Why I Quit Being the Demon King

Chapter 31

Why I Quit Being the Demon King Chapter 31


8. Fighting with the Dragon God (1)

Dragons did not have a government like humans.

I was immersed in my work, stuck in countless grape-like scenes.

The interior of the temple was connected by complex corridors like branches connecting grapes.

The place where Deus was walking was also one of those streams.

Although it was a dragon with strong individualism,

it was not indifferent to external invasions.

Three blue dragons blocked Deus.

One of them was Elder level.

Elder dragons were powerful beings who had lived for thousands of years, equivalent to elders or elders in human terms.

“What are you?”

The Elder Dragon asked, glaring at Deus.

But there is only one answer.

“Where is Jin Geum-yong?”

“It looks like they are demons.”

Deus did not deny those words.

“A demon crossed the boundary of the scriptures and attacked the Blue Jade Sutra! “Do you realize the weight of what you are doing now?”

“It’s weight. That’s nothing for you to worry about. Call Jin Geum-yong. “That alone will give you the right to continue your life.”

“You’re crazy!”

“Is it me who doesn’t know the topic? Or maybe you guys? I will ask you one last question. “Where is the road that leads to Jin Jinyong?”

The Elder Dragon frowned.

The other two blue dragons next to him were anxious to attack Deus long ago.

However, the Elder Dragon took a more cautious attitude.

It was because his prayer felt unusual.

The enemy actually killed the blue dragon inside the aquamarine mirror.

Not even a few minutes had passed since news came that an intruder had appeared at the border.

He is strong.

But the dragon is even greater.

“Go back, young demon. I have seen your strength well. “Your king will pay for the blood you committed in the future.”

Deus raised his eyes and looked at the Elder Dragon.

A small flame appeared in my numb eyes.

My lips were twisted.

“It is a price of blood.”

I let out a short burst of anger and closed my eyes slightly.

“You too are throwing away your last chance.”

“What is that…

The Elder Dragon couldn’t close his mouth.

Death has come.

My entire body was shattered by the black light extending from the enemy’s fingertips. The huge body collapsed into black ash.

Deus’ fingertip pointed at the young dragon right next to him.

The young dragons stiffened as they watched the elder dragon die without even being able to resist.

“Speak. How to meet Jingeumyong

The Blue Dragon, whose fingertips were aimed, gritted his teeth.

I tried to act calm, but the shaking wouldn’t stop.

“You… who are you?”

“Don’t think I will show you more mercy. Answer. “Where is Jin Geum-yong?”

The hesitating dragon looked right to the side.

The two blue dragons winked at each other and soared into the sky. It

disappeared into the distance along the path of the sapphire, leaving behind a ray of blue light


Deus didn’t bother chasing them.

I hope you come back with more colleagues.

What I really wanted was for it to become even louder.

Because that would be a shortcut to Jin Geum-yong.

If someone had asked Deus if he had any special regard for Daroche, he would have definitely answered no.

The fate of the king was also thrown away.

I had no interest in petty disputes with the human world.

The Seven Dukes of the Demon World are the vanguard of war.

There was not even the slightest agreement with the theory of human conquest they were advocating.


I was able to nod my head without hesitation when asked if they were family.

Like it or hate it. It was a completely separate issue from preference. Deus walked at a sticky pace. The sapphire, full of blue gems,

was so complicated that even Deus’s power could not find the way.

There were so many hallways stretching out so arbitrarily that I couldn’t tell where I was standing.

I also don’t know the way back to the border of the Blue Jade Sutra.

But it didn’t matter.

Just destroy the enemies in front of you.

Just now, six blue dragons joined forces to attack him.

It seemed like they were a group confident in battle.

Although they were decent warriors, the difference in strength

was clear.

Six dragons were eliminated as if kicking away pebbles.

The number of dragons killed here has already reached double digits.

The weight of the work of the blood master that the Elder Dragon had talked about was growing bigger and bigger.

It’s just right.

Carnage and destruction.

Is there any word that suits you better than that?


“You monster! How dare you cause such an uproar against

the Blue Jade Lord?”

“You damned devil. “I will tear your body apart and wet this place with your blood!”

3 echelons. A total of 30 dragons surrounded him.

Deus looked back at them.

I couldn’t be happy, but I smiled.

The fishy smell emanating from the blood of the enemy on my hands became a powerful sound and excited my heart.

“Poor mortals! “I ask, where is Jin Geum-yong?”


The three commanders who commanded about 30 dragons all attacked Deus.

Numerous dragons attacked Deus indiscriminately, like hungry animals flocking to their prey.


only the beginning is grand. The ending was miserable. “

Hundreds of meters of space were swallowed up by a

dark vortex at the whispering murmur of a dark spiral explosion .

Blue-green trees with blue jewels hanging like leaves

. The forest disappeared without a trace, and the life within it also disappeared.

One echelon disappeared in a single blow.

The dragons in the other two echelons flinched and retreated without realizing it.

Although they were the most courageous fighting unit among the Blue Jade Dragons, they had no choice but to flinch in front of the hell unfolding before their eyes.

The elder-level commanders exchanged miserable looks.

There seemed to be only one road ahead.


There was only a fight over how fiercely the oxidation could be done.

“Oh my god…

a dragon muttered.

The dragons around him frowned at that short whisper.

The commander glared at him blatantly.

“You fool!”

The dragon who was chanting was startled and his shoulders trembled.

At this moment, I ended up saying something I should never have said.

“Don’t blame him.”

A woman sighed and walked out among the dragons.

Jingeumyong Yulgeum.

The golden woman looked at Deus with confused eyes.

Jingeumyong, the god of dragons.

The method of calling her was surprisingly simple. All the dragon had to do was sincerely hope for God’s help.

Deus raised the corners of his mouth.

He aimed at Jin Geum-yong with a smile that revealed his fangs.

“Damn woman.”

Yulgeum sighed again.

“An unlucky man.”

Immediately after that, the dragons lost sight of both Deus and Yul Geum.

Deus looked around.

This place, filled with golden scent, seemed to be an imaginary space created by Yul Geum.

“It looks like fungus has started growing in your armpits, too.”

At Yulgeum’s first words, Deus suddenly felt as if all the strength in his shoulders was gone.

I clenched my fists.

“I’m not in the mood to joke.”

“I’m not really joking either. “Against the one who killed dozens of my children.”

“Blood must be repaid with blood.”

Yulgeum frowned at his words.

“What happens when the perpetrator pretends to be the victim?”

“You want to turn it around like that.”

“Are you absolutely crazy?”

“It’s crazy. “I can’t bear to be deceived by someone like Jin Geum-yong without going crazy.”

“I tricked you?”

“Then did I trick you?”

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“Stop it. There’s no way I’ll admit it. They are demons and dragons. “We are not in a relationship where we can resolve this through dialogue.”

Deus slightly raised his head and looked down at the Jingeum Dragon.

“Pay for deceiving this body with death.”

“good. Then let’s check it out. “It is the 666th new power of the Demon King.”

Yulgeum said this and laughed.

It was clearly a smile, but instead the corners of his eyes

hardened with anger.

It is gibberish to say that they invaded Cheongokgyeong out of nowhere and killed dozens of members of the clan.

There was not a single reason for Yulgeum not to be angry.

Deus clenched and unclenched his fists.

The opponent is Jin Geum-yong.

He was the god of the dragon race who divided the world into three.

Deus didn’t know what kind of power she actually had.

But there’s no need to be scared.

Just as he was the god of dragons, he was the god of demons.

The outstretched fist stretched out like a sharp awl.

There was no need for any tricks. I compressed my power to the limit and aimed for one point.

Requiem and darkness (鎭魂暗靈透).

The fighting spirit of the demon kings that had been handed down for 666 centuries was melted into this blow.

Yulgeum danced. Her name had the word “melody” in it.

The very act of putting my foot down felt like music. Sometimes lively or soft.

It stretched and bent, raised and lowered, making the entire space around it feel warm.

Requiem cancer fighting and Jingeummu (true gold dance)

come together.

Awl and pocket.

One tried to embrace it, the other tried to pierce it.

Every time they collided, a wound appeared on their bodies.

Blood flowed from the corner of Yulgeum’s mouth, and half of Deus’ face was chafed and his flesh was tattered.

The bloody struggle between life and death

shook space and time itself.

How many dimensions were born and passed away between their fists and palms!

And how countless causal chains were destroyed in it!

Deus looked at Yulgeum again.


This woman was really strong. There were hardly any gaps in sight.

But I am stronger.

I poured all my body’s magical energy into the dark spirit. The uninterrupted dark energy gathered sharply and spread out over an endless distance


At that moment, Yulgeum’s dance became entangled.

My knee was hit hard by the requiem. It was a momentary shaking, but Deus was waiting for that exact moment.

I swung my other, hidden hand.

If the Requiem Shadow Fight compresses power, the Shadow Spiral Explosion is an attack that explodes the spirit and crushes everything into nothingness.

A huge explosion exploded like a whirlwind and enveloped Yulgeum’s body.

Her body was enveloped in darkness. It was sucked into one point, mixed with the torn space-time, and scattered in all directions.

Shaking from the severe shock, she fell to the floor.

I suddenly vomited blood. Then, he glared at Deus with angry eyes and fell forward.

Jin Geum-yong lost.

The golden incense she made broke into pieces from the ceiling.

As if an old ceiling painting had been peeled off, it tore apart and eventually disappeared.

The blue dragons were stunned.

The demon was grabbing Jingeumyong’s neck.

He looked around, holding Jin Geum-yong’s delicate neck as if he would crush it at any moment.

Yulgeum was defeated and fell into the hands of the enemy.

This news was conveyed to many people.

Elder dragons gathered at the sapphire. Tens of thousands of dragons gathered in a circle and surrounded Deus and Yulgeum.

No one came forward and opened their mouth.

It was because they were afraid that such actions would provoke the enemy.

The silent confrontation increased endlessly.

Deus stood as if frozen, holding Yulgeum’s neck.

He looked at the woman in his hands with indifferent eyes.

If I grabbed this hand, Jin Geum-yong would disappear from this world.


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