Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 30: Traces of a spring dream

Chapter 30: Traces of a spring dream

Finally, Ji Heng saw their bodies.

He held in his hand a soft, white and delicate woman's body. It looked like he had caught a snake in the river. He carried it on his shoulder, head down. When she saw her waist, she pinched it as he tried to move away from her hips with agitation.

Ji Heng pushed her under his body, panting brutally arching. She repressed her moans as she felt a wave invade her.

The woman suddenly turned to face Ji Heng. His suave smile was extremely seductive.

However, Ji Heng's heart was frightened, because the face that appeared before him earlier was not that of another person but that of Tian Qi. While he was still sleeping, Ji Heng felt a roar as if thunder hit his head. At the same time, he could not move his body, then his mind was empty. He lost consciousness.

After a while, Ji Heng woke up and slowly turned his body. Through the yellow bed curtain he could see the distant candle still burning. He lay on his side and straightened his clothes. His hands were wrapped around the summer duvet, his two legs tightly pressed against each other, pressing the quilt under his body.

As he tried to move his body, the thing between his legs rubbed lightly against his pants and his summer quilt. As expected, as he reached out to touch him, he found a wet spot.

A slight smell of incense Long Xian drifted inside. Ji Heng turned and lay down. Shaking the blanket slightly, the perfume concealed under the blanket disappeared. The space inside the bed curtain was momentarily flooded with a slight musky scent, which warmed people's faces.

Ji Heng sighed softly.

As Emperor, having a spring dream was a matter of concern, ba. Moreover, he dreamed of a eunuch.

Ji Heng felt a little embarrassed. When he closed his eyes, this seductive body appeared again before his eyes. Nevertheless, she had this embarrassing face.

He had no choice but to open his eyes, gently pressing his temples with both hands.

It must have been because of Tian Qi's senseless confession that day. The next night he had a carefree dream about him.

People's dreams have always been strange. In this way, Ji Heng reflected on a reasonable explanation of his actions. He did not need to think about it too much.

Yet even if he thought so, he still felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

By getting up early in the morning, the servants of Qian Qing Palace must come to pay homage to the Emperor. The thick face, Tian Qi stood in the center, glancing furtively at the complexion of the emperor.

He did not seem to be in a good mood.

Unexpectedly, as she looked up at the emperor, he suddenly turned to look at her. He felt like he was throwing a knife at her, wanting to cut it.

Tian Qi bowed his head, wondering if the emperor was feeling bad today. In any case, she had to manage everything carefully. Even if she managed to escape the events of yesterday, the emperor must still doubt her deep within him. She had to look for an opportunity to be loyal.

The morning passed without incident. Ji Heng went to his morning courtyard, then paid homage to the Dowager Empress, and then, as usual, went to the Yang Xin Palace for his work.

However, seeing Tian Qi standing next to him, his mood was somewhat agitated, still remembering unconsciously the absurd dream he had made last night. Reflecting on it, his complexion when he looked at Tian Qi was worse. He could not help but look at him.

Tian Qi "..."

She really did not know what she had done wrong. She carefully examined all her recent actions in her mind and she recalled a case. So she took out a carefully folded handkerchief from her sleeve and presented it to Ji Heng with both hands: "Your Majesty is your handkerchief, this slave thanks Your Majesty for your kindness and grace for having lent this handkerchief. This servant does not dare secretly keep Your Majesty's property.It is already washed.Luckily, as it is summer, the handkerchief has dried up quickly. "She remembered that the last time the Emperor was angry against her, it was because of her handkerchief. Since he was looking at her again, it must have been because of the handkerchief.

Unexpectedly, the emperor did not take it, but finished writing his word, put down the brush and looked dangerously at it. "Is Zhen such a stingy person that he does not want to part with a handkerchief? and give it to someone, ma? "

Tian Qi felt that the current emperor and the former emperor were not the same person. With no other choice, she put away the handkerchief and smiled. "It is this servant who was wrong, this servant is stupid, this servant thanks Your Majesty for the reward."

Seeing him act so humble again, Ji Heng frowned. He no longer took his writing brush, but got up with the intention of going for a walk.

Sheng'An Huai was not here yet. Of course, Tian Qi had to replace him in his absence, as a result of Ji Heng and by his side. The group walked and walked until they reached the door of Zhong Hua unconsciously. Inside, they could see two (2) - three (3) imperial concubines with their palace maids, playing cuju.

Many people knew that when the emperor was still the crown prince, he liked cuju. But he was now a very worthy emperor, he was unlikely to play again. But hobbies do not disappear or cease to exist. People thought about talking about it after hearing about it. Tian Qi also used this hobby once and the effect was pretty good.

Although at first they started to win the Emperor's favor, now the Imperial Concubines have found it amusing. They were so engrossed in their game that they did not notice that Ji Heng had arrived.

Tian Qi, who was following the Emperor closely, entered and glanced at the group of people. Of the three (3) imperial concubines, one was a Pin, a ZhaoYi and a MeiRen. The one in the highest position was exactly that impressive Wan Concubine Wan.

Pin = imperial concubine

ZhaoYi - Zhao = bright, clear; Yi = appearance

MeiRen = beauty

Tian Qi knew that the emperor had the bad habit of taking a look at others. Seeing the interested look he had now, she immediately decided not to spoil her pleasure and drew their attention by shouting "The Emperor has arrived".

At that moment, the balloon was hit by a palace maid with a particularly strong foot and it suddenly flew through the door. All present finally saw the emperor follow the trajectory of the balloon. Each of them was frightened on the spot as they stupidly watched the balloon heading straight for the emperor.

Tian Qi's reaction was quick when she jumped to the Emperor. "Your Majesty, be careful!"

In any event, it was unlikely that she would die just because she was shot. In return, she can seize this opportunity to show her loyalty to the emperor. In that split second just before the ball came out the door and hit his face, Tian Qi was counting his chickens before hatching.

Currently, she wanted to show devotion.

However, the anticipated pain of being hit in the face never appeared, as Ji Heng grabbed Tian Qi's shoulders and pushed her away once, immediately avoiding the ball. After that, while Ji Heng was still holding his shoulders slightly, he used his head and simply topped the ball. This action was too fast, so Tian Qi did not see clearly what happened. She just managed to hold herself firmly when a red figure swayed in front of her eyes and shook the brown ball.

Everyone in the vicinity witnessed the Emperor's quick reaction, shocked by his agile movements.

Tian Qi did not even have the chance to recover when she felt the hands pressed on her shoulders increase their strength.

Using both hands to push on Tian Qi's shoulders, Ji Heng's body was already in the air. While he was helping Tian Qi to get up, he gave him power on the waist, turning his two legs a half circle to find the appropriate position, then with one leg stretched to balance his body, the other leg in the air constituting his foot. knocked the balloon that fell from the sky as if by chance. The bullet flew through the door and drifted towards the small circular hole. In the eyes of all, a dark and powerful red object crossed the sky in a curved line, as if manipulating a long knife and piercing it straight into the throat of the prey.

Everyone was watching attentively.

The whole process was like moving clouds and running water, with no holes or tears.

moving clouds and running water - idiom = natural and not forced

hole or tear in the tissue - idiom = error

The silhouette of the emperor leaping as if flying was more agile than an eagle more fierce than a sparrow haystack. This series of motions was completed in an extremely short time, but it allowed people to engrave it clearly in their minds. Every detail was incomparably clear, as if time had slowed him down.

Tian Qi did not see this brilliant scene because it was in the center of it. As his shoulders were supported by him, his face was very close to his. Therefore, she saw her arrogant appearance, she saw the corner of her mouth kissing in a reckless smile. As her body whirled through the air, she could see the light wind created by the movement blowing her ink-colored hair to the side of her dark red lips. As he swirled his body, the backdrop behind him changes continuously as well. Blue sky, green trees, yellow tiles.

Once Ji Heng reached the ground, Tian Qi's body was completely twisted and she became unstable on her feet. She instinctively raised an arm and tied it to Ji Heng's neck.

Ji Heng also felt that Tian Qi was about to fall, so he quickly wrapped his arm around his waist to support him.

Once the bodies of the two men remained firm, their posture was rather dubious. One hung on the other's neck, while the other kissed his waist, two pairs of eyes facing each other. They both fell speechless.

Everyone saw the ball pass directly through the small hole and then fall to the ground. They had originally planned to rejoice, but as they opened their mouths, they saw the scene in front of them and stupidly stopped making noise.

Some had slower reactions and did not have time to stop applause. As a result, the surroundings were scattered with applause.

While Ji Heng was supporting Tian Qi's waist, he only felt that the waist in his hand was soft and thin, unable to support a hard grip. Lowering his head and looking at the person again, Tian Qi was almost entirely in his arms, one hand hanging around his neck, the other holding his arm. He was probably too shocked because his eyes were wide open, his cherry red lips were half open and his breath was hot and wet.

Quietly silent.

The temperature was quite high. Ji Heng thought he had to stay in the sun too long and became feverish. He looked down at Tian Qi and asked, "Still do not want to let go?"

Tian Qi's face turned red at once and she withdrew her hands quickly.

Ji Heng let him go, straightened up, hands behind his back deliberately. Tian Qi thought the emperor was avoiding him again. She hurried back a step and moved away from him.

Tian Qi's face was burning as she lowered her head and looked at the floor. Ji Heng noticed that his ears were so red that they were almost dripping with blood, so he could not help but smile.

Ji Heng discovered that he was constantly embarrassed by this eunuch. To his surprise, he had already gotten used to him and he was not as disgusted as he thought. This made him feel uncomfortable as he stiffened, sniffed, and no longer looked at Tian Qi, but turned and walked into Zhong Hua's door.

The people inside knelt down and paid tribute to Ji Heng one after the other. Ji Heng saw the pale complexion of the imperial concubine Wan, so he greeted her. He did not expect her to be careful, so he asked what the problem was. The voice of Imperial Concubine Wan was soft and collapsed. Fortunately, the palace maid by her side reacted quickly and supported her.

Ji Heng asked the servants to help the Imperial Concubine Wan return to her palace and have an Imperial doctor come to see her. Originally, he thought that Imperial Concubine Wan was too much in the summer heat, he did not expect the Imperial doctor to come back and report: Imperial Concubine Wan is pregnant.

Tian Qi was next to Ji Heng, so she immediately heard this news. After, she was speechless during a spell. The luck of this imperial concubine Wan is very good. The emperor favored her only once and she immediately became pregnant.

Ji Heng also said it was an accident. Of course, more than that, he was happy. Naturally, the happiest would be the Dowager Empress. Only a few days ago, she talked about a granddaughter and she is pregnant.

When Imperial Concubine Wan heard it that way, she was unhappy in her heart. What do you mean? Why are you sure it's a girl, do not you?

Honestly, Ji Heng would have liked to have a daughter too. These women all want to give birth to a son in search of higher status, but he already has a son. Moreover, according to the ugly level of RuYi, if there is another, he fears that they will destroy the imperial palace.

In addition, the good deeds of Ji Zheng's birth mother, he and the Dowager Empress, have not forgotten; they were still fresh in their minds. Wan's Imperial Concubine status is not low and her family gets along well with the Sun family. We could say that they are his huge support. Even if Ji Heng wanted to have more sons in the future, he would not want his sons to have escaped from the belly of this kind of person. Even if he knew that he would not manage to manage the good deeds that his father did at that time, he would still benefit from it and still leave room for RuYi. He will not have to worry about ten thousand (10.000) "just in case" in this way. Who knows what would happen after the event, does not it?

Not even a dozen people understood Ji Heng's mind. Of course, Tian Qi was one of many. However, that does not interest him at the moment. What matters to him at this moment is whether or not the situation of Emperor Concubine Wan could be harmful to her.

Before, Imperial Wan Concubine was not favored, so she does not have to worry about her. Currently, she had the goods in her womb, so everything was different. The emperor rested at the imperial palace of concubine Wan for two consecutive days. Although the Imperial Wan Concubine can not bear receiving her dew because it could hinder her pregnancy, it is to give her a face, a dream that other people could not grasp. As a result, the Imperial Wan Concubine was much better perceived on the surface, even though everyone knows it's because of her pregnancy. Many go as far as walking with lighter and faster steps than usual.

Tian Qi carefully compared the pros and cons and thought that Imperial Concubine Wan should not act against her. On the one hand, it was important to appeal to the members of the top management and the risk would probably be relatively high, the gains not offsetting the losses. Secondly, Imperial Concubine Wan does not necessarily have the ability to know that she was mad at Sun Fan. Sun CongRui was not stupid either, he would not have wanted to expand his field of action and announce the stupid actions of his son. Moreover, it was impossible for him to enter the palace to reveal this affair in a moment of anger.

However, Tian Qi quickly discovered that she was wrong. Being a woman, she could not conjecture what a man thought. Even more, all those who had the same knowledge as Sun CongRui did not have the same tact.


Ji Heng saw a body.

The body of the woman, soft and delicate, is held in the hand, like a hot snake. She turned her back, trace or not, her waist squatted next to him and he twisted uncomfortably.

Ji Heng pressed her, panting and suspended, in exchange for her depression.

The woman suddenly looked back and smiled at Ji Heng, and she was very charming.

Ji Heng was suddenly shocked. Because this face is not someone else, it's Tian Qi. Ji Heng only felt a roar in his brain, as if he was thundering, and he could not move when he was on the road. Then the brain was empty and lost consciousness.

After a moment, Ji Heng woke up and turned into a dark candle through the yellow bed. He was lying on the side of his clothes, his hands holding the summer quilt, his legs pressed against each other, clutching his bedding.

He moved his body and the objects between his legs were lightly rubbed by the pants and the bedding. He reached out his hand and touched it, and it was really wet.

There was a slight scent of dragon scorpion floating in the room. Ji Heng turned and lay down. The thinness was shaken and the smell hidden under the blanket disappeared. The bed was filled with a slight smell of musk, which gave people a warm smell.

Ji Heng sighed in a low voice.

As Emperor, it is a dream of spring dream and even a dream of eunuch.

Ji Heng feels a little embarrassed. He closed his eyes but the fascinating body appeared before him and his face was so embarrassing.

He had to open his eyes and gently press on his temples with both hands.

This had to be confessed by Tian Qi during the day and he accidentally dreamed of him at night. Ji Heng thought that to find a reasonable explanation, people's dreams are strange, do not worry about it.

However, although he thought about it, he still had a certain awkwardness in his heart.

Get up early in the morning, the minions of the dry palace come to the emperor asking for security. Tian Qi was cheeky in the middle and looked at the emperor's gaze.

It does not look so good?

I watched him. I did not expect the Emperor to look at her suddenly. The look, like a small flying knife, seemed to cut it off and look on.

Tian Qi hurried to bury his head, thinking that the emperor was not happy today and he had to be careful. Although she was admitted yesterday, the Emperor's heart may not be suspicious. She must find an opportunity to show her loyalty.

One morning, nothing happened. Ji Heng went down to the Dowager Empress and went to Yangxin Temple as usual.

But when he saw Tian Qili on the side, he was a little confused. He never thought of the ridiculous dream of last night. He thinks about it. He did not even have a beautiful face on Tianqi, and he could not help but look at him.

Tian Qi: "..."

She really did not know what she was doing wrong. In the heart, she did a self-evaluation. Tian Tian remembered something. She pulled out a carefully folded piece of her sleeve and handed it to Ji Heng. "The Emperor is your son, thank you for your kindness." Borrowing and servants, it's party time. The royal family, slaves are not allowed to hide, were washed. Fortunately, in the summer, things go fast. She still remembers that the last time the emperor was not mad at her because of a parchment this time, he is jealous of him, probably because of his son.

I did not want the emperor to take a pen and look at it in danger. "Is it a stingy person, is not it a piece of parchment that rewards people?"

Tian Qi felt that the emperor and the former emperor were probably not an emperor. She had to put away the puppet and laughed. "It is the slave who is wrong, the slave is stupid and the slave is grateful."

Seeing that she was so humble, Ji Heng frowned and the Zhu pen did not pick it up, but stood up and planned to go out.

Sheng Anhuai is not here yet, Tian Qi naturally dominated his position and served with Ji Heng. The group walked around, unconsciously crossing the Zhonghuamen, and saw two or three scorpions in the door, pushing the women to kick.

Many people know that when the emperor is a prince, he likes being jealous, but now the saint is very majestic and, naturally, he will not play it anymore. But the hobby may not be gone, and some people want to make a fuss. Tian Qi did this and the effect is very good.

In front of these scorpions, the starting point may be to please the emperor, but now, they probably feel like it's fun, because they played too much, they did not find Ji Heng .

Tian Qi followed the emperor and glanced at the group of people. One of the three nephews had a beautiful wife and the one in the highest position was clumsy.

Tian Qi knows that the emperor has the bad habit of robbing others. Now that he sees the face of the emperor, he no longer shouts at the landscape and does not shout: "the emperor drives".

At that moment, the balloon was suddenly hit and expelled by a powerful grandmother. Those present finally found the Emperor along the ball track. They were shocked on the spot and looked at the right ball. emperor.

Tian Qi responded quickly and jumped in front of Ji Heng. "The Emperor is careful!"

Being crushed by the balloon will not kill people, but you will also be able to show your loyalty to the Holy Spirit. Tian Qi was still flapping as the bullet was about to fire.

She is too faithful now.

However, the pain of being photographed in the face did not appear. Tian Qi was shot by Ji Heng's shoulders and immediately escaped the ball attack. Then, Ji Heng touched his shoulder lightly and the balloon was thrown into the air. This action is too fast, Tian Qi did not see clearly, barely standing on the heel, the eyes will shake the red-brown face.

The people around him were shocked by the quick reaction of the emperor and the agility of the action.

Tian Qi is not yet back to taste, only to feel the force of the hands on his shoulders suddenly.

Ji Heng's body has already left and his hands are still dominated by Tian Qi. He supported Tian Qi, his height was strong, his legs turned in a semicircle and he found a suitable position. One leg extended and balanced his body, and the other leg flew to the balloon that had just fallen from the sky. The ball is spinning in the air. The windy eyes in the door, in everyone's eyes, crossed a strong dark red curve, as if a long knife, directly in the throat of the prey.

Everyone is watching.

The whole process is like a flowing stream, leaving no flaws. The figure of the Emperor's flight is more flexible than the eagle and more fierce than the scorpion. This series of actions ends in a very short time, but it can be clearly engraved in the mind, every detail is incomparably clear, as if time had slowed down for him.

Tian Qi did not see this beautiful photo because it was in the center of the photo. His shoulders were held by him and his face was very tight. She saw her radiance and saw a laugh in her mouth. His body swirled in the air, and the breeze blowing through his hair burned in his hair. She saw the ink on her lips and the background behind him changed with the rotation of the body. , blue sky, green trees, yellow glazed tiles.

When Ji Heng landed, Tian Qi's body was forced to twist. She stood up instinctively, raised her arm and tied it to Ji Heng's neck.

Ji Heng felt that Tian Qi's body was about to fall and he quickly supported his waist to keep him from falling.

When the two stood firm, the posture was already very embarrassing. One hung the other's neck, the other clasped the other's waist and the four eyes were opposite, without words.

Everyone saw the ball crash into the wind and I was going to applaud. I just opened my mouth, saw the picture in front of me and heard the sound in silence.

Some reactions were slow and half-drawn, and I did not have time to stop, so there was a round of applause.

Ji Heng sustained the waist of Tian Qi, only felt that the waist and lower limbs was soft and thin, unable to hold a handful, then looked down at the person, seeing Tian Qi almost completely immersed in his arms, hanging him the neck with one hand and holding his arm with one hand. . Probably too shocked at that moment, her eyes widened and her cherry-red lips were half-small and spit out a warm, wet breath.

Silent lure.

The sun is a bit big and the sun is getting better. He looked down at Tian Qi and asked, "I do not want to let him go?"

Tian Qi's face was red and he let go quickly.

Ji Heng loosened it, straightened up and his hands were deliberately slightly backward. Tian Qi thought the emperor had abandoned her and took a quick step back and opened a distance with him.

Tian Qi's face was not reduced and he looked at the floor. Ji Heng sees that his earlobe is red and almost dripping, he can not help but smile.

Ji Heng discovered that he was often embarrassed by the eunuchs. He had habits and was not as disgusted as expected. This consciousness made him awkward, so he sniffed and stopped looking at Tianqi and turned to Zhonghuamen.

The people at the door bowed to Ji Heng. Ji Heng saw that his face was pale and he greeted him. He did not expect him to ask. This question he was directly down. Fortunately, the lady of the palace who surrounded her went quickly and helped her.

Ji Heng asked people to help him return to the palace and passed the doctor to see her. I thought I was only because of the heat of the day, but I did not expect the doctor's return: I was pregnant.

Tian Qi was with Ji Heng, so he heard the news for the first time. After hearing a roar scream, this chance is also very good, only to be pampered once pregnant.

Ji Heng is also a bit surprised, of course, more is happy. The happiest thing is that nature counts the queen mother. I remembered my little granddaughter a few days ago. This time I was pregnant.

When I heard that, my heart did not like. What do you mean, why do you have to be a girl?

Frankly, Ji Heng also hopes to be a girl. He has a child and a daughter. He already had a son and he has a certain inclination. If there is one more, he is afraid to destroy the palace.

In addition, the good things that Ji Zheng's mother-in-law did, he and the queen mother remembered. The status is not low and the Sun family and family are very close to each other and there is also great support. Even though Ji Heng wants to have more sons, he does not want his son to come out of such people's belly. Although he knows he can not do the good things he has done in the past, he must always leave more room for his wish. If he is not afraid of 10,000, he will be afraid of it. Who knows what will happen in the future.

Ji Heng's mind is not understood by some people. Tian Qi is one of them. However, she does not care for the moment. What worries her the most is whether this embarrassment will be detrimental to her.

In the past, I was not a pet and Tian Qi was not afraid of her. Now that she has goods in her stomach, it is not the same right now. The emperor stayed in the palace for two days. Although he could not bear the grace of being pregnant, it was also a decent thing that others could not dream of. So there were a lot of landscapes on the face, although pregnant, walking. It was much lighter than usual.

Tian Qi carefully compared the pros and cons and felt that he should not start with it. People who want to move the pre-war, the risk will be relatively large, not worth the candle. Second, she might not know about Sun Fan's grudges. Sun Congrui is not a fool. How can he extend the influence of his son's stupid things, and it is even more impossible to break the matter in the palace for a moment of anger.

But Tian Qi quickly discovered that she was wrong. She can not consider a woman as a man and she can not imagine everyone as much as Sun Congrui.

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