Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 543: Or foreshadowing?

Chapter 543: Or foreshadowing?

Chapter 543 is still a foreshadowing?

Public opinion about the group buying war has come to an end, and rumors that the group buying market is about to lose funds have gradually subsided.

Xie Tingfeng and Zhang Baizhi divorced, Yao Chen and Ling Xiaoshu divorced, Xie Na and Zhang Jie got married, Li Shuangyaos son beat someone in the street...

The newcomer in the entertainment industry quickly diverted the attention of netizens, causing the entire group buying website to quickly cool down due to public opinion hype.

Serious people, who stare at shopping platforms every day.

In the minds of netizens, even scientists who have developed life-saving new drugs and invented innovative technologies are not more interesting than the private lives of celebrities!

Especially the police officer played by Sister Zhi, she is really smooth.

However, unexpectedly, group buying seems to have broken away from the group buying market, and its popularity has not decreased. The main reason is because the endorsements have become popular.

The Internet is full of second-generation works of I speak for myself.

A rich second generation like Brother Cao sometimes cant help but post a cool paragraph.

You only saw my Patek Philippe, but not my Lamborghini.

Jiang Qin leaned back on the bed: "After all, I am from the rich generation."

You only saw her milky white snow, but you didnt see her red knees.

It is precisely because of the group effect of continuous memes that group buying has gradually begun to be known by some potential consumers who are not sensitive to the changes of the times.

But this thing is like opening a blind box. You dont know what you are betting on. Sometimes you will open a gourd doll by accident, leaving you with nowhere to put your pants.

After reading this comment, Cao Guangyu angrily yelled at his mother in the dormitory: "Lao Jiang, look at this, does this kind of person hate the rich?"

has your hobbies, and she has her number...

But one day in the future, when they are influenced by the changing times and think of group buying websites, they will definitely remember the name of group buying.

Countless people were moved by this dedicated spirit and spent ten yuan to buy the seeds he had worked so hard to collect.

These consumers will not take the initiative to embrace new things, and they may not use group shopping just because of an advertisement. Some of them have not even used smartphones.

Really? I cant feel it.

This is the power of advertising and the charm of Internet communication.

In addition, because of the popularity of advertising, Jiang Qins newly launched Weibo has exceeded 10,000 followers, and any post will receive many likes.

But there are still some stubborn brothers who are so sexual that no one can stop them. Why cant they be snake spirits? They are still Internet celebrities with an awl face!

She is Hatano and Mikami Yu, they are spokespersons for small life art.

There are bound to be obstacles on the road to art, but so what?

Even if you are covered with bruises, you still have to scream loudly...

Look, I have a Patek Philippe, eh, I also have a **** Lamborghini!

However, there were some who were dissatisfied with him on the forum, and Master Cao broke his guard with just one comment: "Are you speaking for yourself? You are **** speaking for your father."

Jiang Qin also saw a lot of secondary creation posts on the Internet, which he found quite interesting. For example, the film seller in the school chat group would write a short paragraph like this every day.

I am the second generation of rich people, and I speak for myself.

And as the endorsement bodies were re-created, those who couldn't keep up with the trend began to be affected. They couldn't help but ask what the joke was, and then they were thrown out of the portal. From then on, they knew that there was a group fight like this website.

The original advertising slogan was about chicken soup. Through the contrast between perfume and sweat, it highlighted the hard work under the glamorous appearance. But in his case, it was just a show-off.

There were even some bold beauties who privately messaged him many cool photos in the background, and many of them directly called them husbands, which shocked Jiang Qin.

It turns out that there is a big difference between the Internet that rich brother sees and the Internet that ordinary people see.

Just like those emerging beauty anchors in later generations, what they see to ordinary people is the picture on the computer table, while what they show to the big brother is the picture under the table.

However, there seem to be some barriers between the Internet and television. One is very advanced, and the other is slightly lagging behind. As a result, Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong only saw this advertisement on the news a long time later and were immediately shocked.

Television is still very credible in this era.

The couple was a little surprised to see that son of a **** on TV who threw his shoes around and often flew his socks off alone, so they called him immediately.

I need to shoot a commercial for my website. I originally hired Daniel Wu, but he didnt have enough schedule. The director said that the young man is so handsome, why dont I do it myself, so I got the job.

That director of yours has such a cunning look?


Jiang Qin couldn't give some very professional explanations to his parents, and they couldn't understand them, but he really didn't expect that he would hear his mother's complaints.

Dont people all think their children are beautiful no matter how they look? Why is it that when I'm acting in a commercial, the director's eyes are so cunning?

However, Yuan Youqin is the kind of person who is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Not to mention how proud she is, she immediately hid the remote control and invited a few close friends to come to her home for tea, waiting for the news to be replayed.

The third aunt, the sixth aunt...as long as they are full-time wives at home, no one can escape.

Youqin, I cant help it, its getting dark now, I have to go home quickly to take care of the child.

Dont leave in a hurry, Third Sister, just watch for a while.

"What are you looking at? It's all advertisements and news..." "Youqin, I have to leave too. I'd better come back next time. I haven't finished making the dumplings at home yet."

Dont be in a hurry, Sister Lan, Ill help you pack it later

The sisters in the neighborhood could no longer sit still. The rebroadcast of the news finally reached Jiang Qins part, and their eyes were instantly opened.

Yuan Youqin was surprised on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart.

My son really has great potential.

However, the only person Ms. Yuan has not bitten is Aunt Li across the street, because Aunt Li's grandson has already become a thief when she calls her grandma...

Jiang Zhenghong is much more stable than Yuan Youqin. After seeing the news, he didn't make too much noise, kept a low profile, and said he didn't know much when asked.

Just because Jiang Qin's reputation became more and more widespread, more and more wine shops called him began to open.

Even once, the leader of the work unit specially drove over to pick him up. He said it was because he had a good drinking capacity and asked him to accompany others. In the end, he found out that it was his home stadium, and several major leaders of the city were sitting opposite...

The other party praised him for raising a good son and asked when Jiang Qin could come home.

So that night, after much thought, Jiang Zhenghong called Jiang Qin, and the father and son chatted for a while.

Son, your business has become bigger now, but you still have to keep your feet on the ground and never drift off.

Dad, Im not drifting. I lost fifty cents when I went out yesterday, and I turned around and went back to look for it for half an hour.

"Really? But why do I feel like I'm going to float..."


During this process, , Nuomi, Dianping and Wowo Tuan began to refund expired coupons for consumers for the sake of brand image.

This thing can no longer be ignored.

Because when consumers click on a certain group buying website and see that part of their money has not been refunded, it is really difficult to use your website to make purchases again. It is like having a fish bone stuck in the throat, and it is impossible not to care.

And after they refunded the money, some passenger traffic did pick up.

But what is unexpected is that shortly after their refund, the group suddenly issued relevant regulations, stating that any unused coupons will be automatically refunded within seven days without application.

As soon as this announcement came out, countless group buying website bosses once again attracted scoldings in the streets.

What does he want to do again?

The purpose of setting up a website is to make money. Why is this idiot doing it with refunds?

My good reputation has been stolen by him...

What to do? Shall we follow up?

If we dont follow up, all consumers will be on one side.

The helpless group buying websites followed up while scolding, and also issued seven-day refunds.

But decline is a momentum. Even if they follow the footsteps of group conglomerates, their market share is still shrinking steadily.

But what makes them even more desperate is that rumors are beginning to spread that capital plans to divest.

The group buying war has been going on for two years, with more than tens of billions of money spent. Everyone originally wanted to quickly expand this market and share the cake. In the end, no one could win except for group buying.

Especially the exposure of the Linchuan Business Gang, which shattered everyone's dreams.

With the brand incubation + group buying model, group buying is destined to be invincible in this field, not to mention that its community group buying is also expanding fiercely, and the entire industry chain is about to take shape.

In this case, capital can no longer see hope in other websites.

As a result, some websites began to think about transformation, while some websites planned to forcefully go public before the end of the year to make a lot of money.

Jiang Qin began to arrange local promotion groups and sink the market.

In the early stage of group-building, we did work in the second and third tier markets, but it was a dog action as a bait. When they did it, they didnt pay much attention to quality, but focused on quantity.

The purpose is to lure group-buying websites that have received financing to sink quickly, consume the funds in second- and third-tier cities, and leave them ready to steal homes in first-tier cities.

In the middle and late stages of the group buying war, all the group buying methods were used, and other websites were no longer competitive. In order to ensure market share, they could only continue to sink into the third, fourth, seventh and eighth tiers.

Now, there is no suspense in the market in first-tier cities, even capital has given up, and the harvest festival of group shopping has just officially begun.

Users in lower-tier markets have been familiar with these websites, and consumers have become accustomed to group buying, so they come to group buying.

Yongcheng, Xingcheng, Xijing, Chuncheng, Hezhou...the underground iron army established by Jiang Qin personally seemed to be in an uninhabited country.

Especially in the southern market, thanks to the three-month joint development effort of LaShou and Nuomi, there are so many users that group buying is extremely profitable.

Many people didnt understand until this moment that the original plan to join the team was foreshadowing until this point. He deliberately did not develop the second and third tiers, but instead attacked the opponents in the first tier cities. In fact, it was for this moment.

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