Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Chapter 66 Chef Lu Qiang!!!

66  Chef Lu Qiang!

Jiang Yuyan had expected this, but when it happened, she had left with no words.

Not waiting for her reply, Lu Qiang kissed her again for a longer time and asked, "Or were you talking about this?"

Her cheeks turned red, like all the blood in her body had rushed to her face. She felt the same way again and couldn't resist him. "B-Both."

Taking a few steps back, Lu Qiang let her go while gazing at her flushed face. Avoiding to look at him, she dashed out of the room, not willing to spend a single moment with the bold man in front of her.

When she left, Lu Qiang patted the left side of his chest with his right hand while standing in the same place, "Calm down! It's hard, but control it for now."

Picking up the clothes he threw on the couch a while ago in a hurry to stop Jiang Yuyan from leaving the room; he moved towards the bathroom to freshen up.

When Jiang Yuyan entered her room, she hurriedly closed the door of her room and stood taking the support of the door by resting her back on it.

"Uurggg! That pervert! How can he do it without my permission?"

Stepping towards the bed, Jiang Yuyan sat on its edge and murmured to herself, 'What's happening to me? Is my body craving for it? No…No, that's not possible. After all those things, it can't be. I think I am becoming insane'.

Brushing off all the troublesome thoughts, she went to take a bath. Getting ready in her night pajamas, she prepared to sleep, but her stomach growled.

'I need to eat something, or I won't be able to sleep,' she thought and stepped out of the room, cursing someone in her mind for her empty stomach, 'Because of him, I couldn't even eat properly.'

After freshening up, Lu Qiang was busy with his mobile. He was checking mails on it, as he left his laptop back in the office. Feeling thirsty suddenly, he looked around for water around, but the water jar on kept on the table was empty.

Carrying a jar, he went downstairs and heard the sound coming from the kitchen. He stepped forward to check just to see to Jiang Yuyan was searching for something in the refrigerator.

She wore a peach color top and shorts. Her deep golden-brown hair was tide upward in a messy bun with few strands of hair hanging loosely on either side of her face. Her neck was fair and slender, which looked attractive.

Getting hold of himself from his messed up thoughts, Lu Qiang asked,

"What are you doing?"

Feeling surprised with his sudden presence, she looked at him, "I am searching for something to eat, but I guess the cook didn't leave anything here."

Closing the refrigerator door, she asked, "But what are you doing here?"

"I need water," He replied, showing her an empty jar in his hands.

"Ohh!" She then pulled out one mineral water bottle from the refrigerator and gave him. "Here."

Putting the empty jar on the kitchen platform, he Accepted the bottle from her hand and asked, "Now, what will you eat?"

"Let's see! I have to cook something," She unhappily replied and moved to open the kitchen cabinet.

"Do you want me to help you?" Lu Qiang asked while taking off the lid of a water bottle.

"Does Mr. President know how to cook?" Jiang Yuyan asked sarcastically while going through the cabinet.

"Well! You can say I am multi-talented!" Lu Qiang casually replied as he had a few sips of water.

She raised her eyebrow in doubt, "Really? Then go ahead!"

"Sure!" Saying he put that water bottle aside.

"Let's see first what we have here?" Opening one kitchen shelf, she took out one packet and showed him, "We just have this, noodles."

"Do we have vegetables?" He asked, taking the pack from her hand.

She opened the refrigerator and checked the vegetable section, "Yes! But only a few. I guess the servant didn't go for grocery shopping."

"Take it out whatever is there." Instructing, Lu Qiang moved to the kitchen platform.

Jiang Yuyan brought all the vegetables available and put them all on the kitchen platform in front of Lu Qiang.

Drinking some more water, he closed the bottle lid and put it aside while Jiang Yuyan put a cutting pad on the kitchen platform.

When she was about to pick up a knife from the wooden knife holder, Lu Qiang stopped her and signaled her to step aside. Jiang Yuyan obeyed and made a space for him to stand in her place.

"You can help boil the noodles; till then, I will cut it," Lu Qiang instructed and started cutting the vegetables.

Jiang Yuyan felt amazed seeing his chopping skills but said nothing and put the noodles for boiling.

"Looks like you don't need any help." Saying she made a space for herself and sat on the kitchen platform by jumping slightly on her toes with the support of her hands.

Lu Qiang didn't reply as he was busy.

Jiang Yuyab observed this handsome and most influential businessman, who was cutting vegetables with full concentration, in the middle of the night to prepare food for her.

She couldn't help but stare at him as she thought, 'Who said a man looks handsome while working in his office. I think a man looks more handsome when cooks for you in the middle of the night... Ahh, so handsome and sexy.'

Her thoughts wandered somewhere else, but the next moment she came back to reality, 'W...What am I thinking?' She shook her head a few more times. 'Did I just call him sexy? I think he is making me insane'.

Though Lu Qiang was busy cutting the vegetables, his attention was on her too. He could feel her staring at him. When she shook her head and looked at him again, he looked at her and teased.

"If you keep staring at me like this, I'll stop doing this and take you to the bed right away."


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