World's Richest Man: I Leaped Across Time

Chapter 36: Lawyer

Alice let herself be carried around by her feelings.

Our hands were clasped together as the music grew to a first climax. I could feel her confidence; she was comfortable with me spinning her around.

My eyes were drawn to her curves as she danced, to how they shook and moved. I was losing myself in the music while never taking my eyes off of my partner's undulating body.

There were some gentle caresses between us, but always in innocent places.

However, with time, she started taking bigger and bigger risks. She leaned against me, rubbing her tits against my chest and staring into my eyes.

I could feel eyes on us, but it only spurred her on.

I pulled her into my arms, even though it was a fast song. I had her ass in my hand and held her close as we moved to the music's beat. She was starting to rub and press her body against my crotch.

She would come in and rub against me and when the beat would get going, she would grind her crotch on my thigh with that deep bass.

Bare legs were drawn against bare legs.

She had her eyes closed, humping on my leg.

When the song was over, she opened her eyes and looked at me, blushing.

When we got back to the table, it was easy to see that the girls had watched Alice on the dance floor. She got some pats on the back and the expected snide comments.

Sara made a sneaky comment: "Watch out, Jack. Alice likes to make guys think she was going home with them all night long only to turn to maybe the one guy she didn't dance with and leave with him," said, sipping her drink.

"Hey! That's not true!" Alice shouted out drunkenly and then turned to Lily, "Listen to me. I know you didn't want to dance with him but he's hot on the floor and he's packing a nice piece too!" She yelled.

Ethan choked on his drink, sputtering and coughing.

Sara laughed, "Hey, Jack, ignore her. She's had a bit too much to drink," she said.

"Oh, no. It's fine," I said.

In the end, Lily still told me it was her turn to dance.

We did.

She was a good dancer and we stayed out for four songs.

When we finally returned to the table, I was greeted with a bizarre sight. Alice was sprawled out on the couch next to the table, sound asleep, her mouth slightly open and a soft snore escaping her lips.

Ethan, also clearly drunk, was hanging on Sara's shoulder, swaying slightly and mumbling incoherently.

"What happened?" I asked.

Sara sighed, "Man... I think we're going to need your help to get Alice out of here."

I looked back at Alice, "I mean, of course. Let's get her back to the hotel." I said matter-of-factly.

Due to the angle at which Alice was lying down and given the short nature of her skirt, I could see her white panty clad bottom, so I gently moved the material of her skirt between her thighs to hide what was displayed.

We tried to jostle her around a bit to wake her up, but she only stirred slightly but didn't wake up, muttering something incoherent under her breath.

Together, we carefully lifted Alice from the couch.

With some effort, we managed to guide her to the exit, with Ethan doing his best to stay upright and help out.

"Thanks for helping," Sara said, as we maneuvered Alice through the crowded club. "I couldn't handle her on my own."

"No problem," I replied. "Let's just get her to the hotel safe."

We eventually made it outside and flagged down a taxi.

As we helped Alice into the backseat, she briefly opened her eyes and mumbled, "What's happening?"

"Don't worry, Alice. We're just taking you back to the hotel," Sara said gently.

Alice nodded sleepily and rested her head against the window.

The taxi was only a four-seater, and with Ethan and Sara taking up two spots, there wasn't enough room for all of us.

"We'll take this taxi and get Alice back," Sara said. "But we don't want to leave you alone. It's just a few minutes' walk anyway."

"I'll walk with you, Jack. It's not far." Lily said.

We watched as the taxi drove off with Sara, Ethan, and Alice.

As I strolled down the quiet streets with Lily, I turned to her and asked, "Does Alice always end up like this?"

Lily shook her head with a soft laugh. "No, not at all. It's been a very long time since Alice could let herself go like that. She's been studying hard for the last four years. I'm pretty sure she hasn't been to a single party."

"Not going to parties as a student? What am I hearing?"

"She just started at Harvard Law School, studying to be a lawyer, and she has been taking it very seriously," Lily said.

At those words, the smile disappeared from my lips.

I stopped, a feeling of fear and shock washing over me.

I felt drowsy, and the ground seemed to tilt slightly.

"Hey, hey! What's happening? Is the alcohol getting to you?" Lily asked, concern in her voice.

"I'm... I'm sorry, but how old is Alice?" I stammered.

"What's this all of a sudden?" Lily looked puzzled.

"Just tell me," I insisted.

"She is 21. She skipped one year in middle school."

I continued walking with my head down, rubbing my temple. "I don't know, I'm just having a bit of a déjà vu," I said, trying to keep my emotions in check to not appear like a crazy person.

Lily glanced at me with curiosity but didn't press further.

Along the way, Lily told me that she was finishing school in Orlando. I then told her that my friend would be starting college in Orlando this year.

When we reached the hotel, I said goodbye to Lily and went back to my room.

Climbing the stairs, my legs felt weak again and I needed to lean against the wall for support.

'A lawyer just like her... Same school. But 2 years older...,' I thought.

The coincidences were piling up.

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