X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 81

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 83

Its completely occult now

Its too late with the case of the insect user now but I instinctively muttered while looking at the right arm of the insect user.

Rikka and I went back home but I decided to negotiate with the insect user to counter Kamuro Hizuki immediately.

Just to make sure, I ordered Rikka to eat up food at home

Perhaps, shell eat everything.

But still, will that be enough?

When I say that, I took out the right arm of the insect user from the parts from the black plastic bag Rikka brought.

Though its separated from her body, its abnormally fresh.

As if just the right arm is alive.

Just what principle does it use? Even if I use my ability, I cant understand it. Even though blood circulation is impossible

Her arm being separated obviously means that her blood vessels are also separated, so her arms should be in necrosis state. And yet, the insect users right arm is still fresh like its alive.

Or rather, when we cut her body to half, she should normally die from the amount of bleeding but the insect user is allright. And even when her heart was destroyed, she didnt die.

This is no longer human.

Furthermore, it seems that the insect user doesnt understand about her own immortality.

When I looked in the mind of the insect user, she only knows that shes contracted to a wonderful insect that made her invulnerable, she doesnt know the reason at all.

According to the insect user, the insect living in her womb seems to be the source of her power. Then theres three insects assisting that somehow

Theres a total of four insects that maintain her immortality. The insect on the womb is the center

This one?

I took out the lower body from the plastic bag and looked inside the womb.

Both her legs are cut so its just waist, or rather, waist, pussy and anus, theres definitely an insect inside.

Its rounded like a fetus inside the womb swelling more than usual.

Since the heart is on the upper body, the circulation of blood is naturally done on that part.

But, the insect is alive.

Ill lose if I stick to common sense I guess?

No choice but to think that way.

Its possible for the insect user to live even if her her blood isnt circulating.

Her body structure looks like theyre the same as humans but its completely different actually.,

As long as the insect living in her womb is alive, the insect user wont die, and shell continue to live even if her bodys dismembered.

In exchange, the insect user will follow the same path if the insect in her womb dies.

To prevent it, the three remaining insects are assisting.

Even if a problem occurs on either insect, the remaining insects will reproduce.

In that case, its definitely unlimited and near immortality.

But when I destroy the weak points of the insects I found, perhaps the insects under the rule of the user will leave. Then, the insect user will die.

Hmmmm, I see. We can do something about this

I mutter while looking at the pussy of the insect user.

In order to oppose Kamuro Hizuki, I brought the insect user even though shes in pieces but I thought of how to use the insect user.

As of now, the head and upper body of the insect user is still inside the black plastic bag.

Shes alive but shes only moving slightly and cant even speak up.

Shes afraid of death that she keeps silent so I wont get be displeased.

In short, her mind broke.

Its possible to enslave the insect user in her current state.

But I dont know whether shell betray me or not when her willpower recovers.

Though I know her weak points, suppose a small insect is buried in my body and sealed my movement, that would be troublesome. Therefore, Id like to be in a state where I can destroy the weak point of the insect user anytime.

With that said

If its possible for her to live even if shes dismembered, it means that we only have to separate her weak points.

Thats the conclusion Ive reached.

But Im not confident about it to be honest.

Theres no problem with her arms or feet but its possible that the insect user dies if her weak points separate from her.

What will happen if I separate the weak point? The insect user doesnt know it herself so itll become a roll of dice.

Well fine. She lived as she want until now, killed humans like theyre garbage and roll them on her examination table. She should have the resolution that itll be her turn someday

Muttering so, the plastic bag made a sound then I hear a crying sound from the inside.

She probably is unbearably scared about death.

Im sure those who she killed didnt want to die. There must be those who begged for their lives.

Then, this one surely smiled and cut them to pieces alive. Then, she captures those strange looking like Rikka and sell them.

You had fun doing that didnt you? Then you should steel yourself as your turn will come.

Dont worry. If I think youll be useful, then Ill do my best so you wont get killed. For now

Talking towards the plastic bag, I hear the cry growing bigger.

While youre useful Thats the same as saying that Ill kill her sooner or later.

Or rather, if it wasnt for Kamuro Hizuki, Id destroy her weak point right now.

Thats how much I hate this one.

Returning the part of the insect user on the black plastic bag, I go to the bathroom with it.

I entered the bathroom and reeled out the contents of the bag. As a result, the pieces of the insect user is scattered on the tiles.

The bleeding has completely stopped, her pale skin is dirty with blood.

P-Please. I-I will really do anything, please, dont kill me

The insect user whose both arms and lower half is separate from her body desperately pleads for her life in tears while looking like a daruma.

Even though she tried to torment us to death, how dare her flip her attitude this clearly.

Its admiring in some sense.

If youre useful to me then Ill let you live for a bit longer

Holding the knife I brought with me, I look down at the daruma inset user then point the knife on the weak point inside the separate part.

I poke my left hand on the wound from the chopped lower half, grabbed the internal organ obliquely right under her heartthen I chop it with the knife on my right hand in a way it wont be damaged.

The insect user trembles in tears, she didnt show any resistance.

In the first place, she has no hands nor feet to resist.

Also, even if she uses insects, its impossible to slip through my eyes, shell definitely die this time if she resists.

She cant resist even if she wants to.

When I look at the separated internal organ, I thought.

To be honest, I dont know whether this really is a weak point.

Its a part thats different from normal people after all.

But, the insect user doesnt know it herself. Even as a bluff, it has enough effect.

As expected, youre not die even when its separated

I asked the insect user while packing the separated internal organ to a plastic container.

Theres a same part on the brain but its hard to take that out. Also, it would be troublesome if the insect user becomes more of an idiot if I do badly.

Therefore, I just separate only one part.

P-Perhaps, perhaps its related to distance. T-Therefore, I-Id like that to be near me if possible

The daruma lying on the tiles pleads with a shaking voice.

Oh, distance? This means that the chopped arms and foot are fresh because its near the body?

No, rather than her torso, should I think that its related to the insect living in her womb?

In short, if the insect that lives in her womb is separated, then the arms and feet would go necrosis.

As expected, its versatile.

Obtaining a material to threaten the insect user by securing a weak point, I decided to return the chopped body of the insect user to whole.

I dont know if it would return though.

When I tried sticking her arm in to her torso, it sticks in easily.

This healing ability is frightening. No, its suspicious whether its actually recovery.

Though I obtained a material used for threatening, Ill never let down my guard.

Persuading myself, I connect her chopped pieces the same way I did to the arm.

But still, this defragmented loli is more interesting than she looks. Shes much more loli than Lolihina, furthermore, shes a complete washboard.

Her hair is silver and her eyes colored green. Her face is quite lovely but as expected, its a brat.

Its almost the same as Lolihina. Shes too much of a brat that it wont even move a finger.

But, shes on her twenties despite her appearance.

Though the insect users accurate age is vague, when I peeked at her mind, it turns out shes 27 years old.

If this body grew up, then she couldve been a dazzling adult.

In the first place, I dont have the intention to stick my dick inside this one.

When the insect users body returned, she crawled away to the wall then sat holding down her knees. Then she looks at me with frightened eyes as she tremble.

I took the shower then sprinkled hot water on her head to wash the blood.

When I sprinkled hot water, the insect user got clean to some degree.

You said about distance but how far is the safe distance?

Asking her, I take a look at her mind.

Just how far can the weak point be separated until it becomes dangerous? Its better to know it.


I-I dont know that much. When I made contract with the insect in my womb, it had a restriction of never parting away. T-Therefore, I dont know the clear distance. I-In the first place, I never planned to separate that

The insect user answered vaguely with her shaking voice.

Uwa, shes an idiot. Making a contract of an insect that gives restriction like that? Doesnt that just mean that the insect user will die if the four insects in her body is taken out?

Apart from the weak point I cut out, I found a new weak point.

Y-You, just who on earth are you?

The insect user asks while trembling.

Who? Whats that? Philosophical question?

Or rather, Im the one who wants to ask here.

Im just an x-ray user

When I answer her, doubt appears in the green eyes of the insect user.

A staff of nature conservation organization?


Nature Conservation Organization? Whats that?

Is it wrong?

The insect user who saw my expression seems to have been convinced.

Officially, the nature conservations aim is state organization. Its not just this country, there exists international organizations all over the world. But, the nature conservation is just a surface facade. Theyre an organization that aims to protect different ability users and demi-humans. Its my competitor so to speak

Though shes frightened, the insect user begins to speak.

She was talking even when we were fighting, does she love speaking?

I had a dream of becoming a member of the protection organization before. Im a part of a family with unusual powers. Theres the time where strange looks are discriminated by humans and the reality of getting killed troubles us. But, Im someone who cant keep up among the insect user clan. Unable to succeed as the family head, unable to become a member of the protection organization, when I noticed it Im already soaked in the underground world. In short, I fell in the world of darkness. Laugh


I-I didnt think you would really laugh

Youre the one who asked me to laugh

Y-Youre right but

The insect user felt depressed when I laughed at her then she pouts.

Whats with you, do you think I would forgive you if you change your character

I look down and asked the insect user who suddenly turned meek.

N-No, thats not the case. I just never lost to anyone after making a contract with the insect living in my womb. But, you defeated me

Im not the one who defeated you. Its Rikka and Kazahana. I just supported those two

Isnt your support the most troublesome? If it wasnt for you, I will surely win

The insect user stares at me, pouts her lips and sulks as she criticizes me.

True, if I wasnt there, Rikka and Kazahana might lose. But if the insect user fights that way, shell be defeated sooner or later.

Its just coincidence that it was me.

That said, shes talking and turned sulky, shes the type that gets cheeky easily. Its dangerous.

I thought I can use her to oppose Kamuro Hizukiu but I dont know when shell betray me. Though Ive secured her weak point, if she manipulates a small insect then she take it out anytime she wants.

Also, it doesnt mean that Kamuro Hizuki will be killing me. Its the opposite. Shes only trying to fuse our flesh and blood. In short, she intends to die herself.

That way of thinking is gross though.

Its troublesome but Id like to do something about Kamuro Hizuki myself but should I get rid of this one?

A, aha, ahahayour eyes, your eyes are scary. H-Have I said something that rubbed you in the wrong way?

The insect user got cheeky but she turned pale when she saw my eyes then she trembles while showing a cramped smile.

If youre going to be afraid from just a glare then you shouldnt have gotten cocky.

Shes an idiot so she looks easy to use.

Ah, T-Thats right! I was talking about the protection organization

The insect user averts her face from me then show a cramp smile on her pale face, desperately trying to gloss it over.

When I look at her mind shes seriously scared, its no doubt that shes easy to use.

Should I take a look for a bit more?

As an ability user, Im at category D. One rank above the lowest. The lowest category, E, has a qualification to become a member of the protection organization. But, qualification and suitability is different. I was judged that I wasnt suitable

Youre D? Then the protection organization is a monster den

No, I was D before. But the current me is C or B. I should be classified as an ability user with a high rank

High rank. You say that yourself. Well, I do agree that she has quite the strong power.

Then, you shouldve entered that protection organization. You were stronger than before werent you?

Yeah, thats what I thought too. But

The insect user shows a masochistic smile from my my question then she nods embracing herself.

After making a contract with the insect in my womb, I obtained great strength and I knocked at the gate of the protection organization again. Thats when I knew the meaning of suitability. The contract with the insect in my womb is a forbidden method. Im not suited. In short, I was judged as an ability user with a dangerous ideology. But, they ignored me as I was category D. But, I used a forbidden method. Therefore, I was turned to a subject of elimination

I peek at the insect users mind while I listen to her.

Subject of elimination, the young girl runs away in the forest desperately.

The pure girl who just wanted to protect the ability user like herself became the hunted prey, she kept running away from the fright.

Then, she fell in the darkness.

You did well to survive until today

As far as I can see in the insect users mind, there definitely are people who have stronger abilities than her. So its natural for her to escape.

As I asked, I remember the answer in the insect users heart.

Though its quite a high rank, at most its C or worst B. Besides, I may say it myself but Im timid and slightly rascal. I didnt have the capability to spare on such things as protection organization

Are you saying that you judged that its not a big problem even when youre thrown away?

Youre right. I am myself even if I use forbidden methods and fall into darkness. Thats the extent of my existence

The insect user doesnt lie at all. Shes spitting out what she thinks.

Also, I thought she was killing humans but it seems to be wrong.

The lump of flesh rolling on the examination table is something called a homunclus.

I dont know it but it seems shes trying to produce an artificial human.

I thought that shes just a reckless belligerent but it seems that she simply got cocky. Shes just filled with bluffs.

Its true that she captured irregulars like Rikka and sold them off however.

Theres a reason why Im talking about this. A wolf demi-human, the elder sister is on Category E, the lowest rank in short. The younger one is probably a mutant. But, the ability value is too high for just a demi-human. Shell be on category B based on her potential. I think shes at C on her current state

The insect user talks about Kazahana and Rikka then looked at me with a cramped smile. Her green colored eyes are clearly frightened.

X-ray ability is generally an unusual power. Its usually classified as category F. In short, its outside the frame. The reason is that theyre just normal humans outside of it. But, since its outside the frame, its possible to enter the protection organization as long as you have the aptitude. Though the body is weak, its a useful ability. However, its only limited to those with wide range.

Oh, so my ability is on the lowest rank?

Well, I guess youre not a normal human if you can fight someone stronger than the insect user.

So, what are you? Your range should be narrow, right? In short, that you have a defect in your ability. And yet, somethings different from you. Is your ability really just x-ray vision? Just what on earth your eyes see?

The insect user is clearly afraid of me.

Even if you tell me that its different, I dont know anyone with this ability other than me.

The ones I know are only Kamuro Hizuki, Rikka, Kazahana, and this insect user.

X-ray vision is an ability exercised through eyes. But, Ive read an ability that resembles it in a document before

A resembling ability?

Yeah. Though its close to x-ray, it doesnt use the eyes. From what Ive read, only a few have developed this ability. Furthermore, its too strong that those who have developed it has their spirit collapsing and they became disabled

The power is too strong that they became disabled. Thats very unwelcoming.


That ability is called heavenly eye1


Is it too confusing? Then how about this?

The insect users sweat run along her cheeks when I tilt my head.

Heavenly eyes, its other name is clairvoyance

The insect user mutters gently, then she shows a cramped smile as if shes frightened, afraid.

Ah, Ive heard something about clarivoyance

I dont know Tengan but Ive heard clairvoyance. Ive heard about it but I dont know it well.

Clairvoyance is an ability located at category A. It only manifests on humans. In short, the top ability is located on a weak human. Just how frightening is that? But, theres hardly anyone able to manipulate heavenly eyes. As Ive said earlier, those who manifested it have their spirit collapse and turned crippled

Weak but the highest ability. If Im going to be crippled for something that silly, then I dont need that ability.

But since shes talking about it, the insect user thinks of my ability as clairvoyance.

As far as I can see in her mind, its also beyond her judgement.

Or rather, I think its different.

My ability is just to see well more than I thought. In short, X-ray is more than I thought.

Its all that much.

I honestly dont understand your ability. I feel like its just an x-ray vision but I feel that its different. But, was it Kamuro Hizuki? Its highly possible that her ability is heavenly eye


Suppose Im right, if that girls ability is heavenly eye, then its a threat that her spirit will collapse in a year. But, well when I caught her, her spirit starts breaking down. Perhaps, shes already no good. I think that its a matter of time until she turns crippled

Wait a moment. Just wait a moment. Her spirit breaking down you say?

That might certainly be the case but when I saw Kamuro Hizukis mind in the basement, her mind has completely gone crazy. Shes crazy but she didnt break down. On the contrary, she has a clear purpose, shes stable in a sense.

Also, now that she say it, Kamuro Hizukis ability is too incomplete. The range of her ability is unusually narrow, and even when she read minds, its just fragmented.

What if it was suppressed? Then you can avoid the collapse of her spirit that way. Then her ability awakened when I came to help.

Then, could it be

Isnt that really really dangerous?

It doesnt matter whether the girls ability is heavenly eye or not

Eh!? Its not good!

Either way, she has no future but to be crippled

What will you do if she awakens and didnt turned crippled!

No no, Its impossible

Like I said, what will you do if its not impossible you idiot loli!

Im not an idiot loli. If possible, call me Onee-san. Im still in my twenties

Shut it idiot! Even though your age is rounded to 30

W-Why do you know that!?

When I told her that her age will be rounded to 30, the insect user speaks up in surprise.

No good, I cant talk to her. Even though she has such an amazing ability, she lost.

Your ability is a horrifying ability depending on how you use it.

Anyway, that girls disabled so it doesnt matter, what I dont know is you. The heavenly eye girl is completely charmed by you. Even the wolf sisters. Also, its weird to say it but Im also attracted to you. Its hard to put it to words but how should I say it, that

Saying that, the insect user sent me an upward glance.

I feel like you can manage to do anything. If I stay by your side, what ever happens I will be saved. It feels like Ill be wound up on something long, I thought, or something. No matter how strong the enemy is, it feels like youd win somehow, or something. In other words, I feel relieved to be by your side

The insect user sends me up a fluttering upward glance.


Even though her body was chopped to pieces and she turned to a dartboard. Could it be that shes seriously an idiot?

Also, sorry but I dont like you.

I dont know it myself but I feel like you have an ability to charm or something like that

The insect user whos looking straight at me isnt lying in her heart.

If thats the case, dont mind me if I use you for my convenience.

That said

Just in case, assuming that Kamuro Hizuki has the clairvoyance ability. Suppose she awakens it and became able to manipulate it freely, what will happen?

No no, thats impossible

The insect user shakes her neck.

Even when I look at her heart, she only thinks Impossible!

Hey you idiot loli. Were making assumptions here. Just answer it. Do you want your hands and feet cut off and become daruma again?

Please spare me from being a daruma. Also, if possible, dont call me idiot loli but onee-san

Hey, bitch, do you want to die?

Ill answer

The insect user turned pale when she saw my eyes in an instant, she sat formally then nods.

Then do that from the beginning. Ill seriously go and kill you off next time you get cocky.

The individual with the heavenly eye isnt that much of a threat. The biggest disadvantage of the heavenly eye is that they cant use the ability on themselves. Therefore, its used in support, the threat wont me measured. Heavenly eye, or lets say clairvoyance, its the ultimate ability to see through the past, present, future, all events and phenomenon, the ultimate support ability. Using on someone other than oneself demonstrates its true value. The real threat is the person recognized by the heavenly eye user and the person who gains that power

Listening to the words of the insect user whos sitting naked, a girl appeared on my mind.

The girl who thinks of her master more than anyone, a beast girl whos prepared to devote her life to please her master.

Theres still hope

It might be lucky for me that Kazahana stayed in that place.

I dont know if Kamuro HIzukis not complete, if ever she wakes up, and her ability turned to be clairvoyance, she should be able to see everything in Kazahana. Then, Kamuro Hizuki might accept Kazahana in the truest sense.

At the same time, the risk of Kazahana becoming an enemy, well, I have to do something about it.

Its too late to have Kazahana and Rikka fight.

Thats good.

If ever Kamuro Hizuki is a clairvoyant, and she can perfectly manipulate the ability that awakened, then the insect users insects wont be useful.

Even if Kamuro Hizuki cant deal with it, as long as its perceived, Kazahana should be able to deal with it.

Thinking about it, isnt it bad that I taught Kazahana various things.

But, well, I strangely dont feel regret.

Anyway, to see whether Kamuro Hizukis ability is clairvoyance, to confirm it

Hey, idiot loli



Thats my name. Im Tamamushi If you really dont want to call me Onee-san then call me Tamamushi

The insect user speaks with a seriously.

Then, Tamamushi

Fufu, Umu!

When I call her name, the insect user nods with a triumphant look.

This bitch, she really gets cocky so easily.

Then? You want to ask me about something dont you?

The insect user tilts her head asking that.

Use a flying insect. A small one will do. Embed it Kamuro Hizukis body

Im bad at manipulating small insects but I can increase the accuracy if I only use one. Got it. Ill send one

The insect user shows a slightly hateful face when I tell her but she nodded for the time being.

As expected, shes bad at manipulating small insects.

The insect user come out of the bathroom and made preparations for a small drone beetle like insect.

The insect flew within my range but shortly came out of it.

Whats left is to leave it to the insect user and wait for the results.

I had no choice but to beg that the insect user wont fail.

After a while, the insect users triumphant face turned pale, she turned trembling then I realized it without even looking at her mind.

Oh, the situation turned to the worst.

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 81

X-ray is more than I thought Chapter 83

  1. Tengen

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