X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

I hurry home while gasping for breath.

I got motivation more than ever. Asahina who became my slave provokes me as she submit herself. And I looked around the room with a smile on my face.

Asahinas as expected, no, she breaks the track, bewildered from pleasure, the appearance of desperately enduring it as shes white and blush. And I imagine ejaculating on her appearance of unable to endure it as she gasps hard.

Ill do it. Ill definitely break  Asahinas mind and make her ahegao till she wants to die.

I have to train for that. I shouldnt waste a single second.

Smirking with such thoughts, that came into my view and I stopped. I stare at it while catching up my breath.

Calm down, calm down me. Its fine to have motivation but theres no meaning if the feelings rushed. No, I wasted too much time.

I intended to choose the shortest way possible but theres a wall, a river, a pitfall in the way.

I shouldve calmed down my rushing feeling and took a detour. If I did, I would see the things I cant and I couldve chosen the shortest possible way to reach the goal.

Slow and steady wins the race.

I thought so as I caught the sight, I entered the convenience store.

I wandered in front of the magazine corner but I never stood in front of the shelf of the mens fashion magazine. After looking around restlessly, I took the magazine with a throbbing heart.

If a man like me is seen with a fashion magazine, the other people would laugh at me so I feel my heart throbbing.

But I need it right now.

I heard that such magazines have hints written on how to capture women. Furthermore, not just the methods on capturing women, sex techniques are written as well.

I laugh on it before as I dont care but nows the time to look on it.

Opening the magazine, I flip the pages with a throbbing heart.

Found it. This one

A special feature article on a certain page. Speech and behavior to charm women. And, techniques at night.

The secret to be popular with women isnt the face. Its the speech and fashion

Hmm. The face would be everything anyway. No, its face and money? Thats the two secret. But, lets take as a reference.

Usually a gentle and funny man. But transforms to a wolf on bed. The important course in sex would be atmosphere and foreplay. First, pay attention on setting the mood, dont start the act greedily

Hmm, Hmm, I see. A normally gentle guy. Thats already no good.

When the act starts, you start prioritizing the foreplay instead of the real thing. Caressing the erogenous zone with your finger and tongue, whisper sweet words on her ear to bewitch her, women feels it when theyre teased. You came already? -chan looks pure and innocent on the outside but is actually a lewd woman. (snicker) Teasing her like that, women gets aroused even if they dont like it. However, shes secretly pleased? Or does she really hate it?

Well, I feel I get this. But, sweet words?

I think Yukas okay but if I whisper sweet words to Asahina and Mariana, I think theyd get conceited.

Have a demon heart. Even if they say its impossible because they came too much, dont stop attacking. Women are interested in the pleasure ahead of that. However, pay attention whether they really hate the attack

A demon heart? Marinas seeing me as a demon already. Thinking so, I think that the method of sweet whispers wont be bad.

Ascertain the weak point. There are various weak points for women. See through the womens weak pointswell this is okay

My eyes can make it easily see the weak point. But you cant win by just attacking the weak point so I flipped the page.

However, if you attack the weak point suddenly, ooh, this is it. Fumufumu

Its really a bad move to attack the weak point suddenly. Whisper sweet words, teasing words sometimes, strengthen the caress gradually, and when the womans pleasure reaches a critical point, attack the weak part immediately.

Apart from the sweet whisper, Im having the same thoughts. Then I dont need to buy this magazine?

I was about to close the magazine with such thoughts but my eyes met with something interesting and I opened it again.

Women are weak to a intellectual looking brute glasses guy, (It differs on person) Oh?

Intellectual looking brute glasses guy? A devil that looks like a class rep? But, a brute? I thought you have to whisper sweet words? Isnt that contradicting?

However, a class rep? Is our class rep popular? Im not interacting much with my classmates so I dont know it well. But, I think it has glasses.

Glasses? A glasses for show would be nice.

I basically dont know eyesight that well. My eyesight is always 2.0 but they can only measure up to 2.0 But my eyes see much more. No, should I say Can see?

I dont know it well but my eyes are equipped with auto zooming function. Though I didnt feel a sense of incompatibility because its natural for me, its normally strange. Because even if its from afar, I can clearly see human muscle and blood vessels.

Eye tests dont have any meaning for me and glasses are useless.

But well, lets try it?

Theres no problem if its just for appearance. It might be worth trying.

With that said, I returned the magazine on the shelf, left the convenience store and went to a 100 yen shop. And I bought a fashion glasses.

I dont know if it looks intellectual but, if I glasses is worn by a devil, then it would be a splendid devil glasses.

Now then, Im looking forward to what reaction Marina would show.

Arriving at my house, Marinas standing next to the door.

Entrusting her back to the wall, Marina swings one of her legs and she looked up when she noticed that theres someone. And she puff her cheeks and glared when she saw me.

Where did you go?!

Marina raising her voice runs towards me and stopped, she then looked up and glared.

It seems that she waited for me to come.

Whats with you? Arent you quite filled with motivation? You really want to be fucked by me that much?

I ask while looking down at Marina with a smirk. Then, Marina put her hands on her waist, puffed her chest and laughed fearlessly as if opposing me.

Because shes puffing her chest, her big tits pushed up the uniform and strike my chest.

Even though Asahinas chest didnt hit. Or rather, even though Asahina approached me to the very limit and it didnt even it.

I really hate when you treat me like a toy. Even if I was at fault, I hate what I hate. Enduring such disgrace and insult, I thought I wanted to die. But, the situation wont change no matter how much I grieve, Im the one at fault here. Also, I surely wont die. I dont have the courage to kill myself


Staring straight at me, Marina asserts that she doesnt have the courage to die.

When driven to a difficult situation, its easy to grieve. However, its not easy to admit ones weakness.

Marina runs away at full speed when she saw Asahina but shes really has grown to some degree as expected./

But, even I hate it, the situation wont change. Thus, I will fight. I thought that I would never be able to win against the strong and unfair you but, nee-san taught me that theres no absolutes

She admits that shes weak but still Marinas eyes are filled with motivation that tells me that she wants to fight.

If its something erotic anyway, youre not just being done, but also I have a surpassing technique to make you ahegao?1

Thats how it is

Marina nodded deeply to my question.

Youre certainly a villain but you dont make a complain as long as the plot goes on. Though you lost from Nee-san but you never find fault at Nee-san at all. On the contrary you recognize nee-san and I saw you anxious about her

Marina speaks while looking straight at me and I clicked my tongue.

I was too tired to find fault at her. Thats how Ive been thoroughly and completely defeated by her. If I put fault on her that day, it would be nothing but a howl of a loser.

No matter how unfair you do it, the winner is the imperial army. And the loser is the rebel army. No matter what kind of excuse you make, theres no change in the fact.

In my case, it wont count because I ran away2 Theres no win nor loss if the match didnt end. But, I was defeated by Yuka. I run away after losing.

I cant stomach it but I can do nothing but to win head on to win.

I lose with ero and win with ero. If I win with a different method, I wont feel happy about it

Right. Thats why I also challenge you to a fight

Marina nodded at my words, she gripped my arms and pulled me.

Lets start immediately. I want to test the techniques I learned from nee-san sooner

And she invited me lewdly.

Shes getting caught up in the moment but you wont learn techniques learned from hardships by just watching. Yukas technique is made from blood sweat and tears.3 Its a technique that shaved off her own life.

But well, since technique wont improve if you dont practice, Marina has a point. Also, shes doing what she likes. Shes advancing reluctantly, it seems that a technique with a heaven and earth difference would come out.

That said.

You have something else to say?


Marina raised a foolish voice to my question and she tilted her head curiously.

This girl didnt notice it at all. Even though I just bought a show glasses with trouble on the 100 yen shop, she doesnt even feel that my glasses are out of place.

She didnt even notice my hair, shes really annoying.



Marina raised her voice while looking up and she placed her hands in front of her chest.

She noticed? Well, my hair and glasses are obvious.

Suzuhara-sans on the same class with Asahina-san. I was surprised to death

Marina draws close to me and whispered.

I definitely dont want to make Asahina-san my enemy so could Suzuhara-kun say it beforehand?

Adding in further, a blood vessel came out on the surface of her temple.

I thought that she noticed my glasses but its about Asahina? Or rather, why are you so afraid of Asahina? What did Asahina do to you? She didnt do anything. You shouldnt be afraid of Asahina but me. And yet why are you taking Asahina to your consideration. Or rather, notice my glasses already4 Even if you dont like me, notice it.

Hmm, well fine. Even I never think of Marina as cute at the very least. Also, Marinas just a convenient guinea pig.

But, its annoying. Apart from my hairstyle, my glasses should be normally noticed.

When it comes to it, Ill make you ahegao until you want to die. No, Ill make you ahegao that youll think that dying is better.

I have such thoughts as I stare at Marina, then she pulled my arm.

Then, lets begin immediately

Saying that, Marina walked towards the door. As a result, Marinas hair waved and therefore I noticed that shes different from usual.

When I first met Marina, shes putting down her hair. And shes rolling her hair on the end. I thought that its naturally curling but Marinas hair when she came to my house to stay was not. It was braided to a ponytail.

Its ponytail right now but the end is rolled.

Ringlet curls is revived


Marina looks back from my mutter.

Shes already a beauty when she does a ponytail but whys she sticking to ringlet curls?

Ah, you noticed? Ehehe, its cute right?

Marina points at her ringlet curls as she happily laugh, and she showed off her ringlet curls thats braided on ponytail.

Its cute right?, like i said, youre much beautiful when you braid it to ponytail without doing anything else.

Ringlet curls overflows with elegance but, Marina looks cheap with it.

Noticing the change in my hair, could it be that you came to love me? If a nobody likes someones hair, that wont make me happy at least. Thats sexual harassment


Turning her back and swings her ponytail ringlet curls, Marina speaks out her complains while showing it off happily. I clicked my tongue from so much irritation.

She already fell that much from what happened in the public restroom but now shes getting cocky. Shes the type that gets carried away when spoiled and gets annoying. Its no good to give her candy unlike Yuka.

Shinozaki must have a hard time

I mutter as I glare at her.

She was cornered and got depressed immediately but she got cocky when she was spoiled. He cant deal with such a troublesome woman like her.

Are you troubled?

Marina who swings her body to sway her ponytail stops the swinging and whispered. Then she sent me a glance and laughed.

I never worried about my hairstyle

Marina mutters as she send me a side glance, then she turned with a smirk. Then, she bent forward and put her hands on the back and sent me a glance.

Your hairstyle and glasses dont suit you at all

Saying that, Marina laughed and barged in my house without permission to run away.

I-It doesnt suityou say?

As I mutter it alone, I feel a blood vessel coming to surface on my temple.

Hmm, Bakabaka, Yuka said that this hairstyle suits me5 She told me that it looks cool. I wont take such a cheap provokation.

You shit heaaad!

I dont care what others think. My hair looks good. The important thing is Marina picked a fight with me.

Though I run when it gets troublesome, Ill take this fight.

Feeling my blood vessel twitching as I smile, I entered the house.

Just how much of a demon is the devil glasses? Ill teach you a lot.

  1. I like this MC for admitting that hes running away
  2. Literally, also saliva, semen, and love nectar
  3. Glasses-Kohai
  4. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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