Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 461: Clear the battlefield

Chapter 461: Clear the battlefield

Chapter 461 Clearing the battlefield

After the New Year, Kyoto ushered in a snowfall, 24 tickets, full online...

Websites that are capable of obtaining financing are all in place on this snowy day, as if a knight has polished his sword and is waiting for the charge of winter.

At this time, the group buying market has been saturated, most cities have been developed, the era of barbaric and extensive expansion is over, and fighting against each other has become the main theme of this period.

In the early days of the group buying war, this market was still a vast blue ocean, and you could do whatever you wanted.

This city has rivals, right? Then I'll turn around and go to the next city. Anyway, China is so big, there can't be a place without me.

But so far, the market has become so crowded that the entire industry has become red. If you want to win a bright future, defeating your opponents is the most important thing.

The handle to obtain funds quickly became stronger. Advertising was everywhere overnight. It instantly regained the business area lost to Dianping, forming a confrontation with this established life service network.

To be honest, Im tired of eating all kinds of delicacies.

The price is too cheap, it feels like you are spoiled for choice.

Group buying gives me the illusion that prices are back to what they were ten years ago.

A financial newspaper interviewed several passers-by at random about the third round of madness on the group-buying website. On the streets where the snow had not yet melted, everyone was smiling as if they had found something.

Someone else told the media that he had stocked up on 30 dinner coupons at the beginning of this month and planned to go out to spend money every day. The pots and pans at home had not been touched for a month.

However, the third round of money-burning war is different from the first round.

At this stage, most websites have accumulated rich experience and learned lessons from failures.

They know that money has to be burned, but they must not burn it on their heads like before.

Because the only result of burning the market head-on is that both sides will suffer losses, and then the oriole hiding behind will benefit.

Just like LaShou and Dianping, the two giants faced each other for the first time, and their market share reached a 50-50 split.

s hotel and shopping channels have the upper hand, while Dazhong focuses on food and in-store services. The integration and intersection of the two markets has reached a bottleneck, and no one can go further.

Hence, the second stage of the match against Taiwan became a battle to clear the battlefield.

The principle of clearing the battlefield is very simple. To put it bluntly, you need to free up your energy first, clear away the miscellaneous soldiers around you, unify the market in the city, expand the living territory under your feet, fill the gaps, and avoid being taken advantage of.

What are the benefits of a unified market?

The advantage is that when there are no competitors in an urban area, many things can be decided by oneself.

There is no need to compete with anyone who offers the best discount, and there is no need to send money to consumers. I am the only one who sells this thing, and it is not up to me to say how much it is.

In the past, a meal for three people could feed three big eaters, but now two people need a group coupon for three people to eat. This is actually a disguised version of leek harvesting.

After determining this strategic layout, city managers took the funds and returned to the cities where they were stationed, and began to study strategic countermeasures.

When the eldest brother and the second child fight, it is the third child who dies. This is a truth.

Many group-buying websites that were regarded as **** were in danger during this period, because in the face of the bursting pockets of industry overlords, they found that they seemed to have only two options: to survive until bankruptcy, or to choose to be acquired.

At the beginning of the year, at the peak of the group buying industry, there were more than 6,000 large and small group buying websites.

At the end of the year, there will be a capital war in the group buying industry, and only double digits will survive.

In this purge plan, the gang members are also among the targets to be purged.

January 27, Yang Xueyu returned to Shanghai, holding in his hand a calligraphy work given to him by Robin, called Kai Kai De Sheng Sheng.

Subsequently, the Shanghai branch of held a collective meeting on clearing the battlefield.

Taken down Pintuan, acquires Pintuan, takes over their in-depth cooperative users, and turns around to give Nuomi a fatal blow. In this way, the Shanghai market will be unified.

At the same time, s Shanghai branch, Changsongsong also held a strategy meeting.

Taken down Pintuan, acquire Pintuan, take over their in-depth cooperative users, and then give the final blow. In this way, the market in Shanghai will be unified.

So, everyone worked overtime and started making plans, and everyone was as excited as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Its too difficult, really too difficult.

From November to New Years Day, they were bullied by group members.

This small website obviously doesnt have much money in hand, but it makes them breathless. Now, they can finally pay back the beating they have received.

Our time is very tight, three days, each departments plan must be finalized.

is also eyeing the game now. Their desire to join the team is no less than ours. At this stage, everyone must concentrate 100% of their energy.

Think about the time when the group group entered Shanghai, think about the New Years Day promotion of the group group, this time, give back everything that is due!

Song Yaqian was sitting on the left hand seat. Listening to Yang Xueyu's orders, she couldn't help but think of the man who had his hands in his pockets and didn't know what his opponent was.

Jiang Qin has relied on his own efforts to support the group buying market in the former wolf and the latter tiger, and it is really strong now.

He proved his talent and set a new height for college students to start their own businesses. However, faced with the bombardment of real money, that was the end of it...


Mr. Yang, please tell me.

Yang Xueyu looked at Song Yaqian: "Manager Cui's side doesn't have enough manpower. You have done marketing work for group buying websites before, so go over and help."

Song Yaqian turned to look at Cui Yiting: "Manager Cui, please give me some advice."

Lets learn from each other. Cui Yiting smiled slightly. She knew that Yang Xueyu had always doubted her ability and was very dissatisfied with her plan. At this juncture, she sent Song Yaqian here to keep an eye on her.

But it doesnt matter, this time, she will use group joining to prove her worth.

Subsequently, Nuomi and Lashou entered a tireless mode. Everyone was working overtime to discuss strategies and plans, and plan all steps as perfectly as possible.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Cui Yiting finished writing the first version of the event plan, stretched out, and opened the group of three people.

The horn of charge has been sounded.

Mr. Yang gave us a military order and only gave us three days. Everyone at our branch is working overtime to formulate a strategy for encirclement and suppression. In three days, the Shanghai market will be completely wiped out.

Zhou Zhenhao immediately came out: "I have applied for a job transfer and will go to Shanghai to help immediately."

Cui Yiting was a little surprised: "When?"

Itll be tomorrow morning, I cant wait to see the results!

Zhou Zhenhao has actually been looking forward to the collapse of the group during this period because he has an inexplicable feeling of hatred towards Jiang Qin.

This may be because when Sui Xin Tuan was facing difficulties, Ye Ziqing insisted on asking Jiang Qin for advice, which made him feel a little slighted and offended.

The most important thing is that the background of Suixin Tuan is similar to that of group grouping, and the development path is almost the same. They all started in second-tier cities and settled in Shanghai as their first stop. Moreover, the funds for group grouping may not be as large as Suixin Tuan.

Hence, the more successful Jiang Qin is, the more he will appear to be a failure.

From November to now, Zhou Zhenhao has been diving because Jiang Qin was so eye-catching during this period.

Now, he cant wait to go to Shanghai to witness this history with his own eyes.

At the same time, at the Shanghai branch of the group tour, everyone was gathering together to eat mutton hot pot on a cold winter night.

This mutton is not a mutton roll, but a large piece of mutton with skin. I bought it at half price on . The mutton has been cooked in a pressure cooker before the hot pot. The skin is soft and the meat is rotten. It is juicy and juicy when you take a bite. , the lips and teeth are fragrant.

Everyone was enjoying the plump mutton, saying that it was so comfortable to work overtime like this, and they would come back if they wanted more!

Senior sister.

Mr. Tan, whats wrong?

Tan Qing put down his chopsticks and looked at Ye Ziqing: "The boss asked me to ask you, what is LaShou.com doing now?"

Ye Ziqing took out a tissue and wiped his mouth: "They held a city manager meeting yesterday and have returned with funds today. They are studying a plan to clear the battlefield. Team building is their first goal. I think we should also announce the financing. News.

"Let them hold meetings for two more days. After they work crazy overtime and rack their brains to come up with the most perfect plan, we will tell them that we have plenty of money."

Ye Ziqing took a deep breath: "You and my junior are quite similar."

Tan Qing smiled slightly: "It's all taught well by the boss."

After finishing the mutton hot pot, the employees at the sub-station went home one after another. Ye Ziqing also put on her bag and walked to the apartment. She did not choose the subway or take a taxi, but walked step by step in Shanghai. On the street, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

She failed in a chaotic battle and left. After joining the group, she discovered that it was the most chaotic battlefield that had the brightest hope.

But maybe it was fate that relieved her. When Ye Ziqing walked to a cafe, she met Cui Yiting who had just walked to the door.


Yiting, long time no see.

Cui Yiting had just finished her office work and came out of the branch. She was shocked when she saw Ye Ziqing.

Because in her impression, Ye Ziqing returned to Linchuan in October and vowed never to do group buying again. She had no idea that he would suddenly appear in Shanghai.

Are you here for a trip?

No, I...I joined the group.

Ye Ziqing pursed his lips and did not hide it anymore.

In fact, she couldn't tell a lie at this moment, because it was her character.

Just like when Suixin Tuan copied the structure and model of group buying, she could pretend that she didnt know, but when she faced Jiang Qin at the group buying conference, she couldnt openly say that Sui Xin Tuan was the first group buying company.

After joining the group, Jiang Qin asked her not to leave the group, and she did so. However, when faced with Cui Yiting's questioning, she could not hide her current situation.

Human being is such a complex individual, going back and forth, confronting himself, and struggling desperately.

Ye Ziqing felt that Jiang Qin might have seen her like this, so he bluntly said that she could not be a qualified leader.

You joined the group fight? Cui Yiting was in disbelief.

Ye Ziqing nodded: "Yeah."

Two urban beauties stood on the street on a cold night, looking at each other with the orange light shining all over them in front of the cafe door.

Why do you want to join a group fight? Do you think you can win in a group fight?

Are you kidding me...

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