Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 491: It’s over, I fell into a trap!

Chapter 491: It’s over, I fell into a trap!

Chapter 491 is over, I fell into a trap!

The original plan for the group grouping was to take advantage of the popularity of the GIS service on May 2 to start promoting daily specials. However, due to the cooperation between Song Xiong and Kang Jingtao, on the second day, not even a booth for the group grouping was available. Not shown.

Kang Jingtao was extremely happy, because this showed the success of his strategy.

He has been moving forward bravely since November last year. His group buying without taking a step back has delayed his plans. This is simply Armstrongs moon landing in the history of group buying. It is a small step for him, but it is a giant step to resist group buying. !

But what he didn't expect was that Song Xiong called him urgently just after he finished lunch.

This phone call was made with respectful words, but the tone sounded like a curse.

Mr. Kang, why do Jiang Tao and Pan Dongzi get four salaries? I have done so much for Lashou and took so many risks, but in the end I only got three salaries?

"what are you saying?"

"Stop pretending, Mr. Kang, Meng Fansen, you know right? The first supervisor who agreed to change jobs, you just gave him double salary? He said, if you don't explain this matter, he can get the salary of the handler Keep helping the group do things for free!

No, how do you know other peoples four salaries?

Jiang Qin said it in the meeting, and asked other people to learn from the two of them. He also said that has a keen eye and recognizes talents, so that they dont let down LaShous expectations.

Kang Jingtao's mind buzzed, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have fallen into some kind of trick.

But this is not important. What is important is that he must stabilize these people now.

Because if we are not stable at this time, all our previous efforts and all our efforts will be in vain.

The most important thing is that these supervisors who were poached are already full of anger. If they go back again, they will have to eat Lashou alive.

At that time, I will become the number one contributor to making the group more cohesive. Who the **** am I going to talk to for explanation?

A month, at least, these people must be stabilized for a month, so that all group buying websites can react, swarm forward, unite vertically and horizontally, and all wield shovels, so as to completely attack group buying.

Even if Tuan Tuan continues to raise salaries and force these people to stay, the exponentially increasing costs will drag it down.

You know, Pin Tuan has only raised 180 million yuan, while Lashou has 300 million, Nuomi has 150 million, and Volkswagen has 200 million. Some people even say that Tencent secretly injected another 200 million into Dianping.

300 million plus 150 million plus 200 million, even if there is no legendary 200 million, even if everyone has lost 20% in the poaching war, is it difficult to bring down the 180 million group?

At that time, they can only watch the fire in the front yard, the backyard, the side house, the hut, and everywhere, and they have no time to take care of themselves.

It's like you got three aces, but you have no money to follow, so you can only lose the cards.

Mr. Song, dont worry, this must be a misunderstanding. I will discuss it with the headquarters first and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.

"Mr. Kang, although these brothers have a good relationship with me, I can only be stable for a while. You must discuss it!"

"I know I know"

Kang Jingtao was specially sent by to recruit people. He had a very high level of authority, but was not considered the person in charge. The original person in charge was an old comrade named Zhu Jinfu.

Back then, when Mr. Kang was scouting the Suixin Tuan team in Shencheng, he also offered a high price.

After the market stabilized, the headquarters thought more and more and felt more and more at a loss, so they sent Zhu Jinfu over. While building a new team to take over the business, they found various reasons to fire those high-priced employees.

Hence, the current Shencheng team can be said to have been built by Zhu Jinfu.

Logically speaking, if you airborne here, the original owner would definitely be angry, but Zhu Jinfu was not, and instead he was very happy.

Getting paid as usual and not having to work is a piece of cake in the sky.

But later Kang Jingtao got a double salary, a third salary, and a fourth salary, which really panicked Lao Zhu.

When you finish poaching people and leave, you will be the **** hero. You will be popular, drink spicy food, and wet your shoes when the wind blows. But I will bear the remaining team costs.

And the salaries of those two supervisors are **** higher than mine. Is there any legal basis for this?

Mr. Kang, I advise you not to be impulsive!


Do you want to give them all four salaries? This is absolutely impossible!

I hope you dont make any noise, I have my own sense of discretion regarding this matter

You have a sense of propriety. Zhu Jinfu cursed in his heart for a while, then turned around and left, leaving Kang Jingtao alone, which was very troublesome.

Jiang Qin

Kang Jingtao took a deep breath, his hands and feet felt a little cold.

He actually met Jiang Qin once, at the group buying industry exchange conference last year.

Because there was little contact, even though the follow-up measures for group joining were all available, the three websites that were contacted were caught off guard, and Kang Jingtaos actual feelings were not deep.

It's like someone has been bragging that someone's swordsmanship is the best in the world, but people who have never experienced it always feel that they are capable of fighting, but they will only feel it when the sword energy flies into the sky and cuts through eighty thousand miles of clouds. What does scalp numbness mean?

But what Kang Jingtao didn't expect was that he was too late.

On May 3rd, the day after the original plan of the group tour was postponed, in the quiet early morning, one after another bright yellow stalls filled the streets and alleys.

The scariest thing is that they still kept their original intention and used the coupons from to buy eggs...

Order online and get it delivered as soon as the same day, and you can also get eggs

"Me? I am your group leader, Wangzi. I am from our community!"

Two hours after the local promotion of daily specials started, the Shencheng branch of Lashou.com also went to work.

In order to welcome the nine supervisors who had switched jobs, Kang Jingtao specially wore a brand-name suit, dressed himself up like a flower, and silently recited the manuscript he wrote yesterday.

Yes, he plans to first give some chicken soup to these supervisors who are worried about money matters.

There is indeed no money, and it is unrealistic to give everyone four salaries, but chicken soup is free. As long as the pie is drawn well, how can the situation not be stable?

As soon as he walked into the door of the sub-station, he heard that Tutuan Tui Tui had started taking to the streets.

"Where do they come from? Isn't the supervisor dug by us? Putting stalls, distribution, connecting channels, cross -regional adjustment, warehousing management, data statistics, who did so many links?" " , there is a person I know named Sun Zhi, who was the person in charge of the original group to open up the market in Shenzhen."

Its only been a day, and people were transferred here, and we started pushing immediately. Is the execution efficiency of the group division so high?

It is said that they have an internal management system, and the boss can give direct orders to all employees. However, efficiency is one aspect. I think that he has been guarding against being poached.

But before he could think about it, there was a sudden noise outside the conference room, and it became louder and louder. It could be heard even if the door of the conference room was closed.

Kang Jingtao was already very annoyed. When he heard the quarrel, he immediately became furious, opened the door and rushed into the office area.

The quarrel was between the supervisors poached by LaShou.com and the old employees who had followed LaShou.com for endless years.

The head of the hired managers is Jiang Tao, who earns a four-year salary.

He has been really drifting off lately, and he can't even recognize himself clearly.


On the one hand, his salary is higher than that of many people who work hard and meritoriously. On the other hand, his last boss even begged him hard not to leave. Who can help but feel guilty?

Among the old employees, the ones who took the lead in the quarrel were their marketing managers, operations managers, planning managers, and almost all managers.

There is a news website that is quite popular recently, called Tonight Toutiao. It is fun and interesting, and everyone is using it.

We have worked so **** hard and conscientiously, and yet we are so useless, and then you turn around and spend four times the price to poach other peoples employees? Who wouldnt explode after hearing this?

In fact, even if there is unfair treatment, most people will still choose to give feedback privately, so as not to quarrel on the spot, because many social animals are used to leaving a way out for themselves, for fear that it will be too late to regret after a complete rupture.

But these old managers at LaShou.com are not afraid, because they extended an olive branch a few days before the group joining and asked them to quote their own prices.

Damn it, if there is such a way out, who would be so cowardly as you?

"What are you arguing about? What are you arguing about? Shut up!" Before Kang Jingtao understood the situation, he acted like a responsible person.

Who would have known that the next second, the marketing manager Hu Qiang suddenly became angry: "Kang, you are the one who should shut up. In your eyes, we are just bullshit, right?"

Hearing these words, Kang Jingtao was stunned and stood still without daring to move.

Operations manager Lai Yuying couldn't help but smooth things over: "Mr. Kang, actually we don't have any other intentions. We just hope that the workplace environment can be fair and just. We don't want more. Just four salaries like them is enough."

The other seven supervisors on the group side also spoke up: "We don't want more, four salary is enough."

Seeing that he didn't dare to agree, Hu Qiang laughed and then looked at Jiang Tao: "Boy, don't be proud. Back then, Mr. Kang also poached the employees of Sui Xin Tuan at a high price, but none of them were left. Do you think you are a exception?"

Seeing this scene, Kang Jingtao took a deep breath, as if he saw a bullet slowly appearing in front of him.

He still doesnt understand how or when the bullet was fired, but at the moment he only has one thought.

Its over, its going to collapse now.

In the evening, the sky began to darken, and the office of LaShou.com became empty. Only the work badges thrown down by the old employees were all over the table, and Kang Jingtao was sitting in front of the window. I didn't change positions for hours.

He was thinking about what happened in the past two days, and then he understood a little bit.

When Jiang Qin found out that his supervisor had been poached, Jiang Qin deliberately pulled Jiang Tao and Pan Dongzi out as targets and forcibly raised the price, causing the nine people to start an internal strife.

But before the internal strife among these nine people was resolved, the old employees in the team started a new round of internal strife because of unfairness.

He seemed to have done nothing but a few words to light the fire for the workers' resentment, and the fire burned right through them.

Mr. Kang, its already off work, why dont you leave? Zhu Jinfu walked in with his hands behind his back and said.

Kang Jingtao turned his head: "I'm sorry, Lao Zhu, I seem to have ruined your team."

"What does it mean? Don't be modest. It is what it is."

"Actually, I don't mind. On the contrary, I have to thank you. In fact, I have been panicking since the group started to upgrade, because I knew that this market would die in my hands sooner or later, but who knew you would come and give me If you take the blame, you are simply a living Bodhisattva."


Zhu Jinfu pulled up a chair and sat over: "Mr. Kang, actually we were wrong from the beginning."

Kang Jingtao was silent for a moment and then nodded: "I know."

No, you dont know.

What dont I know?

When all websites are holding each others necks, only that college student is trying his best to coax users. When everyone is thinking about high-end layout, only that college student takes in the laid off local pushers.

Zhu Jinfu stretched himself: "Just like now, when you are trying every means to stop the group fight, what the college student actually wants is for us to die because of the infighting."

Kang Jingtao was silent for a long time: "How did he do it?"

He just understands the thoughts of the people at the bottom better than others and understands what the people at the bottom want more, and this is precisely what all bosses in high positions cannot do.

Then we can only lose?

Zhu Jinfu frowned: "You just give up like this? Where's your arrogance and your sharpness? Do you deserve to be the one holding the net?"

Kang Jingtao looked at Zhu Jinfu with some surprise. In his eyes, this man had always been a good old man who neither fought nor robbed. He didn't expect him to be so ambitious and heroic.

Brother, do you still have a way to win?

"Of course."

Zhu Jinfu said solemnly: "I have to find a way to join the group quickly. Don't leave me alone if I get there late."

Kang Jingtao:

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