You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 39: The quality of this batch is good

Chapter 39: The quality of this batch is good

Chapter 39 This batch of goods is of good quality

The two reached an agreement, and Lu Xuan and the stall owner made an oath to give him eight spirit stones and fifty broken spirits, and get the spirit seed with a trace of smoke.

After clearing money and goods, he was in a happy mood and went all the way to Baicao Hall.

Guan He saw him from a distance and trotted out.

"You kid, why are you here today?"

"I heard that an alienated monk just appeared in the Loose Cultivator Market, causing several casualties. Didn't you come across it?"

After he grabbed Lu Xuan and entered the Baicao Hall, he relaxed a little.

"Unfortunately encountered, but escaped in time, and was not affected."

Lu Xuan said.

"I don't know whether to say that you are lucky or not. It is rare to come out and encounter such a dangerous thing. Fortunately, there is no injury."

The thin old man said with emotion.

"In a short period of time, the city has become extremely unstable. There are monks dying everywhere, and evil figures appear from time to time."

"I see, you might as well become a full-time spiritual planter in the hall. After you come in, you will be protected by a high-ranking Qi training monk, so you don't have to worry about similar things happening again."

He Guanshi sent an invitation to Lu Xuan again, wanting him to enter the Baicao Hall and be protected by the high-ranking monks in the hall.

Lu Xuan knew that he had good intentions, and he made this suggestion because he was worried about his own safety, but Lingtian Lingzhi involved too much, and he didn't want to depend on others and be restricted everywhere.

"Guan He, I appreciate your kindness, but I am really lazy and free, and I can't bear all kinds of restrictions, so I should stay in my own yard."

"Anyway, I don't usually go out. I just want to stay at home and plant spiritual plants well. This should avoid most dangerous things."

"Okay, then it's up to you, this time, is the spirit firefly grass entering the mature stage?"

Seeing that Lu Xuan had made up his mind, the thin old man stopped persuading him, changed the subject, and asked him.

"That's right, thirteen Lingying grasses have matured in advance, why don't you come to palm your eyes and see how the quality is?"

Lu Xuan said with a light smile.

"Looking at your smug look, I guess the quality is good, take it out and show the old man."

Seeing Lu Xuan's expression, Manager He felt a little more curious.

With a thought in Lu Xuan's mind, the thirteen Lingyingcao were removed from the storage bag and landed in front of Manager He.

"Fine firefly grass of the highest quality."

"Still top quality."

"Huh? Is this...perfect quality?"

The thin old man couldn't help raising his head, looking at Lu Xuan, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He calmed down, and once again focused on the spirit firefly grass in front of him.

"This is good quality."

"Superior Quality."

"Perfect quality again?"

Next, four perfect-quality Lingyingcao appeared one after another, shocking Guanshi He from the beginning, and then turned numb and calm later.

"The quality of this shipment is very good."

"I didn't expect that you were able to grow the perfect-quality Lingyingcao. It really surprised me."

Out of the thirteen spirit fireflies, there were actually four of them of perfect quality. The thin old man couldn't help thinking about it. It seemed that the few experienced spirit planters in Baicao Hall could not guarantee this probability.

What's more, this is based on the premise that the aura of the spiritual field belonging to Baicaotang is more intense and pure.

If Lu Xuan was allowed to use the spirit field in the hall to plant, wouldnt it be more likely that perfect quality spirit fireflies would appear?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sighed deeply. If it was said that he was worried about Lu Xuan's safety before inviting him to become a full-time spiritual plant teacher in the hall, now it is completely regrettable that Baicao Hall cannot have a talented spiritual plant like Lu Xuan. teacher.

"Luck, luck, I can achieve such an achievement, it's just that I spent the time that others used to practice on cultivating spiritual plants."

Lu Xuan said with a smile.

"Haha, hard work always pays off."

Manager He laughed heartily.

"Come on, settle the score! The purchase price is still the same as before, three spirit stones and fifty spirit stones per plant of good quality, twenty spirit stones per plant of high quality, and four spirit stones per plant of perfect quality."

"A total of... forty-eight spirit stones and seventy spirit fragments."

Lu Xuan did some calculations in his mind, and after confirming that it was correct, he took the spirit stone handed over by the thin old man.

In this way, his net worth once again broke through a hundred, and there were more than one hundred and twenty spirit stones in his hands.

Although Baicaotang provided Lu Xuanling Yingcao seeds at a price 10 to 20% lower than the spiritual seeds on the market, according to the agreement between the two parties, the purchase price of mature spiritual plants is still at the normal price.

The reason why Baicaotang gave the spiritual seeds to Lu Xuan and other spiritual planters at a low price is to obtain the priority when the spiritual medicine matures.

That is, sacrifice a part of the benefits of spiritual seeds in exchange for a directional, stable, and better quality source of spiritual medicine.

"If the spirit firefly grass you sent later has this quality, then I can help you speak a few words in front of the eldest lady, and apply for other first-grade or even second-grade spiritual seeds for you."

Steward He looked at Lu Xuan and said solemnly.

"Second Grade Spirit Seed?"

Lu Xuan's tone was a bit surprised. When he came last time, because the two parties had just established a cooperative relationship and he had not achieved any results, the young monk who was in charge of Baicao Hall didn't trust him very much, so he only offered a hundred spirits. Firefly seeds and twenty Blood Jade Ginseng Spirit Seeds.

"The quality must be guaranteed. As for other things, I will trouble you, old man. I will bring you Baoling tea another day."

He said gratefully to the thin old man.

"That's not necessary. If you plant high-quality elixir for the hall, I will naturally benefit a lot as a recommender."

Manager He said with a smile.

After Lu Xuan sold the Lingyingcao, he didn't stop much, and was careful along the way, and returned home quickly.

Back home, close the courtyard door, open the formation, and he took out another evil spirit talisman from the storage bag.

Under the urging of spiritual power, a pure white light appeared and swept across Lu Xuan's surroundings without any movement.

Only then did Lu Xuan completely relax, and he put down Tayunlynx who had been quietly on his shoulder.

"Thanks to your reminder today, little guy, you did a good job, and I will reward you with two pieces of jerky pork meat later."

At the casual cultivator market, if the green pupils of the stepping lynx hadn't discovered the abnormality in advance, even if Lu Xuan had a magic weapon and many talismans by his side, there would still be a possibility of injury.

Thinking of this, he gently stroked the two small tufts of hair on the ear tips of Tayunlinx, and said gently.

Tayun lynx glanced at Lu Xuan faintly with green pupils, and let him caress her head.

"Oh~~Jerky, my favorite jerky~"

Lu Xuan seemed to see in its aloof and arrogant body, a lively and lovely soul stomping on the soles of the four white clouds, cheering and jumping.

But as soon as he thought of Tayun lynx's rough roar, the little figure in his body disappeared immediately.


Feeling that the movement of the palm on the head stopped, the bi-eyed cloud stepping lynx struggled to cry out in a low voice.

(end of this chapter)

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