You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 622: Dryad

Chapter 622: Dryad

Chapter 622: The evil tree demon

This auction is quite new and can take care of the two to three thousand monks present.

It would be a waste of time if the fourth- and fifth-grade treasures were put up for auction one by one.

Lu Xuan stood among the meteorites and sighed secretly in his heart.

He naturally specializes in the elixir auction section, and spiritual seeds fall within this scope.

In addition, he will also pay attention to magical weapons, materials, etc. After all, there are so many high-level spiritual plants in the spiritual field that are difficult to serve. If he comes across any resentful soul magical weapons, or Buddhist magical weapons, as well as useful materials, he will also Will try to win at auction.

There is actually a small game.

The corners of his mouth raised.

If there are spiritual seeds or something like that in those unknown objects, wouldnt that be easy for me to get?

Lu Xuan secretly thought that after all, his special ability could be called cause and effect. As long as he planted it, he could get information about the spiritual plant. No matter how rare the spiritual seed was, it would not help.

As for the items taken out of the treasure building of the Hailou Merchant Guild, they are extremely rare and rare, and their grade should not be too low, otherwise they would be inferior to the rumored high-level magic weapons.

Cant afford it, cant afford it.

A Foundation-Building Perfection monk who did not hide his appearance spoke out.

Looking around, he saw that there was a fourth-grade spiritual seed in the elixir area, so he controlled the meteorite to reach the destination.

Earth Fire Heart Lotus Spirit Seed, Grade 4, is a unique variety from the Eastern Wasteland. The mature lotus seeds can purify evil auras and reduce the risk of alienation for monks. It is extremely effective.

Lu Xuan shook his head, looked at the sword ball that was shining and spinning, and said with emotion.

Lu Xuan saw the familiar spirit species and shouted first.

Three thousand two hundred spirit stones.

Four Thousand Spiritual Stones, I am somewhat interested in this Earth Fire Heart Lotus, and I would like to ask all fellow Taoists to give me some face.

He doesn't have to worry about causing trouble after getting it. He is guarded by monks from the Hailou Merchant Guild and high-level magic weapons. In addition, there are restrictions on the meteorite, so he is not afraid of being found by others.

When the fourth- and fifth-grade sword grasses in my spiritual field mature, they will naturally produce treasures even better than this sword pill.

The starting price is three thousand low-grade spiritual stones, and each price increase shall not be less than two hundred low-grade spiritual stones. "

The auction price quickly rose all the way, and after dozens of breaths it had exceeded 5,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

He once opened a third-grade sword pill from the first sword grass, and then integrated it into the fourth-grade wind and thunder sword, so he was a little curious about this fifth-grade sword pill. However, after learning the price, he immediately lost interest. .

"The treasure in front of you is a fifth-grade sword pill. It can be directly refined into the body to improve your swordsmanship. It can also be tempered with a fifth-grade flying sword to become a magic weapon. The starting price is 30,000 low-grade spiritual stones. Each The price increase shall not be less than one thousand low-grade spiritual stones."

After a few elixirs, the monk in the elixir area took out a fiery red spiritual seed. Deep red smoke could be faintly seen flowing inside the spiritual seed.

Below the light curtain, a monk in the early stage of elixir formation was introducing to the monks who were attracted by the auctioned treasures:

Three thousand and six hundred spirit stones.

Earth Fire Heart Lotus Spirit Seed, I didnt expect to see it here.

While thinking, several messages suddenly lit up in front of the meteorite at his feet, which were about several treasures that were about to be auctioned.

He thought with a bit of sadness as he heard the constant shouting of prices in his ears.

Lu Xuan took a look and saw that there was a rare fourth-grade spiritual plant in the elixir area. He was not interested and drove the meteorite to the magic weapon area.

Fortunately, several Earth Fire Heart Lotuses have been planted in the cave spiritual field, and before leaving the sect, I also obtained the method of condensing their seeds.

Lu Xuan secretly thought that in his heart, the price was already a high premium, and it was not worth it for him to spend a lot of money to obtain this kind of spiritual plant that he already owned.

In the end, the Earth Fire Heart Lotus Spirit Seed was acquired by the Foundation Establishment Perfection monk at a price of 5,600.

The main products in the elixir area are various mature elixirs, and the spiritual species are relatively rare. Occasionally, there is a fourth-grade spiritual plant, which is not very attractive to Lu Xuan.

There are already too many spiritual plants in the cave spiritual field, and there are even more than ten kinds of fifth-grade spiritual plants. Lu Xuan works extremely hard to cultivate them every day, so he no longer has much interest in ordinary fourth-grade spiritual plants.

After coming over for a while, he felt refreshed and looked at the pill-forming monk who was presiding over the auction in the elixir area to take out a strange sapling.

The sapling is black overall. It is just a sapling, but the bark is full of deep wrinkles, like an old woman. The rudimentary facial features can be vaguely seen on the tree body, and it seems that it is falling into a deep sleep.

In the spiritual perception, the sapling exuded a sinister aura, which made the monks present feel a slight sense of discomfort.


The monk saw that everyone was attracted by this strange sapling, coughed lightly, and introduced to Lu Xuan and others:

This spiritual plant is called Shamu Tree Demon. It was obtained from a foreign secret realm by a real person who formed pills. It is of fifth grade.

It is said that this variety of spiritual plants is extremely aggressive and is not much different from monsters. The tree demon possesses certain spiritual plants. As it grows, it looks like a ferocious **** and evil evil spirit. In addition, it has the habit of spiritual plants, hence its name. "

"It can be subdued during the planting process to guard caves or treasures. The tree heart condensed after maturity is an extremely rare fifth-grade treasure. It can strengthen the physical body of monks, greatly enhance their physical toughness and recovery ability, and can also assist in certain special cultivation. Supernatural powers.

The starting price is 10,000 low-grade spiritual stones, and each price increase shall not be less than 500 spiritual stones.

Start filming!

Lu Xuan looked at the strange spiritual plant that was three-thirds similar to the human race, and felt hot in his heart. "The fifth-grade spiritual plant is such a rare species, so we have to find a way to get it."

During the period of contemplation, many monks were already shouting out their prices, and in a blink of an eye, they came to fifteen thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

"sixteen thousand!"

A monk in the early stage of pill formation shouted calmly.

Sixteen thousand and five.

A Foundation Establishment Perfection monk hiding in the shadow hesitated for a moment and then shouted.

"eighteen thousand."

Monk Jiedan did not hesitate and raised the price again.

Eighteen thousand five hundred.

The Foundation Establishment Perfection monk hesitated for a longer time. These fifth-grade spiritual plants were consistent with his practice. If he got them, they would definitely improve his strength a lot after they were cultivated and matured. Although the price had exceeded his bottom line, he I still want to struggle a little more.

"Twenty thousand! I am determined to get this spiritual seed. If any fellow Taoist wants to fight for it, I will accompany it to the end."

The alchemy monk said confidently.

The scene soon fell into a brief silence.

After all, spiritual seeds are not as powerful as magical weapons, elixirs, techniques, etc. of the same level, and are only very attractive to a few monks. The price of 20,000 low-grade spiritual stones has exceeded the bottom line that everyone expected, so no one is trying to raise the price.

Twenty thousand low-grade spiritual stones once!

The auction monk looked around and saw that no one responded. Just when he was about to shout a second time, suddenly, a clear voice came from the corner.

Twenty-two thousand low-grade spiritual stones.

The speaker was none other than Lu Xuan. He waited until everyone was close to competing before bidding, and he raised the price by two thousand spirit stones, which shows how determined he was to win this fifth-grade sapling.

Fellow Taoist is really a generous person.

The alchemy-forming monk thought he was almost certain, but he didn't expect that Lu Xuan would come out halfway.

His spiritual sense spied on the meteorite where Lu Xuan was, but was blocked by the restrictions around the meteorite and gained nothing.

Fellow Taoist, I am also somewhat interested in this evil tree demon. You and I will compete fairly and let the spirit stone speak for itself.


The monk Jiedan was angry.

Twenty-three thousand spiritual stones.

Two thousand more, twenty-five thousand.

Lu Xuan said lightly.

Why do fellow Taoists do this kind of thing that harms others but does not benefit oneself?

Twenty-six thousand.

The Danjie monk hesitated for a moment and shouted again that the price was already quite a premium for a fifth-grade spiritual species, and any more would not be worth it.

Twenty-eight thousand.

Lu Xuanfeng followed calmly.

For him, he can accept the spiritual plant even if the price is higher. After all, a light group is worth several times more than the spiritual plant itself.

Okay, Ill give up.

Master Jie Dan looked at Lu Xuan, who hid her appearance, and couldn't hang her face, and the meteorite under her feet left quickly.

Twenty-eight thousand once!

Twenty-eight thousand and two times!

Twenty-eight thousand three times!

"make a deal!"

Congratulations to this fellow Taoist!

The monk from the Hailou Chamber of Commerce who was in charge of the elixir area knew that there could be no one offering a higher price, so he quickly shouted three times to complete the process.

A smile appeared on Lu Xuan's face.

The fifth-grade evil spirit plant, the evil tree demon successfully obtained it.

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