Xianxia: Why am I here?

Chapter 266 - 266 Tomb in the hidden cave space

266 Tomb in the hidden cave space

In the period of time, Wang used the hidden cave space, the test just become harder but did not change as he had thought, and on several occasions, he was seriously hurt and by the time he escaped the injuries were very serious. Unlike his wife that stayed in seclusion, Wang and Fengxi spend most of their time in the hidden cave space and it proved more beneficial to them in different ways.

For Fengxi, she could take advantage of this place to perfect her martial arts, while Wang had other reasons, the most important being to polish and promote the techniques he had to fit his current law realm, and at the same time he could feel that his physique was being improved slightly. During the period the two seemed to be dedicated to their practice and other issues had been thrown off. As for Ruruo, she also seemed to have encountered some situations, that seemed to be the same for other cultivators of her level without a legacy.

Even though she was considered a genius by Wang, the more her realm increases the more that title loses its meaning, and the number of people that can reach the level of law state is also geniuses so to have an improvement in the realm is not something that can happen just like in the past. She does not have Wang’s ever-improving potential and has to adapt to the situation in the world like every other genius, even the innate substance that she had managed to refine seemed to have improved her qualifications it can not make some things happen a faster pace such as cultivation.

In the long run, what is important at this level is comprehension, and for Wang, this aspect seems to be improving with the passage of time and the improvement of the realm, but for everyone else, it is the opposite. Those that want to avoid such a situation can only put in more effort to keep improving such as searching for more knowledge, and improving in willpower but such cases are also rare as some people with long lifespans would just decide to spend some time relaxing. After all, cultivation is a very tiring process.

Even though Wang suffered more and more, he had reverted back to the time he was in the forest setting foot on the path of spearman-ship, and with the spear, at hand, he indeed felt that some changes were happening, and he also had acknowledged that it would be slightly difficult to breakthrough realm in the in a short time frame thus he went back to the spear that he had overlooked over the years, but he could not be blamed after all, he did not have enough motivation to do that. At this moment, other than moving around the hidden cave and fighting nothing else was in his eyes as he knew that only by repeated fighting could there be any substantive change could occur.

This time he found himself standing in the hidden cave space after having escaped several times after suffering a defeat. He could see something that resembled a huge forest, and this time unlike every other time he chose to slowly observe his surroundings, and it is even the reason he could guess this landmark resembled a forest. In the same way, he saw some things he had neglected before and the most important being the ground having some unique shape like a graveyard. For someone at his level, these things didn’t seem to scare him at all, after all, most of the martial arts being spread usually comes from the dead, as their legacy.

In this place, the mist seemed to be covering everything and the fact that he could not use any other means other than his eyesight probably explained why he missed some obvious facts, but he felt it was more than that as if the environment in this place makes one unconsciously overlook somethings. Even though he was moving cautiously and even had crazy ideas about grave robbing, as he was curious about the martial arts or remnants in the graves, this made him seem creepy yet he did not do this in a sneaky fashion at all.

Indeed, Wang was more or less focused on different things than his daughter as she had yet to leave the area she was sitting cross-legged in the center of the hidden cave space. But he on the other hand had failed to arrive at the place, he kept swinging the spear when necessary, as he moved around checking the situation in the graveyard before making a move. He was after all very careful and did not want to get himself in unnecessary trouble with this place he did not understand and thus he was going to do everything without putting his own life in danger. But the stubborn side of him also was not willing to leave this chance at all.

He did not see this act as doing something wrong, moreover, he was not related to the owners of this grave so he did not have any physiological burden on him. More than that, he had already entered the law realm and yet he was not sure if he could be capable of creating exercises from scratch to be used in the law realm and match the already existing pearless ones, he lacked the experience to be able to accomplish this and this graveyard seemed like some opportunity especially seeing that this zone was just pure illusions and he could slowly deal with this and it even improve all aspects of soul and spirit.


Using the spear, he dedicated himself to this and instead of moving past the mist to practice he stayed and started to knock on the graves, he was already fascinated by it and nothing could be done to change his mind about ransacking through this graves, he even had the thoughts of gaining some important resources to improve himself. Pushing the distractions aside, he started to attack every time the soil on the graveyard was displaced.

“It really is just as I thought, these graves are not as simple as they seem on the surface. My attacking power itself is scary enough, especially my physical body strength being multiplied I can’t manage to crush the graves in one hit!” In the end, he could already see the uniqueness of these graves, as the runes being engraved on each seemed to hold immense defensive capabilities. He did not want to spend his time studying them as his purpose was to destroy and he seemed to have adapted to this feeling of being like a mortal with only physical strength.

He had his mind emptied as he swung his spear, and every time he thrust it forward, it spun and hit the runes making them slightly dim. This was also the reason why he did not give up and continued to attack the runes and at the same time wanted to see how much longer they could withstand it. “Forming them on one’s clothes would be a different feeling, even with just the ability to resist attacks for some period, this would be helpful in life and death struggles as one would let go of their defense and focus on attack. After accomplishing my goal, I should probably try to study it.”

He kept attacking for close to half an hour before any actual change took place and the runes finally dimmed completely. With the wave of the spear and thrust this time a huge explosion could be heard.


He felt it and his heart was very much expectant as he observed the grave collapse inwards, and the space inside seemed rather bigger than he thought, like some independent space. He was reluctant to go on an exploration of the space below and the fact that it was so well protected had him feel that something important might be inside, and at the same time, danger might be present as the runes might have been a seal. In the passage of time, the runes set up have weakened a lot but he took a lot of time thinking about the possible consequences of descending.

But he had done all this with the intention to check out the grave, as for everything else, he would worry about them later. In the period of time, he had come to this world, he did not get involved in some events due to being weak and wanting to avoid the limelight. In this place, he did not have such worries, as the number of people available near an opportunity determined a lot. Being the case, he did not want to miss out on such a chance to grab resources.

Looking at the huge stairs descending he had some thoughts before making up his mind to see, but after just descending a few steps he was shocked. His eyesight was glued to the front, below the steps.

“What the hell is that?”

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