Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 527: public opinion

Chapter 527: public opinion

Chapter 527 Public Opinion

On a moonlit night, Jiang Qin was taken to dinner by Mr. Xu, while Dong Wenhao chatted with Chu Yanyan and her agent for a long time to seek cooperation.

Chu Yanyan is a new-generation floret on the rise of her career. In fact, she would like to take on some big fashion brands, but her celebrity status is not enough. However, her agent values the popularity of Alipay and group-joining joint marketing.

So the two parties chatted and finally finalized the cooperation.

But on the way back, he met Yu Yue and his agent again. The two were standing in the corridor, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

Mr. Dong, is the casting for the commercial film confirmed?

"not yet."

"oh oh"

Yu Yue nodded and looked at the third room across the corridor. He knew that it was Chu Yanyan's manager's room, but he didn't say anything more. He just said with a smile, "get some rest early."

However, as soon as Dong Wenhao took a few steps out, Yu Yues manager suddenly opened his mouth: Mr. Dong, if there is an opportunity in the future, could you consider our Yue Yue?

Of course, I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future.

As long as consumers believe it, thats enough.

This principle is like a fight between elementary school students. If you have a senior brother behind you, the person who is causing trouble for you will think twice.


Yu Yue shook his head; "It's okay, it's happened several times, and I'm used to it, and it's impossible for a commercial to make me popular again. Times have changed, and no one cares about acting skills anymore."

Dong Wenhao's mind suddenly buzzed, and he was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses: "What the **** is going on? is the one whose funds are cut off, and is the one who is running away. What does it have to do with us joining the group?"

Dong Wenhao stepped into Jiang Qin's room, glanced at the computer screen, and frowned instantly.

However, the thunderstorm of has turned the group buying market around, turning chaos into an opportunity.

Lashou, Nuomi, Dianping...everyone has a possibility.

I cant eat anymore, something happened to the website.

Everyone in the circle knows that group-building is a university entrepreneurial project, and the boss is a college student. It is indeed very admirable to do business all over the country, but when the matter reaches the ears of consumers, that is not the case.

He knew that the boss was invited to dinner by Sister Xu from Huaying Entertainment. There should be no one in the room, but he certainly couldn't go to bed first. That would be too devoid of emotional intelligence.

However, these news are so targeted and concentrated, so someone obviously spent money.

However, since the joint promotion between Tuantuan and Alipay, these three websites are no longer on the same level as Tuantuan. According to conventional methods, they cannot win the group.

Yueyue, dont lose heart.

The agent watched Dong Wenhao leave, then looked at Yu Yue, and said with some sadness: "It seems to have failed again."

In addition, Pintuan has not gone through previous rounds of financing, and the source of the only round of financing is also quite complicated, which is completely different from companies such as LaShou, Nuomi and Dianping, which are backed by large companies.

Boss, didnt you go to dinner?

Densely packed news occupies the top posts of major portal websites, and even related news is found on Weibos hot searches.

Because almost every family has a college student who doesn't sleep at night and can't wake up in the morning.


If there is an app that involves buying and selling, and the person behind it is a college student, the credit value will inevitably drop.

Jiang Qin sat back on the sofa, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.


We have cooperated with Alipay for so long, can we do joint marketing again and ask them to give us a credit endorsement?

What if Ali fanned himself too?

At the same time, Dong Wenhao took a taxi back to the hotel. When he passed Jiang Qin's room, he paused and tentatively knocked on the door.

In the past, when people in the industry mentioned this matter, they would think that Jiang Qins sweeping of Liuhe without any background was really a big deal. However, in the eyes of consumers, group shopping without any support seems extremely fragile.

But if not, no one believes you can win.

It doesnt matter, if it were me, I would choose Chu Yanyan.

But what Dong Wenhao didn't expect was that Jiang Qin's door was really pushed open after he knocked twice.

Experts say that group buying is the biggest castle in the air in the entire market, and the boss is actually just a student who has not graduated from university

Jiang Qin pointed to the computer on the table: "Go and take a look."

It is suspected that the funds for group buying are broken, or it may become the next group treasure network.

The group-building boss once admitted that he has not received favor from capital and has difficulty in running funds.

No matter how large the grouping group is, if it loses the trust of consumers and merchants, the business will inevitably be hit hard.

The supervisors of the Shenzhen branch of Pintuan once left collectively. It is suspected that the company's accounts are tight and it cannot pay employees' wages.

Because this is what plain and simple business warfare is like. Instead of working hard yourself, it is better to defeat your opponent.

The three words "college student" mean to them that they are young, immature, poor in ability, and unable to take on tasks.

Jiang Qin picked up the tea cup and took a sip, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Someone fanned us secretly and burned us.

These things have no theoretical basis at all. They are all just guesswork. How can they be reported as news?

During the summer vacation, he showed off his poverty to his enemies in order to make ends meet, saying that it was difficult to finance the group. As a result, he was caught in a pigtail. If he said that this matter had nothing to do with the AT family, he would not believe it.

Happy grouping is currently completely independent in the Internet business ecosystem, which is something that many major companies do not want to see.

So, this public opinion is obviously a test.

Pintuan has always claimed that it has no money. When the crisis of trust comes, Pintuan will definitely not be able to handle it, and the capital chain will be broken overnight. Why?

Because consumers are afraid of being cheated, they will choose to return coupons as soon as possible, while merchants are afraid of not getting the payment, so they will suspend cooperation as soon as possible.

There was no water flowing, and Ultraman couldn't hold on even if his head was twitching from both sides.

At that time, the only option for the group is to accept shares from major companies to save the situation and survive this crisis.

Even if they have money and can afford it, they still have to be skinned.

But its impossible for the group to still have money to support it. He only raised funds once. How can he still have enough money now?

Jiang Qin could even foresee that Dachang was already waiting with its mouth open at this moment, just waiting for the wave of public opinion to push the group ship over and put it into its mouth.

Just like Lotus MSG, it was already a national brand back then. As a result, foreign chicken essence products entered the country and they directly spent money to spread rumors that Lotus MSG was cancer-causing, which turned the situation around in an instant.

Now, chicken essence is selling like hotcakes, but few people buy MSG.

Boss, the news has become a hot search topic.

Which number?

Ninth, but the rate of forwarding and replies is increasing rapidly. I estimate it will be number one tomorrow morning.

In fact, just as Dong Wenhao had predicted, the news that Tuan Tuan was about to become the next Tuanbao.com topped the list of hot searches the next morning.

But the public opinion has not stopped, and more things are still being published in a new form.

For example, the headquarters building of the group is actually rented, and they dont even have the money to build the company.

Boss Jiang Qin travels on an electric bike and only eats steamed buns when eating in the restaurant.

These things may be seen as a good example of hard work and simplicity in group building in normal times, but when it was reported on the Internet that the funds for group building were cut off, it became ironclad evidence that the website had no money.

As a result, Pintuans customer service center received countless calls, some from major cooperative brands and some from consumers.

The merchants request is very simple, settle the payment in cash, and does not want to take risks. The consumers request is also very simple, return the coupons and get the money back.

Shanghai branch saw many merchants blocking the door early in the morning, and several brands that had just been negotiated in Shenzhen announced that they had fallen through.

As for Kyoto, several chain brands have announced that they will temporarily stop cooperation with group sharing and return to Dianping.

The effect of public opinion is like a small spark falling into a pile of cotton, which immediately ignites a fire and is full of dangers.

Jiang Qin and Dong Wenhao decided to return to Linchuan that afternoon, but before leaving, Chu Yanyan and his agent came over.

Mr. Jiang, Im sorry, but wed better cancel our cooperation.

Its understandable, so lets cancel it.

Jiang Qin took a look at Chu Yanyan. She was indeed quite pretty, so it was not surprising that she became popular, but she did not have a strong sense of contract.

But he can also understand that after all, Pintuan is currently in the entertainment whirlpool and seems to be on the verge of collapse. No one is willing to endorse a website that is about to collapse.

In addition, the male protagonist Wang He who was previously booked is my boyfriend. Can his cooperation be cancelled?


Chu Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your understanding."

Jiang Qin nodded and watched them leave: "Go and ask Yu Yue if he is willing to cooperate."

Dong Wenhao was stunned for a moment: "In this situation, do we still have to continue filming the commercial?"

They say our capital chain is broken, but we are not really broken.

But we dont have any options for the male lead.

Jiang Qin sighed and looked deeply at the reflection in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows: "The entertainment industry has finally ushered in its second ancestor."


Half an hour later, Yu Yue's agent ran downstairs in a panic and entered Yu Yue's room.

Grandma, have you signed an agreement with the group?

Yu Yue nodded: "Signed."

The agent took a deep breath: "Didn't you watch the news? Their funds are about to be cut off, and they may go bankrupt soon. If you shoot an advertisement for them now, everyone will turn their anger on you!"

I...I actually want to withdraw from the circle.


Yu Yue pursed her lips and said, "I don't want to drink with you or sleep with you, but that means I have no resources, no popularity, and I can't even get a website endorsement. Sister, I don't want to be cold faced anymore..."

Yu Yues manager was stunned for a moment: You will be scolded to death!

Ill admit it even if Im scolded to death

At the same time, at the group headquarters in Linchuan, Dai Fei also saw the news last night, and suddenly felt confident.

The group now needs to suppress public opinion, so she has developed a public relations plan specifically for this purpose. She must get the advertising money.

Sorry, Manager Dai, the deadline has come and our cooperation ends here.

Mr. Wei, are you kidding me? Todays group tours need such a mature public relations plan the most.

Our boss has his own public relations plan, and as for advertising creativity, we dont need it anymore.

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