Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 475: The group fight is panicking!

Chapter 475: The group fight is panicking!

Chapter 475: The group fight is panicking!

During the Qingming Festival, after the light rains have passed, the last coolness of early spring fades away, and the temperature begins to become very pleasant.

Jiang Qin has been in Shanghai for five days. He first registered a Shanghai branch called Pintuan Network Technology, and then went to visit Feng Nanshus uncle and aunt.

The last thing left at this time is to watch the group gis service go online.

This service was prepared by Group Buying United Co., Ltd. and took half a year. After it is launched, users can check the location of merchants in real time, as well as the fastest way to get there, and provide route guidance. It is considered a major technological innovation in the history of group buying websites. .

At the same time, this is also Goode's first step into the commercial field, and both companies attach great importance to this.

As the largest business area for group sharing, the Shanghai branch is the first online pilot of this service. Gaode specially sent a technical team here, and Jiang Qin, as the boss, was also present in person.

From the perspective of uninformed outsiders, Jiang Qins sudden arrival in Shanghai was to deal with the crisis in Volkswagens plan to lay out Shanghai, which was equivalent to a personal military expedition.

The chariot's personal expedition means that the group is a little panicked, so that the boss has to go out in person to boost morale.

Good morning, Mr. Luo.

Good morning, Mr. Jiang, have you had breakfast? Do you want to eat something together?

In the early morning of April 6, Robin just came out of the Hilton suite and met Jiang Qin in the corridor.

He was not surprised at all, because this shameless Mr. Jiang had bought their tickets last time, used their half-price discount to live in Shanghai for half a month, and then ate up their market in Shanghai.

But this time, Robin wasn't angry.


Because the public is competing for the Shanghai market.

Although and Volkswagen have deep grievances, it is a competition between companies.

For Robin, Jiang Qin, the person who used their coupons, used their discounts, and ate up their market share, was the biggest shadow in his heart.

So when he thought about the crisis that the group would encounter next, Robin couldn't help but feel a sense of joy from the bottom of his heart.

It's like a warrior A fighting with a god. He lost to despair and couldn't even raise his strength. But suddenly one day, a more powerful warrior B appeared and stabbed the **** with a sword.

Warrior A is ecstatic. Although the victory does not belong to him, he will shout to the gods. It turns out that you will also be injured. You bear the name of gods, but you are actually a mortal body, right? Then the shadows dissipated from my heart, and my state reached a higher level.

However, upon hearing Robin's invitation, Jiang Qin, who likes free sex, surprisingly waved his hand.

I wont have breakfast. Thank you Mr. Luo for the invitation. I just have some things to do at the branch station.

Busy, everyone is busy, its better to be busy.

Robin showed a full smile, stepped into the elevator with Jiang Qin, and arrived at the first floor.

In his opinion, Jiang Qin's current calm appearance may be hiding an anxious heart. He is as anxious as he was when he was attacked by a group at the end of last year. Otherwise, how could he not enjoy the free buffet breakfast? eat!

Soon, the elevator reached the first floor. Cui Yiting, wearing a khaki windbreaker, was already waiting in the lobby, bowing slightly towards the two people.

Mr. Jiang, Mr. Luo, good morning.

If it was half a year ago, Cui Yiting would never be willing to bow to Jiang Qin. First of all, he was young, and secondly, he was nothing.

But bowing at this moment, Cui Yiting no longer has any burden in her heart, because whether it is skill or control, all the impressions Jiang Qin brings to the Shanghai market are enough to make people ignore his age.

Good morning, Manager Cui, you are getting more and more beautiful.

Mr. Jiang has given me the award.

Jiang Qin smiled slightly, exchanged greetings with Cui Yiting, and then left the hotel first.

Cui Yiting looked at Robin: "Why do I feel that Jiang Qin's expression is quite relaxed?"

"Relaxation is shown to the people under his command. After all, he is the commander of the army himself. He must have this kind of momentum that even if tens of thousands of people go there, otherwise the morale of the army will be shaken."

Dazhong and Tuan Tuan are very similar in some respects. Its review list is very similar to Tuan Tuans food list. In addition, Dazhong was also a website that did not finish until the third round, and it was also very energetic.

The most important point is that Volkswagen has also made the handles very messy, and its strength is unfathomable.

The most frightening thing is that they have Tencent as their backing, and funds will be continuously replenished, and there will never be a moment of exhaustion.

There is no doubt that among two such similar companies, only the strongest one will remain.

In fact, it is not just Luo Ping who thinks so, many people in the industry also speculate this.

Dazhong has been running a daily life service website for five years. The team is inherently more mature and more capable than other websites. It is only a matter of time before we win.

What will happen to this market in the end? Pintuan, Lashou and Nuomi were completely cleared, and the entire business area was monopolized by the public. The three-legged situation ended here.

If it really turns out to be like this in the end, Nuomi will be hit hard first, the southern route will be cut off again, like an earthworm being chopped into three sections, and Lashou will be suppressed again, it is very likely that the trust of the capital side will be lost, and as for group joining, it will be difficult again. .


Because Shanghai is the main battlefield for group building, apart from here, they only have one Shenzhen market and some second and third tier markets where business has shrunk.

In addition to receiving 180 million yuan in financing, the group cannot even squeeze into the first echelon.

At this moment, within Volkswagen, the strategic decision on the Shanghai plan has been finalized. Their life service platform itself started in Shanghai and gradually spread across the country. For them, conquering the group buying market in Shanghai is completely within their reach.

However, the person they paid to recruit, Mr. Yang Xueyu, was very troubled at this time.

The public poached him because he had worked on the group buying market in Shanghai and had an old relationship with the Lashou team. They not only wanted to take market share, but also wanted to take over the Lashou team and expand their own scale.

But Yang Xueyu refused in every possible way and said he was unwilling to go back.

Just kidding, why did I change jobs? I just dont want to be overwhelmed by the group fight, but you want me to go back now? Is that true?

But Yang Xueyu was a laborer after all, and his arms couldn't twist his thighs, so he was forced to volunteer in the end, but this time the person in charge was not him, but Chen Jiaxin, a woman nicknamed the Iron Lady.

She is the hero of the public's layout in Kyoto, and her subordinates are all elites. Like Kang Jingtao of , she is very good at fast battles.

What are the publics requirements for Shanghai? Enter quickly, dominate quickly, and clear the field quickly.

After the decision-making meeting, everyone immediately set off and rushed to the airport, and Yang Xueyu also met Volkswagen's iron lady, Chen Jiaxin, for the first time.

Mr. Chen, Im Yang Xueyu. I just came to the company. Please give me some advice.


Chen Jiaxin glanced at him and nodded lightly. Without saying anything, she turned around and got on the plane.

Seeing this scene, Yang Xueyu was a little embarrassed. He stood in the boarding channel and kept grinning, a little unclear about the other party's temper.

Dont be offended, Mr. Yang, Mr. Chen actually looks down on men.


Nuomi.com also has a poached employee named Jiang Peipei, who was once the operations manager under Chang Changsong. He came earlier than Yang Xueyu and has a deeper understanding of Chen Jiaxin.

Jiang Peipei explained in a low voice: "Mr. Chen was born in a very patriarchal family. She was divorced twice and suffered a lot, so she would never allow herself to lose to a man."

Yang Xueyu opened his mouth: "Can it still be like this?"

Why dont we call her the Iron Lady?

The plane took off, climbed to the predetermined altitude, and then entered a gentle cruising stage, and everyone began to eat.

Yang Xueyu found that the three male managers who came with the team had followed him and squatted at Chen Jiaxin's feet with small notebooks in hand. However, Mr. Chen, known as the Iron Lady, actually started to hold a meeting for them in such a condescending manner.

Yang Xueyu pulled the blanket up and pretended not to see it, but in fact he was listening carefully.

I have to say that Mr. Chen is indeed a practical person. She figured out all the Shanghai market in a few words and even made a detailed layout for all details.

The three male managers squatting next to him were silent and kept taking notes, like servants.

It seems that this Chen Jiaxin is indeed a ruthless person...

Yang Xueyu muttered silently in his heart, and then fell into sleep.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the plane arrived in Shanghai and the group checked into the Hilton Hotel.

They plan to deploy from the central business district of Pudong, so living nearby is the most suitable.

Back to a familiar place, a familiar lobby, Yang Xueyu's scalp felt numb, and he thought to himself, given Jiang Qin's dog-like personality, he must have lived here, and maybe the two sides could bump into each other.

The most important thing is that this is the territory of his old club. If they bump into each other, it will be really embarrassing.

Oh, by the way, Lashou.com has coupons for this hotel.


Yang Xueyu came back to his senses and gave a kind reminder, but it attracted countless people's side glances, and there seemed to be some unbelievable smiles in their eyes.

Chen Jiaxin said with a cold expression: "The team's food and accommodation are reimbursed by the company, so Mr. Yang doesn't need to worry about it."

"All right."

Yang Xueyu also felt that he was a bit stupid. This is the public, not the shameless company like Pintuan.

Every business trip is fully reimbursed, unlike that group of people who collect the opponent's wool as part of the performance. I heard that if you collect more, you will be given a bonus, which is simply unheard of.

"After everyone has checked in, please go back to your room to rest. After dinner at six o'clock in the afternoon, everyone will come to my room for a meeting. We will start taking action tomorrow."

Okay, Mr. Chen.

After Chen Jiaxin finished speaking, she looked at the more handsome of the three managers: "Zhang Zhang, come to my room after you put down your luggage."

OkayOkay, Mr. Chen. Zhang Zhang pursed his lips and nodded.

(Family members, monthly tickets...)

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