Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 478: Attack from the front, close to the face and open wide

Chapter 478: Attack from the front, close to the face and open wide

Chapter 478: Attack from the front, close to the face and open up

The Internet trend is the biggest opportunity after the millennium, because mobile networks have changed everyones lives and also changed the market ecology, causing all the old and already congested tracks to be refreshed.

Mobile phones, communications, social networking, retail, service industry, transportation, trade, finance...

The so-called Internet+ means that the combination of the Internet and any industrial chain can produce wonderful reactions and become a new blue ocean.

In April last year, Wei Lanlan went to Kyoto on behalf of the group and contacted the person in charge of Gaode. In fact, he orally described the future that Jiang Qin had described for them.

When mobile smart devices are fully popularized, how much room will there be for traditional car navigation to survive?

Open map services will be the first to enter the market during the explosive growth of Internet users, and we will be the ones to formulate future industry rules.

Group buying, logistics, travel, taxi hailing, takeout...

Merchant information will be pushed out by Pin Tuan while processing, and front-end data will be collected and imported into the database. You will quickly follow up on the technical aspects to form a complete map application.

With two swords combined, who can fight us?


That night, the person in charge of receiving the group business group was Cheng Jun, one of the founders of Gaode Company. He had trouble sleeping for a long time that night, almost staring at the ceiling until dawn.

To be honest, group buying was still unknown at that time, and it was not even as famous as Zhihu. After all, a group buying website in a second-tier city was simply not on the same level as an industry with such a high ceiling.

If you want to enter the Internet field, you can definitely choose a better partner if the price is high enough.

Alibaba or Tencent, either one will do.

But the next morning, Cheng Jun still defied all opinions at the shareholders meeting and chose to cooperate with Pintuan.


Because if someone said it before, I can see that in the next twenty years, Cheng Jun felt that this was definitely a **** liar.

But the boss in Miss Wei's words really made him see the changes of the times in the past twenty years in his words, and none of them were empty words.

To put it simply, the application of map software is magnificent under their description, and it seems to explode like bragging, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that everything can be realized.

Just saying something awesome is an era. This is the most terrifying thing.

At the current stage of company transformation, direction is extremely important. Often a single wrong decision will lead to the loss of everything. Such a leader is definitely rare.

And Gao De has always been the leader in the map service industry. They have no opponent at all, so what if they take a gamble?

As a result, Amap opened the API and established a dedicated technical team. It took a full year to create an unparalleled sword for the group-building business.

And the boss Jiang did not disappoint him. From the university town group buying website to the first echelon of the national market, Cheng Jun had never seen Jiang Qin, but he could see a figure with thunderous skills and twenty-year foresight.

Hey, has the group buying been updated? Now you can even check the distance between stores!

"real or fake?"

Really, look, it also provides route guidance. Holy shit, there are five-star stores with good reviews around us?

Damn it, Ive wanted to give you some advice for a long time. What kind of discounts do those websites offer every day? Can you figure out the location? I went to eat yesterday and my words were worn out just asking for directions.

Hey, why dont you try this nearby five-star store at noon? Its just uphill at the back. You can get half an hour more nap after you have a meal!

But I grabbed the Dianping coupon yesterday and its still not used.

Those coupons only expire in a month, and the distance is not close. I wont even have time to take a nap if I go there. Lets try the group-joining function at noon today to see if it works!

Starting from 11 o'clock at noon, group sales began to surge, like riding a rocket.

Many people didnt want the discount, but just wanted to experience the group service. Even some people who brought their own meals couldnt help but join in the fun.

Correspondingly, the number of visits to Dianping has dropped sharply.

The VW team who temporarily rented Hilton's conference hall on the fifth floor as an office looked at the group-joining home page on the screen. Everyone felt the chill of approaching winter, which was cold and biting.

Yang Xueyu was the first to resume thinking. Nothing else. He was used to it.

He himself has a very terrible psychological prediction about Jiang Qin, so he will not be unable to bear it at this time.

But even so, his scalp was still numb and numb.

He has experienced the New Year's Day promotions and New Year's Day sales of group buying, and has witnessed many shady operations of group buying, whether it is using free tour buses to link business districts, or using financing news to interrupt the opponent's layout and force everyone to temporarily modify the plan, those The layout is very subtle.

But the things mentioned above are not beyond the scope of the times. They cannot bear it, but they can still endure it.

Then this time, the team fight was a head-on attack, directly confronting each other, drawing an insurmountable gap in front of all opponents.

Looking back on this week, Volkswagen settled in the company with high profile, signed contracts with high profile, and launched business with high profile. Looking at today, someone stabbed his heart with a knife, and he suddenly seemed to see a sneer on the corner of Jiang Qin's mouth.

I can allow you to run thirty-nine meters on Shanghai first.

So, Dianping rushed forward with all its strength, and at this moment, Jiang Qin reached out and calmly took out a 40-meter-long sword...

Yang Xueyu took a deep breath and turned to look at Chen Jiaxin, wondering what the reaction would be of this proud and strong lady who thought all men were useless.

To his surprise, Chen Jiaxin didn't have any panic expression, and even her expression remained stern.She is indeed an iron lady, she is really a woman who cannot be inferior to other women...

Yang Xueyu asked himself that he couldn't do it. He was already stunned by the impact and couldn't find any way to break the situation.

Call me the technical team.

Okay, Mr. Chen.

Zhang Li stepped out of the conference room and called the technical team, while Chen Jiaxin drank tea in silence, still not panicking.

After a while, everyone in the technical team arrived and took their seats.

Chen Jiaxin handed the projection remote control to Zhang Li. When the technical team finished reading it, their reaction was almost the same as that of everyone else present. They all had their mouths wide open and their expressions were confused.

Give you a month and make me an exact replica. It will be more convenient than them.

As for the next month, we will slow down and stop making high-intensity discounts for the time being. We will focus on developing key merchants, enrich our review list, and increase the value of our rankings.

One month later, we will promote online and offline, conduct online activities and offline physical advertising, and strive to capture 50% of the area before May Day.

After speaking, Chen Jiaxin looked at the screen again: "He actually started to resist, which is kind of interesting."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole place fell into silence, especially the technicians. Everyone was so **** stupid.

Why dont you speak?

Mr. Chen... we cant handle this.

Chen Jiaxin's expression changed slightly: "Just a map, a distance display, and a few more lines. Can't you do such a simple thing?"

The leader of the technical team stood up: "First of all, this requires technical support from a partner that provides GIS services. In addition, the collection and application of merchant information is also very troublesome. We need a large number of local promotion personnel."


Yang Xueyu covered his face, thinking that she was so calm and composed because of the confidence in her heart, but it turned out that she didn't understand this thing at all.

Chen Jiaxin's expression wrinkled: "I don't care about this, just tell me how long it will take to make something like this?"

If the partners are finalized and the manpower is sufficient, it will take about a year.

"What? One year, the winner has been determined long ago, I will give you three months at most."

The Iron Lady has a very strong leadership ability and a fierce playing style, but she is not sensitive to technology at all, so she does not realize the seriousness of the problem. She only thinks that if others can do it, why can't we do it?

The team leader of the technical department wanted to die. He thought, "Why don't I resign?"

But before he could speak, Zhang Li hurriedly walked in with his cell phone, leaned into Chen Jiaxin's ear and whispered.

Mr. Chen, the boss is here with his team.

Nonsense, whats the boss doing here?

PinTuans update has alarmed the companys senior management.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the boss of Dianping arrived at the Hilton. He did not come alone, but brought all the senior executives with him. His expression was so serious that he even knitted his eyebrows together, as if facing a formidable enemy.

They first randomly tested several locations based on the group service. The more they tested, the more solemn their expressions became, as if the end of the world was coming.

Until this moment, Chen Jiaxin realized that the group fight was not a new function similar to the [Points System], but a sword to kill the immortal.

Contact this company called Gaode. No matter the cost, we must negotiate.

Mr. Zhang, we have contacted you on the way here. Gao Defang replied that although the technology is provided by them, the database was built by a team and they do not have permission.

"Then continue to think of a way. No matter what, we must catch up, otherwise there will be a dead end!"

The boss team did not stay overnight in Shanghai and left immediately, leaving only Chen Jiaxins team in silence.

Is this thing about group updates so deadly?

Mr. Chen, you can understand the difference between paper airplanes and remote control airplanes.

Yang Xueyu explained it to Chen Jiaxin in an easy-to-understand way, and then clicked on the group-buying website. After looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but frown.

He can understand the map service, but what does this group function that is updated along with the map service do?

Could it be that Jiang Qin's sword... is eighty meters long?

(Please give me a monthly pass, so that my colleagues next door dont see it and think Ive made a mistake and havent updated enough)

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