You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 634: Ice marrow brew

Chapter 634: Ice marrow brew

Chapter 634 Ice Marrow Spirit Brewing

Back in the house, Lu Xuan sat cross-legged on the bed, thinking about how to sacrifice those fifth-grade treasures into magical weapons.

After forming the elixir, the elixir fire in the golden elixir can be used to refine the sacrificial magic weapon and integrate it into the body of the monk to become a magic weapon.

Magical weapons are divided into three levels: high, middle and low. Among them, fifth- and sixth-grade magic weapons can be refined into low-level magic weapons, and so on.

Among the dozen or so fifth-grade treasures that Lu Xuan harvested, not every one was suitable to be sacrificed and refined into magic weapons. He knew their characteristics the moment he got the treasures.

It is impossible for him to sacrifice every fifth-grade treasure into a magic weapon. After all, that consumes too much mind and elixir fire, as well as time, energy, etc. With his current spiritual knowledge, he cannot control too many objects at the same time. The magic weapon of purpose.

After much thought, he decided to sacrifice two fifth-grade treasures into magic weapons, namely the Taotie Insect Bag and the Peacock King Sword.

One is a space treasure, which is of great use to him as a spiritual planter, and the other is his most powerful method at present. With its considerable background, the success of the sacrifice is relatively higher.

The remaining ones, such as the Wanfu Banner, Nanming Lihuo Net, and Nine-Headed Dragon Pictures, are temporarily kept to see whether to continue to use them or find an opportunity to sell them.

He does not reject evil and alien spiritual plants, but he is still somewhat resistant to evil and alien treasures, especially martial arts.

It may be a habit developed in the Tianjian Sect for decades. In addition, the refining of evil methods often requires large-scale killings. The methods are extremely vicious and vicious, and there is some danger during practice.

Therefore, after obtaining the sixth-level skill "Blood Nerve" and the magical power "Soul-Capturing Blood Palm", I have not tried to practice it until now, just because I am worried about the risk of alienation.

Theres no need to worry about martial arts, supernatural powers, etc. After all, there are still so many fifth- and sixth-grade spiritual plants that are about to mature.

Lu Xuan thought optimistically.

The impact of being promoted to the Pill Formation was greater than he imagined. In the following days, monks came to visit him every day and got to know Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan warmly entertained them one by one, and took this opportunity to get to know many Master Jiedan.

Slowly, fewer and fewer monks came to visit, and eventually he returned to his previous ordinary life.

Every day, I cultivate spiritual plants, raise spiritual beasts, and take advantage of the great improvement in my understanding to understand the "Xuan Tian Qing Subtle Dharma", and gradually I can get some clues.

A month passed in the blink of an eye. Lu Xuan came to the spiritual field and looked at the more than ten ice fireflies with a thin layer of frost at his feet.

In order to break through the core formation, he used Aoki Origin Qi to slightly ripen it. After a period of time, four more Ice Fireweed plants were fully mature.

Lu Xuan picked the ice fireweed from the spiritual soil with ease, put it into a long jade box, and sealed it with a talisman to prevent the spiritual plant from losing its vitality.

Immediately, the figure passed by like a stream of light, and four slightly flickering white light groups silently shattered almost at the same time, turning into four rivers of light and pouring into Lu Xuan's body one after another.

Harvest a third-grade ice firefly and receive a three-year cultivation reward.

Harvest a third-grade ice firefly and receive a five-year cultivation reward.

Four light groups, two of which were cultivation rewards, brought Lu Xuan eight years of cultivation.

Sure enough, after being promoted to pill formation, if the grade gap is too large, it will affect the richness of the rewards.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. With the lessons learned from the low-grade water fireweed, he started cultivating and improving the second-grade water fireweed as early as the foundation building stage. In the end, he finally succeeded by luck.

If you harvest the light group of the second-grade water fire grass after forming the elixir, the cultivation rewards it will bring will be greatly reduced.

Now, the cultivation reward brought by the third-grade ice fire grass has been cut in half. The five years of ordinary quality will become three years, and the ten years of good quality will become five years.

He is fairly accepting of the effect of Ice Fireweed.

The spiritual power required increases exponentially as he practices. If he practices normally, even if he consumes nearly 800 lifespan, he may not be able to reach the middle stage of pill formation.

After refining and absorbing the spiritual power that appeared out of thin air in his body, he then focused on the rewards of the remaining two light groups.

Harvest a third-grade ice firefly, and obtain a fourth-grade treasure, ice marrow brew. ] The thought disappeared, and a small bottle of spirit brew appeared in front of Lu Xuan.

The bottle is translucent, and you can clearly see that there is more than half a bottle of pure white spirit brew inside.

There is a large amount of material similar to crushed ice cubes in the spirit brew. When gently shaken, it makes a rustling sound and reflects various magnificent scenes.

[Ice Marrow Spirit Brewing, a fourth-grade treasure, is brewed with a variety of ice spiritual fruits, supplemented by rare ice marrow jade. It has a wonderful and unique taste. It can slightly increase the spiritual power in the monk's body, and has a strong cure for fire poison damage. Effect.

There is a new spiritual brew.

Lu Xuan looked at the ice marrow brew in the bottle and couldn't help but take a sip.

A refreshing and cool feeling rushes straight to the forehead, like getting a bottle of Feizhai Happy Water on a hot summer day, cooling the head to the soles of the feet.

My heart feels cold and my heart is soaring!

This sentence flashed through his mind involuntarily.

Lingniang is sweet and slightly sour. The ice marrow jade inside has been processed by special means, giving it a glutinous, soft and gritty taste. It tastes good.

He made a simple comment.

The last light group brings new rewards.

Harvest a third-grade Ice Fireweed plant and obtain the fourth-grade Ice Marrow Spirit Brewing recipe.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and a large amount of information poured in, filling Lu Xuan's sea of consciousness at once.

The various ice spiritual fruits used to brew Bingxui Spirit Brewing, as well as their processing, matching, dosage, etc., as well as how to process Bingxui Jade to maintain the best taste, and how to blend the two together..."

Its better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. Just give me the brewing formula of Ice Marrow Spirit Brew. Its indeed a good light group.

A bottle of Ice Marrow Brew can't hold him back for more than a few sips, but with the recipe, it's different. It can be brewed independently.

From now on, we will add another kind of common spiritual brew in the cave, Baiguo Spiritual Pulp, Jade Washing Spiritual Dew, and Ice Marrow Spiritual Brew. If there are more, maybe we can try to open a spiritual brewing shop.

There is also the Heart Monkey Fruit entrusted by Old White Ape. I wonder if they will be able to provide their unique recipe for monkey wine.

Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

Seventeen ice fireweeds, three were picked previously, plus the four picked now, there are still ten left.

Among them, a few must be left as condensing spiritual plants, accumulate more spiritual seeds, and then slowly improve the cultivation level.

The number of ice fireweed spiritual seeds is still too small. I dont need to harvest the water fireweed in the future. Anyway, both the cultivation level and the treasure rewards are relatively useless to me at the moment.

All of them will be used to condense seeds. Although it is unlikely that the ice fireweed spiritual seeds will be stimulated by improvement, it can greatly shorten the period of insufficient supply of spiritual seeds in the early stage.

Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

At this moment, his demand for the Ice Firefly Spirit Seed has reached an extremely strong level.

After all, with his qualifications, after reaching the realm of pill formation, his spiritual power will not change much after practicing for many days. His cultivation almost entirely relies on the ice fire grass spiritual plant.

Having a dry cough after catching a cold

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