X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 64

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 66

Chapter 65

Coming out of my room holding Asahinas hand, we walk to the next room through the corridor.

I confirm Yukas state as I stand in front of the door then knocked.

Yuka whos checking the state of my room with her ears on the wall trembled in surprise when she heard the knock.


I hear an answer on the other side of the door. Asahina reacts to that.

Y-Yuka? Yukas here? Why?

Asahinas eyes shake as she mutter while looking at me.

She mightve never thought that Yukas on the next room.

Meanwhile, Yuka whos door was knocked is also shaken.

Though Yuka rushes to towards the door, she knocked down her foot with her panty on her knee, and she fell down magnificently.

Asahina pushed me aside tremblingly when she heard a thud.

Okay, go, Asahina!


Hearing that, she assumed that Yuka fell down. Asahina raised a scream, opened the door swiftly then rushed inside the room.

Fufu, perfect.


Yuka screams

Eh?! Wai!? Yuka!? Whats wrong?!

Hearing Yukas scream, Asahina stopped and had fallen to panic. She raised a trembling voice while looking around.

There are no lights in the empty room, its dark. Yuka whos been there all the time has gotten used in the dark. Thats why Asahina who jumped in the room is very visible.

On the other side, Asahina who jumped in the dark room vigorously coming from the well lit corridor. She cant check Yukas look because of that.

Yuka who fell on the floor magnificently has realized that Asahina who desperately looks around isnt used to the dark yet. She tightens her expressions the fixed her appearance immediately.

The reason Yuka screamed. Thats her clothes.

Yuka whos indulging herself in masturbation gradually loses her modesty inside the dark room where shes alone.

On other words, shes having a shameless figure.

Her breasts are exposed from her rolled up blouse, her panty is lowered to her knees, she was on that state when she heard the girls scream on the next room so she has remained like that while probing on the next door.

Then Asahina appears.

Its better if I see that figure but if her best friend, Asahina sees that look, of course she would want to scream.

I was just masturbating, teehee

Theres no way shell say that.

Yukaa! Did Suzuhara-kun do something to youuuu!

Asahinas angry voice was enough to make the immovable escape on its bare feet, has blamed me for why Yuka has screamed.

Werent I with you all this time?

Though she cant press charges on the innocent me, its convenient at the current situation.

N-No! Its not!

Its okay, Yuka! If Suzuhara-kun does something cruel to you, I will beat him up!

Its not! Thats not it!

Get out, Suzuhara-kun! I know where youre hiding!

Yuka who finished fixing her clothes desperately denies Asahinas misunderstanding but Asahina doesnt listen and just keep barking.

Asahina looks like shes completely misunderstanding but actually, shes not.

Asahinas not that much of an idiot to forget that she has been with me all this time.

Asahinas heart is beating violently. And shes been sending glances to the door.

Though shes shouting, Asahinas obviously shaken.

She heard Yukas voice and a falling sound, she forgot about me and jumped into the room, she screamed to her treasured Yuka.

Also, its possible that shes able to see Yukas appearance.

In other words, Asahina saw things that she shouldnt have and shes desperately trying to mislead it.

In other words, shes putting the blame on me and she wants a lifeboat from me.

Then, this is a loan.

Whats wrong?

Hiding behind the door, as I listen to Asahinas voice, I entered the room.

The shaken Asahina looks relieved as soon as she saw me enter the room. But it changed to anger immediately then she glared at me.

You came out pervert! I dont care whoever you touch but I wont let you touch a single finger on Yuka!

Asahina who turned towards me put her left hands on her hips and pointed at me with her right forefinger, she speaks angrily.

N-No! Thats not it Yuu-chan! Mota-kun didnt do anything wrong!

Yuka whos feeling flustered from Yukas look bind Asahinas arms while screaming.

Now then, if Asahina and Yuka arent settled in talking, then

Dont be stupid. This is important. You girls stay here for a moment

Asahina and Yuka stopped moving when I say that.

I-If its important, it cant be helped

R-Right. If its important, it cant be helped

The two agrees to what I say and stroked their chest in a way the other wont notice.

Checking out the two, I got out of the room, pulled my phone from my pocket.

Asahina and Yuka have no problems now, whats next is the girls on the first floor.

They mustve heard Rikkas scream. Mother reacted when Rikka screamed.

But, those girls are on the first floor.

With that said, I sent mail to them.

Go to my room except mother and Lolihina

Waiting in front of the door to my room, I hear footsteps going upstairs.

Yukina-chan, listen? You have to keep your promise okay?


You cant touch things without permission inside Suzuhara-sans room. You have to be a good kid. If not, youll be hated by Suzuhara-san?

Its okay! I will be marrying Motaro!

No, like I said

I can hear Marina and Yukinas voice.

Marina seems to be at loss of what to do with Yukina but, thats just how attached Yukina is to Marina.

Motaro! I came!

Running up the stairs, Yukina appeared.

Y-Yukina-chan! Its scary if Suzuhara-san is angry!

Marina rushing up to the second floor chasing Yukina lifts Yukina whos trying to rush up to me.

Uwa! Im being killed by breast!

Yukina whos lifted up and pinned seems to want to escape from being pressed by Marinas tits she struggles wriggling but, it seems that her powers no match against Marina.

Well, Yukinas doing Karate but shes still small.

Also, Yukinas heart is a man. A man would normally be pleased when hugged by Marina. There are those with preference but I dont think theres a man who would think that Marinas not cute. Furthermore, her tits are huge.

And yet, Yukina doesnt look like excited at all.

Is her heart really a mans?

In spite of her insisting that her heart is a man, her best friend is Lolihina and shes attached to Marina, shes used to making contact with women.

If her heart is really of a man, can she actually touch women naturally that much?

A man at Yukinas age should be conscious of women.

Well, I think there are individual differences.

Her heart is of a man thats a homo, women are off the love interests so she can make contact with them naturally?

Hmmm, I dont get it

What is this about?

Marina whos holding Yukina asked me. Then I can see Kisaragi from behind.

Motaro! Help me! Im being infected by booby diseaseeeee!

Yukina whos struggling from Marinas embrace desperately stretches her hands towards me.

Booby disease? Youll get massive tits like Marina if you get infected?

Then thats a wonderful disease. Please infect Asahina by all means.

Ou, get infected. Ill fill you with a lot of bacteria

I say while patting Yukinas head

Well, I think Yukina will have big tits even if you leave her alone. Shes comparatively bigger to other girls on the same group even now.

Uwa! Im abandoned by Motaro! Even though we promised to marry each otheeeeer!

Abandoned by me, Yukina wriggles but, was she pleased by my head patting, her cheeks are blushing.

This girl looks cute though. Furthermore, shes a blonde with blue eyes. If only her character is good.

That said, I dont remember making a promise to marry you.

Having such thoughts, I sent Marina a glance.

Was there any problems down there?

Asking Marina, she laughs embarrassed.

Hearing a scream of a girl from the second floor, mother was worried

Marina approached me answered in a whisper.

Of course.


We knew that Yuka-san and Asahina san were on the second floor. Both of them are on their emotional pubescent year so I said that they might be fighting Suzuhara-san

Then mother?

I dont know whether shes okay with it but she it was enough to make her not look at the second floor. But


Asking Marina again, she gets closer and brought her lips to my ears.

The voice earlier was Yuka-san but the first scream was from a different person isnt it? It wasnt Asahina-san either. I dont know whether mother has noticed it

Was it that bad?

No, because Yukina-chan aws singing, it isnt that bad. Yukina-chans voice is so high, beautiful and transparent, it went well. Also, shes good at singing

I see. I thought that its bad but it seems it managed somehow.

Yukinas listening, speaking of which, shes being quiet for a while, is what I thought as I look at Marinas chest and Yukinas face is pushing against mine.

Yukina whos being carried by Marina got in contact with me as Marina approaches me.

Yukinas face is buried at my chest and her ears are red as shes absorbed in sniffing my smell.

Just how much is she obsessed with me?

I dont mean to belittle myself but Im never a handsome guy. And Im saying it myself, my personalitys the worst.

I can understand Yuka. Shes under the impression that I saved her. Marina hated me at first but her heart was dragged by the pleasure given to her body. I can see why on these two.

But, I dont get why on Yukina.

Just what did she like about me?

There are individual differences but its impossible to understand Yukinas attachment to me who said that I prefer beautiful girls.


When I turn to the voice I heard, Marinas looking at me with a troubled expression

I just left Yui-chan down there, is that okay?

It seems that shes worried about Lolihina.

Well, I dont think its good.

Lolihinas heart is weak. Shell surely worry that shes the only one not called out. On top of that, she might be worried being pulled away from Yukina.

I know that. I can understand the feeling of being alienated. But.

The talk were about to make is better not heard by Asahinas sister


Anyway, youll understand once you know it

Marina tilts her head. I pat Marinas shoulder.

Lolihina depends on Yukina. And she might go reckless if she knows that Yukinas in danger.

Just like how her sister dashed out of the house.

If she dashes out like that then Ill leave her do as she wants. But, Lolihinas different from Asahina. Shell rely on Yukina if she gets cornered. And even if Yukina whom she relies on sacrifices herself, Lolihina will only see herself as the one defended.

Jumping to danger herself and unable to do anything about it, shes just a fool that will get others involved.

Then, she shouldnt be informed.

Even if she feels alienated, its much preferable than losing Yukina.

Also, its my will to obstruct Lolihina. Then she should just grudge against me.

That said

I pat Marinas head then stroked it roughly.

Im quite relieved because you were on the first floor. I thought that youll be able to do something about it

Saying that, I began walking towards the vacant room.


I can hear Marinas foolish voice from behind.

I turned back to Marina but I can see her petrified look while she holds Yukina.

She must be surprised being praised by me.

Its not that Im flattering Marina. I just told her the truth.

Marina whos holding Yukina and Kisaragi following them has entered the room where Asahina and Yuka is.


Asahina, explain about Rikka to everyone. Its not for my sake. Its needed to be explained for everyones sake. Cooperate with me

When I ask her, Asahina grinned.

Fufu, arent you being honest? Very well, Ill cooperate with you

Folding her arms proudly, Asahina grins while looking down on me then answered in a proud attitude.

Ah shit, why is she so annoying. If youre a slave then respect your master.

Endure it, endure it me. Ill just spoil everything if I dont hold back here.

T-Taking such an attitude against Suzuhara-san

Marina gulps her throat and raises a voice of surprise.

Since Motaro respects this Nee-san, I have to listen

Yukina whos carried by Marina speaks out.

Im not respecting her. Dont misunderstand

As expected of Asahina-san!

Kisaragis eyes shine brightly and crosses her hands because of Asahinas insolent attitude. As expected of Asahinas believer.

Yuka though, shes just smiling when Asahinas being rude to me.

W-Well fine. Its a priority to explain Rikkas danger to everyone. Im the one wholl be troubled if theres an argument.

Listen everyone. Everything that Suzuhara-kun will tell you is true. No matter how unrealistic it is, its true. I guarantee that

Standing far from Yuka and next to me, she puts her left hand on her proud nonexistent chest then speak out.

Shes a shitty annoying woman but she seems to understand her own role.

Giving Asahina a side glance, she nodded at me. Confirming that, I started talking about Rikka.

After finishing the general explanation, everyone was quiet.

Marinas speechless and Yuka look serious. Then, Kisaragis face is pale.

Yuka whos being carried by Marina has a blank face, was it difficult to understand?

You dont need to believe that Rikkas a monster. But, I would want you to know that shes dangerous. Also, that the thing called special ability exists

I tell everyone whos silent.

To make them understand it properly, its easiest to show Rikkas ability to everyone like how I did to Asahina.

But that has the risk of making it more confusing than necessary.

What I need is everyone commanded with caution. But it would be the worst if they get confused.

Youre free to believe it or not. But think about it it. This has a meaning. Suzuhara-kun has one thing to say. That is to be careful

Asahinas dignified voice echoes in the silent room.

Shes not persuading them to believe the implausible story but she just goes to the main point.

Though Im annoyed that Asahinas giving me a lift, its not bad.

Rikkas already been captured and shes in my room now. However, the reason why Im talking about this is because theres someone else who seems to have a special ability like Rikka. Shes Rikkas owner and shes far more dangerous than Rikka

Everyones drawn by those words.

After explaining Rikkas danger, of course it would be surprising to know that theres someone much more dangerous.

This is good. Though theyre surprised, that means that they believe my talk.

Asahina completely agrees with my talk, so its calling for caution.

Her name is Kamuro Hizuki. Yuka-chan provided that information. And Shes Marinas former friend

Marina and Yuka have been involved with Kamuro Hizuki among the people. Asahina, Kisaragi, and Yukina arent involved. But, sadly, these three cant be totally unrelated.

Asahina and Kisaragi goes to the same school as her. Both of them dont remember making contact with Kamuro Hizuki but its possible that the other side has made contact.

For example, they can pass through each other on the school road or at the corridor.

I went shopping with Marina and Yuka before but Kamuro Hizuki was on the same train that time. Other than that, I passed by Kamuro Hizuki a lot of times but I was completely unaware.

Likewise, I cant deny the possibility that Asahina and Kisaragi made contact with Kamuro Hizuiki.

And Yukina, Kamuro Hizuki instigated the man with a baton, when I came in contact with him was also the time I make contact with Yukina. Then, theres a possibility that Yukina is also marked by Kamuro Hizuki.

If she has marked Yukina then its possible that she knows the existence of Lolihina too.

In other words, its possible tat everyone here has made contact with Kamuro Hizuki in some form and I cant deny the possibility that theyre already under Kamuro Hizukis ability.

Although this is just a speculation, its possible that Kamuro Hizuki has the ability to interfere with the spirit. Mental interference, in short, Mind control

Marina and Yuka reacted from my words.

Both of th9em are involved with Kamuro Hizuki more than anyone. Hearing mind control, theyll surely think about it.

I honestly dont know what Kamuro Hizukis ability is. Its not good to think too much about it. Everyone will be lost in a blind alley if you worry too much and you may even dig your own grave

I dont get it that much so the explanation is difficult.

In short, I want them to be careful but how should I explain that. I worry thinking that but Asahina whos standing next to me stepped forward.

It doesnt matter what kind of ability Kamuro Hizuki has. The only thing we can do is to not approach Kamuro Hizuki. Run away as soon as you see her. Also, dont neglect caution. Only those three. Theres no need to think about anything else

Putting her left hand on her nonexistent chest, Asahina speaks dignified.

I was stunned by it.

No, I completely agree with that.

Asahinas frank words has said everything I wanted in a pack.

Even Yukina who doesnt follow the topic nods at Asahinas words.

Also, thats all the meddling Ill do. From now on, Yuuki-senpai, you should work with Suzuhara-kun


Marina raised a stupid voice when called by Asahina. Or rather, Im surprised. Who wouldve thought that Asahina will talk to Marina. Furthermore, shes using a respectful call on Marina.

Marina, just what did you to do Asahina?

Yuuki-senpais the oldest among us right? Also, Yuuki-senpais the most sociable among us. Your sociability is high. In other words, you can see the people around really well. A shortsighted woman like me wont match against you

Saying that, Asahina left my side and returned to Yukas side.

I am okay just protecting Yuka

She folds her arms proudly and said.

Marinas point eyes looked around the quiet surroundings.

Looking at Marinas state, it doesnt look like she did something to Asahina.

Its the opposite? Did Asahina see through Marinas skills?

But, though its indirect, shes accepting Marina whos a member of the people who made Yuka fall.

I expect from Marina doing something to Asahina but who wouldve thought that it would have such results.

Though shes saying that shes shortsighted but just where? Arent you looking properly?

Come here Marina

Calling Marina out, she got surprised then looked around restlessly.

After a while, Marinas face turned bright red.

She probably didnt imagine that shell be accepted by Asahina. Furthermore, Asahina whos taking a disrespectful attitude even to me called Marina a senpai, shes showing respect.

Well, of course itll be surprising. Even I am surprised.

The explanation to everyone almost ended.

Ill just give Marina instructions and leave everything to her.

Marinas the command tower of this organization. Team A is Asahina, Yuka, Kisaragi. Team B is Yukina and Lolihina. And, the captains of each team is Asahina and Yukina. Both of them will take instructions from Marina and cooperate in movements.

And I

Am a Suicide attack.

I was preached by Asahina to not move alone a lot but Im the one Kamuro Hizuki aims at. If her hopes are real, she only wants to conceive my child.

Then, I should just go and attack alone.

Since Im her aim, Kamuro Hizuki will surely come in contact with me. If it takes time, she might try using my surroundings.

Kamuro Hizukis aim is me and its normal to attack the surroundings with her mental interference ability.

Furthermore, whats scary about the mental interference is that the one you thought your ally suddenly becomes the enemy.

Then its best to go alone. And I should settle before Kamuro Hizuki does something unnecessary.

At worst, Kamuro Hizuki will be satisfied if she has me.

Besides, I dont have to worry about the others. Marinas here, Asahinas much more usable than I thought and Asahina has a right hand named Yuka.

Therefore, I dont have to mind anything and just go alone.

In the first place, I dont mind having an honorable defeat.

That said, everyone will stay at my house.

It has gotten late so it cant be helped, they will stay for two nights.

I dont think its something to worry but, is it okay for you girls not to go home?

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 64

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 66

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