Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 493: School belle turmoil

Chapter 493: School belle turmoil

Chapter 493: School Beauty Troubles

After the poaching incident in the Shenzhen market came to an end, the group has already taken control of two complete first-tier cities. From the tail end of the first echelon, it has directly become the leader.

During this period, Jiang Qins cell phone was almost exploding.

No one could have imagined that a little-known university group buying website would grow to this extent in just half a year.

As a result, it has become one of the hottest companies in the Internet business circle.

Some capital giants often call to express cordial greetings first, and then want to get together with them to work together on the great cause and look forward to a bright future.

Almost all of these capitals participated in the early stage of the group buying and money-burning war, especially Alibaba, which directly and deeply **** with Lashou. But who knew that in just half a year, Jiang Qin would tear it into pieces.

The current handles are awkward in that they cannot go up or go down.

If you say he is rubbish, he still has some status in the group buying network, but if you say he can win, not many people are willing to believe it.

Ali never likes to put his eggs in the same basket, so they must choose horses again.

They are engaged in e-commerce, so it is impossible for them to give up group buying as a channel, because the business model of e-commerce plus group buying will become the most powerful existence in the Internet business ecosystem in the future.

But Jiang Qin doesnt think he is a horse. Do you want to ride me? I still want to ride a cock.

So Jiang Qin kept evading and did not give them a chance to meet.

Lao Jiang, your phone rang again!

"Please help me see who it belongs to. I'm doing laundry right now and I can't spare any time!"

Cao Guangyu put down his headphones, picked up Jiang Qin's phone and took a look, feeling a little suffocated.

Mr. Pang of Alibaba.

Damn it, he didnt know how many phone calls he had made for Jiang Qin this morning. They were all CEOs of some well-known companies, calling him one by one.

Looking at my address book again, its either the fruit stand outside the school or the reservation hotline of the love hotel at the door...

Damn, thats so exciting!

Cao Guangyu shouted angrily: "After reading it, it's Mr. Pang from Alibaba!"

Jiang Qin's voice came from the balcony: "Let's leave it for now. I'll go back later. Oh, by the way, don't buy this kind of rose-scented laundry detergent next time."


My good friend doesnt like the taste.


Cao Guangyu was confused for a moment, and then he realized that the **** Jiang Qin had secretly used his own laundry detergent again.

Mr. Cao angrily picked up his mobile phone, entered 10086 in the address book, and then changed his name to Bill Gates.

The most awesome thing is that the young master also added a separation point between Bill and Gates. Bill Gates looks exactly like the real thing.

Then, he received a message from Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, saying that his mobile phone balance was insufficient, reminding him to renew his phone bill, and threatening to shut down his phone if he did not pay the phone bill in time.

Gates, please give me a few days of grace, my funds are temporarily unable to be circulated.

When Mr. Cao from Hengtong Freight Co., Ltd. remits money to me, I will immediately make up for this funding gap.

We have cooperated for many years, and I will never go bankrupt and default on my debts. Trust the young master again, and the young master will not let you down.

Cao Guangyu imitated Jiang Qins tone on the phone and pretended to reply a text message to Bill Gates (10086), like a young tycoon doing transnational business.

The capital turnover is not good, that is, this months living expenses have been spent, and money is a bit tight.

Mr. Cao of Hengtong Freight is his biological father and transfers his living expenses to him at the end of every month.

We have been working together for many years and I have always been a loyal mobile user.

Being not a defaulter means not being like others who break off their card and replace it with a new one because of overpayment.

Chaozi was playing a beauty game called Lianliankan on his mobile phone WAP before, and was cheated out of fifty yuan of phone bills. He immediately broke off the card and replaced it with a new one, and became a debt-free and handsome boy again.

But Master Cao is different. His status as a rich second generation makes him unable to accept this kind of behavior.

At this time, Jiang Qin came back from the balcony, wiped his hands, and called Ali's Pang Rui back.

Mr. Pang, I was doing laundry just now. The sound insulation effect of the balcony of the dormitory is so good. Im really sorry.

Ah, yes, I live in the boys dormitory of the school, and I still have to wash my clothes myself.

"Meet? Of course you can, but the company has some things to deal with recently, and I also have to participate in a math competition in school. How about waiting until the summer vacation?"

Okay, Mr. Pang, lets see you during the summer vacation.

Jiang Qin hung up the phone and looked at Cao Guangyu: "I'm going to Hangzhou during the summer vacation. Tell your dad that your step-brother has a business and you want to work with him to make a fortune together."

Cao Guangyu held his breath: "Get out!"

Look at your silly nephew look, youre so cute.

There is also the issue of laundry detergent, which must be implemented in place. My good friend likes kumquat flavor.

Cao Guangyu gritted his teeth: "Lao Jiang, you are worth hundreds of millions, why can't you buy your own laundry detergent?!"

If you buy it yourself, you will lose the pleasure of free prostitution.

Jiang Qin put his cell phone in his pocket, put on his sweatshirt, turned around and left the dormitory. Then he heard a sound of cursing coming from the door, saying that there was a dog biting someone, or that the dormitory was no longer suitable. After leaving the dormitory, Jiang Qin went to the School of Finance to find Feng Nanshu and took her to the cafeteria for a meal.

A good friend has caught a cold recently. His little nose is stuffy and he is very angry when he talks. He is not as stupid and arrogant as before, but a little pitiful.

I asked you to dress well, but you are disobedient. Are you feeling uncomfortable?

I dressed well, but I still caught a cold.

Feng Nanshu hugged his cup and drank water in small sips. His cheeks were rosy and he looked dazed and cute.

She has always been the image of a cold goddess, and she occasionally gets silly, but this is the first time that she shows such a sickly tenderness. Jiang Qin can't help but want to pamper her to the extreme.

Jiang Qin reached out and touched her forehead: "Is the fever gone?"

Well, its not burning anymore.

Is your head still dizzy?

Feng Nanshu shook his head: "Only a little bit."

Jiang Qin reached out and picked up a piece of beef brisket and fed it to him. Unexpectedly, the little rich woman swallowed her saliva and then avoided it: "It will infect you."

When you kissed me yesterday, you werent worried about infecting me.

The little rich woman groaned: "When I kiss you, people are stupid and can't think of anything."

Jiang Qin changed his pair of chopsticks: "I'll just use two chopsticks."

Thats my time.

The little rich woman with a stuffy nose couldn't even tell the difference between a flat and a curled tongue. She opened her mouth to eat the beef brisket, and then a little mucus flowed out of her nose.

Jiang Qin reached out and took out a tissue and wiped her with it: "You are the school beauty, and your nose is dripping out."

Im not the school beauty.

"then who are you?"

Im from Jiang Qins family. Feng Nanshu beeped softly.

Zhihus school beauty competition is still going on, and it has now reached a feverish stage, and the School of Finance has been ridiculed again.

Departments such as the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Construction and Engineering do not have goddesses because there are few female students, which is indeed a congenital deficiency. However, the proportion of girls in the School of Finance is very high, and if there are no goddesses, it is easy to be ridiculed.

Originally, they all placed their hopes on Qi Qi, hoping that she could rectify the name of the School of Finance. But who knew that some time ago, someone uploaded a photo of her without makeup on the forum, and Qi Qi's reputation plummeted.

The saying that there are no beauties in the School of Finance became popular again, and everyone was so angry that thousands of people wrote to Jiang Qin to apply for one of his to compete.

The person who succeeded Ma Jiangming is Cui Xia, who is the current president of the student union of the School of Finance. She also specifically talked to Jiang Qin about this.

But Jiang Qin is very stingy and won't let others see his good friend no matter what.

In the end, Cui Xia could only secretly take a picture of Feng Nanshu's profile from outside the door while they were in class, and signed up for the selection using the name "Feng Nanshu".

Of course Jiang Qin knew it, but he didn't stop it.

Otherwise, if others find out, they will think that he likes to occupy his good friends.

As a result, "Feng Nanshu" rushed to the front row overnight, equaling the first place in the School of Liberal Arts, "Xu Jiarou", so Jiang Qin likes to call her the school beauty recently.

But Feng Nanshu prefers the bandit account of "the boss's wife" or "Jiang Qin's family", and is not interested in this school beauty at all.

However, there is still some suspense about who the final campus beauty of Linda will be.

Because the little rich woman is very famous in the finance school, but not so famous outside, mainly because she does not often appear in public places and is full of mystery.

Appearance is something that is difficult to visualize in your head.

Just like the heroine in a novel, a hundred people can imagine a hundred different images just by reading the text.

In addition, "Xu Jiarou" uploaded a set of exquisite photos, while "Feng Nanshu" only took one random photo, so the rankings of both parties have always been back and forth, and they are stalemate with each other.

In addition, Linda has three campuses, and the School of Liberal Arts is in the east campus. Naturally, some people are very unconvinced by the ranking of "Feng Nanshu".

Who is Feng Nanshu? Ive never heard of it, I must have swiped the votes!

Jia Rou is so beautiful, how can someone be blind?

The School of Finance didnt even make it to the finals last time. Lets use technical means to win this time.

Discussions like this can be seen almost every day in the discussion group of the School of Liberal Arts.

Xu Jiarou is also afraid that her first place will be unstable. She has been canvassing votes in person for the past few days and has attracted many fans, fearing that she will lose to "Feng Nanshan".

What she didn't expect was that "Feng Nanshu", whom she regarded as her biggest opponent, had never even opened the competition page and had no interest at all.

If the name of this competition was changed to Jiang Qin's competition, she might actually sell the Rolls-Royce to get the votes.

Jiang Qin, you still want to eat.

"You're a snack. People say people with colds lose their appetite, but you enjoy eating. I'll take you for an injection later."

Feng Nanshu opened his mouth and ate the meat that Jiang Qin fed him. He was very happy, but when he heard that he was going to get an injection later, he was immediately frightened.

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