Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 498: The second school beauty

Chapter 498: The second school beauty

Chapter 498 The Second School Beauty

Early on the weekend morning, on the playground of Linchuan University, a background board with ZhihuPinTuanTonight's Headlines printed on it was erected, and there were many stalls around it, with a lot of peripherals set up.

Even the merchants in the front square came here to join in the fun, driving traffic to the school beauty awards ceremony.

Like something new to try in a dessert shop, product promotion in a college supermarket, or a consultation booth in an IELTS and TOEFL training class...

The entire playground felt a bit like attending a big gathering, and it was even more lively than the art festival a few days ago.

And a large number of students in the school did start to gather in the playground, eat and hang out, and finally gathered in front of the medal podium. Looking around, it was crowded.

After all, this year there are not only school beauties, but also school idols. Handsome men and beauties appear together. There is no doubt about their attractiveness.

The most important thing is that everyone is a participant in the voting, and it feels like being the Oiran, especially since the venue is not far away, so anyone who has nothing to do will definitely come to join in the fun.

Look, Linchuans number one school boy, Zheng Chao.

I still think Yan Ziyi is the most handsome, but its a pity that he came second.

The difference between Yan Ziyi and me is height. Just looking at his face, he is definitely more refined than Zheng Chao.

Where the crowd's eyes gathered, two tall and elegant boys walked towards them. They were also dressed in fashionable clothes, giving them a heart-pounding sense of youth as they walked.

Many girls saw their appearance, their eyes became watery, and some even blushed. It felt like a large-scale star-chasing scene.

The next people who came to the playground were Xu Jiarou, Wang Wenwen and other school beauties. They were all dressed up beautifully, wearing beautiful skirts, revealing their white calves, which caused a lot of noise from the boys.

The school beauties and school beauties gathered together like this, and the scene was very much like an idol drama.

Especially in this early summer season, when the sun is warm and the skirts of the school belle are fluttering and the school belle is smiling cheerfully, it feels like the whole university life is complete.

Hello, let me meet you, my name is Zheng Chao.

Xu Jiarou, from the School of Liberal Arts, I know you are Zheng Chao because I vote for you every day. Congratulations on your first place.

Xu Jia softened her natural eyeliner and light orange eye shadow, and also wore a ladylike skirt, which looked very moving.

Zheng Chao likes girls like her, so he keeps his eyes on her: "I vote for you every day, and I have a share of the credit for your first place."

"What a coincidence? Then we really have a tacit understanding."

Xu Jiarou smiled, her tone a little playful.

Zheng Chao is the kind of boy who is very tall and tall, and his facial features are also very three-dimensional. He happens to be the type that Xu Jiarou likes.

Just don't know why, she always felt that although Zheng Chao was already very handsome, he was still much worse than the Jiang Qin she saw that day.

She couldn't tell what was wrong.

It's just that when she faced the number one guy in the school, she still had the courage to look for his shortcomings, but when she faced Jiang Qin, she felt like she didn't dare to look at him too directly.

Ability to banknote?

Xu Jiarou didn't think so, because she didn't think she was such a superficial person. She thought it was because Jiang Qin's aura, revealed intentionally or unintentionally, was too strong.

That cannot be achieved by good looks, but also by the temperament of a superior person.

"It's fine for you, you are all number one, and I am just number three. Everyone will remember number one, and number two may be remembered, but who will remember number three."

While the two were complimenting each other, Wang Wenwen couldn't help but join in their chat.

This school belle of the School of Journalism is a pure beauty. Her watery eyes seem to be able to talk, and her tone of resentment makes her very pitiful.

Yan Ziyi hugged his shoulders and leaned on the table beside the stage: "You should be second."

Theres nothing I can do, I dont have as many votes as others.

Xu Jiarou looked at Wang Wenwen: "The brushes don't count, and everyone won't agree, so you are still second."

Zheng Chao laughed when he heard this: "She originally wanted to take the first place, but it was probably because the public opinion was too big and she didn't dare to continue."

Xu Jiarou couldn't help but feel proud: "So sometimes when you see injustice, you must not stand it and stand up, otherwise you will let those people become more and more arrogant."

"That's true."

Hey, I heard that the school beauties will go on stage to receive awards together, just like celebrities walking on the red carpet. Yan Ziyi, it seems that you are in the same group as the person who swiped the votes.

Yan Ziyi frowned when he heard the sound: "Can I change someone?"

Xu Jiarou couldn't help but smile: "It's just a joke, don't take it so seriously, but you can stay away from her."

The school beauties and school beauties were chatting enthusiastically, and the people in the audience also started talking about it, and the topic was all about the second place on the school beauties list.

Because five school beauties and four school beauties have already arrived, but now only the most controversial one is missing, it will inevitably make people curious.

But just when everyone was chattering, Dong Wenhao came over with Zhihu staff, holding trophies and gifts in his hands, and lined them up not far away.

At this time, a beautiful figure in the crowd suddenly turned around, her white skirt fluttering in the wind, and she instantly stared at the people gathered in front of the stage.

Everyones first impression is that this girls skin is so white, and her face is so beautiful.

Just in the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared among the Zhihu work team again, giving people a sense of surprise and surprise, and it took a long time to recover.

Subsequently, the awards ceremony officially began, and the live music began to play. Dong Wenhao, the general manager of the department, came on stage in a suit and tied, and read an opening statement.

He is very familiar with this job. After all, he awarded awards from all four universities in the last year.

Welcome to the second Zhihu Cup School Beauty Competition and the first Zhihu Cup Beauty Competition. I am Dong Wenhao, the person in charge of Zhihu, and I am also the presenter of this award.

Thank you for the gifts provided by Pintuan. You can save worry and save money by purchasing group purchases. Thank you Tonight Toutiao. What you care about is the real headlines. Thank you Linchuan University. Thank you Xitian Milk Tea...

I know that everyone is not interested in my appearance, and would rather see handsome guys and beauties, so then, the award ceremony will officially begin.

"First of all, invite the fifth-ranked school beauty to the stage..."

Welcome the fourth-ranked school beauty to the stage

As the sound of music continued to circulate, the fifth, fourth and third school beauties came to the stage and received the trophies.

To be honest, the publics eyes are indeed sharp, because in terms of appearance and figure alone, the third one is indeed better than the fourth one, and the fourth one is indeed more attractive than the fifth one.

Handsome men and beauties appeared on the stage together, holding hands with each other. It really felt like a star walking on the red carpet.

But after No. 3 received the trophy, everyones applause began to diminish, because they all knew that No. 2 school beauty was about to take the stage to receive the award.

Many people from the School of Liberal Arts came over from the East School, just to make a fuss at this time. It would be better to make the opponent unable to step down, and even better to give up the title. This is the sense of justice!

However, what is surprising is that when the second reading was announced, Dong Wenhao only read Yan Ziyis name, and then invited him to the stage. In other words, he was alone.

The third, fourth, and fifth players were all in pairs, but the second player was a single jumper, and the people at the scene were very confused.

Dong Wenhao doesnt care about the doubts in the audience. Damn it, how dare he match the bosss wife with other boys? Do I still want to die?

Then Yan Ziyi came on stage alone. After receiving the trophy, he stood on the right side and received a burst of questioning looks.

Where is that woman?

I dont know, I havent seen it

Isnt it because the votes are being used too hard that you dont dare to come and receive the prize?

But at this moment, Dong Wenhao suddenly spoke, and his invitation was also very strange. The content was probably to invite the second school beauty who is alluring and beautiful, but already has a boyfriend, to the stage.

At this moment, even the background music has been changed. It is completely different from the previous ones and sounds like it is exclusive.

Lu Xuemei was taking photos nearby, and suddenly lowered her voice and asked: "Who wrote this invitation?"

"Written by the boss." "Good guy, I'm afraid that the boss's wife will be noticed."

While the two people were talking, Feng Nanshu had already arrived in front of the stage, and the originally turbulent scene fell silent in an instant.

At this moment, everyone, regardless of gender, was staring at the girl in front of them and could no longer move their eyes away. Those who were ready to make fun of her had all their ridicules stuck in their throats, and there was only surprise in their eyes.

The little rich woman was wearing a white dress today. Her slender and curled eyelashes were fluttering, highlighting a pair of beautiful and lively eyes. There was a touch of pink highlights in her waist-length hair. She was so beautiful.

Her height is already outstanding, and she has cold eyes, a cool expression, and a temperament that crushes everyone in Taiwan. She is completely aloof, white, and beautiful from a famous family, which even makes this competition reach a height that it should not have. .

However, what is surprising is that Feng Nanshu did not stop after reaching the middle of the stage. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and walked to the right.

Boss lady, trophy, dont forget the trophy!

"oh oh."

Feng Nanshu then remembered the trophy and reached out to take it. There was a trace of stupidity on his face, and then he quickly became cold again.

There is no way, there are too many people, and my brother is not here, so I can't be any smarter.

Until this moment, everyone in the audience calmed down and suddenly realized that they had been deceived.

With such an almost broken appearance, does she need to brush up her votes? Who said she was cheating on votes?

It seems to be Xu Jiarou.

She said that although I didnt know what method she used, she must have spoofed the votes. She asked for evidence but there was no evidence, and then replied that a smart person would know that she had spoofed the votes by just thinking with their feet.

It is this kind of statement, similar to the emperor's new clothes, that makes them feel that they are all smart people, so they have been criticizing "Feng Nanshu" online for cheating on votes. Only now do they finally understand that they are really not smart.

At the thought of this, the people in the East Campus began to stand unsteady, especially the people from the School of Liberal Arts, and their eyes began to dodge.


Because Xu Jiarou will be here soon. When she goes on stage to receive the award, standing next to Feng Nanshu, the beauty of the first place is completely crushed by the second place. That is simply embarrassing.

It would be okay if Xu Jiarou got the first place on her own, but the few votes she finally got over Feng Nanshu were obtained by her crazy efforts to suppress him on the Internet.

Now that we have seen the light, the gap is huge. How can we have the courage to take first place?

Xu Jiarous fan base has begun to hope that she will not accept the award, because now everyone is just embarrassed, but if she is on the same stage as No. 2, it will really be a slap in everyones face.

But as the invitation sounded, Xu Jiarou still put her arm around Zheng Chao on the stage, and then forced out a smile.

She actually saw Feng Nanshu when he was about to go on stage. At that time, she was completely confused because no matter the figure, facial features, or height, she was not as good as him.

Thats right, she did deliberately play the victim in order to attract votes. She said without any evidence that the other party was swiping votes and took advantage of public opinion to get the first place.

But she didnt expect that the gap between her and the other party would be so big, and she didnt realize that she would face such an embarrassing situation.

But what was even more embarrassing was that when she and Zheng Chao came to the stage, no one applauded, and many people were even unwilling to look at her. Even her arm around Zheng Chao seemed to be fascinated by Feng Nanshu.

Please welcome everyone to the stage with warm applause again.

In addition, thank you for your continued support and help to Zhihu, thank you for group buying and group buying, which saves worry and money. Thank you for your concern, which is the real headlines of Toutiao..."

Just when Dong Wenhao was inserting another commercial, a banging sound suddenly sounded from the stage, attracting everyone's attention and interrupting Dong Wenhao's speech.

At the point where the eyes were gathered, Wang Wenwen was bent over with an embarrassed look on his face, the trophy in his hand had fallen to the ground, and one of his angel wings was broken.

My trophy

Just when everyone was stunned, Feng Nanshu handed over his trophy: "This is for you."

Wang Wenwen was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

I dont want it.

As he spoke, Feng Nanshu picked up the trophy from the ground. With a "Peng" sound, he pulled out the base with the name on it and handed it to Wang Wenwen, indicating that she could just pull it out and put it back on.

Seeing this scene, several school maids nearby also tried it, but they couldn't pull it away even with all their strength.

What the **** is this strange girl...

Seeing this scene, Xu Jiarou and the students from the East School were even more embarrassed.

The title that is snatched back and forth is worthless in the eyes of others and they are not wanted at all. This is in sharp contrast to the number one who uses all means and does not hesitate to suppress the opponent.

Especially the "Feng Nanshu" who was stepped on was not angry at all. Instead, she acted indifferent, friendly, and friendly. She even gave her trophy to others. She was like the goddess herself...

Subsequently, the award ceremony ended and everyone began to take photos on stage.

Standing at the front are the two leaders of Zhihu, Dong Wenhao and Lu Xuemei, followed by the school beauties, and the third row are the school beauties.

However, Xu Jiarou discovered that there was a separate space between Dong Wenhao and Lu Xuemei, as if it was reserved for someone.

Senior Jiang, do you also want to take a photo?

Our boss? No, hes not coming.

"oh oh."

Just as Xu Jiarou nodded, she found that Feng Nanshu walked over and came between Lu Xuemei and Dong Wenhao, and the two of them deliberately stepped back, as if to highlight her position subconsciously.

Seeing this scene, the few school beauties behind were a little surprised, and they didn't understand how this ranking was arranged.

Xu Jiarou held her breath at this time and couldn't help but panic: "Senior Dong, I am the number one school beauty."


Xu school beauty thought that was the location of the No. 1 school beauty station, so she couldn't help but give a reminder.

She was already embarrassed enough today. If the C position was snatched away by others, it would mean that the official did not recognize her identity at all, and then she, the school beauty, would really become a joke.

I know you are the number one school beauty, congratulations.

Then shouldnt I stand among you?

Of course that wont work, this is my bosss wife.

Hearing this sentence, Xu Jiarou froze. It took a long time to come back to her senses and understand what he meant.

That position is not for the number one school belle, but for their bosss wife, and the so-called bosss wife means that she is Jiang Qins girlfriend.

Others also understood it at this time, saying that it was exclusive to BGM, that she was playing alone, and that the invitation specifically said that she had a boyfriend. All these weird things made sense at this moment.

Mr. Jiang, who is worth hundreds of millions, turned out to be a jealous man who was very jealous of his wife. He did not allow Feng Nanshu to go with other men. He also used this to tell everyone that she had a boyfriend.

As for cheating on votes, thats even more nonsense. Im the boss of Zhihu. Do you want to be number one? Is it necessary to buy tickets here?

You will soon know that this school beauty is actually a joke.

Xu Jiarou suddenly remembered the advice of the first and first school beauty at the broadcast station, and her whole head was buzzing.

Lady boss, we are going to have a dinner together later. Do you want to come with us?

Im not going, Jiang Qin came to pick me up.

Feng Nanshu pointed outside the playground, and everyone saw a big boss worth several hundred million riding a hot pink electric car.

(Asking for a monthly pass, asking for a monthly pass)

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