Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 666 You’re Not Our Sugar Daddy [Part 2]

Chapter 666 You’re Not Our Sugar Daddy [Part 2]

Ethan’s Other Half suddenly caught a figure moving from the corner of his eye and was seemingly headed in his direction.

It was none other than Princess Ramona, who saw Ethan land at the yard of her residence.

But when she was only several meters away from the young man, several water snakes grabbed hold of her and pulled her back.

“Don’t go near that man, Ramona!” Lapis shouted. “He’s not our Sugar Daddy.”

“That's right! He’s not out Sugar Daddy!” another Fairy raised her small fist in anger. “Who are you, and what did you do to Master?!”

The Fairies all hovered behind Princess Ramona and summoned Water Balls, ready to unleash them at any moment.

“Everyone calm down,” Joanne, who had also arrived at the scene, stated. “He’s not an enemy.”

“Are you sure?” Lapis asked.

“Yes,” Joanne replied. “He’s still your Master, just a different one.”

Joanne’s Other Half had temporarily taken over the young lady’s body because she didn’t want things to escalate.

She could tell that the one that was controlling the young man’s body was Ethan’s Other Half since they shared the same origin.

Joanne, who was watching this exchange from inside her Sea of Consciousness, frowned.

‘He’s just like me,’ Joanne mused. ‘We have the same power inside our bodies.’

As someone who had lived with her Other Half since she gained awareness, Joanne understood what was happening.

However, this also made her frown.

The only time her Other Half would emerge was when she was knocked unconscious or when she was in great danger.

Since the one standing in front of him was her brother’s Other Half, this meant that Ethan was currently unable to control his body and had to rely on his Other Half to do things for him.

“Let’s talk inside,” Ethan’s Other Half said as he gestured to the Shadow Rats to enter his shadow again.

The Fairies, who had already become good friends with Ramona, eyed Ethan warily.

They knew that the little girl liked him, so they didn’t want her to get hurt by someone who seemed to be possessing their Master at this point in time.

When everyone was seated in the living room, Ethan’s Other Half decided to explain everything that happened while he was on his mission.

Keznir and the other Shadow Rats, who were currently inside Ethan’s Shadow, sighed after hearing what happened during the battle.

They didn’t regret their decision to attack the Lizardmen. In their eyes, the latter deserved to be exterminated for what they had done to their race.

The only regret they had was that none of their soldiers were able to return alive and were even sacrificed to summon their former Master, Erass.

Seeing that the Tidebringer was able to survive such an attack also made them all realize that the person who had forcefully asked them to submit to him was more powerful than their Deity of Pestilence.

But this made them feel more assured because that also meant that they would no longer be sacrificed and treated as disposable tools by the Deity of Pestilence, who thought of the Ratmen as his mere pawns.

Joanne’s and Princess Ramona’s faces turned solemn as they listened to Ethan’s story.

They didn’t expect that the young man would have to fight against a Progenitor, let alone survive to tell the tale.

“So, right now, Ethan is in a comatose state,” Ethan’s Other Half said. “But, you don’t have to worry. It will probably take him no more than a few more weeks before he wakes up naturally.”

Princess Ramona was still feeling anxious, but she decided to believe Ethan’s Other Half.

Joanne, on the other hand, became pale because she didn’t expect that their Family’s Patron Deity would descend into the world and take over her brother’s body for a time.

Just thinking of it happening to her own body made her shudder.

Erass needed to sacrifice thousands of lives in order to meet the condition for his descent.

That meant that the Deity of Pestilence required an enormous amount of flesh, blood, and magic in order to manifest.

Progenitors were truly powerful beings, so the means to summon them wasn’t that simple.

This was also why she was incredibly impressed and even scared that her brother alone had managed to contain the power of a Progenitor.

If that happened to her, her body might have imploded because it lacked the ability to hold such great power inside of her.

In a way, Joanne and her Other Half had a newfound respect for Ethan. What he had just accomplished was something that only their Grandfather was able to do.

“Keznir, come out,” Ethan’s Other Half commanded.

The Shadow Rat heeded his call and manifested.

“From now on, you and your men will guard Princess Ramona,” Ethan’s Other Half commanded. “Ramona, Ethan is very worried about your safety, so from now on, they will be your Guardians.

“Also, I will not take no for an answer. They will guard you whether you like it or not. I am just informing you about my decision. Do you understand?”

“Y-Yes,” Ramona stuttered because there was nothing she could do but accept Ethan’s goodwill.

After bowing to Princess Ramona, Keznir merged with her shadow.

After that, the other Shadow Rats also left Ethan’s shadow and merged with the Princess’ shadow, making her almost scream out of fear.

She did her best to calm her senses, and fortunately, she was able to hold it back.

“I will now leave Ethan’s body and allow him to recover naturally,” Ethan’s Other Half said. “If there is an emergency, I will appear again. However, until then, Ethan will continue to rest.

“With the Fairies, Shadow Rats, and Dainsleif protecting the two of you, I don’t think that there is anyone in this kingdom who can harm any of you. But just in case something happens, feel free to call out to me. I will do what I can to help.”

Ethan’s Other Half didn’t even wait for the reply of the two girls before he stood up and walked toward the bedroom assigned to him.

Although it took her a few minutes to digest everything that she had heard and seen, Princess Ramona finally regained her calm.

She felt a bit bitter, knowing that Ethan got hurt due to the request that her Father had asked of him.

But since it was all in the past, the only thing she could do was move forward.

Just as she was thinking along those lines, the image of a beautiful Mermaid Princess appeared inside her head, making her stand up in response.

“Wait, there might be someone who can help,” Princess Ramona said as she looked at her best friend. “Joanne, maybe Illumina can help.”

Joanne blinked once then twice before her eyes widened in shock.

“You’re right,” Joanne replied. “She might be able to wake him up naturally.”

After making up their minds, the two girls and the Water Fairies left the residence and went to the sea.

Their destination was Illumina’s temporary shelter near Princess Ramona’s residence.

The Mermaid Princess had grown attached to the Princess and Ethan’s sister, so she decided to find a temporary place to settle, making it convenient for them to chat every day.

Since Mermaids had mysterious powers and abilities, Princess Ramona believed that Illumina would be able to wake up Ethan without any problems.

She only hoped that Illumina would be there when they arrived. The sooner Ethan opened his eyes, the sooner the young lady would be able to spend time with him again.

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