questions and confusion. When she turned to look at Guan Wensi, she found that her best friend's expression was no different from her own.

Senior Tan is the president of the student union of the school. He always leads a group when he goes out. Why is he being bossed around like a little gangster by Jiang Qin?

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