Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 323: Doesn't this make Feng Nanshu crazy?

Chapter 323: Doesn't this make Feng Nanshu crazy?

Chapter 323: Doesnt this scare Feng Nanshu to death?

The founder of Zhihu is actually Mr. Jiang? This is really the first time I know about it.

After a long time, Sun Na's words broke the silence. Everyone woke up from the electric numbness just now, and their thoughts returned to reality. Then you look at me, I look at you, His expression became very subtle.

Especially Jiang Qins news speech continues, overlapping and resonating online and offline, leaving people with a lot to talk about but not knowing where to start.

At this moment, three figures walked in from the door of the cafeteria, namely Jiang Tian, Song Qingqing and Jian Chun.

These three girls had obviously just watched the news broadcast in the school. They were discussing excitedly at this time, and the brilliance and excitement on their faces could hardly be concealed.

Across six or seven rows of dining chairs, Guan Wensi waved and greeted Jiang Tian. Jiang Tian responded politely, then turned and walked towards the window.

I dont have a boyfriend, but my boyfriends name is Jiang Qin.

You asked him how handsome he is? I don't know, but he shines anyway.

Those in the second class of Finance couldn't help but think of the description of Jiang Qin when senior Jiang Tian met for the first time in the first two days of school when everyone asked her about her relationship status.

This description is like a seed buried in everyone's heart. It grows stronger with time and makes people more and more curious about what Jiang Qin is like.

Especially during the military training period, Jiang Tian took a temporary leave to participate in the general election of the student union, and her roommate and best friend Song Qingqing came to take over. This curiosity was once again fueled by the wind.

Is Jiang Tians male **** Jiang Qin? Shit, Jiang Qin is my male god, okay?]

handsome? Handsome is not enough to describe him!

It is because of this kind of "two-party authentication" that these freshmen in the School of Finance hear his name before they meet him. How could they not be curious? Who doesn't want to meet the male dean who wears an LED with him?

Just like Qiao Feng, who brings his own sound system when he appears, his attendance at various martial arts activities will definitely attract the attention of the public.

But to be honest, when Zhang Guangfa pointed out who Jiang Qin was on the playground, many people in the School of Finance were disappointed.

He is of a decent height and a bit comely, but no matter where he is, the Jiang Qin in Jiang Tian and Song Qingqings mouths is far from the glowing male god.

It is this sense of gap that makes people in the School of Finance always have a feeling of disapproval and incomprehension.

The most typical examples are Qi Qi and Guan Wensi. Because they do not agree that Jiang Qin is a male god, they will have an impression of Jiang Qin that matches their own observations based on what they see and feel.

Ordinary and low, but with a kind of self-confidence that makes people laugh.

But when they saw Jiang Qin driving an Audi with one hand, this "impression consistent with their own observations" collapsed again.

People are rich, they drive Audis, and they even opened a milk tea shop in school to do some small business. With the influx of this new information, you can no longer judge people as ordinary and low, and people who drive Audis are still low. ? Go crazy.

And where did the impression of low come from?

They got it when they saw Jiang Qin riding a girls pink electric bike downstairs in the girls dormitory that day.

But I have an Audi, but I havent driven my own car for the time being, and have chosen electric cars to travel. Not to mention its not cheap, and it even seems to be responding to the call of the times to save energy and protect the environment.

Yes, having money can indeed make people ignore their appearance, especially when he is sitting in an Audi. Qi Qi feels that it is not an exaggeration to regard him as a male god.

Especially after Guan Wensi told others about this, everyone in the second finance class agreed that the rich senior Jiang could indeed be regarded as a male **** to a certain extent.

But everyone has actually overlooked one point. When Jiang Tian and Song Qingqing described Jiang Qin, they did not just use the simple word "male god", but added the word "glowing".

But what does it mean to be glowing?

A person's wealth will indeed make him stand out in the same level of appearance, but if you want to be handsome and handsome, some people will still think it is too much. Even if you have money, you can't open your eyes and tell lies.

Didnt Li Bai say it before, An Neng can bend his eyebrows and bend his waist to serve the powerful, which makes me unhappy.

To this day, at this moment, when Jiang Qin appeared on TV in a suit and leather shoes, facing thousands of Linchuan merchants, he was discussing with his words how to promote the economic development of a city, and signed hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars with every move of his hand. After signing the contract, everyone began to understand what it means to be a shining male god.

Being able to shine does not mean what he has, but what he is doing.

Just like when he was on stage right now, he was in his prime, his eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth that were raised inadvertently revealed infinite confidence and strength.

I found out that Senior Sister Jiang and Senior Sister Song did not lie, and Senior Sister Jiang really shines.

Suddenly, I feel that compared with Jiang Qin, those handsome guys who rely on their looks are not so handsome, and instead feel a bit shorter.

Damn it, lets not talk about you girls, even a man like me thinks hes handsome, hes so handsome.

Oh, I suddenly understood. No wonder the things that Senior Jiang took in the playground were all on Zhihu. I thought he was an employee of Zhihu at first.

"This can also explain why Chairman Tan acts like a puppy in front of Jiang Qin. He is already a senior, and even as the president of the student union, it is not easy for him to go out into the society. There is really no shame in hugging someone's legs. "

Whats the matter with the puppy legs and all, theyre inexplicably cute?

At this moment, listening to the comments of the people around her, Qi Qi didn't know why, but she suddenly felt extremely irritable in her heart.

In fact, this kind of irritability has been there since the day before yesterday, because Senior Jiang has never replied since he sent that hello message. Until now, the chat box is still filled with the sentence "Senior Jiang, please sleep." Yet".

Qi Qi felt very uncomfortable, why are you ignoring me, just because you are a shining male god? But everyone also says that I am a goddess.

At the same time, in the girls' dormitory of the School of Finance, Gao Wenhui was coding like crazy at a speed of fifty words per hour, trying to feed readers who didn't know what satisfaction meant. However, as she continued to write, she was suddenly attracted by the website. One post attracted.

Promote industrial upgrading, Jiang Qins first marketing plan signing conference was held

Gao Wenhui was stunned for a moment, then reached out and clicked in. Then he shouted in surprise, attracting everyone in the dormitory to come over and watch.

Here I go, Jiang Qin is in the news? Isnt this guy in a suit and leather suit too handsome?

Gao Wenhui slammed the table: "Looking at this deep gaze and this confident smile, Feng Nanshu is still fascinated to death?"

Fan Shuling shook her head: "It won't make you die, but it will definitely make you cry."

Wang Haini couldn't help but sigh: "Jiang Qin was originally the most handsome in the world in Feng Nanshu's eyes, but now it's even more ruined. He will probably be obsessed with Jiang Qin to death."

Hey, where is Nan Shu?

It seems that he went out to fetch water.

As he was talking, Feng Nanshu returned to the dormitory with his good friend cup, and saw all his roommates turning to look at him. Their cold and cold eyes could not help but become dull and confused, obviously not knowing what was going on.

As a top kneading expert, Gao Wenhui definitely wanted to see Feng Nanshu's reaction, so he immediately pulled her to the computer and played her a short video.

Jiang Qin is going to fascinate me to death. Feng Nanshu said with a cold expression.

Gao Wenhui immediately showed a shocked expression: "The whole video is too long, almost more than three hours. I will send you the URL, and you can watch it yourself."

Okay. The little rich womans eyes were bright.

Over the next three hours, 503 was enveloped in Jiang Qins speech about how he carried out brand marketing, his later promotion plans, and how to promote economic development.

To be honest, for Gao Wenhui, Fan Shuling and Wang Haini, this news is no different from the news broadcast every day on Linchuan TV station. It is only because they know the person who spoke that the news is interesting.

But after they saw Jiang Qin's handsome, calm, and calm appearance as a male god, the content that followed was not very attractive.

But as long as Jiang Qins voice continued, Feng Nanshu really dared to keep looking.

Since seven o'clock in the evening, the little rich woman has been sitting on the chair without moving. Her legs are curled up together, her two snow-white and pink feet are stepping on the edge of the chair, and she is looking at the screen intently. Her eyes are filled with water and water. The light.

Jiang Qin sometimes looks particularly handsome in a certain shot, such as the raised corners of his mouth, such as deliberate pauses, which are all very interesting. Feng Nanshu was so fascinated that he had to rewatch it several times.

She can see the picture, but the roommates around her can only hear the sound, so they often hear half of a sentence being repeated, which is really weird.

In this way, the sound of the meeting continued until about 10:30 in the evening, and the scene finally ended with a burst of applause.

Everyone in 503 breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the conference was really boring, and now it could finally be over.

The next second, the voice welcoming Jiang Qin to the stage came out from Feng Nanshu's computer.

Want to watch it again

Feng Nanshu puffed up her cheeks, as if she had never seen this video before, her eyes full of joy and expectation.

Fan Shuling couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "I didn't expect that Feng Nanshu was also a little devil."

Gao Wenhui nodded in deep agreement: "Even though Feng Nanshu looks like a cold goddess, she will be stunned whenever she meets Jiang Qin."

Nan Shu, let me interview you. How do you feel now? Wang Haini suddenly asked loudly.

Feng Nanshu turned his head and said coldly: "My good friend is about to charm me to death."

Please give me a monthly ticket, dont you hate me for not adding more updates? Hit me to death with your monthly ticket! Smash this **** to death! !

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