Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 501: Bully men and women, bully men and women

Chapter 501: Bully men and women, bully men and women

Chapter 501: Bullying men and dominating women, bullying men and dominating women

In the blink of an eye, the time has entered June, and the temperature in midsummer has gradually become hotter, but the group buying market has rarely remained calm.

This is probably because everyone was frightened after the group upgrade, and Kang Jingtao dug out his own foundation with a shovel. As a result, all websites did not dare to act rashly and could only continue to improve their business in the existing territory.

But the group fight is still a vigorous one.

Jiang Qin truly achieved what he said before, becoming a peerless master, and then went down the mountain to bully men and women, and men and women.

After taking over Shanghai and Shenzhen, they quickly turned around and went to Guangdong. So far, they have eaten up 30% of the market.

The basic base of the university town is the positive image of Tiejun, which is promoted by locals who know martial arts, and carefully selected from buying genuine products to group buying. In addition, Zhihus huge user base has created a good reputation list, and it also has GIS services and community group buying online.

The same routine, the same advancement method, even if Wo Wo Tuan was well prepared, there were some things they still couldn't stop.

In addition to Wowo Tuan, Nuomi Tuan is actually also developing its presence in the southern market, but they have not touched Guangdong City. Instead, they have been lingering in second and third tier cities, planning to enter Guangdong City after adjusting their business structure.

But when group-building gradually gained a foothold in Guangdong City, Nuomis boss hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to retreat to the second and third tier markets and stay close to home.

They are afraid that the group will suddenly turn around, make a feint attack, and then turn around and eat up Nuomi's layout in the entire second-tier cities in the south. Then Nuomi will really be unbeatable.

Baidu is currently building a database for its own map application, and will help them upgrade the GIS service after it is complete. It is not a wise choice to rush into it at this time.

Thus, throughout June, as long as there was news about group buying, most of them contained the word "group buying".

The groups entry into Guangdong City is fierce, and the kings aura is undoubtedly revealed.

The group buying market is still hot, group buying has broken through the siege, and its market share ranks first!

Pin Tuan has been selected as one of CCTVs top ten trustworthy brands. COO Wei Lanlan was interviewed: Respect users and remain consistent.

The valuation of group-joining companies has soared nearly a hundred times, and companies that are not optimistic about the capital market have become the biggest dark horses!

From experiment to practice, group buying took half of the group buying market in just half a year!

Pin Tuan was born on campus. In the early days, it didnt even dare to disclose its name to the outside world. It stayed in university towns. It was only at the end of last year that it had the courage to expand into first-tier cities. Group buying websites that have always been regarded as the first echelon have regarded it as a bastard.

It has been carrying many "weak" labels along the way, and finally showed the temperament of the industry's devil, going crazy.

However, other websites were not willing to sit still and wait, let alone watch Tuan Tuan become the dominant one, so Nuomi and Wowo Tuan in the Southern Market entered into a business alliance.

The two sworn enemies, Dazhong and Lashou, also began to secretly communicate with each other to prevent Jiang Qin from further deepening in Kyoto.

Dianpings praise list and group booking are equally high and low, and we can guard against him in both the catering and entertainment industries.

Lashou can focus on the service industry and concentrate funds in this area. In this way, if the group wants to defeat us one by one, it will have to make two business adjustments, which is impossible to complete in a short time.

This is the best way.

Because if he eats up all the markets in Guangdong and Kyoto, he wont have to continue playing.

Chen Jiaxin stood on the headquarters building of Dianping and said with deep eyes.

In the following period, Volkswagen and Lashou indeed differentiated their business priorities and began to shift from opposition to complementarity as planned.

Neither of these two websites are truly weak. Such a strong alliance to stagger the business has indeed formed a tight control and firmly grasped the business area, which has indeed greatly hindered the development of the group business.

Because merchants and users are different after all. Users may stay because of convenient services and accurate reviews, but merchants still believe in the idea that if you have breasts, you are a mother.

As a result, the groups business in Kyoto was temporarily suspended.

In mid-June, before the summer solstice, Wei Lanlan drove a BMW to Linchuan University and delivered a tailor-made suit to Jiang Qins dormitory.

The well-tailored black suit made his figure very upright, and paired with the bright golden Patek Philippe, he looked inexplicably noble.

Just as he was changing his clothes, there was a sudden click from the balcony. Young Master Cao, who had eaten bad food last night, walked out of the toilet looking disheveled. When he saw Jiang Qin standing in the dormitory in a suit and leather shoes, he was instantly stunned. breathe.

Its bad, Im wearing a suit, Im sure I have to show off again!

Cant see, cant see

Say nothing, say nothing

Cao Guangyu muttered, closed his eyes and walked back to the bed, pulling up the sheets to cover his head, as if he was walking peacefully.

Jiang Qin looked at Lao Cao's every move and was speechless. Damn it, why don't you ask me what to do? Is the friendship between brothers so fragile? Would you rather die than see me?

Im leaving, Brother Cao?

Brother Cao, Im going to hold a meeting for more than fifty city managers. Do you agree?

Cao Guangyu pretended to hum: "Go early and come back early, I won't show up."

Jiang Qin gave a thumbs up and shouted something awesome, then opened the door and went to Longkai International Hotel.

This is the first city manager meeting held by Pintuan. There are more than fifty leaders from each branch and managers from Pintuan headquarters, making the entire conference hall full.

The first half of the meeting was mainly about summarizing and analyzing previous business, with city managers taking to the stage to speak, while the focus was on the second half, which was the groups layout and planning for the next step.

Guangdong City does not need to continue to advance. It only needs to occupy a small area first. We have already reached the doorstep of others. We cannot be arrogant to the end all at once. We should follow the previous routine and build the core business area.

In addition, the Kyoto market is currently facing greater resistance because Lashou and Volkswagen seem to be joining forces to put pressure on us.

Its no wonder. After all, these two are our old rivals. You may be a little scared when you work alone. You have to find a companion to feel at ease.

So, the team responsible for the Kyoto exhibition industry needs to change its strategy and shift its focus to three aspects.

In the first aspect, we will continue to carry out rigorous group selection, establish an image of genuine products, and maximize the trust of consumers.

Second aspect, continue to expand the community group buying area and add more manpower.

The third aspect is that we subdivide the categories and only focus on one of them each time, such as hot pot in the first week and self-service in the second week. We invest money in it, make large discounts, and quickly accumulate users.

Because when two companies join forces, it is difficult for us to cover all categories. No matter which company we compete with, it will be time-consuming and laborious, and it may cause a new round of money-burning war.

So, lets do segmented group buying first. With this focus, we can quickly attract consumers.

Our service level is much higher than that of Volkswagen and Lashou. As long as consumers come, they basically cannot leave. After the number of users increases, we will use the existing channels of Xihanheqing to promote group group selection and community group buying. .

"In this war, we will fight at a fast pace in the early stage, but we must slow down in the later stage to see who loses patience first."

We have scored enough points as a team. Even if we dont score a single goal in the second half, we can win as long as we delay.

As for the managers of second- and third-tier cities, you can take some action recently and take back some of the business areas that were previously thrown out to scare them.

Jiang Qin was sitting on the stage, wearing a crisp suit, holding a Patek Philippe hand in the air, holding a plan for the second half of 2011, and raising a caring smile at the corner of his mouth.

After the City Managers Conference, each branch station began to adjust its business.

Shanghai and Shenzhen mainly focus on stability, because other websites are now in a defensive posture, and a surprise attack is unlikely to happen.

As for Guangdong City, it is similar to Kyotos strategic plan, which is to change the business direction, focus on a single category, and spend the minimum cost as much as possible to quickly accumulate local users through group shopping.

Happy group shopping has a foundation in these two cities. Although the market share is not as high as that of the other city, it is more than enough to focus on a single category.

As planned by Jiang Qin, although Tuan Tuans business areas in Guangdong and Kyoto have not expanded, the increase in the number of users is still very considerable.

Because you invest all your money in one category, you will have enough money to spend on discounts.

Even if some people dont like hot pot, how can they not be tempted when they hear about 30% off or 40% off, or instant sales for one dollar?

In the process, the group-buying and strict-selection campaign was officially launched, and all offline advertisements were replaced with new ones. There was a crazy emphasis on buying authentic products and going to the group-buying and strict-selection campaign.

Dazhong and Lashou were actually confused throughout the whole process, because their idea was still to sign a large number of merchants, form an entire business area, and then retain users to gain market share.

Kepin Tuan has directly changed its business direction, using large discounts in subdivided categories to continuously accumulate users, instead of rushing to sign up for stores. This step really surprised them.

But later they understood that Pin Tuan was different from them.

The biggest difference is that he is doing self-operated group shopping and delivery for community group purchases.

It doesnt have to have its own business area, but as long as there are users and channels, they can still do business.

This actually goes beyond the scope of group buying, and is more like the e-commerce approach. I directly use channels to supply products to users, bypassing the physical stores that you sign contracts with, and my business chain is still established.

Fuck, can this thing still be played like this?

Can it not be the focus? The focus is where do their supply channels come from?

I dont know, Ive never heard of them looking for channels.

Damn, its really evil. It was the same in Shanghai back then. They said they would strictly select, they would select strictly, and they said they would engage in community group buying, they would engage in community group buying. It was as if the channels appeared out of thin air.

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