Why Should I Stop Being a Villain

Chapter 163 Learning New Spell

Shifting her attention from Asher, Helena looked at the whole class. Of course, she would favor her grandson, but this visit was formal, so she didn't want to appear too partial.

"As you all know, each person with Black Element affinity has a different specialty," Helena said.

"But let's sit down first," Helena snapped her fingers, and various black-colored chairs appeared for each student to sit down.

The students were surprised as they looked at the black-colored seats. They appeared hard and uncomfortable, but they didn't find them uncomfortable when they sat on them.

Arman himself was looking forward to Helena's lecture as he looked up to her.

"Do you know why we call this element by the term 'Black'?" Helena asked.

Asher was quiet, but the other students looked confused. Even Lishia found it hard to answer correctly.

"Let's go back to the basics," Helena said as she summoned a black orb.

"Although only Lightning and Space elements are considered advanced elements, I consider Black Element a pseudo-advanced element," she said.

"Although we named this element 'black' maybe just because of the color associated with most of the abilities derived from this element, that was not the only reason such a vague name was given," Helena said.

"As I said before, each person with an affinity for Black Element has a different specialty," Helena said.

"As for mine, as you can see, it is control over the shadows, or what we term Darkness," The orb in her hand dissipated.

"But that's not the only specialty in Black Element; movement techniques, inducing emotions in enemies, and what I did earlier was Illusion," Helena said.

"Although I can do all of them, you will never go beyond Tier 3 outside of your specialty," she said.

"Now, coming back to my question, the term 'black' was given due to the nature of all abilities of this element, regardless of your specialty," Helena explained.

"As you know, every element has a counter element to it that helps neutralize it," Helena said.

"But Black Element is the only element that is not affected by other elements and can be used against them, but the downside to using it is the extreme mana cost and needed control," she explained.

Although all elements could be used against the Black Element, the abilities gained through Black Element were independent of other elements.

"But despite that, don't underestimate other elements," Helena said.

"I have seen many with advanced elements lose to those with just basic elements," Helena reminded them.

After all, it was all about mastery of the element itself. Even a person with Fire Element affinity could beat someone with an advanced element because they could conjure higher-tier spells.

"And Black Element is one of those elements that people never reached the realm to create Tier 6 spells," Helena said.

Tier 6 spells were equivalent to many special weapon techniques in this world. Even Silvus Grandus, who was given the title of the Archmage, was the only one who could achieve Tier 6, but it was only in the Basic Elements.

Helena had only a few Tier 5 spells, which were quite mana-consuming, considering the element she had mastered.

"So the first step for learning Black Element is finding your specialty, and it can only be done by trying out various spells," Helena said.

"So I think you will be able to find your specialty after learning more about spell weaving and Black Element after a few months," she said, and this was the only way to find your specialty.

Helena looked at Arman, who nodded at her.

"This will be your first assignment. Find the books in the Great Library and try to learn all the Tier 1 spells on your own, and if you cannot find your specialty, I will help you in the next class," Arman said.

Helena started showing various Tier 2 or 3 spells, nothing too much that could harm the students. After that, it was a long 2-hour lecture where the students listened to Helena, who talked about various theories that helped them as mages.

"This is all for today. I hope you all can find something meaningful in this session," Helena said.

The students thanked Helena for the session; meeting and learning from her was an excellent opportunity.

"You can stay behind for now," Helena said to Asher.

Asher looked at Arman, who clicked on his phone and confirmed Helena's schedule here.

"I will wait outside the arena," Arman said as he looked at Helena.

He knew that Helena would have wanted to teach Asher something, so he didn't want to stop her. Farnus, watching their interactions, didn't interfere because he could not tell Helena not to teach Asher about the black element.

The World Academy was there only to teach the students, not restrict them.

"First, let's cut off the eyes on us," Helena snapped her fingers as a black barrier formed around them.

Asher could easily see through the barrier, but from an outside perspective, someone couldn't hear or see them unless they broke it.

"Why are you trying to become a mage?" Helena asked, knowing that Asher was brilliant at swordsmanship.

She had seen his recorded footage of the Representative Tournament, so she could see how talented Asher was in swordsmanship.

"I am just trying it out," Asher replied as Helena stared at him.

At first, she wanted to tell Asher to change his course back to Swords Art, but due to her misunderstanding, she thought Asher's talent in Black magic was higher than hers.

"It's a pity that you were born a swordsman just like Ivar, or you might have surpassed me," she said.

"But let's not focus on what we can't control. You know about the Great Library, right?" Helena asked.

"Yes," Asher replied.

"You will find many books, and knowing that you are Rank 1, you can access all those books. I will teach you the spells you can practice now, but try to learn from them." Unfortunately, Helena's schedule was too busy to teach Asher personally about every single spell she mastered.

Learning from books was a significant part of a Mage's life, and she wanted Asher to experience it himself.

Listening to Helena, Asher didn't tell her that his body could become a mage.

"You probably have the same specialty as me, so try to learn the Tier 2 spell, [Shadow Control], for now," Helena said.

Helena raised her hands as black shackles erupted from the ground.

"You have reached D Rank, so this spell will be perfect for you," Helena told him.

Asher looked around him and could feel Helena's perfect control over her spells.

"Give me your hand," Helena said as Asher took his right hand.

"This spell is something I created, and it will help you learn from spells and even create ones in the future," Helena said.

"I will weave the spells on your palm; try remembering this feeling," Helena flared her mana slightly.

Asher could feel the complex lines Helena's mana was drawing. His mind started to comprehend Helena's spell. He followed each step Helena did with his mana, replicating the spell.

"Remember to control your mana so that the spell doesn't break," Helena was slow in her demonstration.

She estimated that it would take Asher at least days, even with his talent, to fully master this spell and hours to learn how to do it.

"I will give all the possible variations I have made for this spell," Helena said as she started displaying various spell structures she had created herself.

In 40 minutes, she had shown more than 58 variations of the same spell and how she used them to improve her control.

She removed her hand as she looked at Asher, who stood still, trying to move his mana in that order.

[ Host has learned Shadow Control Rank D ]

It was easier for Asher to follow through Helena's complex spell due to his high intelligence stat.

Asher opened his eyes as he looked at the power behind this Tier 2 spell, comparable to many Tier 3 spells.

"Should I demonstrate the spell one more time?" Helena asked.

"No, it's fine," Asher replied.

Although Helena doubted Asher could learn this quickly, she had all the time in the future to teach Asher if he failed now. She had even made plans to train, especially when the First Year Vacations would come.

Helena didn't teach him much right now because she was still skeptical whether Asher would continue learning as a mage.

"I will go talk with the principal for a bit. Tell Amelia I will meet her before returning," Helena said as she removed the barrier.

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