Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 546: I was convinced immediately

Chapter 546: I was convinced immediately

Chapter 546: Immediately convinced

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening after the movie ended. Everyone left the theater, and Jiang Qin chased his little jealous man back to the hall.

The little rich woman ran forward stupidly, turning whenever she saw a corner, and was finally blocked by Jiang Qin at the entrance to the fire escape.

The caught little rich woman's eyes rolled around, and she wanted to get under Jiang Qin's arm, but as soon as she bent over, her perky little **** was slapped, and she instantly became more honest, and her mouth was still slightly pursed. A sense of arrogance.

How do you know about Chu Siqi and me?

I heard what the classmates around me said.

Feng Nanshu gently rubbed his left buttock and hummed.

Jiang Qin confessed his love to a girl, but asked for the love letter back halfway. This matter was widely spread in high school. The little rich girl just didn't have social skills, but she didn't have ears.

Jiang Qin looked at her watery eyes: "So you were also such a gossip in high school."

I will only eavesdrop when they are talking about you.

Damn you shameless person, you are so greedy for my body so early!

Jiang Qin reached out and opened the fire escape door: "Go in, let's have a good chat."

Feng Nanshu blinked and looked at the dark passage with only a little green light and narrowed his eyes: "I'm going to be kissed to death again..."

Friendship is a wonderful thing, and good friends are even more wonderful.

Anyone who has good friends knows that when they get emotional sometimes, it is actually another way of acting coquettishly. They will be fine after kissing for a while, or in other words, they will become stupid after kissing for a while.

For example, Feng Nanshu, despite her cold expression and cool eyes, was put into Jiang Qin's mouth and stopped making trouble immediately.

What a cold lady, she just needs a kiss.

Jiang Qin pinched her round **** and felt the soft and moist sweet mouth, and easily subdued the jealousy.

In the college entrance examination that year, the essay topic in the Chinese language test paper was about friendship. To be more specific, it was about the positive role that good friends played in your study and life.

Feng Nanshu only scored more than ten points on the essay question and lost the title of No. 1 Scholar.

But if she were to take the exam now, she probably wouldn't even get a zero score because her best friend would be ruined.

At the same time, there was another group of tough guys in the hall, who had also just come out from watching the movie.

Some of them cried like bastards, with runny noses and tears.

Some of them looked out the window at the dark night with a look of sadness on their faces, their eyes reddened, remembering a time when the grass was growing and the orioles were flying.

The girlfriend who came with them didn't feel any distress at all. She hugged her shoulders and had a cold face, and aggressively asked her boyfriend, "Who are you crying for now?"

Of course, most of them are singles, standing aside and watching the fun.

Most of these people have been single since they first fell in love. The worst thing to see is such a **** with a girlfriend!

Damn it, you deserve to watch lovelorn movies when you already have a partner!

Fight and fight until they are separated.

I dont know who started it, but the couples at the scene suddenly started hugging each other and kissing, which made the single brothers eyes pop out.

I didnt want to break up just now, but I ended up eating it within a few minutes. Damn it, youre crazy!

At this time, a tough man named Cao was also crying. He squatted near the fire escape, covering his face in tears. As a result, Ding Xue caught him and blasted him with a blaster.

Are you crying so sadly? Whats wrong, who do you think of back then?

"It's just...that I can't remember, that's...that's the most pitiful thing."

Young Master Cao sobbed for a while and couldn't speak clearly: "Damn it, I...I just discovered that I am...it turns out that I am one of the characters who runs with the hero!"

Ding Xue looked at him: "The shortest one?"

The tallest one!

When people watch the movie, they assume the role of the male protagonist. It reminds them of the love they missed all those years ago. The young master directly assumes the role of the supporting role, recalling those years of running around with him.

His greatest stubbornness is that he targets the taller one among the supporting characters.

He always wonders why he is not like a rich second generation. Damn it, he is so cautious in his fantasies. He is like a rich second generation!

But at this moment, Ding Xue suddenly pursed her lips and reached out to push him against the wall: "Why are you crying? Although you are a supporting role to others and you are still the short one, you will always be the protagonist to me. , my protagonist.

Master Cao huddled in Ding Xue's arms and suddenly let out a sound. Ding Xue was so annoyed that he lowered his head and pursed his mouth. He chewed so hard that the door of the fire escape began to rattle.

But soon, Ding Xue discovered something strange.

That's when she wasn't exerting so much force, the fire escape door behind her was still ringing, and it was extremely loud, as if the door was being torn down.

There is someone inside!

Ding Xue made her own judgment in an instant and planned to peek quietly, but she pulled it but didn't pull it away.

At this moment, there was a click from the door, as if the door bolt was opened. Jiang Qin took Feng Nanshu's hand and walked out under Ding Xue's shocked eyes.

Jiang Qin didn't expect it to be the two of them. He turned his head and glanced at Master Cao, who was leaning against the door out of breath, and then looked at his charming eyes, feeling that he was awesome in his heart.

These two couples must have grown up opposite each other.

"What are you doing?" "Popping for a while." Jiang Qin touched the corner of his mouth and wiped away Feng Nanshu's saliva.

Some little sweet tongues are becoming more and more flexible and move around more and more, making them almost impossible to catch.


Ding Xue was dumbfounded for five seconds, then turned to look at Cao Guangyu in disbelief: "A good friend can pout, and yet so blatantly? Look at how confident he is!"

Cao Guangyu was so charming when he was kissed: "Lao Jiang said that their good friend God allowed them to kiss."

What? Where the **** is there such a thing as the **** of good friends?

Lao Jiang said he had seen it.

Jiang Qin glanced at Ding Xue: "Don't believe it? I will ask the **** of good friends in my dream tonight to turn you into good friends."

Cao Guangyu was shocked: "Bye bye Lao Jiang, she believed it, she believed it."

Have some respect for the God of good friends!

At the same time, Ren Ziqiang and Wang Linlin also walked out, each one more silent than the other, and their eyes were full of nostalgia, and they seemed to have stories.

Then the six of them found a bench in the corner and sat down. Their emotions were still immersed in the aftertaste of the movie, and they were always affected by memories of the past.

"Actually, regret is also a kind of beauty. Just hide it in your heart and don't let it affect your mood." Jiang Qin looked calm and calm, forgetting that there was a jealous person next to him.

Feng Nanshu nodded with a cold face: "Brother kept those things in his heart and secretly took them out to recall them without letting me know."

Jiang Qin reached out and pinched her face: "I'll say it again, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"


What are you talking about? I got it, brother.

Feng Nanshu said obediently: "I know, brother."

At this moment, everyone saw a walking corpse walking out of the movie hall.

Cao Guangyu touched his chin: "A bit like Zhuang Chen."

Ren Ziqiang also glanced in the opposite direction: "That's Zhuang Chen, um, the one behind seems to be Zhang Guangfa."

Zhuang Chen lost his temper with Jian Chun a few days ago. He regretted it after returning home, but he was embarrassed to apologize because of his face, so he thought of taking advantage of the release of the movie to invite Jian Chun out and say soft words.

He felt that he might have been overthinking it. It didn't mean anything if the nails on his right hand were cut off.

But Jian Chun declined his invitation, saying that she would watch it with the sisters in the dormitory, and then Zhuang Chen gave another ticket to Zhang Guangfa.

While watching the movie just now, Zhuang Chen was silent and secretly weeping. He brought himself and Jian Chun into the movie. The more he thought about it, the more painful he felt.

Especially the scene at the last wedding banquet, when he saw the heroine marrying someone else, it was as if he had completely lost his innocence, and he burst into tears.

The most terrifying separation in the world is that at a glance, you will never see her again.

Later, the male protagonist came on stage and violently sucked the groom in order to kiss the bride. At that time, his mind was filled with Jiang Qins face and Jiang Qins mouth.

Zhang Guangfa didn't feel anything at all, he just seemed to have fun watching it, especially after watching the last scene. Looking at Zhuang Chen now, he always feels like he is a little green man.

But soon, Zhang Guangfa looked at Jiang Qin and his group, pulled Zhuang Chen and walked over. The six people turned into eight people.

Jiang Qin looked at Zhuang Chen's decadent look, as if he saw his former self, and always wanted to scold him, as if he had found an opportunity to scold his former self.

But based on his experience, scolding cannot wake someone up. If he could be scolded, there wouldnt be so many licking dogs in the world.

Actually, there is no benefit in falling in love in college. Its better to make friends. There are many falls in college, but they never interact with each other after graduation. Even if they meet by chance, they may even pretend not to know each other.

But good friends are different. The friendship at school is the most precious. Maybe when we meet again after many years, not only the relationship has not become shallow, but it has become warmer.

Jiang Qin suddenly blushed as he spoke: "So, many husbands are not willing to let their wives attend class reunions, for fear that old friends will suddenly become interested and eventually it will become yes, we have a child."

Everyone: ??????

Zhuang Chen was trapped in it. He only had love in his mind but couldn't find it, so he felt that the whole world had turned gray.

In addition, because he always had a love rival filter towards Jiang Qin, Jiang Qin's words were obviously a relief, but when he heard him say "we have a child", he exploded instantly, stood up and walked out.

Jiang Qin was stunned for a moment: "What's wrong with this idiot?"

I dont know, maybe I just thought of something happy.

Forget it, lets go find a place to eat.

Jiang Qin stood up, buttoned Feng Nanshu, and then turned to look at the manager standing at the door: "Go find someone to arrange a table for six people. Let's have hot pot here tonight."

The manager nodded: "Okay, Mr. Jiang, we will make arrangements for you immediately."

(Its New Years Eve. I havent had a break this year. I plan to spend time with my family these days. Today is the chapter. Happy New Year to everyone.)

Its New Years Eve. I havent had a break this year. I plan to spend time with my family these days. Today is a chapter. Happy New Year to everyone.

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