Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 519: private chat

Chapter 519: private chat

Chapter 519 Private Chat

On the right side of version 3.0 of WeChat is a small gray arrow. Click it to open it, which contains functions such as intercom, pictures, and emoticons.

Just when Feng Nanshu finished saying that he didnt eat a lot of ice cream, Xiao Gao reluctantly used his few traffic to send a picture of a little rich woman eating ice cream to the group.

With a cool and sassy expression, he took a plastic spoon and stuffed it into his mouth.

Feng Nanshu:

Gao Wenhui: Look, this is the evidence that your wife ate ice cream.

Jiang Qin: "This good friend named 'your wife', why are you disobedient? You told me not to eat too many sweets."

Feng Nanshu: "But your wife is the most obedient. She only ate this one today."

Jiang Qin: "?"

Gao Wenhui: "But I have another one here. Jiang Qin, look, the one your wife eats is chocolate-flavored, which is different from the one just now."

Jiang Qin made an angry expression; "This classmate 'your wife' is going too far."

Jiang Qin looked at them trying to undermine each other, and made a sad expression with the corners of his mouth turned downward: "So who should I believe? Classmate Gao Wenhui, or classmate Gao Wenhui?"

Ten o'clock in the evening is actually the time for men and women to chat and have fun at night. Especially in places with highly dense crowds like universities, 3G signals often experience network lags, and the signal is sometimes good or bad.

Gao Wenhui replied instantly: "If you believe in me, believe in me, don't believe in your wife."

Brother, I didnt eat a lot of ice cream. I believe in your wife.

He is very familiar with this jade foot, even more familiar with it than its owner.

Jiang Qin closed the chat page of the little rich woman, returned to the group, and coded words.

Gao Wenhui: "Oh my god, who would be nicknamed Little Fat Pig? This is so funny."

After quitting the group, he found that the little rich woman had sent him a private message.

Gao Wenhui is still foolishly telling facts and presenting evidence in the group, but she has already realized the importance of bribing the judge privately, and the gifts she gives are extremely precise. Who can withstand this?

Following this, Feng Nanshu sent a picture.

Seeing this, Jiang Qin suddenly became furious and said to himself that the little rich woman had really cheated on her.

Jiang Qin: Little Fat Pig, please stay serious in court.

"The case is closed. Feng Nanshu bribed the judge in private. Although he is sincere, he still needs to be severely criticized. Also, classmates should not give each other nicknames, such as 'your wife' and 'little fat pig'. They are all extremely rude. !

Feng Nanshu: This is what your wife ate yesterday.

Just as Jiang Qin continued typing and wanted to take care of the little rich woman, he found a red unread notification in the upper left corner of his WeChat account.

School didnt start yesterday.

The cute toes are full and round, the instep is white and smooth, and the five toes are slightly spread out, as if each one is exuding fragrance.

However, he soon discovered that he had guessed wrong and there was no evidence at all. What Feng Nanshu sent was a jade foot.

Feng Nanshu immediately made a crying emoticon: "I really just ate one."

Gao Wenhui:

Jiang Qin didnt see the photo, so he guessed that it was the little rich womans proof that she didnt eat a lot of ice cream.

Jiang Qin: "Okay, come out to eat. I'll wait for you at the second meal."

Feng Nanshu: Your wife knows.

Jiang Qin: "It's not okay to call myself by a nickname. I never call myself Wu Yanzu."

Gao Wenhui clearly meant that Feng Nanshu was Jiang Qins wife, but the dog misinterpreted it as Feng Nanshus nickname. The main idea was to steal a concept.

Subsequently, a group of three people met at the door of the cafeteria for the second meal, and Neptune Ni was also with them.

She felt that the WeChat shake function was tailor-made for her. She shook it while eating, and several handsome guys came out, and when asked, they all came from Lin Da.

Jiang Qin was eating his meal and looked away from Wang Haini. Then he saw that almost all the people next to him were shaking, and the sounds of clicking came and went.

Jiang Qin.


Feng Nanshu looked at him: "After dinner, we went out for a walk."

Jiang Qin came back to his senses and looked at her: "I originally planned to take you away, but you ate so much ice cream and I was very disappointed, so I didn't."

"I didn't eat a lot. Wen Hui is a bad person. She just wants to see you take care of me. She said that would be sweet." "Is there such a thing? Then why didn't you tell me earlier? I will allow you to appeal."

Feng Nanshu bluffed: "Then I'll file an appeal."

Jiang Qin put down his chopsticks and looked at her seriously: "Since you have committed the misconduct of bribing a judge, we will find a place later and you can hand over the bribery tools first to prevent you from doing it again."

Brother, I think you want to eat good food again.

Feng Nanshu blinked his smart eyes and was not fooled at all.

In the following period, WeChat began to become popular on a large scale in Linhua University. The main reason was that after Zhihus promotion, professors in many departments also began to use it.

This leads them to often assign some topics and publish some articles on WeChat.

Over time, this becomes a habit.

So in such an environment, the usage rate of WeChat began to increase, and this phenomenon is not a special case, it is also the case in other universities across the country.

Because of its precise target group and high daily activity rate, Zhihu Promotion quickly became famous in the advertising circle.

In the era of mobile Internet, every field is a new track. As long as you move your PC to your mobile phone, it is easier than drinking water to take the lead in the market.

What excites Internet companies the most is that if an app can cultivate college students loyalty to them during their college years, and even make the app a mark of their youth, then the subsequent continuity value will be huge.

Because of the strong universities, the steady flow of students, and the continuous enrollment and graduation of users one after another, it will be able to cover almost all fields in the future.

Let them have a better impression of themselves in their youth, can their market share be reduced?

As a result, major Internet technology companies have sent promotion invitations to Zhihu.

Zaiya, Tiantiandongting, 360 Mobile Guard, Novel Reading Network, Flash Genie, Fruit Ninja, Wandoujia App Market

Boss, Zhihu is very popular recently. Today, two more apps want to be promoted on Zhihu.

Which two?

Meitu Xiuxiu and Moji Weather.

After hearing this, Jiang Qin knocked on the table: "The app is a good app, but so many advertising orders have come in at once. If this continues, Zhihu will become a gathering place for junk advertising."

Dong Wenhao nodded seriously after listening: "I think so too. If advertisements are too frequent, college students probably won't need our forum."

What do you think?

How about pushing it and adding more advertising spaces, Zhihus homepage will be all about electronic psoriasis.

Jiang Qin thought for a while: "How about creating a temporary section called the ranking of the most popular apps among college students? Tell them that they can be on the list by spending money."

After listening to this, Dong Wenhao thought for a while: "Then it's not suitable to charge so much advertising fees."

Yeah, well charge less in the early stage, just 1%.

Isnt that too little?

"Whoever spends money will be first. If you don't spend money, you will be squeezed out. You come and go, and the cycle develops. If there are competing apps on the list together, how fierce will the fight be? Spend a little more and you can surpass Your opponent, doesnt it smell good?

Dong Wenhao:

"Your opponent has surpassed you, but you think your product is better than his, and you are extremely unconvinced. Then you heard that you can surpass it by spending money. Isn't it delicious?"

Jiang Qin made a tut-tsk sound: "I feel so tired when I think about how much money I have to count soon!"

Dong Wenhao took a deep breath: "Don't worry, boss, I'm your right-hand man. Why don't you still have me when you get tired of counting!"

Go and discuss this matter with the technical department.

Dong Wenhao nodded, hesitated for a while before leaving, and suddenly said: "Boss, why are the corners of your mouth swollen?"

Jiang Qin raised the corner of his mouth that was not swollen; "It's not because I am agile and dodge quickly, and I only got kicked a little."


The technology department acted very quickly, and the most popular app among college students quickly made the list.

Because the threshold for entry into the list is low, many Internet technology companies have crowded in, including companies that had not previously thought of Zhihu for promotion.

Suddenly, competition in the application market has become lively.

The feeling is the same as during the group buying war. The mobile app market during its barbaric growth period was really not afraid of spending money, especially the secret competition between competing products...

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