Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 495: Equity incentives

Chapter 495: Equity incentives

Chapter 495 Equity Incentives

The little rich woman recovered from her cold very quickly, and in a blink of an eye she was back to her arrogant demeanor when my brother is not around.

However, she seemed very unhappy about the fact that she was cured of her illness. It was a little too fast to get over it even before she had another bottle.

Moreover, she didnt see two Lu Zhishen fighting three towns in Guanxi...

After she recovered from the cold, Jiang Qin got busy again. He non-stop began to implement the employee stock ownership plan within the company, and established a partnership company as a shareholding platform for the group to distribute equity.

May 20th, the 18th day of the fourth lunar month.

The first round of equity shares was distributed to 208 old employees. According to their level and contribution, everyone received a corresponding amount.

Then there are branch station managers, supervisors...

Those who have reached the required years of employment and meet the standards after assessment by the Human Resources Department will almost all receive varying shares of equity.

That morning, after the equity agreement was announced, read out and signed, employees at all branches from Linchuan to the four first-tier cities to the second- and third-tier markets were in high spirits.

Because at this moment, they are no longer workers who earn dead wages in the ordinary sense.

With everyone working together, the company will prosper, dividends will roll in, and wealth will pile up. Everyone feels excited just thinking about it.

I feel like Im about to become financially free.

Wei Lanlan held his chin and looked out the window: "Sister Sunai, what do you think?"

If I had known earlier, I wouldnt have bothered to take the drivers license test.


Sunai pursed his lips and said, "I think I might really be able to hire a driver in the future."

Dong Wenhao raised his head when he heard the sound: "Did you notice that the cakes the boss drew are really edible?"

The boss is the magic pen Ma Liang?

The first four characters are more accurate.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Pintuan's employee stock ownership plan was posted online and was widely reported. After the news spread, some executives in the same industry began to discuss it privately.

Are you envious?

Of course Im envious.

When Tathagata Buddha comes, he has to shout Amitabha, which makes me envious of chicken purple.

Many people are even thinking of changing jobs, hoping that Kang Jingtao will take action again and come to their branch to dig a shovel, so that they can defect naturally...

On the night of the 20th, the lights were on and the night was dark. The news of the groups implementation of the employee stock ownership plan had been fermenting for a day, causing many financial channels to discuss the matter. Until the evening, the popularity of the news remained unabated.

At the same time, at a small dirty stall in an urban village in Shencheng.

Jiang Tao, Pan Dongzi... and several other former group managers sat together. After reading the news reports, they all fell into silence, and then began to drink in silence.

This month, they experienced ups and downs. They thought it was a good harvest, but in the end they lost everything in the blink of an eye.

But human nature is strong and can heal itself. When faced with the facts that they have to accept, they can only comfort themselves that everything is the best arrangement of fate.

At first, they had comforted themselves a little, so they were in the mood to go out and drink. However, as soon as the news came out, they immediately lost their guard again.

Have you found a job?

Im helping people deliver water now, a big bucket of water.

"How much?"

More than two thousand, barely make ends meet, make sure youre alive, and then lets look for it.

Wheres Lao Pan?

After tonights headline news came out, I interviewed with several companies and was rejected, so I didnt plan to bother anymore. I thought about going back to my hometown to start a small business. My children happened to be in school, and I didnt want to miss their childhood.

Jiang Tao was silent for a long time, and suddenly slammed his wine glass on the table: "It's all that Song Xiong. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have lost our jobs, and we would even have a chance to get equity!"

Pan Dongzi glanced at him: "It's not entirely his fault. We were all blinded by lard at the time."

Then it was Song Xiong who poured lard on us. If I find him, I will beat him half to death!

Is he hiding?

I was drunk yesterday and broke down his door. It was so stupid, but there was no movement at all.

I heard that Pintuan will hold him accountable for being a spy, I dont know if its true or not

Jiang Tao took a deep breath: "He deserves it even if he goes to jail, but he caused us to lose so much. How to settle the account?"

Pan Dongzi patted him on the shoulder: "There is no one who sells regret medicine in the world. In the final analysis, we are still too stupid and were easily fooled. If we had stayed firmly in the group..."

If you stay firmly in the group...

Pan Dongzi stopped talking halfway through his words, and then drained the wine from his glass.

Seeing this scene, everyone fell into silence.

People make choices throughout their lives, and they will encounter countless options, and they undoubtedly chose the worst option at the most critical moment.

Looking back at the meeting that day, they couldn't wait to sign the separation agreement, and they couldn't wait to get into the arms of and make fun of the man named Kang. As a result, it was only now that they figured it out. It turned out that they had voluntarily left the treasure land that many people wanted to get into.

Especially todays news, it really made them see what it means to miss out on a huge fortune.

However, according to the law of conservation of energy, some people lose and some people gain, such as those who see the right time and simply change jobs.

At noon on May 21st, Jiang Qin landed in Shencheng and met the person in charge of the former Shanghai branch of to wish him good luck.

Boss, I am Lao Zhu who has turned from darkness to light.

Oh, Mr. Zhu, Ive heard of you for a long time. They all say that you are very similar to me?

Zhu Jinfu nodded fiercely: "Yes, I have already understood our corporate culture thoroughly, and I am just waiting to change jobs. It's true that Kang Jingtao came a little late, otherwise I would have already been fighting for the team!"

Jiang Qin patted him on the shoulder: "I heard you talk and knew that you really want to make progress. We need talents like you to join the team."

I will definitely live up to my bosss trust.

By the way, Mr. Zhu, what is your full name?

Wish you golden blessings.

After hearing this, Jiang Qin praised Xu Kaixuan repeatedly. He thought Xu Kaixuan's name was auspicious enough, but he didn't expect that there was something more auspicious than Kaixuan.

It is both gold and rich, which is simply an auspicious sign.

This is really not feudal superstition, but well-founded. For example, what is the name of that **** who is a spy? Song Xiong.

Good guy, you gave away all your **** supervisors to others.

Of course, after Song Xiong was poached to , he gave the managers and supervisors of to himself, and feudal superstition came true again.


Im here, boss.

We will call a meeting with all employees later. Also, its time to water the money tree.

Good boss.

In the afternoon, the Shencheng branch held a plenary meeting. Each department summarized the battle in Shencheng, and Jiang Qin nodded repeatedly.

Ye Ziqing also flew over from Shanghai, and traveling with her was Cui Yiting.

The two of them did not come for the meeting, but to see with their own eyes the market they had lost, and to settle the regrets left over from the Xixin group period.

When they arrived at the branch station, they happened to catch up with the summary meeting, so they also participated.

The Shenzhen market is an extremely important part of the entire group buying layout. Its thanks to everyones hard work that we can reach this point.

Im not a sensational boss. I dont want to say too much. Its all about the money.

Clearing the market is just the beginning, and daily operations are the real focus. I hope everyone can unite in the future to be faster and stronger.

On the podium, Jiang Qin opened his suitcase, revealing wads of red banknotes, which were distributed according to departments. Cui Yiting was stunned for a while.

To be honest, when she was doing Xixin Group in the past, she felt that Zhou Zhenhao was very good at pretending, but she still couldn't pretend to be like Jiang Qin.

After the bonuses were distributed, there were still a few piles of money left in the box. Jiang Qin removed the seal and scattered them out in handfuls. The red Mao Zedong was flying all over the sky, causing everyone to rush for it.

Cui Yiting had no intention of robbing her, because she was not an employee of the group in the first place. How shameless was she to rob other people's money?

But what she couldn't understand was that the young Mr. Jiang was spending money like water, wad after wad, as if he was deliberately throwing it in her face.

Those cold eyes and cool movements made her, a woman who was almost thirty years old, have her heart beating fast and her ears turning red. Why was she so overbearing? It's almost like a novel.

Yi Ziqing was also confused: "Yiting, why did you grab so many?"

"He...he seemed to have thrown it into my arms on purpose." Cui Yiting expressed her thoughts.

Its impossible. Its not like the boss doesnt know you. He knows that you are not from our company.

I dont know, is he trying to recruit me? To be honest, Im tempted..."

Cui Yiting thinks this is the most reasonable explanation, otherwise it would be outrageous to spend money on other people's employees.

As he was speaking, Jiang Qin walked down from the stage, glanced at the thick banknotes in Cui Yiting's hand and said, "I'm sorry, you don't seem to be from our company. I sent it by mistake."


Jiang Qin asked for the money, put it back in his pocket, and happily asked people to go out for a dinner.

80,000 yuan was scattered, and more than 20,000 yuan was recovered, but the effect was a real 80,000 yuan. Damn, this is the second time I have used this trick, and it is still so effective.

Cui Yiting was stunned and didn't understand what happened.

But Ye Ziqing has gotten along with them a lot, and he has been influenced by the dog spirit, and he can probably understand Jiang Qin's thinking.

"The pile of money that the boss just scattered was eighty or ninety thousand, one-third of which was directed at you. When the effect was achieved, he took back another third, but everyone remembers that he scattered eighty or ninety thousand." Ninety thousand.

Cui Yiting opened her mouth: "Kang Jingtao didn't lose unfairly, he really didn't lose unfairly..."

(Asking for a monthly pass, asking for a monthly pass)

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