Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 538: economic community

Chapter 538: economic community

Chapter 538 Economic Community

Dianpings seminar ended very hastily. There was no gorgeous ending, not even a post-meeting dinner, just sweaty crisis public relations.

But some problems are really difficult to explain.

Why so many brands didnt come?

Dont ask anyone else about this question. In fact, even Dianping is puzzled and remains silent when asked.

In stark contrast, is the explosion of popularity of .

A large number of empathized consumers continue to return, and more than 20 top brands are co-branded. The money in the entire market is not enough to make a group profit.

In just a few days, all the refunds that were originally scattered were recovered, and the money earned was almost bursting.

While the popularity continues to rise, Dianping is already preparing to hold a press conference and plans to disclose corporate accounts.

It was also at this time that the settlement cycle for group buying quietly came.

The war of public opinion is over, and group-building has won a big victory, but there is still a core question, which is how does group-building convince those brands?

Go to the conference room!


These websites are currently targeting markets in second- and third-tier cities, fourth- and fifth-tier cities, and even seventh- and eighth-tier cities. They have spent a lot of money to develop those markets.

Its a local business association in Linchuan, not all of them, but many of them are.

Jiang Qin, have you left?

In those sinking markets, these brands are still the leaders, and they are still the brands that support most of the sales in the life service field. Without investigating the relationship between group shopping and them, everyone will feel sleepless.


No, he is still staying in our hotel. He said he would wait until the market stabilizes before going back.

Because this is the strangest part of the whole incident.

At this moment, Chen Jiaxin opened the door and walked in: "Boss, people from all major websites are here, and the investigators are also back."

Still staying in our hotel?

Without settling the payment in advance or breaking the funds, the group was still dancing crazily in this farce, slapping their peers many times while dancing.

Those leading brands are members of the Linchuan Business Gang just like the group.

To be honest, the market has now become like this, and many website owners have begun to be wary of poor information. They would rather share the information flow than be severely beaten like Dianping.

After listening to Yang Xueyus report, Zhang Taos blood pressure increased, and his eyesight turned black and white.

In the conference room of Dianping, the bosses and executives of several websites sat together and listened quietly to the results of the recent survey.

"He said that on the night of the dinner, he bought a one-week coupon, the kind that included breakfast. He also said that although the Internet speculated that Dianping's funds were going to be cut off, he didn't believe it. He believed in Dianping, so he dared to buy it. .

Merchants in Kyoto got their money back at a penny, and the news began to appear on the Internet overwhelmingly.

Zhang Tao rubbed his temples to calm his breathing, and then led Yang Xueyu into the conference room on the top floor of the company.

The enemy of my enemy is a friend, and the same is true in business wars.

However, we have only heard half of the survey results, and some people are a little bit unable to accept them.

"That's it?"

"It is indeed the case."

This is a bit nonsense. Dianping and Lashou are both good brothers of the Kyoto Internet Association. When we beat them, shouldnt we beat them hard?

Wu Bo couldn't help but raise his head when he heard Zhang Tao's words and thought to himself, "Are you so **** polite?"

However, Shen Yang, the boss of Nuomi, and Wang Binliang, the boss of Wowo Tuan, do support Zhang Taos statement: There are hundreds of thousands of associations of the same nature across the country. What else can they do besides collecting membership fees every year and gathering everyone to brag during the New Year?

After hearing this, Wu Bo also spoke: "Those idiot associations pay a lot of money, but they are all enjoying themselves. You told me that they suddenly rebelled because they are members of the same chamber of commerce. Do you believe it?"

Bosses, dont get excited. Listen to me first. Their business gang is different from the ones you have joined. They really help each other.


We have screened out a few representative ones, such as Helilao, Burger King and Mr. Xianhui. Although some companies are not headquartered in Linchuan, their bosses are almost all Linchuan people.

The investigator said: The most interesting thing is that their development paths are surprisingly similar. They both started to deploy in first-tier cities two years ago and moved to second- and third-tier markets a year later.

Zhang Tao leaned on his chair after listening: "It sounds a bit familiar."

Of course we are familiar with it, because this is the development path of the group buying market.

Everyone in the conference room was stunned for a moment after hearing this sentence, and then their expressions changed instantly. The overlap of the two paths instantly appeared in everyone's mind.

When you were competing like crazy in the first-tier cities, they suddenly appeared and became popular in the group buying market with their high-quality services. And when everyone was sinking rapidly, they also followed you to the second- and third-tier markets. We asked the marketing specialists of each city branch and found that these brands are indeed the ones that are most active in signing contracts.

Many merchants dont know about group buying yet and are afraid of being cheated, so they plan to wait and see first. They have already signed the contract. If you want to organize activities, they will cooperate with you to organize activities. If you want to offer discounts, they will cooperate with you to make discounts..."

In addition, their business model is very suitable for group buying. For example, they... have dedicated coupon verifiers.

Moreover, they will open stores wherever there is a big money-burning battle, because the expanding market can also help them quickly gain popularity.

Then they will also share channels to drive the brands that join later to grow together.

After the investigator finished speaking, he looked at the people present: "We all know that the person who knows group buying best is Jiang Qin, so in other words..."

Zhang Tao raised his head: "Jiang Qin relied on us to burn money to compete and helped these brands develop a national layout."


After the words fell, everyone became silent. There was only some anxiety spreading in the conference room, and at the same time, there was the sound of chairs scraping against the floor.

Money, like energy, is conserved. If you burn money, someone will benefit.

Websites like Lashou, Nuomi, Wowotuan, and more than 5,000 dead websites all used to burn money in this market. Some people even had their eyes red, and accidentally burned down their entire family.

In the end, the market did get bigger, but many people suddenly looked back and found that the money burned was not proportional to the returns.

Some people even burned down their websites and closed them down without knowing what they had gained.

As a result, Jiang Qin relied on the money they burned into the market to effortlessly develop a large number of national brands. They continued to incubate, join, and ride on the trend, and finally became the backbone of the entire group.

Group fighting is never about fighting alone

Yang Xueyus mind kept ringing with these words, and the suspense finally came to an end.

But can everyone accept it? No, almost 80% of the people present found it unacceptable to accept the survey results.

He left for two years and then sat waiting for us? Is this the case with third-party payment, and is it the same with current brand incubation?


When group buying first emerged, we didnt even know where the industry would end up, but he already started making crowns for his own coronation? Is this **** reasonable?

Stop playing, stop playing!

We spend money to burn up the market, and he uses our money to support his brand. In the end, its a decisive battle. We want swords but not swords, and we want swords but not swords. Hes going to return to his clan with thousands of **** swords?!

"Impossible, I can't accept it. Now the second and third tiers are all these brands. Should we still do group buying? I would rather believe that Jiang Qin spent money than the result."

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and many people questioned the results of the investigation.

But this kind of doubt is not because of irrationality, but because of fear, because if this is true, then there is no point in them continuing to do group buying. Do you spend money to support his brand and then let him harvest it?

The investigator sighed: "The results we found are indeed like this. Based on this result, everything is reasonable."

Zhang Tao was silent for a long time before he spoke: "What on earth is Jiang Qin doing? Isn't he doing group buying? How did he... sort out so many pieces?"

I think what Jiang Qin did from the beginning was not just group buying. To be precise, group buying is just a part of his business layout and a channel that he is more interested in..."

So we are suppressed by dimensionality reduction?

Thats pretty much what it means.

The investigator turned to the last page of the report: "In addition, through screening, we compared the equity of these brands and found a private equity organization called Jinsnan Foundation."

Wu Bo frowned: "Why is there any private equity matter here?"

Yes, Mr. Wu, except for Xitian and Dadi Cinema, other brands have their shares, and their proportions are not small. You can think of them as a community of economic destiny.

This one also belongs to Jiang Qin?

The structure is unknown, but judging from its establishment time, investment style and investment fields, this foundation should also be led by Jiang Qin.

After the meeting, everyone left one after another.

Except for those who wrote on Dianping, everyone else returned to the hotel first, packed their luggage, and prepared to return to their city the next day.

Some things are being watched, and once they are seen, it will no longer be a secret.

In addition to the general public, some people in the same industry and circles will hear about it.

For example, at the Internet Industry Exchange Summit being held in Shanghai, some big figures who came to attend the meeting also received the news immediately, and their expressions were slightly startled.

Dianping lost.

Those brands were cultivated by Jiang Qin himself.

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