You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 25: Red bearded carp

Chapter 25: Red bearded carp

Chapter 25 Red-bearded carp

When he left Baicaotang, Steward He had instructed him to keep the blood jade ginseng as far apart as possible, and not let them get entangled, so as not to affect each other's growth.

After planting the Blood Jade Ginseng Spirit Seed, he learned the specific reason.

Spiritual seeds or ginseng can move slowly in the spiritual field. If the distance is close, they will be attracted to each other and cling to each other for a long time, plundering each other's vitality until the winner is determined and the loser withers.

Of course, spiritual planters generally do not allow such extreme situations to occur. After they notice that the roots of ginseng are entangled, they use methods to separate them.

"Mutually attracted to each other, and then you and me, entangled together, and then absorb each other's vitality, until separated by me."

"How does it feel like a pair of lovers, and I am the parent who ruthlessly broke them up."

Lu Xuan couldn't help sighing.

Fortunately, he doesn't have many other things, but he has a lot of time, so he can ensure that two blood jade ginseng will not meet together.

"This blood jade ginseng should not be male or female, right?"

He shook his head, and threw out the image of blood jade ginseng entangled in his mind.

After the twenty blood jade ginseng seeds were planted, Lu Xuan used the spiritual rain technique to moisten them, and strands of spiritual rain seeped into the soil and were greedily absorbed by the jade-like blood red spiritual seeds.

Next, he planted another hundred spirit firefly seeds that were like dry tea leaves, and also provided them with the spirit rain technique.

The new spiritual field is about ten times larger than before. After planting a hundred spirit firefly seeds and twenty blood jade ginseng seeds, there is still a small half of the area vacant.

Lu Xuan intends to use it to plant red cloud pine, dark marrow mushroom and sword grass. If he finds other good spiritual seeds, he will try his best to buy them and plant them.

"How to make the best use of this spiritual spring?"

He looked at the spiritual spring with shallow spring water in the spiritual field, lost in thought.

Spiritual spring water is usually used to assist alchemy, wine making, tea making, and some monks take it directly, which can slightly increase the spiritual power in the body.

However, this is a bit tasteless to Lu Xuan, with the cultivation reward brought by the spirit firefly grass, he looks down on that little bit of spiritual power.

"Shuishenglingzhi is relatively rare, but it is not uncommon. You can try to look for it in the market or shop."

"The area of this spiritual spring is not small. It is estimated that there are not so many aquatic spiritual plants. It would be a pity to waste it like this."

"Maybe you can raise one or two spirit fish?"

An idea suddenly popped up in Lu Xuan's mind, and it became more and more intense.

"Planting elixir in the spiritual field will bring light group rewards. If you cultivate spiritual beasts, will there be rewards?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help getting a little excited.

"If you don't have any, you won't lose money. The spiritual fish raised in Lingquan water can also be sold at a good price. If you have them, you can make a lot of money."

"Must try it."

This idea in his heart became more and more firm.

He opened the formation and left the courtyard.

Go back to the old courtyard first, there are ten spirit fireflies that are about to mature in the courtyard.

He harvested a batch and waited for two days. By the way, he helped Xu Wan transplant two moon eclipse trees to her house.

Among the ten spirit firefly plants, six are of good quality and four are of high quality. It is estimated that the spiritual power of the Lingtian is not enough, and he has not yet planted a higher quality spiritual plant.

Among the ten white light clusters that appeared, four brought him several months of cultivation, totaling more than two years, which made his aura more stable in the body.

There are three light groups that bring three first-grade talismans, the other three are experience packs of spells, two Earth Yin spells, and one Gengjin Sword Art. Lu Xuan has a deeper understanding of the two spells.

He feels that if the Earth Attraction Technique is activated at full strength, it can cause the terrain to shake and have a considerable attack effect.

As for the Gengjin Sword Art, let alone, if he fights Qin Ming again, even if he has a protective magic weapon similar to a jade tablet, Lu Xuan is very sure that he will kill him with one blow.

After absorbing all ten white light clusters, Lu Xuan glanced at the somewhat empty courtyard, turned and left.

When he came to Sanxiu Market, he searched for it and found that there were very few stalls selling spirit beast cubs or spirit beast eggs, so he came to a spirit pet shop.

In the shop, there are all kinds of spirit beast cubs, flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the water, everything that one expects to find.

Most of them are spiritual pets, with a well-behaved and docile appearance, and are not aggressive. It is said that the shop owner is a family member of an inner disciple in the Wanshoumen, and is very proficient in beast control.

"This fellow daoist invited me, I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you?"

Seeing Lu Xuan coming in and looking around, a handsome young girl greeted him with a smile.

"I want to buy one or two fish spirit beasts, what do you recommend?"

Lu Xuan directly entered the topic.

"For fish spirit beasts, you can come here to have a look."

"This is a red-whiskered carp, a rank-less monster with high ornamental value. It can be cooked after it is matured. The meat is delicious. The two red whiskers next to the fish's head can also be used as refining materials."

"Red-whiskered carp does not have high requirements for the growth environment, and it can be raised by ordinary spiritual springs. Of course, if it can be fed with some spiritual rice, it will be easier to mature."

"This is a black swordfish, and it is also a rank-less monster. It is shaped like an arrow and is extremely fast. It needs to devour a certain amount of flesh and blood essence when feeding."

"This is a black anaconda, a first-grade monster, amphibious, extremely aggressive, and its size can vary greatly. It can reach about six feet at the longest."

"As for other aquatic monsters, because they are wild and difficult to tame, they may hurt their owners, so they are not suitable for you to raise, fellow daoists."

The elegant female cultivator introduced several common aquatic spirit beasts in the spirit pet shop to Lu Xuan, euphemistically expressing that with the second-level cultivation of Qi training that Lu Xuan showed, at most, he could only raise monsters such as black anacondas.

Lu Xuan thought for a while, then ruled out the black swordfish and the black anaconda.

Raising black swordfish requires the essence of flesh and blood, and it is rare for him to eat a good meal himself, so how could he have extra flesh and blood of monsters to feed it.

As for the black anaconda, Lu Xuan immediately gave up after hearing that it might be six feet long.

My own spiritual spring can't hold half of its volume, so what can I use to raise it?

And now it is in the experimental stage, it is not clear whether there will be white light clusters.

Therefore, Lu Xuan is more inclined to choose spiritual fish with a short maturity period and low price.

"How do you sell this red bearded carp?"

He pointed to a carp fry in the pond and asked.

As the name suggests, the red-whiskered carp has two thin red long whiskers near the gills, which are longer than its body. When swimming, it looks like two belts, floating back and forth.

"For red bearded carp fry, one Lingshi is one."

The handsome girl replied.

"It is also gradeless, and it is more expensive than the spirit species of the firefly grass and the seedlings of the eclipse tree."

Lu Xuan compared the prices habitually.

"I'll buy three, it's cheaper, how about one eighty broken spirit?"

He naturally cut the price.

"If Daoist friends want to buy three, I can make the decision and sell them to you at the price of two spirit stones and eighty pieces of spirits. This is the lowest price."

"Two spirit stones and sixty spirit fragments, I will buy them immediately."

"Seventy, it can't be lower."

"OK, deal!"

Lu Xuan replied in satisfaction.

(end of this chapter)

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