World Evolution! Awakening Limit Grade Talent!

Chapter 24: Awake

Three months had passed since the day of the funeral, and Aiden was already submitted to the nearest hospital, and Aunt May had already gone back as she didn't stay outside of the military for such a long period.

Inside the room where Aiden is being treated, Alicia was currently sitting on a chair closer to Aiden's bed, holding one of his hands with both her hands, and talking to him for some time. She even cried in between sometimes.

Half an hour had passed already. She got up from her seat and was about to leave. Just as she was about to exit the door of the room, she heard a barely audible whisper in her ears: "Bis Sis, wait."

Alicia stopped in her tracks and thoughts; she didn't get enough sleep and heard voices in her head, she once again heard the same whisper, but this time it was a little louder than before. Thinking this couldn't be her imagination, she turned to see that her brother was sitting on the bed and trying to move out of his bed, and his eyes were open.

Seeing him sitting on the bed with his eyes open as she had imagined almost every day for the last 3 months, she quickly ran toward him and held his body for support, looking into his eyes as he also looked back at her. Tears started to leak out of her big black eyes.

Aiden, seeing his big sister cry, felt very sad, thinking how much his sister had to struggle without him and his mother, and quickly hugged her, bringing her head closer to his chest.

Alicia felt the hug, and all the emotion she had bottled up until now began to show itself, and she cried for more than 10 minutes in his embrace. Coming out of his embrace, she saw that tears were leaking from his face, but he was not making any sound, so she didn't feel him crying.

Seeing her little brother cry, she felt very sad and quickly wiped his tears from his face with her hands and said to him in a worried voice, "Aiden what happened? Does it hurt somewhere? Should I call a doctor?"

Listening to her worried voice and seeing his sister's beautiful face once again, Aiden felt that he was finally with his family after all the time, during the coma, he felt that he was just sleeping for a second, awake next second, but looking at his beautiful sister with dark circles and worry on her face, he could tell 3 months had really passed, and he replied in a barely audible voice.

"It's nothing big, sis; seeing you once again after the accident just made me cry." Ony Wispher escaped his mouth because of the extreme weakness and hunger he was currently feeling right now.

Alicia listening to his voice didn't find it weird, as he would have remembered falling unconscious after the crash and imagining the pain he must have felt during the incident. Her eyes burned with determination with a swirl in her deep black eyes, and she said, "Don't worry, little Aiden, your sister will never let you get hurt again."

Aiden looking into her eyes found that her eyes were a little different just now, but he didn't think much about it and said in a weak voice, "Big Sis, I am very hungry."

Alicia listening to his voice saying weakly that he was hungry felt a little sad thinking of the joy of his waking up she didn't focus too much on other things and said with a sorry look on her face, "Aiden, forgive your big sister for not noticing I would quickly order someone to bring you your favorite food."

Aiden, seeing the look on her face, hurriedly replied to her, "Big Sis, don't worry about it, and you should also eat with me."

Listening to his voice, Alicia quickly ordered a nurse to bring the food for both herself and his little brother, as she herself was feeling a little hungry. Even if she didn't, she would still happily accompany his little brother for a meal.

During the meal, the atmosphere between them was very harmonious and lively, and due to his weakness, Alicia insisted that she would help him eat as she happily fed him with her hands.

They talked about many things during the meal, but both of them didn't mention anything about their mother after the meal. Aiden was feeling a little better than before, but he still couldn't walk properly, he could talk in a normal voice now.

He had an idea that in a week or so he would be able to be like a normal person.

In the following week, Aiden's physical condition returned to normal, and his sister shared about the time when he was unconscious and also talked about Mom's difficulties, Aiden also told her about the plane crash while somethings from her and aslo not telling her about the system.

Thinking that when he had sorted things out and revived her mother back to life, he would definitely tell her about the system.

He had already left the hospital yesterday, and he was currently at home in his room alone. During the past few days, he was in the hospital rehabilitating his physical condition. During that time, he had once checked his status, which showed weakened next to his name.

Finally, after getting some alone time from his sister, who didn't even leave him for a second and even slept with him while hugging him, saying that she had to be there if something happened to him, he wasn't able to deny seeing her puppy face, as she would cry if given no for an answer.

He can tell his sister's mind is affected a little due to the incident and losing their mother as a result; she is very overprotective of him.

Luckily he was a calm person and could control his emotions and hormones, but if someone would sleep with a beautiful woman, even if it was their sister, they wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully knowing a beautiful woman hugging when sleeping.

During these days, his sister also noticed that his height had increased, and he was only 5 inches shorter than her at 5 feet 6 inches. She also noticed his longer shoulder-length hair, thinking that it had increased during the past three months, but didn't think too much about his unusual growth rate.

As for him becoming cuter and more handsome, she shrugged it off, saying that she knew he would become handsome as he grew up, but what worried him more was that his unusual white hair mixed with his black would make her a little suspicious, thinking he was hiding something.

But his worries were for nothing, and it was quite the opposite; his sister's reaction was of extreme worry, thinking that his hair had turned white due to all the tension and his overall hair looked more mesmerizing, but it still didn't ease her worry.

Aiden had to convince her for half an hour, saying that it must be something genetic as neither of them didn't know who their father was for an exact reason he didn't know the exactly reason how it happened, but he didn't feel uncomfortable or anything listening to it his reason for his sister finding it a reason not knowing how.

This was true as he only knew it changed due to his talent awakening but he didn't know how it happened.

seeing the opportunity she also convinced him to accept him to cook for her, after promising to cook for her wherever she wanted, she finally calmed down he also had to choose his words carefully knowing he couldn't lie because of his talent.

Even knowing that his sister was taking advantage of the moment, he didn't deny her because he also loved cooking for her.

When he said to her about cutting his hair shorter, she reacted fiercely, saying that he looked more handsome with long hair, and she also didn't want him to have shorter hair, and he didn't refuse her as it would be a little troublesome to have long hair, but he didn't find it troublesome knowing his sister likes it.


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