Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 664: Restart the payment war!

Chapter 664 Restarting the payment war!

  After New Year’s Day, Alipay decided to promote offline code scanning equipment in first-tier cities, just as Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing expected.

 The first one to take action was Alipay’s Commerce Department. They started negotiating with all parties before New Year’s Day and reached strategic cooperation agreements with major offline chain brands.

Within a week, the 711 convenience store fully updated its equipment and has generated more than 300 users who use payment codes to pay.

“Our current market share is 42%, Cloud Quick Pass has 36%, and Tenpay has 10%.”

“Everyone, you should be able to feel the crisis, right?”

“In 2004, we, Alipay, started our business independently, continuously and deeply optimizing services, and moving forward with difficulty. Eight years later, we have only obtained less than half of the share. I believe many people are unhappy.”

“After updating equipment for offline merchants, I hope our market share will reach 56% within three months.”

“Next spring, this number will increase by another 20%.”

Pang Rui sat in the office and issued orders to various departments, and the tense atmosphere began to spread from top to bottom.

 At that time, Zhang Jie's "Reverse War" was played in all major business districts, and a large number of land offers from China appeared in the streets of first-tier cities.

Each of them is wearing a suit and leather shoes, with their leather shoes polished to perfection. They have Alipay field work badges hanging on their chests and carry a large cross-body bag. They have become the vanguard of the payment revolution.

From streets to alleys, from supermarkets to stores, ground promoters with equipment come in and out.

While introducing the convenience of payment boxes to merchants, they announced Alipay’s bonus incentive plan for payment boxes.

 The first time you activate the device and complete the first transaction, you will be rewarded with one hundred yuan.

 Every thirty calendar days after the first order is generated, for each additional new user, a reward of two yuan will be given, with a cap of five hundred and a validity period of three months.

At the same time, users who use the payment box to scan the code to pay will receive random discounts.

 Because it is convenient and cheap, and you don’t have to pay for the equipment, Alipay’s ground promotion is quite rapid.

In addition to the payment box, there is also a label that appears, which says that you can get up to half-price discount by showing the payment code to the merchant.

 Excluding equipment costs, Alipay burned through RMB 10 million in three days.

At the same time, the first unmanned vending machine equipped with a QR code scanning function appeared at People’s Square Station.

  Payment with one click became a hot topic at the beginning of 2013. Some media sensed the heat and began to take to the streets to interview random passers-by.

“Ali is changing the world, really. I said this last year.”

“Alipay can be regarded as one of the four new inventions.”

“This thing is not available in foreign countries. Our country’s scientific and technological strength has advanced so fast!”

 The payment revolution in first-tier cities has continuously spawned new users for Alipay, and at the same time robbed the original users of Cloud QuickPass. The number of registrations and transactions has continued to rise in a short period of time.

At the same time, Alipay’s scan-code payment advertisements are also becoming popular both online and offline.

In Sanlitun, Kyoto, they rented two large screens. One said Alipay, and the other also said Alipay. The main theme was a wealthy person.

The leader of the local promotion team in charge of promotion in Xicheng District is named Zhou Guangxiang. He led 12 team members and visited thousands of stores in just one week, and received an average of 13,000 yuan in promotion fees per person.

 Ali, attack with all your might.

 There’s no way around it, I actually earned a lot on Double Eleven.

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized why Ali could be regarded as the ceiling of the first echelon of large companies. Damn it, if he really goes all out, it will really be like a landslide and a tsunami.

 There are many people paying attention to this matter. As Alipay’s biggest competitor, Pintuan Cloud Quick Pass will naturally be mentioned.

“After eight years of preparation, once Ali gets serious, it will be really scary.”

 “Why eight years?”

“Alipay has been around since 2004, but at that time third-party payment software was not recognized by the state, and Alipay could not be promoted. But after eight years, we must have made sufficient preparations.”

 “How long have you been preparing for UnionPay QuickPass? Half a year, how do you deal with Alipay?”

“It is not Jiang Qin’s style to be high-profile, but the promotion of payment software must be high-profile to accumulate credibility and establish a brand image.”

“During this period, I have been hearing the sound of beeping in my ears. It feels like the whole world is Alipay. I don’t know how I will respond to the group purchase..."

On a cold snowy night, Jiang Qin walked out of Building 101, wrapped in a thick down jacket, and walked along the path to Building 201, Building 3.

 Feng Nanshu and Gao Wenhui went to get their hair cut. He was bored at home, so he went to brag about his skills with Lao Cao and the others.

  Master Cao’s Internet cafe is being renovated recently. It is said that there are already people applying for cards even if there is no computer in the room. This is really weird.

“Lao Jiang, you haven’t settled the money for the last team building with me yet.”

“You’re not the host of the party? Have you forgotten that Ye Qian’s chest exploded so much?”


After finishing bragging and forcing Cao Guangyu to call his uncle and settle the bill, Jiang Qin walked along the snow-covered path to the gate of the community, intending to buy a large box of blocking elves at the gate.

At this time, the lights of the convenience store were on, illuminating half of the snow.

The lady at the cashier was reading tonight's headlines. When she saw Jiang Qin come in and go straight to the shelves in front of the store, she couldn't help but straighten her body a little.

She didn't look up when Jiang Qin came for the first time, but she recognized him from the second time. When she saw Jiang Qin coming to buy another set, she hissed softly in her heart. Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang, can you really do this? How many times a day is this...

When checking out, Jiang Qin lowered his head and immediately spotted the small white Alipay code scanning box placed in front of the checkout counter, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

 Alipay is awesome, it’s coming to my door?

Linchuan’s GDP has surged in recent years, and residents’ consumption levels have continued to rise. It has long been far behind other second-tier cities. It is not surprising that it will be used as a promotion city for payment equipment.

Jiang Qin opened Alipay on his mobile phone, scanned the QR code to pay, and got a discount of 3.5 yuan.

The lady at the convenience store watched Jiang Qin leave and couldn't help shouting in her heart, Mr. Jiang should not study how to surpass Mrs. Jiang every day, but also develop his own payment equipment!

You are the pride of our Linchuan!

She only dared to shout these words in her heart, but her eyes were very hot.

At the same time, at the corner of the road, Feng Nanshu came running over wearing a long down jacket. When he saw Jiang Qin, he threw himself into his arms.

 She also had cyan highlights, like a rebellious girl, her naughty nature was clearly revealed.

However, when she got into Jiang Qin's arms, her little left and right were pinched, and then she realized that Jiang Qin was holding a large box of elves, her cheeks instantly turned pink, and she was a little shy.

Gao Wenhui also saw the box in his arms and asked knowingly: "Jiang Qin, what did you buy?"

Jiang Qin raised the corner of his mouth: "Friendship protective film."


Gao Wenhui said it was shameless. Wearing this means we are still good friends, right? What's the difference between this and those scumbag men who say wearing it doesn't count as cheating!

But before the words left her mouth, she thought of another thing: "We just went to get a haircut, and those barber shops recommended us to pay with Alipay. They said that users would have discounts and merchants would get bonuses. I feel like UnionPay Almost no one is using it anymore.”

 “That’s just an illusion.”


 In fact, Pintuan Cloud QuickPass has already begun to respond to Alipay.

The reason why it has not received much attention is that Jiang Qin did not choose to start a war with Alipay in first-tier cities, but chose to sink into third- and fourth-tier markets.

When Alipay began to promote payment boxes, they continued to promote merchant payment codes, focusing on third- and fourth-tier university towns, which required users to scan and pay.

You must know that payment boxes and code scanning guns cannot be used alone to complete payment. Stores that can use these devices must have a cashier. To put it bluntly, they must have a computer equipped with Alipay’s merchant cashier system.

Ke Jiang Qin believes that there are very few stores with digital cashiers.

 Especially in the second and third tier markets, payment codes that can be used only with a mobile phone are realistic.

So throughout January, Union QuickPass payment codes were continuously posted to third- and fourth-tier cities.

·The market is expanding, and the overall number of users in the payment market is still increasing. Cloud QuickPass is taking advantage of the sinking market to quickly catch up. In fact, the number of users is not far behind Alipay.

 But on the other hand, everyone is not optimistic about the path of Cloud Quick Pass this time.

 What is the consumption level in first-tier cities, and what is the level in third- and fourth-tier cities?

The number of users is about the same, but the difference in user quality is huge. The transaction volume of the two companies may have already spread far apart.

“Continue to promote it in first-tier cities and ignore the market sinking behavior of Cloud Quick Pass.”

“When Cloud QuickPass eats up all its first-tier market share, we will turn around and go back to grab his fruits!”

Pang Rui made arrangements for the actions of Cloud QuickPass.

To be honest, this arrangement is quite arrogant, because it is Jiang Qin's method, and he intends to retaliate in the same way.

However, what Pang Rui didn’t expect was that on January 10, Pintuan suddenly lowered the payment priority of Alipay in its app and was included in the folding column of other payment methods.

 In an instant, Alipay's daily transaction volume and number of users dropped sharply. Pang Rui's face turned pale, and the cup in his hand was smashed to pieces.

 “This is unfair competition!”

 That evening, Ma Yun posted seven words on Weibo, which aroused heated discussion across the Internet.

  There are many fans of Uncle Ma who are complaining about the injustice below. They say that they are too anxious to join the group and that their methods are too dirty and overbearing. At the same time, they say that if you can't afford it, don't play.

As a leader of the new era, Uncle Ma’s inspirational speeches across the country are indeed very effective and he has countless fans on his social accounts.

“Regarding Pintuan’s adjustment of Alipay’s payment priority, it is a reasonable improvement based on business adjustments.”

“Also, I hope Taobao can use Union Quick Pass payment one day.”

Jiang Qin quickly expressed his opinions on Weibo and contacted the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

 That night, the second cup was broken at Alibaba headquarters, but Mr. Ma never expressed any opinions.

However, the priority of Alipay has been downgraded to other industries and folded, which has also affected the business volume of the group.

 After all, some consumers would rather give up group booking and still use Alipay.

Since then, the number of Hungry users has suddenly increased. Zhang Xuhao’s eyes widened and he is shouting about wealth in the office all day long!

“Boss, our users have also begun to lose.”

“Don’t be anxious, people will come back after the limelight passes. If you don’t need to join a group, what will consumers use? Do you use Dianping, or are you hungry?”

 (asking for monthly pass, asking for monthly pass, or2)

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