Yin-Yang Harmony System

Chapter 253

"Hmm! Is this the place? I don't see anything. But, I definitely felt it." A man in the white robe floated in the space as he looked around. He didn't see any abnormalities but he kept on looking around. He was fairly handsome and had black hair.

"Hmm! A mortal? No, a mortal wouldn't be physically that strong. Wait a minute, why does he have that aura? Is he related with the Child of Darkness?" The man mumbled as a young man in the woods grabbed his attention.

He slowly floated towards the young man. The young man was none other than Mike. After giving them a pounding, he sent them away with some plans. He decided not to attack the Elf guild unless they take the initiative.

And, he also selected Lucas in his position to visit the Divine Tomb. Although he could go back, he decided not to. First, he had a pretty good chance for cultivation in this world. Second, he doesn't have anything that he must do in that world.

Third, he knows Jenny's dad set him up in this world. Although he doesn't know the reason, he is sure that her dad doesn't want him to be there. And, he isn't ready to go against her dad especially after learning his deeds.

He is the combination of four different comic characters with a single goal. If Mike wants to go against him, he must have strength otherwise that man can easily manipulate him.


As Mike walked near the forest, he suddenly disappeared. But before he could teleport, his left hand severed from the rest of his body.

"Damn! Who is it?" Mike clenched his right fist and gritted his teeth as he appeared a thousand meters away from his previous position. He looked around but didn't see anyone.

"Space Law? It seems I was correct. You do have the relationship with Child of Darkness." The man in white robe muttered from the sky as he saw Mike teleporting himself. In his eyes, only the people who have access to forbidden knowledge can cultivate space law while remaining as a mortal.

Mike's eyes shrunk as he saw the man floating in the sky. When he looked at that man, he saw a formidable aura nearly the same as the third elder. He gritted his teeth with the killing intent and shouted "What the hell are you talking about?"

Although his second-level bloodline can heal his severed arm, it would still take a while.

"Tell me! Where is the child of darkness? I can sense the dark energy from your body. Except for the demon cultivator and demon beasts, nobody possesses dark energy. And, your dark energy is way above most of the demon cultivators."

"Only someone related with the Child of Darkness can possess such aura." The man in white robe looked at Mike with a glare and asked. His aura was exploding wildly.

But, he left Mike in confusion. He doesn't understand why this guy was able to sense the dark energy but not the third elder from Invincible Sword Sect.

"That look on your eyes! Yes, you know about the child of darkness." Suddenly, his confusion was caught by the man in a white robe.

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't know a so-called child of darkness. And, even if I knew the child of darkness or I possess that dark energy, why didn't the third elder of the Invincible Sword Sect find out? Don't tell me that he was too low level to find the dark energy in my body?"

"I don't know what kind of crap you are talking about but I know you are using your authority of strength to bully weak. And, I will call the elders of Invincible Sword Sect for that." Mike suddenly stopped his Celestial Bloodline and focuses on his space law as he continued speaking with the man in the white robe.

Hearing his words, the man in white robe snorted "Humph! They might not be low level but they don't possess the Eyes of Truth. I am the elder of the Buddhist Pavilion of the Great Zhen Kingdom. I could feel all kinds of darkness and demonic powers within a few countries near me."

"A few hours ago, I sensed enormous negative energy coming from this place. I was able to locate it with my Eyes of Truth. And, with these eyes, I can see the dark energy following through your veins. It is chaotic and even powerful than the demon energy."

"Although it is blocked and hidden for some reason."

As soon Mike got the idea about what the man in the white robe was talking about, his heartbeat started rising. He knew he messed up a big time. He almost forgot that Jenny possesses a True Evil God bloodline. And, the closer she gets to the higher world, the more people can recognize her.

And, he was even startled when his dark energy was also categorized with demon energy. Doesn't that mean their entire universe is this world's energy?

'Damn! I can't fight and win. I must escape.' Mike's eyes looked around himself while thinking of a way to escape. He knew escaping directly is impossible. So, he must do something to distract that man.


Suddenly, the man disappeared from the sky and appeared in front of him asking "Tell me, where is the child of darkness?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. But, I gotta go now." Mike shook his head with an ugly smile as he tried to escape.


Suddenly, an intense qi from out of him and formed a giant palm that moved towards Mike. Seeing it, his pupils shrunk. He didn't expect that man would be so decisive.

"Space God Scripture- Spatial Barrier!"

Mike released the Space Law and ran the Celestial Bloodline alongside the Desolate Bloodline. His physical strength improved as the invisible barrier appeared around him.

Bang! Crack! Crack! Bang!

The next second, the palm collides against the space barrier, cracking it into pieces. But, when the palm entered the barrier, it collided against the massive stone.

Mike had already switched his place with the stone. But, he didn't rest there. He immediately snapped his finger as he appeared behind the man. The flame condensed a massive spear at his hand as he slammed it against the man.


The man in a white robe released another palm with the qi released by him without even turning back. The palm advanced towards Mike and collided against the flame spear.


The loud explosion swept in the sky as Mike released the jets on his black shoes. When he found that his arm was cut apart, he knew this man was stronger than King. And, not the Martial King rather the king realm from his universe.

The King Realm power was around Martial Grandmaster. And, he was as strong as Martial Grandmaster at least physically.


Suddenly, Mike appeared in front of the man but he appeared from below. He clenched his fist and smashed towards his jaws. But, suddenly a massive force pressed against his body, smashing his face on the ground. But, the next instant, the dark spirit rose from his body and acted against the pressure.


The Chaos Spirit exploded against the pressure, pushing that man several meters away. Mike hastily gets up on his foot but his nose and forehead was still bleeding. Although his left arm was almost recovered, it wasn't immensely fast.

"Space God Scripture- Scythe of Death!"

As soon as his left arm recovered, Mike formed a massive scythe from his space law. Although it was just the space law, the scythe itself gathered the massive demonic energy from the chaos spirit and condensed the black aura around it.

"See! I was right. You do belong to Child of Darkness. It seems I can only kill you and look in your memories." The killing intent burst of the man in a white robe as he looked at the dark scythe. Mike pressed his foot against the ground and sprinted at him.

"Lotus Palm!"

The man released the pink qi from his hand and condensed another palm as he pushed it at Mike. Seeing the pink palm, Mike raised his scythe and slashed it. But, as soon as the palm got slashed, it shattered into tiny petals and started hovering around him.

"Damn!" Boom!

Before Mike could realize the trap, the petals surrounded him and got attached to his body. Before Mike could use his space law, the petals exploded.

Thud! Thud!

The dust and smoke rose up as Mike's body fell to the ground. His white clothes were ruined but his skin was safe. Mike's eight hundred million dollar suit saved his life.

"It seems I went too easy." The man in a white robe rose up to the sky and pointed his index finger at Mike. Suddenly, the golden qi burst out of him and condensed a giant hundred-meter-long finger.

"Die!" With a killing intent bursting out his eyes, he pressed the finger towards Mike.

"Hell no!" Mike shouted as he got up on his feet. He spread his arm and released his space law as well as Chaos Spirit.

"Space God Scriptures + Chaos Scripture- Chaotic Space Megazord"

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