Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 489: Is the supervisor going to be poached?

Chapter 489: Is the supervisor going to be poached?

Chapter 489: Is the supervisor going to be poached?

China has a vast territory and abundant resources. The customs and customs of the north and the south are very different, which leads to differences in the market environment.

The purpose of setting up a local team in the group is to localize the combination and avoid the barriers caused by acclimatization. Therefore, the managers in charge of the market business are basically locals, or elites with considerable business experience in the local area.

Jiang Qin uses a rotating airborne team to manage the local team. On the one hand, it is for the efficiency of uploading and distributing, and on the other hand, it is also to avoid following the old path of Suixin Group and 24 Coupon.

But a wise man will always be careful about something.

The airborne guards can indeed carry out Jiang Qin's orders efficiently, but they cannot be as close to the local team as they are.

This is an opportunity for Kang Jingtao.

In the early morning of the May Day holiday, after the gis service was launched, the feedback from the Shenzhen market was very good. Judging from the number of registrations and daily activity statistics, it was only a matter of time before it took over the entire market.

So Xu Kaixuan discussed with Guan Shen, Dai Zhitao and Xing Xiangming, and planned to strike while the iron was hot and spread the daily special offer business.

Because this task required the cooperation of the entire marketing department, Xu Kaixuan called Song Xiong, the manager of the marketing department, at noon and made an appointment with him for a meeting. However, two hours after the agreed time, there was still no response. I saw someone coming.

Song Xiong has been a little strange lately.

Xing Xiangming became more and more irritated as he waited. He couldn't help but say something, but immediately kept silent. He felt that it was not good to say bad things about people behind their backs.

What he didn't expect was that Dai Zhitao nodded after listening: "Indeed, I feel that he doesn't care much about the marketing department's business anymore. He actually left three hours early yesterday."

Let me make a phone call to urge you.

Xu Kaixuan stood up, took out his phone, and called Song Xiong outside the conference room, asking him to come over quickly.

Half an hour later, Song Xiong finally came, but he smelled of alcohol and looked like he had drank a lot. He was still swaying a little while standing there.

Manager Song, I remember I informed you at noon that there will be a meeting in the afternoon, right?

Yesterday, a friend asked me to drink together, and I accidentally drank too much. Dont mind, Manager Xu, Im here right now.

Xu Kaixuan originally wanted to scold him a few more times, but thinking that the daily specials required even this guy, he could only bear it: "Go in first, it won't be the same next time."

Song Xiong nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I will definitely not do it next time."

Xu Kaixuan didn't say anything, and immediately held a meeting, laid out the previously prepared plan, discussed the details of the process, and also explained the location of the land distribution points.

Song Xiong listened silently until the end and said, "Manager Xu, there is no problem in pushing the ground, but I don't have enough people."

Not enough people?

The two supervisors in charge of Longhua resigned some time ago. There is no one to lead the team in this area, so coordination is impossible.

Xu Kaixuan was stunned after hearing this, and his eyebrows immediately furrowed: "Why didn't you report the supervisor's resignation?"

Song Xiong laughed sarcastically: "I've been too busy these two days and I didn't have time."

Why did you leave your job?

It seems that I have a physical problem and need to be hospitalized to recuperate. I cant force myself to stay, but they have promised that even if I get treatment, I will actively cooperate with the handover of the new supervisor.

After the meeting, Song Xiong left the conference room. The phone in his pocket suddenly jumped. A text message was sent. It was the address of a spa, with three words attached, come and wash your feet.

Guan Shen frowned: "Something is wrong. I think we should report it to the boss."

Xu Kaixuan was silent for a while, then nodded.

"Resigned suddenly? It seems that this Manager Song must have been working as an internal agent for our opponent. He is privately persuading our regional director to resign. He wants to use the time difference to catch us off guard. If this continues, the supervisor will not launch the daily special offer. Its going to be hollowed out.

Then what should we do?

Jiang Qin was silent for a moment: "Call all the regional directors together and ask them individually whether they have been poached by their opponents, and ask them how much they paid for poaching them."

"Surely no one will admit it, right?" Guan Shen couldn't help but frown.

"Xiaozhi uses reason to move emotions. Just tell them that the company understands that good birds choose trees to roost. If they find a good place to go, the company will not stop them. If they can tell it, last month's salary Keep it up, we will all be good friends from now on."

Okay boss, I understand.

Jiang Qin thought for a moment: "Call Xu Kaixuan over again. I have something to explain to him."

Soon, the voice on the phone changed to Xu Kaixuans: Boss, this is Xu Kaixuan.

In triumph, I want to tell you three things.


First thing, I will ask Sun Zhi to send a team of supervisors over. You are responsible for arranging their accommodation. Dont show up yet.


The second thing is, find a way to contact the managers of and ask them if they are willing to switch jobs to us.

Xu Kaixuan's expression became a little surprised after hearing this: "Their supervisor? Isn't Manager Sun going to bring the supervisor team here? Then what's the use of poaching them?"

Jiang Qin shook his head: "We don't dig them, we just ask them. It's not against the law to ask, right?"

Oh, what about the third thing?

Its hard to say the third thing now. Well wait until Guan Shen finds out.

When Guan Shen called Jiang Qin to report, Jiang Qin happened to be attending the May Day dinner of Finance Class 3.

Since the holiday only lasted for three days, most people didn't want to waste time on the road, so they chose to stay in school. Then class monitor Jiang Tian took the lead, and everyone went to the outdoor barbecue restaurant on the pedestrian street to have barbecue. It was already dusk at this time, and the incandescent lamp hanging on the bamboo pole suddenly lit up, and the orange light fell down, reflecting Jiang Qin's brilliant glow, looking incomparably handsome.

It is our junior year. In fact, everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that the classmate around him is a rich man with hundreds of millions of funds, but when he sees him planning a city in a few words, he still can't help but yearn for it.

Song Qingqing, Jian Chun, and Jiang Tian were holding cups and looking at him with flushed faces, their eyes moist and blurred.

As he listened, Song Qingqing suddenly leaned over and said something in Jian Chun's ear. Jian Chun blushed instantly and was so shy that she hit her three times angrily.

If Jiang Qin was a scumbag, why would I have children?

Really, they all said that in private. They also said that Zhuang Chen is so warm and will definitely help you raise one.

Ah ah ah ah, Song Qingqing, you are going to die!

Jian Chun's face was so red that she was smoking, and she was having a hard time pinching Song Qingqing, while the boys at the table were just like when they were in the farm band, listening to Jiang Qin's phone call while crazily imagining their own faces in their minds. .

Why call all the supervisors together, let the good birds choose the right place to roost, pay as usual, and give you three tasks... Assuming this identity, saying such words in front of a large number of girls will really make your scalp numb in an instant.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that Jiang Qin's call will very likely cause the market environment of a certain city to change. If they make a call, at most they will ask for an extra hundred yuan from home. Living expenses may be less than that.

Damn, this feeling of disparity is really terrible.

I heard that the number of employees working together has exceeded 3,000.

Holy shit, three thousand people? I have three thousand sheep but I can miss two thousand and eighty. He can actually manage such a huge team.

Forget about three thousand sheep, I cant even manage three thousand chickens. How many people do we have in our finance school?

The total number for the whole grade is less than 3,000, right?

Perhaps now is the closest we are to being rich.

Zuo Baiqiang and Zhang Guangfa exchanged views at each other, and then couldn't help but look at Zhuang Chen, who was sitting on the right.

After all, the three of them are roommates in the same dormitory, and their relationship is quite good. But now they are talking about how awesome Jiang Qin is in front of Zhuang Chen, which will obviously make Zhuang Chen angry.

But what surprised Zuo Baiqiang and Zhang Guangfa was that Zhuang Chen didn't care, and even raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looking very happy.

This is very strange, because even if a dog wags its tail at Jiang Qin on the roadside, Zhuang Chen would have to run over and twist the dog's ears and scold it for being superficial, but there wasn't one today?

Lao Zhuang, why are you laughing? Zhang Guangfa was a little confused.

Zhuang Chen picked up the wine glass and clinked it with him, and said calmly: "It's nothing, I just accidentally overheard Song Qingqing and Chunchun chatting."

What did they talk about?

"It seemed that Jian Chun wanted to have a baby. I didn't hear the rest clearly, but I heard my name."

Zhuang Chen drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and his whole body felt a little floating. To use an idiom to describe it, it was like taking a breath of spring breeze.

Zhang Guangfa looked at him blankly for a moment, then narrowed his eyes, feeling that his hall was a little green.

At the same time, Jiang Qin finished the phone call and just picked up the wine glass when he saw Master Cao waving his hands impatiently: "Lao Jiang, let's change seats. You are so handsome in that position. I'll let Chaozi Take a picture of me.

Jiang Qin's mouth was twisted: "It's useless to change positions, because it's not the position that's handsome, but me!"

Not even Confucius, please let me take a photo.

Its so embarrassing.

Who would have thought that as soon as he stood up with the wine glass in hand, Zhang Guangfa next to him immediately panicked and stood up with the wine glass in hand, thinking that Jiang Qin was going to say a toast.

Jiang Qin looked at him in surprise: "Guangfa, do you want to make progress so much? But this is not a toast, I just change places with Brother Cao."

"oh oh"

Cao Guangyu ran over at this time, sat down in Jiang Qin's seat, took out the phone, and imitated his previous posture.

Chaozi also cooperated, constantly directing him to turn his head to the left and to the right. Finally, after a long silence, his cell phone suddenly made a shutter sound.


Master Cao hurried over, picked up his phone and took a look, and found that he only had half of his face, no, one-third of his face, and in the middle of the picture was a girl wearing a denim skirt.

Zhou Chao took a deep breath: "Brother Cao, I fell in love at first sight."


Jiang Qin stood nearby drinking wine and watching everyone talking and laughing. He seemed a little touched and couldn't help but sigh softly.

Ren Ziqiang filled the wine bottle for him: "Brother Jiang, why are you still sighing?"

Seeing you in your prime, so young, and having so much happiness, I feel envious, but I actually have nothing but meaningless money.

After that, the people in class three left the venue one after another after eating and drinking, and went to a nearby KTV to howl for a long time before they had enough fun.

While they were going to sing, Song Xiong and Kang Jingtao were enjoying themselves in a spa in Shenzhen City. They were more intoxicated than college students in their entertainment projects.

Today I have to catch a flight back to my hometown, from Shenzhen to Jinan, and then transfer to the high-speed train. The chapter in the afternoon may be a little late.

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