Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 429: The situation is very strange

Chapter 429: The situation is very strange

Chapter 429 The situation is very strange

The unknown can make people fearful, so a new opponent is often more terrifying than an old opponent.

Especially when the experience you accumulated in the previous market is completely useless to this new opponent, you will find that you need to follow his ideas to change.

In today's group buying industry, each website has its own style, and only the style of group buying is vague. But today, they finally figured it out. It turns out that the biggest reliance on group buying is their own local pushers.

Everyone in this team has experienced more than three local promotion operations and is familiar with the markets in major first-, second- and third-tier cities.

Anyone is an individual soldier on all terrains.

They gradually merged into teams in other cities along the way of Zhihu promotion, took over the promotion of later group games, and became the small bosses of each team.

When the business in Shanghai started, they were reorganized and returned, as if they were in a deserted land.

This requires very strong scheduling capabilities and very strong command efficiency. No one knows how they do it, and no one knows how they upload and deliver accurately.

But judging from the current situation, this is the only reason why group joining can quickly tear a hole in Shanghai.

When everyone began to understand the opponent, a lot of panic disappeared.

They feel that no matter how strong the group push is, it is still made up of people. Since it is a person, how can it not be tiring?

Even if Pintuan uses its local push army like donkeys, they will never be able to survive such a high-intensity business volume for a week.

Especially as we are far away from university towns and the radius of our business scope has been expanded five times, the local promotion of group joining will definitely not be as wild as before.

Moreover, if the group-building promotion continues to the current location, that place is the key business area of and . Everyone is already prepared, and they will no longer be surprised and helpless.

Fast is awesome, but big is often a fatal condition.

Sneak attack by team-up when everyone is unaware can only work once. When the big websites are prepared, their chances of taking advantage of it will be very few.

Following the current local promotion path of the group, we can arrange a wave of special promotions in nearby business districts.

Although there is a lot of thunder about group buying, if we want to start a price war with us, we will definitely not make any waves.

As long as we interrupt his rhythm and block his path towards the city, he wont be able to hold on for long with his current size.

The game of group buying online is all about consumption. No matter how fast you move in group buying, if you cant withstand the consumption, its still in vain, so I only have four words, so its nothing to be afraid of.

Just in time, lets take advantage of this fixed-point promotion opportunity to train our local promotion team. We must improve efficiency and strike accurately like a group.

After everyone's heated discussions, a sniper team plan was finalized.

In their eyes, those who engage in sneak attacks like Pintuan may really have two skills, but in the face of real money, they can only make thunder and raindrops.

But at this moment, Robin's eyebrows never relaxed. Instead, he looked more deeply at the bustling night outside the window.

A war of attrition...?

At 6:45 pm, the Shanghai branch finished its meeting and then dispersed. Cui Yiting left the branch office, took a taxi back to the hotel, and couldn't help but sigh.

Having a great vacation, I didnt go anywhere I wanted to go, nor did I do anything I wanted to do. As a result, I left in a hurry and came back in a hurry, which is really annoying.

She took off her makeup, changed her clothes, opened her notebook, and clicked on the group chat of Xixin Group.

Although the website was acquired, the Suixin Tuan group has not been disbanded. She, Zhou Zhenhao and Ye Ziqing often chat about industry matters in the group. After all, the three scoundrels will be better than Zhuge Liang.

In five days, the group has opened a business area in Shanghai, and we almost didnt even realize it..."

Their local promotion team is very strong.

When Suixin Tuan entered the Shanghai market, there were no competitors, but the speed could not keep up with the current group sales.

You say...can anyone really be fully prepared for the end of 2010 in 2009?

After hearing this, Zhou Zhenhao immediately shouted that it was impossible, it was impossible, and it was impossible to say anything.

For those doing business, a long-term vision is a basic element, but manpower is limited. When he started Zhihu in 2009, he was already preparing for the battle at the end of 2010. That's not because he has a long-term vision, but because he knows the art of prophecy. .

If that guy can really see this far, then everyone should stop playing and just give up the market.

Zhou Zhenhao didnt know why. Although he didnt have much contact with Jiang Qin, he still annoyed others to mythologize Jiang Qin. This may be because when Suixin Group encountered the biggest difficulty, Ye Ziqing did not choose to believe him, but called Jiang Qin for advice. Bar.

When he recalled this incident, he felt like he had been greened.

Why should I mythologise that guy? Did he do any amazing feats? In one surprise attack, the market won is not as big as when Suixin Group collapsed, right?

Dont myth your opponents, this is to build up other peoples ambitions and destroy your own prestige!

Zhou Zhenhao specifically used an exclamation point, as if to express his dissatisfaction.

Thats right, but Jiang Qin is really stuck in time. I didnt even finish my vacation and came back in a hurry. I didnt even have dinner today and worked overtime for meetings.

He has to do business in conjunction with your holidays? Thats a good idea.

Cui Yiting pursed her lips and continued typing with both hands: "Actually, I regret coming to Shanghai. I feel like there is a shadow in my heart. Although I have a big mountain like LaShou at my back, every time there is a rival competing for the market, I still have ten thoughts. The feeling of powerlessness in January." Zhou Zhenhao immediately replied: "Yiting, you are worrying too much. What was the situation of Sui Xin Group at that time? It was La Shou and Nuomi who were eyeing each other. Now it is just a group fight, it is too easy."

Thats true

Zhou Zhenhao and Cui Yiting have both joined the team, and their identities and camps have also changed.

For the failure of the arbitrary group, they can already talk about it naturally, and even have no previous defeat and loss, but Ye Ziqing is different.

She is a competitive woman herself, and she did not join the team in the later stage, and her mentality is still on the Suixin Tuan side, so from her perspective, she cannot accept the failure of the two people teasing the Suixin Tuan.

So after a few minutes, Ye Ziqing bluntly said that he was feeling sleepy, then his face turned gray and he left the group chat.

and are now well prepared and plan to use price wars to ensure that TuanTuan Kong has contracted merchants, but they are unable to win over consumers.

Such behavior is actually the same as LaShou Nuomi teaming up to deal with Suixin Tuan.

No one can withstand the consumption of two giant group buying websites. This is why rich people will become richer and richer, but people who have no money will become less and less rich.

It doesn't matter whether it starts smoothly or not. This is the truth she summed up when doing the Xixin group.

But what happened next was far beyond everyones expectations.

On the sixth day of Shanghai promotion, the speed is still the same, and a shopping mall with many surrounding companies has been signed, expanding the second market.

This time, Jiang Qin personally led a team to discuss business with the mall manager.

No one knows what they talked about or how much they paid, but their cooperation was indeed finalized. This is the first real complete business district that Pintuan has obtained after the University Town.

As the marketing manager of the Shanghai branch, Cui Yiting and the marketing department have already prepared the event, but have never received funds.

Its been a long time since I looked at the group buying market from an overall perspective. I found that we have all overlooked one problem, that is, everyone is out of money.

and jointly sanctioned Suixin Tuan, but their own consumption was also huge.

Now they have put all the remaining funds in the sinking market, planning to expand to more cities and obtain the next round of financing. Only by raising more financing than their opponents can they ensure that they can win all the way.

If...if funds are withdrawn at this time and subsidies are provided to the Shanghai market, other markets will be stretched thin and business will stagnate.

Yiting, he didnt come to develop his career while you were on vacation. He calculated the weakness period of the fourth round correctly.

"The group buying industry has developed to this point, and the investment structure has become quite complicated. Incompetent capital has stopped following, capable venture capital institutions have become cautious, and the more capable ones are still waiting and watching. This time, who can't bear it? Whoever lives first loses."

Moreover, if I were the boss of LaShou.com, I would feel that group-building is not a thing now and it is not worth disrupting the later layout.

The fact is, as everyone has been discussing, Robin did not receive cash flow support at the first time, and their planned activities were temporarily shelved.

On the contrary, the second and third tier markets have stepped up their pace of development, even surrounding counties and cities. Pintuan's business in second and third tier cities has indeed been severely impacted.

You went to the rear to steal a house? interesting.

Then the second and third tier markets are in the market, so dont want them!

As a result, Pintuan settled in Shanghai, but the real competition was moved to the second-tier market.

In just one week, Tuan Tuans market share in the second-tier market has dropped by about 20%.

All websites are preparing for the final sprint, and they must use the most eye-catching results to open up a bright future after the new year.

This outstanding achievement does not mean, eh, I have stabilized the Shanghai market, but rather how many cities my website now serves.

We want to replace their first-tier cities with second-tier cities!

At this moment, what Jiang Qin said in April became a prophecy.

As a result, the entire market situation became very strange, strangely irrational, but also very reasonable.

Six months ago, Pintuan won the second and third tier markets at the lowest cost and is waiting for everyone on the road.

Half a year later, they turned their guns and once again avoided the main battle zone, capturing the market that Suixin Group had tried their best to protect at the lowest cost.

People feel that group buying is slow, and it has been more than half a year since group buying started, and it is only then that it becomes useful.

Seeing this scene, people realized that, damn, it turns out that group-building has always been ahead of everyone!

Of course, Lashou and Nuomi will not allow Pintuan to mess around in their own territory.

Robin and the head of Nuomi.com's sub-site Changsong did not get the funds, but they received a call from their boss. Although the two bosses had not discussed it, their speaking styles were unexpectedly similar.

When doing group buying, it is certain to spend money, but we cannot spend money repeatedly in one market.

Besides, if you dont have money, you wont be able to do the market? Then what's the use of me raising you?

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