X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 155: There's No Need To Call For Him

Chapter 155: There's No Need To Call For Him


A few moments ago when Janine was brought into the illusion world...

"What the hell is this place?" Janine muttered in disbelief. She even felt that her body was as if being corroded when she was staring at the eye in the sky. If not for her strong body, then who knew what kind of worse situation might she be in right now.

Everything around her was blood and the entire surrounding was covered by red hue. The seemingly dead trees stood everywhere as it appeared that this place was also a seemingly endless forest. A forest of dead trees. Or at least that was what it seemed.

"That brat!" Recalling how did she end up being in here, Janine could only grit her teeth in frustration. "How dare did he bring me in this kind of place?!"

No matter where Janine looked, she just couldn't find anyone here at all. No traces of living beings on sight. She was all alone as if this place was long been desolated.

Not until when someone suddenly spoke from Janine's behind making Janine raise her guard.

"Welcome to the world created by master..."

Janine didn't even notice how did the other party appear so suddenly behind her. As if a ghost that would pop out without warning.

That being said, Janine had immediately jumped forward to put some distance away from whoever was it. While she was in the midair, she turned around as she finally caught sight of the one who had just spoken.

The other party's body was entirely red. As red as blood. And his silhouette was way too annoying as she immediately saw Jim's figure from that red thing in front of her. Just what was that thing? Was this some kind of tricks left by that brat to play with her? Janine suddenly felt that it was laughable. That brat still dared to put some tricks against her? And with just using this toy in front of her? If it wasn't laughable, then it was funny.

"Who are you?" Janine asked. She felt that she should at least talk towards the other party before making a move. Although she smelled from the other party the stink of Jim, she was more than sure that the thing in front of her was not Jim.

"I am Tokayo." Tokayo replied calmly, "My master told me to beat you up and teach you a good lesson." He was direct.

Tokayo? Janine found the name funny as she was trying her hardest to suppress her laugh. But when she heard that the other party was here to beat her up and teach her a lesson, she couldn't hold her laugh anymore as she laughed in her loudest.

Beat her up? That red thing's master must be joking. In her entire life ever since her family was being annihilated, she didn't even experience such treatment at least once. And to make things clear, she was the one who was beating up others.

"Let's see how well you beat me up." Janine harrumphed coldly as the aura she exuded suddenly turned dangerous. As if an angry beast that had just been provoked.

Even Tokayo felt threatened. This girl was really something. If he didn't give his all, he might as well be the one who would be beaten up.

That being said, Tokayo made the first move as he rushed towards the other party. His hand then turned to something like a beast hand as he tried to pierce his hand against the other party's throat.

But Janine didn't even bother to dodge as she caught the hand of Tokayo with just a bare hand. And as if it wasn't enough, Janine gripped Tokayo's hand even more tightly as it immediately turned into a meat paste.

Tokayo widened his eyes in shock. He tried to retract his hand only to fail. What even worse was that his hand turned useless making him praise the capability of the other party. This brute was really too strong!

But of course, he didn't scream in pain. After all, this kind of little injury could easily be healed by its own in just mere seconds. But still, he wouldn't just stand stupidly and watch his hand being crushed as he tried to retaliate. He raised his other hand as the blood below Janine popped up and formed two hands. It crawled from each of Janine's feet as it entangled her lower to the upper body until it reached her neck and tried to strangle her to death.

But Janine didn't show any reaction at all. She simply grabbed the long hand strangling her neck and body as she pulled it out from her body. It was being cut as she threw it away from her. After which, she raised and stamped her feet on the ground as the other part of the two long hands left in her lower body part were sent flying together with the shockwave.

"Is this all your trick?" Janine asked as she shifted her gaze to Tokayo who was still being held by her left hand. After which, she raised her hand as she unhesitatingly pierced it through the other party's chest.

"As I thought, you're made of blood," Janine saw that even after she pierced the other party's chest with her hand, she still hadn't done any significant damage at all. What was more was that through her hand, she could feel that the other party was entirely made of blood. What an interesting creation. Janine was even having a liking towards this thing.

So knowing that she didn't do any damage at all, Janine tried to rip the body of Tokayo in half by waving her hand that pierced the other party's chest upwards. The upper part of Tokayo's body was then cut in half.

But as if it wasn't enough, Janine grabbed each part of Tokayo's head as she tore his body into a complete half.

"You're still alive?" Janine was astonished. Even after what she had done, she could still smell an abundant amount of Life Energy from the other party. At that moment as well, Janine suddenly felt frustrated as she asked, "Can you even die?"

"Of course, I can die," Tokayo replied calmly. Although it hurts, he needed to stay calm and show his might. So after a moment of pause, he added, "But not in this world."

"Oh?" Janine responded. She swept her gaze around her. After a few moments, she reflexively shifted her gaze towards the eye in the sky. But when she felt that she was losing her mind, she immediately shook her head frenziedly to divert her attention. That eye was way too dangerous. Her instinct was telling her that she must do her best to avoid looking at it.

Just what kind of world was this? Janine could only tell that the one who created this was someone of a great existence.

At that moment, however, Janine realized something as she shifted back her gaze at Tokayo that she was grabbing with her two hands as she asked, "Don't tell me your master is that stinky brat?"

"He is not a stinky brat," Tokayo responded calmly as he continued, "His name is Jim Jabat and he will become the strongest in the world."

So he was Jim Jabat. It didn't ring a bell at all. Janine didn't even care about whoever was he or whatever background he had. But when she heard from Tokayo that this Jim was actually claiming to become the strongest person in the world, she couldn't help but laugh in her loudest.

Strongest person? All he did was run away from her. How could someone like that become the strongest? She might even be able to smash him with a mere finger.

No matter from which angle Janine looked at it, she only found it hilarious.

"Why not you call your master to come here in person?" Janine smirked as she continued, "Don't tell me your master is too scared that he let his mere creation come at me to face death?"

Tokayo didn't reply immediately. It could be said that he knew that this girl was trying to provoke him. But after some time, Tokayo finally opened his mouth as he replied calmly, "There's no need for that."

"Hmph! So you're saying that you are more than enough?!" Janine snorted coldly. She tightened her grip even more trying to crash Tokayo's heads that just turned into two.

"Of course, I am no match for you," Tokayo admitted. At first, he thought that he could put some fight against this girl just like what he had done against Laude Jabat. But later, he suddenly realized that it was only because his master and the other Blood Warriors and Blood Minions were under the sea of blood allowing him to borrow some of their power. That was the very reason why could he put some fight against Laude.

But now that there was no one around to borrow power from, he couldn't even last a minute against this brute he was facing. That was really annoying. He didn't want to fail his master, but what else could he do? This brute was way too strong.

But thankfully, his master informed him that they would soon go to the illusion world as he was warned to not touch the brute. And since Tokayo couldn't touch the brute anyway, he had no qualms about it. He even took a sigh of relief.

So then, Tokayo looked at Janine as he said calmly, "There's no need to call for him. He will arrive soon enough."

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